Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Add SurfaceReinforcement to slab.
        /// Internal method use by GH components and Dynamo nodes.
        /// </summary>
        public static Shells.Slab AddReinforcementToSlab(Shells.Slab slab, List <SurfaceReinforcement> srfReinfs)
            // deep clone. downstreams objs will contain changes made in this method, upstream objs will not.
            // downstream and uppstream objs will share guid.
            Shells.Slab clone = slab.DeepClone();

            // check if slab material is concrete
            if (clone.Material.Concrete == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentException("Material of slab must be concrete");

            // check if mixed layers
            if (SurfaceReinforcement.MixedLayers(srfReinfs))
                throw new System.ArgumentException("Can't add mixed layers to the same slab");

            if (SurfaceReinforcement.AllStraight(srfReinfs))
                return(SurfaceReinforcement.AddStraightReinfToSlab(clone, srfReinfs));
            else if (SurfaceReinforcement.AllCentric(srfReinfs))
                return(SurfaceReinforcement.AddCentricReinfToSlab(clone, srfReinfs));
                throw new System.ArgumentException("Can't add mixed surface reinforcement layouts to the same slab.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Straight reinforcement layout on slab.
        /// </summary>
        public static SurfaceReinforcementParameters Straight(Shells.Slab slab, bool singleLayerReinforcement = false)
            GuidListType baseShell = new GuidListType(slab.SlabPart.Guid);
            Center       center    = Center.Straight();

            Geometry.FdVector3d xDirection = slab.SlabPart.LocalX;
            Geometry.FdVector3d yDirection = slab.SlabPart.LocalY;
            return(new SurfaceReinforcementParameters(singleLayerReinforcement, baseShell, center, xDirection, yDirection));
Пример #3
 private static Shells.Slab AddCentricReinfToSlab(Shells.Slab slab, List <SurfaceReinforcement> srfReinfs)
     if (SurfaceReinforcement.AllCentric(srfReinfs))
         throw new System.ArgumentException("Method to add centric surface reinforcement is not implemented yet.");
         throw new System.ArgumentException("Not all passed surface reinforcement objects are of layout type centric");
Пример #4
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            Shells.Slab slab = null;
            List <Shells.EdgeConnection> shellEdgeConnections = new List <Shells.EdgeConnection>();
            List <int> indices = new List <int>();

            if (!DA.GetData(0, ref slab))
            if (!DA.GetDataList(1, shellEdgeConnections))
            if (!DA.GetDataList(2, indices))
            if (slab == null)

            Shells.Slab obj;
            if (shellEdgeConnections.Count == 0)
                AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, $"No shell edge connection added to shell {slab.Name}");
            else if (shellEdgeConnections.Count == 1)
                var shellEdgeConnection = shellEdgeConnections[0];
                obj = Shells.Slab.EdgeConnection(slab, shellEdgeConnection, indices);
            else if (shellEdgeConnections.Count == indices.Count)
                obj = Shells.Slab.EdgeConnection(slab, shellEdgeConnections[0], indices[0]);
                for (int i = 1; i < shellEdgeConnections.Count; i++)
                    obj = Shells.Slab.EdgeConnection(obj, shellEdgeConnections[i], indices[i]);
                throw new ArgumentException($"The number of shellEdgeConnections must be 1 or eqal to the number of indices provided. Recieved {shellEdgeConnections.Count} and {indices.Count}");

            DA.SetData(0, obj);
Пример #5
        static void Main()
            // In this example, we will edit an existing model by isolating a floor and replacing supporting
            // walls and pillars with appropriate supports. Using height as a point of comparison we can find
            // which elements to reuse from the old model, and create a new model with our selected elements.

            // This example was last updated 2022-04-13, using the ver. 21.1.0 FEM-Design API.

            // READ THE MODEL:
            // Deserialize the current model to access all the data in the .struxml file.
            FemDesign.Model model = FemDesign.Model.DeserializeFromFilePath("Example 4 - model.struxml");

            // ISOLATE A FLOOR:
            // Choose which floor will be singled out.
            int floor = 3;

            FemDesign.StructureGrid.Storey          storey       = model.Entities.Storeys.Storey[floor];
            List <GenericClasses.IStructureElement> storeyAsList = new List <GenericClasses.IStructureElement> {
            double zCoord = storey.Origo.Z;

            // POINT SUPPORTS:
            // Find all pillars supporting the chosen floor, and place point supports in their place.
            // We can use the fact that point [1] of any pillar is always the highest one.
            var supports = new List <GenericClasses.ISupportElement>();

            for (int i = 0; i < model.Entities.Bars.Count; i++)
                Bars.Bar tempBar = model.Entities.Bars[i];
                if (tempBar.BarPart.Type != Bars.BarType.Column)

                if (Math.Abs(tempBar.BarPart.Edge.Points[1].Z - zCoord) < Tolerance.LengthComparison)
                    var tempSupport = new Supports.PointSupport(
                        point: new Geometry.FdPoint3d(tempBar.BarPart.Edge.Points[1].X, tempBar.BarPart.Edge.Points[1].Y, zCoord),
                        motions: Releases.Motions.RigidPoint(),
                        rotations: Releases.Rotations.Free()

