public void LoadPage() { if (!AjaxLoadCheck()) { return; } string msg = ""; HttpFileCollection files = HttpContext.Current.Request.Files; BaseConfig conf = ShopCache.GetBaseConfig(); B_WaterConfig bc = new B_WaterConfig(); WaterConfig mx = bc.LoadConfig(); if (files.Count > 0) { ///'检查文件扩展名字 HttpPostedFile postedFile = files[0]; string name = "icon"; string savepath = GetPath(); string fileName, fileExtension; fileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(postedFile.FileName); fileExtension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(fileName); name = name + fileExtension; string ServerPath = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("/"); string fdir = ServerPath + savepath + "/icon" + fileExtension; string fdirs = ServerPath + savepath + "/icon_small" + fileExtension; if (File.Exists(fdir)) { File.Delete(fdir); } if (File.Exists(fdirs)) { File.Delete(fdirs); } int status = ImageHelper.SaveImage(postedFile, savepath, name); if (status != 290) { msg = Language.Tag(EX_Type.TypeName(status)); Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + msg + "\"}"); return; } string OldImage = savepath + name; //生成所有自定义规格 ImageHelper.UPLoad(OldImage, savepath, "icon_small" + fileExtension, 100, 100, "Cut"); //写入数据库 Lebi_Image model = new Lebi_Image(); model.Image = name; model.Keyid = 0; model.Size = "100,100"; model.TableName = "temp"; B_Lebi_Image.Add(model); msg = "OK"; Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + msg + "\",\"ImageUrl\":\"" + model.Image + "\"}"); return; } msg = Language.Tag("没有选择任何文件", ""); Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + msg + "\"}"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!EX_Admin.Power("servicepanel_config", "编辑客服面板配置")) { WindowNoPower(); } B_ServicePanel config = new B_ServicePanel(); model = ShopCache.GetBaseConfig(); string con = model.ServicePanel; sp = B_ServicePanel.GetModel(con); //=================================== //这么取数据 //string con = "[{\"x\":\"111\",\"y\":\"112\".....}]"; //Shop.Model.ServicePanel sp = B_ServicePanel.GetModel(con); //这个sp里面就有你要的数据了 //例如 sp.x //保存的话,可以把以上的sp直接转化为json格式的字符串 //如 //Model.ServicePanel sp = new Model.ServicePanel(); //sp.x = ""; //sp.y = ""; //sp.theme = ""; //string json = B_ServicePanel.ToJson(sp); //===================================== }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Power("supplier_product_list", "商品列表")) { WindowNoPower(); } id = RequestTool.RequestInt("id"); string sql = ""; Lebi_Product pro = B_Lebi_Product.GetModel("Supplier_id = " + + " and id = " + id); int SonCount = B_Lebi_Product.Counts("Supplier_id = " + + " and Product_id = " + + ""); if (SonCount == 0) { sql = "Product_id = " +; } else { sql = "Product_id in (select from Lebi_Product where Lebi_Product.Product_id = " + + ")"; } //string where = "select from Lebi_Order_Product as a inner join Lebi_Order as b on a.Order_id = where Product_Number=lbsql{'" + Number + "'} and a.Count > a.Count_Shipped and b.IsInvalid = 0"; string where = "select from Lebi_Order_Product as a inner join Lebi_Order as b on a.Order_id = where b.Supplier_id = " + + " and " + sql + " and a.Count > a.Count_Shipped and b.IsInvalid = 0"; if (ShopCache.GetBaseConfig().ProductStockFreezeTime == "orderconfirm") { where += " and IsVerified=1"; } pros = B_Lebi_Order_Product.GetList("id in (" + where + ")", ""); }
