public async Task <ShipEstimateResponse> GetShippingRates(OrderCalculatePayload <CheckoutConfig> payload)
            var response = new ShipEstimateResponse();
            // Group lineItems into shipments
            var shipments = payload.OrderWorksheet.LineItems.GroupBy(li => li.ShipFromAddress.ID);

            foreach (var shipment in shipments)
                // Use a shipping estimator (EasyPost, Fedex, UPS, ect) to get shipMethods
                var shipMethods = new List <ShipMethod>()
                    new ShipMethod()
                        Name = "Fedex 2 Day Priority",
                        Cost = 12.45M,
                        EstimatedTransitDays = 2
                response.ShipEstimates.Add(new ShipEstimate()
                    ShipMethods = shipMethods
        public async Task <ShipEstimateResponse> GetRates(IEnumerable <IGrouping <AddressPair, LineItem> > groupedLineItems, EasyPostShippingProfiles profiles)
            // First, filter out any line items that are set to have free shipping
            var filteredGroupedList = new List <Grouping <AddressPair, LineItem> >();

            foreach (IGrouping <AddressPair, LineItem> group in groupedLineItems)
                var filteredLineItems = group.ToList().Where(li => li.Product.xp.FreeShipping == false);
                filteredGroupedList.Add(new Grouping <AddressPair, LineItem>(group.Key, filteredLineItems));
            var easyPostShipments = filteredGroupedList.Select(li => EasyPostMappers.MapShipment(li, profiles)).ToList();
            var easyPostResponses = new List <EasyPostShipment[]>();

            var postShipments = easyPostShipments;

            foreach (var shipment in postShipments)
                var response = await Throttler.RunAsync(shipment, 200, 10, PostShipment);


            var shipEstimateResponse = new ShipEstimateResponse
                ShipEstimates = groupedLineItems.Select((lineItems, index) =>
                    // If all line items in the list have FreeShipping, then Mock rates
                    if (lineItems.ToList().All(li => li.Product?.xp?.FreeShipping))
                    var firstLi     = lineItems.First();
                    var shipMethods = EasyPostMappers.MapRates(easyPostResponses[index]);
                    return(new ShipEstimate()
                        ID = easyPostResponses[index][0].id,
                        ShipMethods = shipMethods,                         // This will get filtered down based on carrierAccounts
                        ShipEstimateItems = lineItems.Select(li => new ShipEstimateItem()
                            LineItemID = li.ID, Quantity = li.Quantity
                        xp =
                            AllShipMethods    = shipMethods,                          // This is being saved so we have all data to compare rates across carrierAccounts
                            SupplierID        = firstLi.SupplierID,                   // This will help with forwarding the supplier order
                            ShipFromAddressID = firstLi.ShipFromAddressID             // This will help with forwarding the supplier order
