Наследование: MonoBehaviour
Пример #1
 void Start()
     parts         = new List <GameObject>();
     gameInfo      = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent <GameInfo>();
     shipFunctions = this.gameObject.GetComponent <ShipFunctions>();
Пример #2
    public void ShipAbilities(TurnInfo thisPlayer)
        heroScript = gameObject.GetComponent <HeroScriptParent> ();
        system     = MasterScript.RefreshCurrentSystem(heroScript.heroLocation);

        heroScript.assaultDamage = ShipFunctions.primaryWeaponPower * heroScript.assaultMod;
        heroScript.maxHealth     = ShipFunctions.armourRating * heroScript.healthMod;
        heroScript.movementSpeed = ShipFunctions.engineValue * heroScript.movementMod;

        if (heroScript.heroType == "Diplomat")
            heroScript.auxiliaryDamage = ShipFunctions.dropshipPower * heroScript.auxiliaryMod;

            DiplomatFunctions((ShipFunctions.logisticsRating + 10), thisPlayer);

            canViewSystem = true;

        if (heroScript.heroType == "Infiltrator")
            heroScript.auxiliaryDamage = ShipFunctions.bombPower * heroScript.auxiliaryMod;

            canViewSystem = true;

            systemSIMData = MasterScript.systemListConstructor.systemList[system].systemObject.GetComponent <SystemSIMData>();

            if (MasterScript.systemListConstructor.systemList[system].systemOwnedBy != thisPlayer.playerRace)
                if (ShipFunctions.stealthValue >= systemSIMData.antiStealthPower)
                    hasStealth = true;

                    hasStealth = false;

            if (ShipFunctions.infiltratorEngine == true)
                heroScript.movementSpeed = 1000;

        if (heroScript.heroType == "Soldier")
            heroScript.auxiliaryDamage = ShipFunctions.artilleryPower * heroScript.auxiliaryMod;

            if (ShipFunctions.soldierPrimary == true)
                heroScript.assaultDamage = heroScript.assaultDamage * 2;
Пример #3
    public void ActivateTech()
        PlayerTurn playerTurnScript = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("ScriptContainer").GetComponent <PlayerTurn>();

        for (int i = 0; i < HeroTechTree.heroTechList.Count; ++i)
            if (HeroTechTree.heroTechList[i].techName == UIButton.current.gameObject.name && playerTurnScript.knowledge >= (HeroTechTree.heroTechList[i].knowledgeCost - playerTurnScript.researchCostModifier))
                playerTurnScript.knowledge           -= (HeroTechTree.heroTechList[i].knowledgeCost - playerTurnScript.researchCostModifier);
                HeroTechTree.heroTechList[i].isActive = true;
Пример #4
    void PositionPartsOffShip(Vector2 pos, Vector2 aimPos, float partAngle)
        float angle     = 0.0f;
        float refPAngle = 0.0f;        //reference block angle

        //current island angle as point of reference
        while (refPAngle > angle + 45)
            refPAngle -= 90.0f;
        while (refPAngle < angle - 45)
            refPAngle += 90.0f;

        Vector2 mouseAim  = aimPos - pos;
        float   mouseDist = Mathf.Min(mouseAim.magnitude, max_build_distance);

        aimPos = pos + mouseAim * mouseDist;    //position of the 'buildpart' pointer
        aimPos = ShipFunctions.RelSnapToGrid(aimPos);
        Vector2 cursor_pos = aimPos;            //position of snapped build part

        //rotate and position parts
        for (int i = 0; i < parts.Count; ++i)
            GameObject part   = parts[i];
            Vector2    offset = part.GetComponent <Part_Info>().Offset;
            offset = RotateVector2(offset, parts_angle);
            offset = RotateVector2(offset, refPAngle);

            part.transform.position    = cursor_pos + offset;           //align to ship grid
            part.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 0, (refPAngle + parts_angle) % 360.0f);

            //SetDisplay( block, color_white, RenderStyle::additive, 560.0f );
Пример #5
 void Start()
     parts = new List<GameObject>();
     gameInfo = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent<GameInfo>();
     shipFunctions = this.gameObject.GetComponent<ShipFunctions>();
Пример #6
    void Update()
        GameObject myGO = this.gameObject;

        if (IsOwner && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Mouse1))
            PartProduction productionScript = GetComponent <PartProduction>();
            productionScript.ProducePart(gameInfo, myGO);

        if (parts != null && parts.Count > 0)
            Vector2 pos = myGO.transform.position;
            aim_pos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);

            Ship ship = ShipFunctions.getShip(myGO);
            if (ship != null && ship.centerPart != null)
                Vector2 shipPos = ship.centerPart.transform.position;