public void LoadPage() { if (!AjaxLoadCheck()) { return; } string msg = ""; HttpFileCollection files = HttpContext.Current.Request.Files; if (files.Count > 0) { ///'检查文件扩展名字 HttpPostedFile postedFile = files[0]; //string name = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMddssfff") + "_w$h_"; string savepath = GetPath(ShopCache.GetBaseConfig().UpLoadPath); string fileName, fileExtension; fileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(postedFile.FileName); fileExtension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(fileName); //name = name + fileExtension; int status = FileHelper.UPLoad(postedFile, savepath, fileName); if (status != 290) { msg = Language.Tag(EX_Type.TypeName(status)); Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + msg + "\"}"); return; } else { Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"OK\",\"url\":\"" + savepath + fileName + "\"}"); return; } } msg = Language.Tag("没有选择任何文件"); Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + msg + "\"}"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!EX_Admin.Power("smsconfig_edit", "手机短信设置")) { PageReturnMsg = PageNoPowerMsg(); } B_BaseConfig bconfig = new B_BaseConfig(); //model = bconfig.LoadConfig(); model = ShopCache.GetBaseConfig(); SMS_password = model.SMS_password; try { if (model.SMS_server == "0" && model.SMS_state == "1") { smsClient = new SMSClient("", Convert.ToInt32(model.SMS_serverport), model.SMS_user, model.SMS_password); account = smsClient.getBalance(); } } catch { } if (SMS_password != "") { SMS_password = "******"; } }
/// <summary> /// 验证消息真实性 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool Check() { BaseConfig bcf = ShopCache.GetBaseConfig(); string signature = RequestTool.RequestString("signature"); string timestamp = RequestTool.RequestString("timestamp"); string nonce = RequestTool.RequestString("nonce"); string echostr = RequestTool.RequestString("echostr"); string token = bcf.platform_weixin_custemtoken; string[] arr = { token, timestamp, nonce }; Array.Sort(arr); string temp = arr[0] + arr[1] + arr[2]; string sha1 = FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(temp, "SHA1").ToLower(); //SystemLog.Add(sha1 + "---------" + signature + "------------" + echostr); if (sha1 == signature) { if (echostr != "") { Response.Write(echostr); } return(true); } else { return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// 邮件分享朋友 /// </summary> public void SendFriend() { int id = RequestTool.RequestInt("id", 0); string FromUserName = RequestTool.RequestSafeString("UserName"); string FromEmail = RequestTool.RequestSafeString("Email"); string Content = RequestTool.RequestSafeString("Content"); string ToUserName = RequestTool.RequestSafeString("ToUserName"); string ToEmail = RequestTool.RequestSafeString("ToEmail"); Lebi_Product product = B_Lebi_Product.GetModel(id); if (product == null) { Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + Tag("参数错误") + "\"}"); return; } //发送邮件 try { if (ShopCache.GetBaseConfig().MailSign.ToLower().Contains("sendfriend")) { Email.SendEmail_sendfriend(FromUserName + "|" + FromEmail, ToUserName + "|" + ToEmail, Content, product, CurrentLanguage.Code); } } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + ex.Message + "\"}"); } Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"OK\"}"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!EX_Admin.Power("order_edit", "编辑订单")) { NewPageNoPower(); } int id = RequestTool.RequestInt("id", 0); string where = "id = " + id + ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(EX_Admin.Project().Site_ids)) { where += " and (Site_id in (" + EX_Admin.Project().Site_ids + "))"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(EX_Admin.Project().Supplier_ids)) { where += " and (Supplier_id in (" + EX_Admin.Project().Supplier_ids + "))"; } model = B_Lebi_Order.GetModel(where); if (model == null) { model = new Lebi_Order(); } config = ShopCache.GetBaseConfig(); pros = B_Lebi_Order_Product.GetList("Order_id=" + + "", ""); comms = B_Lebi_Comment.GetList("TableName='Order' and Keyid=" + + " and User_id = " + model.User_id + " and Admin_id = 0", "id desc"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!EX_Admin.Power("product_edit", "编辑商品")) { WindowNoPower(); } id = RequestTool.RequestInt("id"); string sql = ""; Lebi_Product pro = B_Lebi_Product.GetModel(id); int SonCount = B_Lebi_Product.Counts("Product_id = " + + ""); if (SonCount == 0) { sql = "a.Product_id = " +; } else { sql = "a.Product_id in (select from Lebi_Product where Lebi_Product.Product_id = " + + ")"; } //string where = "select from Lebi_Order_Product as a inner join Lebi_Order as b on a.Order_id = where Product_Number=lbsql{'" + Number + "'} and a.Count > a.Count_Shipped and b.IsInvalid = 0"; string where = "select from Lebi_Order_Product as a inner join Lebi_Order as b on a.Order_id = where " + sql + " and (a.Count - a.Count_Shipped)!=0 and b.IsInvalid = 0 and b.IsCompleted = 0 and b.Type_id_OrderType = 211"; if (ShopCache.GetBaseConfig().ProductStockFreezeTime == "orderconfirm") { where += " and IsVerified=1"; } //where += " and IsShipped=0"; pros = B_Lebi_Order_Product.GetList("id in (" + where + ")", ""); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!EX_Admin.Power("baseconfig_edit", "基本设置")) { PageReturnMsg = PageNoPowerMsg(); } model = ShopCache.GetBaseConfig(); }
public weixin(int _DT_id, Lebi_Site CurrentSite = null) { DT_id = _DT_id; BaseConfig_DT dtbcf = null; if (DT_id > 0) { dtbcf = ShopCache.GetBaseConfig_DT(DT_id); if (dtbcf != null) { appid = dtbcf.platform_weixin_id; appkey = dtbcf.platform_weixin_secret; number = dtbcf.platform_weixin_number; platform_image = dtbcf.platform_weixin_image; } } if (DT_id == 0 || dtbcf == null) { if (CurrentSite != null) { if (CurrentSite.platform_weixin_id != "" && CurrentSite.platform_weixin_secret != "") { appid = CurrentSite.platform_weixin_id; appkey = CurrentSite.platform_weixin_secret; number = CurrentSite.platform_weixin_number; } if (appid == "") { appid = ShopCache.GetBaseConfig().platform_weixin_id; } if (appkey == "") { appkey = ShopCache.GetBaseConfig().platform_weixin_secret; } if (number == "") { number = ShopCache.GetBaseConfig().platform_weixin_number; } platform_image = ShopCache.GetBaseConfig().platform_weixin_image; } else { BaseConfig bcf = ShopCache.GetBaseConfig(); appid = bcf.platform_weixin_id; appkey = bcf.platform_weixin_secret; number = bcf.platform_weixin_number; platform_image = bcf.platform_weixin_image; } } Model.weixin.token t = GetToken(); Token = t.access_token; Shop.Bussiness.Site site = new Shop.Bussiness.Site(); url = ""; reurnurl = ShopCache.GetBaseConfig().HTTPServer + "://" + RequestTool.GetRequestDomain() + site.WebPath + "/platform/login_weixin.aspx"; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!EX_Admin.Power("transport_kuaidi100_edit", "快递100配置")) { WindowNoPower(); } B_BaseConfig bconfig = new B_BaseConfig(); //model = bconfig.LoadConfig(); model = ShopCache.GetBaseConfig(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!EX_Admin.Power("appconfig_edit", "APP设置")) { WindowNoPower(); } B_BaseConfig bconfig = new B_BaseConfig(); //model = bconfig.LoadConfig(); model = ShopCache.GetBaseConfig(); }
