Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the TextSprite to the CurrentRenderTarget
        /// </summary>

        #endregion Constructors

        #region Methods

        public void Draw(IRenderTarget target, RenderStates states)
            if (Shadowed)
                var oldPos   = SFMLTextSprite.Position;
                var oldColor = SFMLTextSprite.FillColor;
                SFMLTextSprite.Position += ShadowOffset.Convert();
                SFMLTextSprite.FillColor = ShadowColor.Convert();
                SFMLTextSprite.Draw(target.SFMLTarget, states.SFMLRenderStates);
                SFMLTextSprite.Position  = oldPos;
                SFMLTextSprite.FillColor = oldColor;
            SFMLTextSprite.Draw(target.SFMLTarget, states.SFMLRenderStates);

            if (CluwneLib.Debug.DebugTextboxes)
                var fr = SFMLTextSprite.GetGlobalBounds().Convert();
                CluwneLib.drawHollowRectangle((int)fr.Left, (int)fr.Top, (int)fr.Width, (int)fr.Height, 1.0f, Color.Red);
Пример #2
        protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)
            StringBuilder startupScript = new StringBuilder(2048);

            string DhId = DragHandleID;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(DragHandleID))
                DragHandleID = ClientID;

            Control Ctl = FindControl(DragHandleID);

            if (Ctl != null)
                DhId = Ctl.ClientID;

            startupScript.AppendLine("\t$('#" + ClientID + "')");

            if (Closable && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(DragHandleID))
                string imageUrl = CloseBoxImage;
                if (imageUrl == "WebResource")
                    imageUrl = ScriptProxy.GetWebResourceUrl(this, GetType(), WebResources.CLOSE_ICON_RESOURCE);

                StringBuilder closableOptions = new StringBuilder("imageUrl: '" + imageUrl + "'");

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(DragHandleID))
                    closableOptions.Append(",handle: $('#" + DragHandleID + "')");

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ClientDialogHandler))
                    closableOptions.Append(",handler: " + ClientDialogHandler);

                if (FadeOnClose)
                    closableOptions.Append(",fadeOut: 'slow'");

                startupScript.AppendLine("\t\t.closable({ " + closableOptions + "})");

            string options = "";

            if (Draggable)
                // force auto stacking of windows (last dragged to top of zIndex)
                options = "{  stack: \"*\", opacity: 0.80, dragDelay: " + DragDelay.ToString();

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(DragHandleID))
                    options += ",handle:'#" + DragHandleID + "'";

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Cursor))
                    options += ",cursor:'" + Cursor + "'";

                options += " }";

                startupScript.AppendLine("\t\t.draggable(" + options + " )");

            if (ShadowOffset != 0)
                    "\t\t.shadow({ opacity:" +
                    ShadowOpacity.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat) +
                    ",offset:" +
                    ShadowOffset.ToString() + "})");

            if (Centered)

            startupScript.Length = startupScript.Length - 2;  // strip last CR/LF \r\n

            string script = "$( function() {\r\n" + startupScript + "});";

            ScriptProxy.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), ID + "_DragBehavior",
                                              script, true);
