public static void CreateShapeFile(string[] args) { string pkValue = string.Empty; bool pkValIsString = false; bool isSdoPoint = false; if (args == null || args.Length < 5) { Console.Write("\nUsage: sdo2shp <username/password>@dbalias> <spatial_table_name> <PK_col> <shape_col> <shapefile> [\"optional_where_clause\"]\n\nPress any key to exit"); Console.ReadLine(); return; } System.Reflection.Assembly assembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); string version = assembly.GetName().Version.ToString(); Console.Write("\nORA2SHP Oracle SDO to Shapefile Utility. Version: " + version + "\n"); Console.Write("====================================================================\n"); string connectionstring = Utils.ParseConnectionString(args[0].ToString()); string where_clause = string.Empty; try { where_clause = args[5].ToString().Trim('"'); } catch (Exception) { } if (where_clause != string.Empty) { if (!where_clause.ToUpper().StartsWith("WHERE")) { where_clause = " where " + where_clause; } } string outShpFile = args[4].ToString(); string tab_name = args[1].ToString(); string pk_column = args[2].ToString(); string sdo_column = args[3].ToString(); if (outShpFile.ToUpper().EndsWith(".SHP")) { outShpFile = outShpFile.Substring(0, outShpFile.Length - 4); } OracleConnection oracon = new OracleConnection(connectionstring); List <GeoInfo> lShpInfo = new List <GeoInfo>(); try { oracon.Open(); string selFirstShp = string.Empty; if (where_clause == string.Empty) { selFirstShp = "select " + args[2].ToString() + "," + args[3].ToString() + " from " + args[1] + " where rownum = 1"; } else { selFirstShp = "select " + pk_column + "," + sdo_column + " from " + tab_name + " " + where_clause + " and rownum = 1"; } try { lShpInfo = getGeomInfo(oracon, selFirstShp, sdo_column); if (lShpInfo.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine("\nNo rows found it table {0}", args[1]); Console.ReadLine(); oracon.Close(); oracon.Dispose(); return; } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("\nORA2SHP ERROR:\n" + ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace); } finally { } //Check if its an SDO point geometry GeoInfo geomInfo = lShpInfo[0]; isSdoPoint = isSDOPointType(geomInfo); //Initialize shape type ShapeLib.ShapeType shpType = ShapeLib.ShapeType.Point; try { shpType = GetShapeType(geomInfo); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Write(ex.Message); Console.ReadLine(); return; } IntPtr hShp = ShapeLib.SHPCreate(outShpFile, shpType); if (hShp.Equals(IntPtr.Zero)) { Console.WriteLine("\nCould not create {0}.shp\nProbable cause: You do not have permissions or file is in use by another process\n\nPress any key to exit", outShpFile); Console.ReadLine(); return; } string sqlselect = string.Empty; if (where_clause == string.Empty) { sqlselect = @"SELECT " + GetColumnNames(oracon, tab_name) + ", " + sdo_column + " from " + tab_name; } else { sqlselect = @"SELECT " + GetColumnNames(oracon, tab_name) + ", " + sdo_column + " from " + tab_name + " " + where_clause; } OracleCommand command1 = oracon.CreateCommand(); command1.CommandText = sqlselect; OracleDataReader dr = command1.ExecuteReader(); int iShape = 0; IntPtr hDbf = IntPtr.Zero; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); System.Collections.Hashtable ht = new System.Collections.Hashtable(); //#if (DEBUG==true) // Console.WriteLine("Before Loop Elapsed Time: " + (DateTime.Now - tstart).ToString()); tstart = DateTime.Now; //#endif #region create dbf // create dbase file hDbf = ShapeLib.DBFCreate(outShpFile); if (!hDbf.Equals(IntPtr.Zero)) { dt = dr.GetSchemaTable(); //Get table metadata dt.Columns.Add("dBaseName"); } int ordinal1 = 0; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { string name = row["ColumnName"].ToString().ToUpper(); if (name.Length > 10) //Truncate column name to 10 chars { name = name.Substring(0, 10); } int i = 0; while (ht.ContainsKey(name)) //Check if column name exists after truncation { string iVal = (i++).ToString(); if (name.Length + iVal.Length > 10) { name = name.Substring(0, 10 - iVal.Length) + iVal; } else { name = name + iVal; } } ht.Add(name, ordinal1++); row["dBaseName"] = name; string type = row["DataType"].ToString(); switch (type) { case "System.Int32": case "System.Int16": ShapeLib.DBFAddField(hDbf, name, ShapeLib.DBFFieldType.FTInteger, 16, 0); break; case "System.String": int len = Math.Min(255, int.Parse(row["ColumnSize"].ToString())); ShapeLib.DBFAddField(hDbf, name, ShapeLib.DBFFieldType.FTString, len, 0); if (name == args[1].ToString()) { pkValIsString = true; } break; case "System.Boolean": ShapeLib.DBFAddField(hDbf, name, ShapeLib.DBFFieldType.FTLogical, 5, 0); break; case "System.Double": case "System.Float": case "System.Decimal": int prec = int.Parse(row["NumericPrecision"].ToString()); int scale = int.Parse(row["NumericScale"].ToString()); ShapeLib.DBFAddField(hDbf, name, ShapeLib.DBFFieldType.FTDouble, prec, scale); break; case "System.DateTime": ShapeLib.DBFAddField(hDbf, name, ShapeLib.DBFFieldType.FTDate, 8, 0); break; default: ht.Remove(name); row["dBaseName"] = null; ordinal1--; break; } } #endregion create dbf ShapeCreator sc = new ShapeCreator(); IntPtr pShp = new IntPtr(); while (dr.Read()) { //Console.Write("Processing record ..." + iShape.ToString() +"."); pkValue = dr[args[2]].ToString(); OraShape shp = new OraShape(); ShapePartInfo shpInfo = new ShapePartInfo(); try { GeoInfo geoInfo = new GeoInfo(); geoInfo.Geo = (SdoGeometry)dr[sdo_column]; shp = sc.getOraShape(geoInfo, shpType, Convert.ToInt32(dr[pk_column])); } catch (Exception) { continue; } if (!isSdoPoint) { try { shpInfo = sc.getShapePartInfo(geomInfo); } catch (Exception) { continue; } shp.nParts = shpInfo.nParts; shp.PartType = null; shp.PartStarts = shpInfo.PartStarts; if (shp.MList == null || shp.MList.Length == 0) { if (shp.ZList == null || shp.ZList.Length == 0) { pShp = ShapeLib.SHPCreateObject(shpType, -1, shp.nParts, shp.PartStarts, null, shp.nVertices, shp.XList, shp.YList, null, null); } else { pShp = ShapeLib.SHPCreateObject(shpType, -1, shp.nParts, shp.PartStarts, null, shp.nVertices, shp.XList, shp.YList, shp.ZList, null); } } else { pShp = ShapeLib.SHPCreateObject(shpType, -1, shp.nParts, shp.PartStarts, null, shp.nVertices, shp.XList, shp.YList, null, shp.MList); } } else { shp = sc.CreatePointShape(geomInfo, shpType, pkValue); if (shpType == ShapeLib.ShapeType.PointM) { pShp = ShapeLib.SHPCreateObject(shpType, -1, 0, null, null, 1, shp.XList, shp.YList, null, shp.MList); } else if (shpType == ShapeLib.ShapeType.PointZ) { pShp = ShapeLib.SHPCreateObject(shpType, -1, 0, null, null, 1, shp.XList, shp.YList, shp.ZList, null); } else { pShp = ShapeLib.SHPCreateObject(shpType, -1, 0, null, null, 1, shp.XList, shp.YList, null, null); } } try //In case of invalid shapes { ShapeLib.SHPWriteObject(hShp, -1, pShp); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("Shape with " + args[2].ToString().ToUpper() + "= " + pkValue + " is invalid. Number of vertices: " + shp.nVertices.ToString() + " Number of parts: " + shp.nParts.ToString()); continue; } ShapeLib.SHPDestroyObject(pShp); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { if (row["dBaseName"] == null || row["dBaseName"].ToString() == string.Empty) { continue; } int ordinal = (int)ht[row["dBaseName"].ToString()]; string fieldName = row["ColumnName"].ToString(); if (dr[fieldName] is DBNull) { continue; } switch (row["DataType"].ToString()) { case "System.Int32": case "System.Int16": ShapeLib.DBFWriteIntegerAttribute(hDbf, iShape, ordinal, int.Parse(dr[fieldName].ToString())); break; case "System.String": ShapeLib.DBFWriteStringAttribute(hDbf, iShape, ordinal, dr[fieldName].ToString()); break; case "System.Boolean": ShapeLib.DBFWriteLogicalAttribute(hDbf, iShape, ordinal, bool.Parse(dr[fieldName].ToString())); break; case "System.Double": case "System.Float": case "System.Decimal": ShapeLib.DBFWriteDoubleAttribute(hDbf, iShape, ordinal, double.Parse(dr[fieldName].ToString())); break; case "System.DateTime": DateTime date = DateTime.Parse(dr[fieldName].ToString()); ShapeLib.DBFWriteDateAttribute(hDbf, iShape, ordinal, date); break; } } iShape++; //dr.NextResult(); } Console.WriteLine("Converted " + iShape.ToString() + " shapes in: " + (DateTime.Now - tstart).ToString()); // free resources ShapeLib.SHPClose(hShp); ShapeLib.DBFClose(hDbf); //Create projection file if needed CreatePrjFile(oracon, args[1].ToString(), args[3].ToString(), outShpFile); //Console.Write("Done.