/// <summary> /// 晒单评论 /// </summary> public void Comment_reply() { int id = RequestTool.RequestInt("id", 0); int Product_id = 0; Lebi_Product product = B_Lebi_Product.GetModel(id); if (product != null) { Product_id = product.Product_id; } Lebi_Comment pmodel = B_Lebi_Comment.GetModel(id); if (pmodel == null) { Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + Tag("参数错误") + "\"}"); return; } string Content = RequestTool.RequestSafeString("comment"); if (Content == "") { Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + Tag("内容不能为空") + "\"}"); return; } Lebi_Comment model = new Lebi_Comment(); model.TableName = "Product"; model.Keyid = id; //model.Admin_UserName = CurrentUser.NickName; model.Admin_id = 0; model.User_id =; model.User_UserName = CurrentUser.NickName; model.Content = Content; model.Parentid = id; model.Status = 280; model.Time_Add = System.DateTime.Now; model.Language_Code = CurrentLanguage.Code; model.Product_id = Product_id; model.IsRead = 0; model.Supplier_id = product.Supplier_id; if (!Comment.CheckSafeWord(model.Content)) { Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + Tag("内容中包含敏感词") + "\"}"); return; } B_Lebi_Comment.Add(model); //发送邮件 if (ShopCache.GetBaseConfig().AdminMailSign.ToLower().Contains("comment")) { Lebi_User user = B_Lebi_User.GetModel(; Email.SendEmail_comment(user, model); } Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"OK\"}"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!EX_Admin.Power("agent_config", "代理-参数设置")) { PageReturnMsg = PageNoPowerMsg(); } B_BaseConfig bconfig = new B_BaseConfig(); //model = bconfig.LoadConfig(); model = ShopCache.GetBaseConfig(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!EX_Admin.Power("platformconfig_edit", "第三方平台设置")) { PageReturnMsg = PageNoPowerMsg(); } B_BaseConfig bconfig = new B_BaseConfig(); //model = bconfig.LoadConfig(); model = ShopCache.GetBaseConfig(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!EX_Admin.Power("backup_config", "数据备份配置")) { WindowNoPower(); } B_BaseConfig bconfig = new B_BaseConfig(); //model = bconfig.LoadConfig(); model = ShopCache.GetBaseConfig(); IsEnable = CheckServer(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!EX_Admin.Power("theme_sms_edit", "编辑短信模板")) { PageReturnMsg = PageNoPowerMsg(); } type = RequestTool.RequestString("type"); if (type == "") { type = "user"; } model = ShopCache.GetBaseConfig(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { inputname = RequestTool.RequestString("n"); i = RequestTool.RequestString("i"); if (inputname == "") { inputname = "Images"; } B_BaseConfig bconfig = new B_BaseConfig(); //model = bconfig.LoadConfig(); model = ShopCache.GetBaseConfig(); }
public string GetList() { string str = ""; try { string backpath = ShopCache.GetBaseConfig().DataBase_BackPath; string backname = ShopCache.GetBaseConfig().DataBase_BackName; //if (backpath.IndexOf("/") == 0) //{ // backpath = System.Web.HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath + "/" + backpath; //} //else //{ backpath = System.Web.HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath + backpath; //} if (!Directory.Exists(backpath)) {//目录不存在,创建目录 Directory.CreateDirectory(backpath); } DirectoryInfo mydir = new DirectoryInfo(backpath); FileInfo[] files = mydir.GetFiles(); foreach (FileInfo file in files) { str += "<tr class=\"list\">"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RequestTool.GetConfigKey("SystemAdmin").Trim())) { str += "<td><label class=\"custom-control custom-checkbox\"><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"checkbox" + file.Name + "\" name=\"files\" value=\"" + file.Name + "\" class=\"custom-control-input\" del=\"true\"><span class=\"custom-control-label\"></span></label></td>"; } else { str += "<td class=\"center\"><input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"" + file.Name + "\" name=\"files\" del=\"true\" /></td>"; } str += "<td>" + file.Name + ""; if (EX_Admin.Power("backup_down", "数据备份下载")) { str += " <a href=\"" + ShopCache.GetBaseConfig().DataBase_BackPath + "/" + file.Name + "\">" + Tag("下载") + "</a>"; } str += "</td><td>" + Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(file.Length) / 1024 / 1024, 2) + "</td><td>" + file.CreationTime + "</td>"; str += "</tr>"; } } catch (Exception ex) { } return(str); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Power("supplier_order_print", "打印订单")) { NewPageNoPower(); } int id = RequestTool.RequestInt("id", 0); model = B_Lebi_Order.GetModel(id); if (model == null) { model = new Lebi_Order(); } config = ShopCache.GetBaseConfig(); pros = B_Lebi_Order_Product.GetList("Supplier_id = " + + " and Order_id=" + + "", ""); comms = B_Lebi_Comment.GetList("Supplier_id = " + + " and TableName='Order' and Keyid=" + + " and User_id = " + model.User_id + " and Admin_id = 0", "id desc"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!EX_Admin.Power("baseconfig_edit", "基本设置")) { PageReturnMsg = PageNoPowerMsg(); } B_BaseConfig bconfig = new B_BaseConfig(); //model = bconfig.LoadConfig(); model = ShopCache.GetBaseConfig(); stepRs = B_BaseConfig.StepR(model.Refund_StepR); if (stepRs == null) { stepRs = new List <BaseConfigStepR>(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!EX_Admin.Power("emailconfig_edit", "编辑邮件设置")) { PageReturnMsg = PageNoPowerMsg(); } B_BaseConfig bconfig = new B_BaseConfig(); //model = bconfig.LoadConfig(); model = ShopCache.GetBaseConfig(); password = model.MailPassWord; if (password != "") { password = "******"; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string apipwd = LB.Tools.RequestTool.RequestString("apipwd"); if (apipwd != ShopCache.GetBaseConfig().APIPassWord || apipwd == "") { Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"验证失败\"}"); return; } string action = LB.Tools.RequestTool.RequestString("action"); Type type = this.GetType(); MethodInfo methodInfo = type.GetMethod(action); if (methodInfo != null) { methodInfo.Invoke(this, null); } }
protected override void LoadPage(string themecode, int siteid, string languagecode, string pcode) { if (!Shop.LebiAPI.Service.Instanse.Check("plugin_agent")) { Response.Write(Tag("权限不足")); Response.End(); } if ( == 0) { Response.Redirect(URL("P_Login", "" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(RequestTool.GetRequestUrlNonDomain()) + "," + GetUrlToken(RequestTool.GetRequestUrlNonDomain()) + "")); } BaseConfig bc = ShopCache.GetBaseConfig(); LoadTheme(themecode, siteid, languagecode, pcode); path = "<a href=\"" + URL("P_Index", "") + "\" class=\"home\" title=\"" + Tag("首页") + "\"><span>" + Tag("首页") + "</span></a><em class=\"home\">»</em><a href=\"" + URL("P_UserCenter", "") + "\"><span>" + Tag("会员中心") + "</span></a><em>»</em><a class=\"text\"><span>" + Tag("推广佣金") + "</span></a>"; decimal.TryParse(bc.Angent1_Commission, out Angent1_Commission); decimal.TryParse(bc.Angent2_Commission, out Angent2_Commission); Lebi_Agent_User agent_user = B_Lebi_Agent_User.GetModel("User_id = " + + ""); if (agent_user != null) { if (agent_user.Angent1_Commission != -1) { Angent1_Commission = agent_user.Angent1_Commission; } if (agent_user.Angent2_Commission != -1) { Angent2_Commission = agent_user.Angent2_Commission; } } Lebi_Agent_User agent_userlevel = B_Lebi_Agent_User.GetModel("User_id = " + CurrentUser.UserLevel_id + ""); if (agent_userlevel != null) { if (agent_userlevel.Angent1_Commission != -1) { Angent1_Commission = agent_userlevel.Angent1_Commission; } if (agent_userlevel.Angent2_Commission != -1) { Angent2_Commission = agent_userlevel.Angent2_Commission; } } }
