Пример #1
        private void shader_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            GLPipelineState.ShaderStage stage = GetStageForSender(sender);

            if (stage == null)

            ShaderReflection shaderDetails = stage.ShaderDetails;

            if (stage.Shader == ResourceId.Null)

            ShaderViewer s = new ShaderViewer(m_Core, shaderDetails, stage.stage, null, "");

        private void csDebug_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            uint gx = 0, gy = 0, gz = 0;
            uint tx = 0, ty = 0, tz = 0;

            if (m_Core.CurD3D11PipelineState == null ||
                m_Core.CurD3D11PipelineState.m_CS.Shader == ResourceId.Null ||
                m_Core.CurD3D11PipelineState.m_CS.ShaderDetails == null)

            if (uint.TryParse(groupX.Text, out gx) &&
                uint.TryParse(groupY.Text, out gy) &&
                uint.TryParse(groupZ.Text, out gz) &&
                uint.TryParse(threadX.Text, out tx) &&
                uint.TryParse(threadY.Text, out ty) &&
                uint.TryParse(threadZ.Text, out tz))
                uint[] groupdim = m_Core.CurDrawcall.dispatchDimension;
                uint[] threadsdim = m_Core.CurDrawcall.dispatchThreadsDimension;

                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    if (threadsdim[i] == 0)
                        threadsdim[i] = m_Core.CurD3D11PipelineState.m_CS.ShaderDetails.DispatchThreadsDimension[i];

                string debugContext = String.Format("Group [{0},{1},{2}] Thread [{3},{4},{5}]", gx, gy, gz, tx, ty, tz);

                if (gx >= groupdim[0] ||
                    gy >= groupdim[1] ||
                    gz >= groupdim[2] ||
                    tx >= threadsdim[0] ||
                    ty >= threadsdim[1] ||
                    tz >= threadsdim[2])
                    string bounds = String.Format("Group Dimensions [{0},{1},{2}] Thread Dimensions [{3},{4},{5}]",
                        groupdim[0], groupdim[1], groupdim[2],
                        threadsdim[0], threadsdim[1], threadsdim[2]);

                    MessageBox.Show(String.Format("{0} is out of bounds\n{1}", debugContext, bounds), "Couldn't debug compute shader.",
                                    MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

                ShaderDebugTrace trace = null;

                ShaderReflection shaderDetails = m_Core.CurD3D11PipelineState.m_CS.ShaderDetails;

                m_Core.Renderer.Invoke((ReplayRenderer r) =>
                    trace = r.DebugThread(new uint[] { gx, gy, gz }, new uint[] { tx, ty, tz });

                if (trace == null || trace.states.Length == 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("Couldn't debug compute shader.", "Uh Oh!",
                                    MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

                this.BeginInvoke(new Action(() =>
                    ShaderViewer s = new ShaderViewer(m_Core, shaderDetails, ShaderStageType.Compute, trace, debugContext);

                MessageBox.Show("Enter numbers for group and thread ID.", "Invalid thread", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
        private void shader_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (sender == iaBytecode || sender == iaBytecodeCog)
                if(m_Core.CurD3D11PipelineState != null &&
                    m_Core.CurD3D11PipelineState.m_IA.Bytecode != null)
                    (new ShaderViewer(m_Core, m_Core.CurD3D11PipelineState.m_IA.Bytecode, ShaderStageType.Vertex, null, ""))


            D3D11PipelineState.ShaderStage stage = GetStageForSender(sender);

            if (stage == null) return;

            ShaderReflection shaderDetails = stage.ShaderDetails;

            if (stage.Shader == ResourceId.Null) return;

            ShaderViewer s = new ShaderViewer(m_Core, shaderDetails, stage.stage, null, "");

        // start a shaderviewer to edit this shader, optionally generating stub HLSL if there isn't
        // HLSL source available for this shader.
        private void shaderedit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            D3D11PipelineState.ShaderStage stage = GetStageForSender(sender);

            if (stage == null) return;