                GameObject refGO = ShipFunctions.getShipGO(myGO);

                if (refGO == null)
                    Debug.Log("Unit_PartPlacement: refGO not found");

                if (true)                       // prevously !OwningNetWorker.IsServer
                    PositionParts(pos, aim_pos, parts_angle, ship.centerPart, refGO);

                //CPlayer@ player = this.getPlayer();
                //if (player !is null && player.isMyPlayer())
                if (IsOwner)
                    //checks for canPlace
                    //u32 gameTime = getGameTime();
                    //CRules@ rules = getRules();
                    //bool skipCoreCheck = gameTime > getRules().get_u16( "warmup_time" ) || ( ship.isMothership && ( ship.owner == "" ||  ship.owner == "*" || ship.owner == player.getUsername() ) );
                    //bool cLinked = false;
                    bool overlappingShip = ShipFunctions.partsOverlappingShip(parts);
                    for (uint i = 0; i < parts.Count; ++i)
                        if (overlappingShip)
                            //SetDisplay( parts[i], SColor(255, 255, 0, 0), RenderStyle::additive );

                        //if ( skipCoreCheck || blocks[i].hasTag( "coupling" ) || blocks[i].hasTag( "repulsor" ) )
                        if (true)

                        //if ( !cLinked )
                        //	CBlob@ core = getMothership( this.getTeamNum() );//could get the core properly based on adjacent blocks
                        //	if ( core !is null )
                        //		cLinked = coreLinkedDirectional( blocks[i], gameTime, core.getPosition() );

                        //if ( cLinked )
                        //	SetDisplay( blocks[i], SColor(255, 255, 0, 0), RenderStyle::additive );

                    //can'tPlace heltips
                    //bool crewCantPlace = !overlappingShip && cLinked;
                    //if ( crewCantPlace )
                    //	crewCantPlaceCounter++;
                    //	crewCantPlaceCounter = 0;

                    //this.set_bool( "blockPlacementWarn", crewCantPlace && crewCantPlaceCounter > 15 );

                    // place
                    //if (this.isKeyJustPressed( key_action1 ) && !getHUD().hasMenus() && !getHUD().hasButtons() )
                    if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Mouse0))
                        if (target_angle == parts_angle && !overlappingShip)
                             * CBitStream params;
                             * params.write_netid( island.centerBlock.getNetworkID() );
                             * params.write_netid( refBlob.getNetworkID() );
                             * params.write_Vec2f( pos - islandPos );
                             * params.write_Vec2f( aimPos - islandPos );
                             * params.write_f32( target_angle );
                             * params.write_f32( island.centerBlock.getAngleDegrees() );
                             * this.SendCommand( this.getCommandID("place"), params );
                            CmdPlace(ship.centerPart, refGO, pos - shipPos, aim_pos - shipPos, ship.centerPart.transform.eulerAngles.z);

                    // rotate
                    if (Input.GetKeyDown("space"))
                        target_angle += 90.0f;
                        if (target_angle > 360.0f)
                            target_angle -= 360.0f;
                            parts_angle  -= 360.0f;
                // part placement off ship
                if (true)                       // prevously !OwningNetWorker.IsServer
                    PositionPartsOffShip(pos, aim_pos, parts_angle);

                if (IsOwner)
                    //checks for canPlace
                    bool overlappingShip = ShipFunctions.partsOverlappingShip(parts);
                    for (uint i = 0; i < parts.Count; ++i)
                        if (overlappingShip)
                            //SetDisplay( parts[i], SColor(255, 255, 0, 0), RenderStyle::additive );

                    // place
                    if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Mouse0))
                        if (target_angle == parts_angle && !overlappingShip)
                            CmdPlaceOffShip(pos, aim_pos);

                    // rotate
                    if (Input.GetKeyDown("space"))
                        target_angle += 90.0f;
                        if (target_angle > 360.0f)
                            target_angle -= 360.0f;
                            parts_angle  -= 360.0f;

            //slowly rotate to desired angle
            parts_angle += rotate_speed;
            if (parts_angle > target_angle)
                parts_angle = target_angle;
Пример #7
    void CmdPlace(GameObject centerPart, GameObject refGO, Vector2 pos_offset, Vector2 aimPos_offset, float ship_angle)
        if (centerPart == null || refGO == null)
            Debug.Log("place cmd: centerPart not found");

        Ship ship = ShipFunctions.getShip(centerPart.GetComponent <Part_Info>().ShipID);

        if (ship == null)
            Debug.Log("place cmd: ship not found");