            // ELEMENTS:
            // The model only contains plates and walls, so we will not be looking for beams etc.
            // We are looking for the floor plate at the right height, and the walls below it to
            // replace them with line supports.
            var elements = new List <GenericClasses.IStructureElement>();

            // TESTING SLABS:
            // Slabs have a property which indicates if they are floors (plate) or walls (wall).
            // Based on this, we can sort out if we want to use them as an element or place a
            // line support in their stead.
            for (int i = 0; i < model.Entities.Slabs.Count; i++)
                Shells.Slab tempSlab = model.Entities.Slabs[i];
                if (tempSlab.Type == Shells.SlabType.Plate && Math.Abs(tempSlab.SlabPart.LocalPos.Z - zCoord) < Tolerance.LengthComparison)
                else if (tempSlab.Type == Shells.SlabType.Wall)
                    if (Math.Abs(tempSlab.SlabPart.Region.Contours[0].Edges[2].Points[0].Z - zCoord) < Tolerance.LengthComparison)
                        // Creating supports with translational stiffnes in the Z direction only.
                        var tempSupport = new Supports.LineSupport(
                            edge: tempSlab.SlabPart.Region.Contours[0].Edges[2],
                            motions: new Releases.Motions(0, 0, 0, 0, 10E7, 10E7),
                            rotations: new Releases.Rotations(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
                            movingLocal: true

            // TESTING PANELS:
            // Panels do not have the same property as slabs. Instead, we compare the height of all the
            // edge curves of the panel to discern if it is horizontal or not.
            for (int i = 0; i < model.Entities.Panels.Count; i++)
                Shells.Panel tempPanel = model.Entities.Panels[i];
                bool         isSlab    = true;
                for (int j = 0; j < tempPanel.Region.Contours[0].Edges.Count; j++)
                    if (tempPanel.Region.Contours[0].Edges[j].Points[0].Z != tempPanel.Region.Contours[0].Edges[j].Points[1].Z)
                        isSlab = false;
                if (isSlab && Math.Abs(tempPanel.Region.Contours[0].Edges[0].Points[0].Z - zCoord) < Tolerance.LengthComparison)
                else if (!isSlab && Math.Abs(tempPanel.Region.Contours[0].Edges[2].Points[0].Z - zCoord) < Tolerance.LengthComparison)
                    // Creating supports with translational stiffnes in the Z direction only.
                    var tempSupport = new Supports.LineSupport(
                        edge: tempPanel.Region.Contours[0].Edges[2],
                        motions: new Releases.Motions(0, 0, 0, 0, 10E7, 10E7),
                        rotations: new Releases.Rotations(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
                        movingLocal: true

            // LOADS:
            // Similar to supports and elements, we will reuse loads from the model if they are on the correct height
            var loads = new List <GenericClasses.ILoadElement>();

            for (int i = 0; i < model.Entities.Loads.LineLoads.Count; i++)
                if (Math.Abs(model.Entities.Loads.LineLoads[i].Edge.XAxis.Z - zCoord) < Tolerance.LengthComparison)
            for (int i = 0; i < model.Entities.Loads.SurfaceLoads.Count; i++)
                Loads.SurfaceLoad tempLoad = model.Entities.Loads.SurfaceLoads[i];
                if (Math.Abs(tempLoad.Region.Contours[0].Edges[0].Points[0].Z - zCoord) < Tolerance.LengthComparison)

            // CREATE NEW MODEL:
            // With a new model, we can add all our gathered elements to it. We can also take load cases,
            // load combinations, and the storey marker directly from the old model.
            FemDesign.Model newModel = new FemDesign.Model(Country.S);

            // SAVE AND RUN:
            // Create a file path for the new model, serialize it, and run the script!
            string path = Path.GetFullPath("output/edited_model.struxml");

            if (!Directory.Exists("output"))
            Console.WriteLine($"Opening file at {path}");

            var app = new Calculate.Application();

            app.OpenStruxml(path, false);
 public static Shells.Slab AddToSlab(Shells.Slab slab, List <SurfaceReinforcement> surfaceReinforcement)
     // return
     return(SurfaceReinforcement.AddReinforcementToSlab(slab, surfaceReinforcement));
Пример #7
        private static Shells.Slab AddStraightReinfToSlab(Shells.Slab slab, List <SurfaceReinforcement> srfReinfs)
            // assert layout
            if (SurfaceReinforcement.AllStraight(srfReinfs))
                throw new System.ArgumentException("Not all passed surface reinforcement objects are of layout type straight");

            // assert layers
            if (SurfaceReinforcement.MixedLayers(srfReinfs))
                throw new System.ArgumentException("Can't add mixed layers to the same slab");

            // single layer?
            var singleLayer = SurfaceReinforcement.AllSingleLayer(srfReinfs);

