async void SfButton_Clicked(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e) { // Get selected item Shop1 selectedShop = (Shop1)this.FindByName <Syncfusion.ListView.XForms.SfListView>("shopLV").SelectedItem; // Fetch user var fetchedUser = await Data.ReadAsync <User>(Preferences.Get("UserID", null), DefaultPartitions.UserDocuments); // Convert fetched user to string. var resultUser = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <User>(fetchedUser.JsonValue.ToString()); // Remove points. resultUser.Points -= selectedShop.Points; // Add item to users items. resultUser.Items.Add(selectedShop); //Send user back to database await Data.ReplaceAsync(Preferences.Get("UserID", null), resultUser, DefaultPartitions.UserDocuments); //Hide popup layout popUpLayout.StaysOpen = false; popUpLayout.PopupView.ShowCloseButton = false; popUpLayout.IsOpen = false; }
void shopLV_ItemDoubleTapped(System.Object sender, Syncfusion.ListView.XForms.ItemDoubleTappedEventArgs e) { //On double tap - show Popup Modal Shop1 selectedShop = (Shop1)this.FindByName <Syncfusion.ListView.XForms.SfListView>("shopLV").SelectedItem; popUpLayout.BindingContext = selectedShop; popUpLayout.StaysOpen = true; popUpLayout.PopupView.ShowCloseButton = true; popUpLayout.IsOpen = true; //this.FindByName<Image>("PImage").Source = selectedShop.Image.ToString(); //this.FindByName<Label>("PTitle").Text = selectedShop.Name; //this.FindByName<Label>("PDesc").Text = selectedShop.Description; }
async void SignInAndroid() { try { if (Preferences.Get("UserID", null) == null) { User user = new User { Points = 100 }; Act1 act = new Act1 { Name = "Test Activity", Color = "Blue", Image = "Walk.png", Duration = "00:00:00", DateUtc = DateTime.UtcNow }; Food1 food = new Food1 { Name = "Broc", Calories = 100, Points = 10, FID = "1", Color = "Green", Image = "test.png" }; Achievements ach = new Achievements { Name = "Test", AID = 1, Description = "Test", Image = "Test.png", Points = 100 }; Shop1 item = new Shop1 { Name = "Test", Description = "test", Color = "Red", Coupon = "2002", Image = "test.png", Points = 100, SId = 1 }; user.Items.Add(item); user.Foods.Add(food); user.Achs.Add(ach); user.Acts.Add(act); Preferences.Set("UserID", user.Id.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("~Android~ : Successfully added user to firebase!"); } await this.Navigation.PushAsync(new MainPage()); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Debug 1: Unable to sign in"); // Do something with sign-in failure. } }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (File.Exists("base.txt")) { try { StreamReader stream = new StreamReader("base.txt"); List<IItem> catalog = new List<IItem>(); while (!stream.EndOfStream) { string[] bd = stream.ReadLine().Split('|'); catalog.Add(new Shop1.GuitarItem(bd[0], bd[1], Convert.ToInt32(bd[2]), (Shop1.getMemType)(Convert.ToInt32(bd[3])), bd[4], bd[5])); } catalog.Add(new Shop.Shop1.Keyboard("Defender", "Color", 2000, 106, 15, "Selicon")); Shop1 shop = new Shop1(catalog); Console.WriteLine("Список товаров:\n"); Console.WriteLine("\n\n"); Shop1.Warehouse wareHouse = new Shop1.Warehouse(catalog); wareHouse.showCatalog(); Console.WriteLine("\nИспользование IEnumerable<IItem>\n"); foreach (IItem item in shop) { Console.WriteLine(item.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine("\nИспользование IList<IItem>\n"); for (int i = 0; i < shop.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine(shop[i].ToString()); } Console.Write("\n\nМЕНЮ сортировщика (отсортировать по полю):\n1. Фирма \n2. Модель \n3. Цена \n4. Материал \n\nВведите (через пробел) поля для сортировки:"); string fix = string.Empty; while (true) { fix = Console.ReadLine(); List<int> column = new List<int>(); foreach (char ch in fix) { try { string numbStr = ch.ToString(); int numb = Convert.ToInt32(numbStr); if (numb < 7) column.Add(numb); } catch (Exception) { } } foreach (int n in column) { switch (n) { case 1: { shop.Sort(shop.comparemanufacturer, false); break; } case 2: { shop.Sort(shop.compareModel, false); break; } case 3: { shop.Sort(shop.comparePrice, false); break; } case 4: { shop.Sort(shop.compareMaterial, false); break; } default: { Console.WriteLine("Неверный номер команды!\n\n"); break; } } } Console.WriteLine("\n\nОтсортированные товары:\n"); shop.ShowItems(); Console.ReadKey(); } } catch (Exception) { Console.ReadKey(); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Файл базы не создан."); Console.ReadKey(); } }