        Vector2 shipPos    = centerPart.transform.position;
        float   shipAngle  = centerPart.transform.eulerAngles.z;
        float   angleDelta = shipAngle - ship_angle;      //to account for ship angle lag

        bool blocksPlaced = false;

        if (parts.Count > 0)
            PositionParts(shipPos + RotateVector2(pos_offset, angleDelta), shipPos + RotateVector2(aimPos_offset, angleDelta),
                          target_angle, centerPart, refGO);

            if (true)
                int shipID = centerPart.GetComponent <Part_Info>().ShipID;
                for (int i = 0; i < parts.Count; ++i)
                    GameObject gO = parts[i];
                    if (gO != null)
                        gO.GetComponent <Part_Info>().OwnerID = 0;                              //so it wont add to owner parts
                        //float z = 510.0f;
                        //if ( gO.getSprite().getFrame() == 0 )	z = 509.0f;//platforms
                        //else if ( gO.hasTag( "weapon" ) )	z = 511.0f;//weaps
                        //SetDisplay( gO, color_white, RenderStyle::normal, z );
                        if (true)                               // prevously !OwningNetWorker.IsServer, to add locally till a sync
                            ShipPart ship_part = null;
                            ship_part.gameObjectID = gO.GetInstanceID();
                            Vector2 gOTransPos2D = gO.transform.position;
                            ship_part.offset       = gOTransPos2D - shipPos;
                            ship_part.offset       = RotateVector2(ship_part.offset, -shipAngle);
                            ship_part.angle_offset = gO.transform.eulerAngles.z - shipAngle;
                            gO.GetComponent <Part_Info>().OwnerID = shipID;
                            gO.GetComponent <Part_Info>().OwnerID = 0;                            // push on ship

                        gO.GetComponent <Part_Info>().PlacedTime = Time.time;
                        Debug.Log("place cmd: GO not found");
                //this.set_u32( "placedTime", getGameTime() );
                blocksPlaced = true;
                Debug.Log("place cmd: parts overlapping, cannot place");
            Debug.Log("place cmd: no parts");

        parts.Clear();        //releases the parts (they are placed)
        gameInfo.DirtyShipSync = true;
        //directionalSoundPlay( "build_ladder.ogg", this.getPosition() );
Пример #8
    void PositionParts(Vector2 pos, Vector2 aimPos, float partAngle, GameObject centerPart, GameObject refPart)
        if (centerPart == null)
            Debug.Log("PositionParts: center part not found");

        Vector2 ship_pos  = centerPart.transform.position;
        float   angle     = centerPart.transform.eulerAngles.z;
        float   refPAngle = refPart.transform.eulerAngles.z;      //reference block angle

        //current island angle as point of reference
        while (refPAngle > angle + 45)
            refPAngle -= 90.0f;
        while (refPAngle < angle - 45)
            refPAngle += 90.0f;

        //get offset (based on the centerblock) of block we're standing on
        Vector2 refPartPos2D = refPart.transform.position;
        Vector2 refPOffset   = refPartPos2D - ship_pos;
        float   gridSize     = ShipFunctions.gridSize;
        float   halfGridSize = gridSize / 2.0f;

        refPOffset   = RotateVector2(refPOffset, -refPAngle);
        refPOffset.x = refPOffset.x % gridSize;
        refPOffset.y = refPOffset.y % gridSize;
        //not really necessary
        if (refPOffset.x > halfGridSize)
            refPOffset.x -= gridSize;
        else if (refPOffset.x < -halfGridSize)
            refPOffset.x += gridSize;
        if (refPOffset.y > halfGridSize)
            refPOffset.y -= gridSize;
        else if (refPOffset.y < -halfGridSize)
            refPOffset.y += gridSize;
        refPOffset = RotateVector2(refPOffset, refPAngle);

        ship_pos += refPOffset;
        Vector2 mouseAim  = aimPos - pos;
        float   mouseDist = Mathf.Min(mouseAim.magnitude, max_build_distance);

        aimPos = pos + mouseAim * mouseDist;        //position of the 'buildpart' pointer
        Vector2 shipAim = aimPos - ship_pos;        //ship to 'buildpart' pointer

        shipAim = RotateVector2(shipAim, -refPAngle);
        shipAim = ShipFunctions.RelSnapToGrid(shipAim);
        shipAim = RotateVector2(shipAim, refPAngle);
        Vector2 cursor_pos = ship_pos + shipAim;        //position of snapped build part

        //rotate and position parts
        for (int i = 0; i < parts.Count; ++i)
            GameObject part   = parts[i];
            Vector2    offset = part.GetComponent <Part_Info>().Offset;
            offset = RotateVector2(offset, parts_angle);
            offset = RotateVector2(offset, refPAngle);

            part.transform.position    = cursor_pos + offset;           //align to ship grid
            part.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 0, (refPAngle + parts_angle) % 360.0f);

            //SetDisplay( block, color_white, RenderStyle::additive, 560.0f );