/// <summary> /// 设置授权 /// 未登录系统时 /// 为保证安全,此方法只能在未设置时才能使用 /// </summary> public void Licence_Set() { BaseConfig bcf = ShopCache.GetBaseConfig(); if (bcf.LicenseUserName != "" && bcf.LicensePWD != "") { Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + Language.Tag("请登录后操作", CurrentLanguage.Code) + "\"}"); return; } string LicenseUserName = RequestTool.RequestString("LicenseUserName"); string LicensePWD = RequestTool.RequestString("LicensePWD"); string LicenseDomain = RequestTool.RequestString("LicenseDomain").ToLower(); BaseConfig cf = new BaseConfig(); cf.LicensePWD = LicensePWD; cf.LicenseUserName = LicenseUserName; cf.LicenseDomain = LicenseDomain; B_BaseConfig dob = new B_BaseConfig(); //============================================ //获取服务端权限 LBAPI_Licencse api; try { string res = Shop.LebiAPI.Service.Instanse.License_Set("SetUser", "username="******"&pwd=" + LicensePWD + "&domain=" + LicenseDomain + "&Version=" + ShopCache.GetBaseConfig().Version + "&Version_Son=" + ShopCache.GetBaseConfig().Version_Son); JavaScriptSerializer jss = new JavaScriptSerializer(); api = jss.Deserialize <LBAPI_Licencse>(res); } catch (Exception) { api = new LBAPI_Licencse(); } if (api.msg == "OK") { cf.LicenseMD5 = api.md5 == null ? "" : api.md5; cf.LicenseString = == null ? "" :; cf.LicensePackage = api.servicepackage == null ? "" : api.servicepackage; dob.SaveConfig(cf); } Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"" + api.msg + "\"}"); }
public Facebook(int DT_id = 0) { url = ""; if (DT_id == 0) { BaseConfig bcf = ShopCache.GetBaseConfig(); appid = bcf.platform_facebook_id; appkey = bcf.platform_facebook_secret; platform_image = bcf.platform_facebook_image; } else { BaseConfig_DT bcf = ShopCache.GetBaseConfig_DT(DT_id); appid = bcf.platform_facebook_id; appkey = bcf.platform_facebook_secret; platform_image = bcf.platform_facebook_image; } Shop.Bussiness.Site site = new Shop.Bussiness.Site(); reurnurl = "http://" + RequestTool.GetRequestDomain() + site.WebPath + "/platform/login_facebook.aspx"; }
private void Reset_Count_Freeze() { string ProductStockFreezeTime = ShopCache.GetBaseConfig().ProductStockFreezeTime; List <Lebi_Product> parents = B_Lebi_Product.GetList("Product_id = 0", ""); foreach (Lebi_Product parent in parents) { List <Lebi_Product> pros = B_Lebi_Product.GetList("Product_id = " + + "", ""); if (pros.Count > 0) { foreach (Lebi_Product pro in pros) { EX_Product.Reset_Count_Freeze(pro); } } else { EX_Product.Reset_Count_Freeze(parent); } } }
public Weibo(int _DT_id = 0) { DT_id = _DT_id; url = ""; if (DT_id == 0) { BaseConfig bcf = ShopCache.GetBaseConfig(); appid = bcf.platform_weibo_id; appkey = bcf.platform_weibo_key; platform_image = bcf.platform_weibo_image; } else { BaseConfig_DT bcf = ShopCache.GetBaseConfig_DT(DT_id); appid = bcf.platform_weibo_id; appkey = bcf.platform_weibo_key; platform_image = bcf.platform_weibo_image; } Shop.Bussiness.Site site = new Shop.Bussiness.Site(); reurnurl = "http://" + RequestTool.GetRequestDomain() + site.WebPath + "/platform/login_weibo.aspx"; }
/// <summary> /// 删除数据库备份 /// </summary> public void BackUP_del() { if (!EX_Admin.Power("backup_del", "删除数据备份")) { AjaxNoPower(); } try { string files = RequestTool.RequestString("files"); string[] fs = files.Split(','); string backpath = ShopCache.GetBaseConfig().DataBase_BackPath; if (backpath.IndexOf("/") == 0) { backpath = System.Web.HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath + "/" + backpath; } if (!Directory.Exists(backpath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(backpath); } backpath = backpath + "/"; Regex r = new Regex(@"//*/", RegexOptions.Singleline);//目的:防止类似“///”“////”“//////”的情况 int i = 0; foreach (var f in fs) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(f) && File.Exists(backpath + f)) { File.Delete(backpath + f); } } Log.Add("删除数据备份", "Backup", "", CurrentAdmin, files); Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"OK\"}"); } catch { Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"系统错误\"}"); } }