Пример #1
    public void PreviewBox(BoxJSON box)
        if (go != null)

        go = new GameObject();

        float shelf_size = box == null ? 1 : box.width;
        //if (shelf_size < 1) { shelf_size = 1; }

        ShelfJSON shelf_json = new ShelfJSON();

        //shelf_json.front_index = new int[] { 3, 0, 1, 2, 3 };
        shelf_json.front_index = new int[] { 3, 0 };
        shelf_json.x_points    = new float[] { -shelf_size, -shelf_size, shelf_size, shelf_size };
        shelf_json.y_points    = new float[] { -shelf_size, shelf_size, shelf_size, -shelf_size };
        shelf_json.boxes       = box == null ? new BoxJSON[0] : new BoxJSON[] { box };

        shelf_json.thickness = shelf_size / 5.0f;

        ShelfJSON[] shj_array = new ShelfJSON[] { shelf_json };
        StandJSON   sj        = new StandJSON();

        sj.shelves = shj_array;
        sj.y_start = -1.0f;
        sj.wall_x  = new float[0];
        sj.wall_y  = new float[0];
        StandJSON[] sj_array = new StandJSON[] { sj };
        SceneData   sd       = new SceneData(sj_array);

        SG = go.AddComponent <SceneGenerator>() as SceneGenerator;
        SG.transform.parent = this.transform;

        SG.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

        shelf_json.boxes[0].cpr = 0.25f;
        shelf_json.boxes[0].cir = 0;
        //shelf_json.boxes[0].cil = 0;

        ShelfGenerator shg = SG.stands[0].shelves[0];

        shg.cubes[0].SetStartingPosition(0, 0.25f);

        /* Camera needs to focus the new object, the position of the new object is not defined till the next
         *  update cycle. Do the camera position update in the next lateupdate */
        camera_pos_needs_update = true;
    public void Initialize(ShelfJSON s)
        onItemAttachedCallBacks        = new List <OnItemAttachedCallback>();
        onItemDeattachedCallBacks      = new List <OnItemDeattachedCallback>();
        onShelfClickedCallBacks        = new List <OnShelfClickedCallback>();
        onChildProductClickedCallBacks = new List <OnChildProductClickedCallback>();

        childs_selected = new List <bool>();

        name       = s.name;
        this_shelf = s;

        transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, s.absolute_height, 0);
        transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;

        // Generate new mesh game object
        shelf_mesh = new GameObject("mesh");

        // Calculate the mesh from the raw data
        MeshGenerator meshGen = new MeshGenerator(s.x_points, s.y_points);
        Mesh          msh     = meshGen.get3DMeshFrom2D(-s.thickness);

        // Render the mesh
        MeshFilter meshRenderer = shelf_mesh.AddComponent(typeof(MeshFilter)) as MeshFilter;

        meshRenderer.mesh = msh;

        shelf_mesh.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material       = Resources.Load("Materials/StandardTransparent", typeof(Material)) as Material;
        shelf_mesh.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material.color = Color.white;
        shelf_mesh.GetComponent <Transform>().localScale        = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
        shelf_mesh.GetComponent <Transform>().SetParent(transform);
        shelf_mesh.GetComponent <Transform>().localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
        shelf_mesh.GetComponent <Transform>().localRotation = Quaternion.identity;

        // Enables to pass the on click event to this object
        shelf_mesh.AddComponent <OnClickPassUp>();

        MeshCollider mc = shelf_mesh.AddComponent <MeshCollider>();

        mc.sharedMesh = msh;
        mc.convex     = true;
        mc.isTrigger  = true;

        // Calculate the the points that belong to the front face of the shelf
        // If none ar given, they are all front face by default
        if (s.front_index == null)
            s.front_index = new int[s.x_points.Length];

            for (int p = 0; p < s.front_index.Length; p++)
                s.front_index[p] = p;

        Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[s.front_index.Length];
        for (int a = 0; a < vertices.Length; a++)
            vertices[a] = new Vector3(s.x_points[s.front_index[a]], 0, s.y_points[s.front_index[a]]);

        dragLines = new DragLines(vertices, 0.2f, false);

        cubes     = new List <Drag3D>();
        cubesJSON = new List <BoxJSON>();
        id2cube   = new Dictionary <int, GameObject>();

        if (this_shelf.boxes != null)
            for (int p = 0; p < this_shelf.boxes.Length; p++)
                GameObject new_cube = GenerateProduct(this_shelf.boxes[p]);
                AttachProduct(this_shelf.boxes[p], new_cube);

        sharedCollisionMap = new CollisionMap2(cubes.ToArray(), dragLines, this);

        initialized = true;