\n"); Console.Write("\nCreated shapefile " + args[4].ToString() + " with " + iShape.ToString() + " records.\nTotal Elapsed Time: " + (DateTime.Now - tProgramstart).ToString() + "\nPress any key to exit."); Console.ReadLine(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Write("ERROR: " + ex.Message + "\nPress any key to exit"); Utils.WriteErrLog(ex); Console.ReadLine(); } finally { //Close and free connection oracon.Close(); oracon.Dispose(); } }
private void method_2(ICoFeature icoFeature_0) { try { int[] numArray; ShapeLib.PartType[] typeArray; int num5; int count = 0; int num2 = 0; int num3 = 0; int index = 0; switch (icoFeature_0.Type) { case CoFeatureType.Point: foreach (ICoPoint point in (icoFeature_0 as ICoPointFeature).Point) { this.double_0 = new double[1]; this.double_1 = new double[1]; this.double_0[0] = point.X; this.double_1[0] = point.Y; this.intptr_2 = ShapeLib.SHPCreateObject(this.shapeType_0, -1, 0, null, null, 1, this.double_0, this.double_1, null, null); num2 = ShapeLib.SHPWriteObject(this.intptr_0, -1, this.intptr_2); ShapeLib.SHPDestroyObject(this.intptr_2); this.method_3(icoFeature_0, num2); } return; case CoFeatureType.Line: case CoFeatureType.Annotation: return; case CoFeatureType.Polygon: { ICoPolygonFeature feature2 = icoFeature_0 as ICoPolygonFeature; if (feature2 != null) { count = feature2.Points.Count; numArray = new int[count]; typeArray = new ShapeLib.PartType[count]; typeArray[0] = ShapeLib.PartType.Ring; numArray[0] = 0; num3 = feature2.Points[0].Count; for (num5 = 1; num5 < count; num5++) { numArray[num5] = num3; typeArray[num5] = ShapeLib.PartType.Ring; num3 += feature2.Points[num5].Count; } this.double_0 = new double[num3]; this.double_1 = new double[num3]; int num6 = 0; foreach (CoPointCollection points in feature2.Points) { int num8; double num7 = this.method_8(points); if (num6 == 0) { if (num7 > 0.0) { foreach (ICoPoint point2 in points) { this.double_0[index] = point2.X; this.double_1[index] = point2.Y; index++; } } else { num8 = points.Count - 1; while (num8 >= 0) { this.double_0[index] = points[num8].X; this.double_1[index] = points[num8].Y; index++; num8--; } } } else if (num7 > 0.0) { for (num8 = points.Count - 1; num8 >= 0; num8--) { this.double_0[index] = points[num8].X; this.double_1[index] = points[num8].Y; index++; } } else { foreach (ICoPoint point2 in points) { this.double_0[index] = point2.X; this.double_1[index] = point2.Y; index++; } } num6++; } this.intptr_2 = ShapeLib.SHPCreateObject(this.shapeType_0, -1, count, numArray, typeArray, num3, this.double_0, this.double_1, null, null); try { num2 = ShapeLib.SHPWriteObject(this.intptr_0, -1, this.intptr_2); ShapeLib.SHPDestroyObject(this.intptr_2); this.method_3(icoFeature_0, num2); } catch { } } return; } case CoFeatureType.Polyline: break; default: return; } ICoPolylineFeature feature = icoFeature_0 as ICoPolylineFeature; count = feature.Points.Count; numArray = new int[count]; typeArray = new ShapeLib.PartType[count]; typeArray[0] = ShapeLib.PartType.Ring; numArray[0] = 0; num3 = feature.Points[0].Count; for (num5 = 1; num5 < count; num5++) { numArray[num5] = num3; typeArray[num5] = ShapeLib.PartType.Ring; num3 += feature.Points[num5].Count; } this.double_0 = new double[num3]; this.double_1 = new double[num3]; foreach (CoPointCollection points in feature.Points) { foreach (ICoPoint point2 in points) { this.double_0[index] = point2.X; this.double_1[index] = point2.Y; index++; } } this.intptr_2 = ShapeLib.SHPCreateObject(this.shapeType_0, -1, count, numArray, typeArray, num3, this.double_0, this.double_1, null, null); num2 = ShapeLib.SHPWriteObject(this.intptr_0, -1, this.intptr_2); ShapeLib.SHPDestroyObject(this.intptr_2); this.method_3(icoFeature_0, num2); } finally { } }