            // check if surface reinf parameters are set to slab
            SurfaceReinforcementParameters srfReinfParams;

            if (slab.SurfaceReinforcementParameters == null)
                srfReinfParams = SurfaceReinforcementParameters.Straight(slab, singleLayer);
                slab.SurfaceReinforcementParameters = srfReinfParams;

            // any surfaceReinforcementParameter set to slab will be overwritten
            // any surfaceReinforcement with option "centric" will be removed
            else if (slab.SurfaceReinforcementParameters.Center.PolarSystem == true)
                srfReinfParams = SurfaceReinforcementParameters.Straight(slab);
                slab.SurfaceReinforcementParameters = srfReinfParams;

                foreach (SurfaceReinforcement item in slab.SurfaceReinforcement)
                    if (item.Centric != null)

            // use surface parameters already set to slab
                srfReinfParams = slab.SurfaceReinforcementParameters;

            // add surface reinforcement
            GuidListType baseShell = new GuidListType(slab.SlabPart.Guid);

            FemDesign.GuidListType surfaceReinforcementParametersGuidReference = new FemDesign.GuidListType(slab.SurfaceReinforcementParameters.Guid);
            foreach (SurfaceReinforcement item in srfReinfs)
                // add references to item
                item.BaseShell = baseShell;
                item.SurfaceReinforcementParametersGuid = surfaceReinforcementParametersGuidReference;

                // check if region item exists
                if (item.Region == null)
                    item.Region = Geometry.Region.FromSlab(slab);

                // add item to slab

            // return
Пример #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Get region from a Slab.
 /// </summary>
 public static Region FromSlab(Shells.Slab slab)
Пример #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Construct post-tension cable
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="slab">Reference slab element</param>
 /// <param name="line">Cable line</param>
 /// <param name="shape"></param>
 /// <param name="losses"></param>
 /// <param name="manufacturing"></param>
 /// <param name="strand"></param>
 /// <param name="numberOfStrands"></param>
 /// <param name="identifier"></param>
 public Ptc(Shells.Slab slab, Geometry.LineSegment line, PtcShapeType shape, PtcLosses losses, PtcManufacturingType manufacturing, PtcStrandLibType strand, JackingSide jackingSide, double jackingStress, int numberOfStrands = 3, string identifier = "PTC")
     Initialize(line.StartPoint, line.EndPoint, slab.SlabPart.Guid, shape, losses, manufacturing, strand, jackingSide, jackingStress, numberOfStrands, identifier);
Пример #10
        static void Main()
            // In this example, we will analyse how different E-modules will result
            // in different reaction forces in the supports holding a concrete plate.

            // This example was last updated 2022-05-03, using the ver. 21.1.0 FEM-Design API.

            // FILE PATH SETUP
            // Set the different paths and folders relevant to the example
            string struxmlPath = "sample_slab.struxml";
            string outFolder   = "output/";

            if (!Directory.Exists(outFolder))
            string        bscPath  = Path.GetFullPath("pointsupportreactions.bsc");
            List <string> bscPaths = new List <string>();


            // READ MODEL
            Model model = Model.DeserializeFromFilePath(struxmlPath);

            // READ SLAB TO ANALYSE
            // In this example, the slab is card-coded to no. 5; if you make any personal applications,
            // it is probably better to look for a slab with a certain name, eg. P.1, to avoid confusion.
            Shells.Slab        slab     = model.Entities.Slabs[4];
            Materials.Material material = model.Entities.Slabs[4].Material;
            double             Ecm      = Convert.ToDouble(material.Concrete.Ecm);

            // Iterate over model using different E-modulus for the slab
            for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++)
                // Change E-modulus
                double new_Ecm = Math.Round(0.2 * i * Ecm);
                material.Concrete.Ecm = Convert.ToString(new_Ecm);

                // Save struxml
                string outPathIndividual = Path.GetFullPath(outFolder + "sample_slab_out" + Convert.ToString(new_Ecm) + ".struxml");

                // Run analysis
                Calculate.Analysis           analysis = new Calculate.Analysis(null, null, null, null, calcCase: true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false);
                FemDesign.Calculate.FdScript fdScript = FemDesign.Calculate.FdScript.Analysis(outPathIndividual, analysis, bscPaths, "", true);
                Calculate.Application        app      = new Calculate.Application();
                app.RunFdScript(fdScript, false, true, true);

                string pointSupportReactionsPath = Path.Combine(outFolder, "pointsupportreactions.csv");

                // Reading results (This method is only available for some result types as of now, but more will be added)
                var results = Results.ResultsReader.Parse(pointSupportReactionsPath);
                var pointSupportReactions = results.Cast <Results.PointSupportReaction>().ToList();

                // Print results
                Console.WriteLine($"Emean: {new_Ecm}");
                Console.WriteLine("Id         | Reaction  ");
                foreach (var reaction in pointSupportReactions)
                    Console.WriteLine($"{reaction.Id,10} | {reaction.Fz,10}");

            // ENDING THE PROGRAM
            Console.WriteLine("\nPress any key to close console.");