Пример #1
        IEnumerable <KeyValuePairX <string, string> > GetXProp(Shell32.FolderItem2 src, params string[] xPropNames)
            foreach (var xpn in xPropNames)
                var tmp = src.ExtendedProperty(xpn);
                if (tmp != null)
                    var rz = tmp.ToString();
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rz))
                        yield return new KeyValuePairX <string, string>()
                                   Key = xpn, Value = rz

        string GetFfProbePath()
            const string ffProbeKey = "ffProbe.Path";
            string       rz         = AppContext.Current.GetAppCfgItem(ffProbeKey);

            if (rz == null)
                throw new BizException(string.Format("Invalid configuration: appSetings['{0}'] must point to the ffProbe.exe", ffProbeKey));
Пример #2
        public static void populateFiles(BackgroundWorker bgWork = null)
            if (bgWork == null)
                bgWork = new BackgroundWorker();

            //---- To find videos resolution; Used to placed in separate method, but to replace get all files method here
            Shell32.Shell  shell = new Shell32.Shell();
            Shell32.Folder shellFolder;

            List <string>            allFolders   = new List <string>();
            List <string>            allFiles     = new List <string>();
            Dictionary <int, string> shellHeaders = new Dictionary <int, string>();

            int errorFolders = 0;

            foreach (Folder item in folders)
                if (Directory.Exists(item.path))
                    allFolders.Add(item.path); //Add root Directories

                    string[] subdir = Directory.GetDirectories(item.path, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
                    allFolders.AddRange(subdir); //Add root All Sub-Directories
                    warnings.Add("\"" + item.path + "\" not found!");

            if (folders.Count <= errorFolders)

            totalFiles = 0;
            foreach (string x in allFolders)
                totalFiles = totalFiles + Directory.GetFiles(x).Count();
                DebugCount dc = new DebugCount(x, totalFiles);

            if (totalFiles <= 0)
                warnings.Add("No file(s) found in directory(s)!");

            double progBGStep = (double)100 / (double)totalFiles;
            double currProg   = 0;
            double lastStep   = 0;
            bool   tooLong    = false;

            foreach (string fitem in allFolders)
                shellFolder = shell.NameSpace(fitem);

                //To find out the header in shell 32
                if (shellHeaders.Count <= 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < short.MaxValue; i++)
                        string header = shellFolder.GetDetailsOf(null, i);
                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(header))
                        if (header.Contains("Name") || header.Contains("Frame") || header.Contains("Path"))
                            shellHeaders.Add(i, header);

                string[] folderFiles = Directory.GetFiles(fitem);
                foreach (string filename in folderFiles)
                    //debugCount[debugCount.FindIndex(0, x => x.folder.Equals(fitem))].increaseAcc(); //#DEBUGONLY
                    string sFilename       = Path.GetFileName(filename);
                    Shell32.FolderItem2 aa = null;

                    string fullPath = fitem + "\\" + sFilename;

                    if (fullPath.Length > 260)
                        tooLong = true;
                    FileAttributes attr = File.GetAttributes(fitem + "\\" + sFilename);

                    if (attr.HasFlag(FileAttributes.Directory))
                        continue; //is Directory

                    var    item         = shellFolder.ParseName(sFilename);
                    string sFrameheight = shellFolder.GetDetailsOf(item, shellHeaders.FirstOrDefault(k => k.Value.Equals("Frame height")).Key);

                    int videoHeight = 0;
                    videoHeight = cIntNull(sFrameheight);
                    FileTags newFile = new FileTags(fitem, videoHeight, sFilename);

                    currProg = currProg + progBGStep;
                    if (currProg - lastStep < 1 || currProg > 100)  //To make progress +1% only and not overlimit
                    lastStep = currProg;
                    System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1); // if using sleep thread sometimes get stucked

                if (tooLong)