            ShaderReflection shaderDetails = stage.ShaderDetails;

            if (stage.Shader == ResourceId.Null || shaderDetails == null) return;

            var entryFunc = String.Format("EditedShader{0}S", stage.stage.ToString()[0]);

            string mainfile = "";

            var files = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
            if (shaderDetails.DebugInfo.entryFunc.Length > 0 && shaderDetails.DebugInfo.files.Length > 0)
                entryFunc = shaderDetails.DebugInfo.entryFunc;

                foreach (var s in shaderDetails.DebugInfo.files)
                    if (files.ContainsKey(s.FullFilename))
                        renderdoc.StaticExports.LogText(String.Format("Duplicate full filename {0}", s.FullFilename));
                        files.Add(s.FullFilename, s.filetext);

                int entryFile = shaderDetails.DebugInfo.entryFile;
                if (entryFile < 0 || entryFile >= shaderDetails.DebugInfo.files.Length)
                    entryFile = 0;

                mainfile = shaderDetails.DebugInfo.files[entryFile].FullFilename;
                var nl = Environment.NewLine;
                var nl2 = Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;

                string hlsl = "// No HLSL available - function stub generated" + nl2;

                var shType = String.Format("{0}S", stage.stage.ToString()[0]);

                for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                    ShaderResource[] resources = (i == 0 ? shaderDetails.ReadOnlyResources : shaderDetails.ReadWriteResources);
                    foreach (var res in resources)
                        if (res.IsSampler)
                            hlsl += String.Format("//SamplerComparisonState {0} : register(s{1}); // can't disambiguate", res.name, res.bindPoint) + nl;
                            hlsl += String.Format("SamplerState {0} : register(s{1}); // can't disambiguate", res.name, res.bindPoint) + nl;
                            char regChar = 't';

                            if (i == 1)
                                hlsl += "RW";
                                regChar = 'u';

                            if (res.IsTexture)
                                hlsl += String.Format("{0}<{1}> {2} : register({3}{4});", res.resType.ToString(), res.variableType.descriptor.name, res.name, regChar, res.bindPoint) + nl;
                                if (res.variableType.descriptor.rows == 1)
                                    hlsl += String.Format("Buffer<{0}> {1} : register({2}{3});", res.variableType.descriptor.name, res.name, regChar, res.bindPoint) + nl;
                                    hlsl += String.Format("StructuredBuffer<{0}> {1} : register({2}{3});", res.variableType.descriptor.name, res.name, regChar, res.bindPoint) + nl;

                hlsl += nl2;

                string cbuffers = "";

                int cbufIdx = 0;
                foreach (var cbuf in shaderDetails.ConstantBlocks)
                    if (cbuf.name.Length > 0 && cbuf.variables.Length > 0)
                        cbuffers += String.Format("cbuffer {0} : register(b{1}) {{", cbuf.name, cbufIdx) + nl;
                        MakeShaderVariablesHLSL(true, cbuf.variables, ref cbuffers, ref hlsl);
                        cbuffers += "};" + nl2;

                hlsl += cbuffers + nl2;

                hlsl += String.Format("struct {0}Input{1}{{{1}", shType, nl);
                foreach(var sig in shaderDetails.InputSig)
                    hlsl += String.Format("\t{0} {1} : {2};" + nl, sig.TypeString, sig.varName.Length > 0 ? sig.varName : ("param" + sig.regIndex), sig.D3D11SemanticString);
                hlsl += "};" + nl2;

                hlsl += String.Format("struct {0}Output{1}{{{1}", shType, nl);
                foreach (var sig in shaderDetails.OutputSig)
                    hlsl += String.Format("\t{0} {1} : {2};" + nl, sig.TypeString, sig.varName.Length > 0 ? sig.varName : ("param" + sig.regIndex), sig.D3D11SemanticString);
                hlsl += "};" + nl2;

                hlsl += String.Format("{0}Output {1}(in {0}Input IN){2}{{{2}\t{0}Output OUT = ({0}Output)0;{2}{2}\t// ...{2}{2}\treturn OUT;{2}}}{2}", shType, entryFunc, nl);

                mainfile = "generated.hlsl";

                files.Add(mainfile, hlsl);

            if (files.Count == 0)

            D3D11PipelineStateViewer pipeviewer = this;

            ShaderViewer sv = new ShaderViewer(m_Core, false, entryFunc, files,

            // Save Callback
            (ShaderViewer viewer, Dictionary<string, string> updatedfiles) =>
                string compileSource = updatedfiles[mainfile];

                // try and match up #includes against the files that we have. This isn't always
                // possible as fxc only seems to include the source for files if something in
                // that file was included in the compiled output. So you might end up with
                // dangling #includes - we just have to ignore them
                int offs = compileSource.IndexOf("#include");

                while(offs >= 0)
                    // search back to ensure this is a valid #include (ie. not in a comment).
                    // Must only see whitespace before, then a newline.
                    int ws = Math.Max(0, offs-1);
                    while (ws >= 0 && (compileSource[ws] == ' ' || compileSource[ws] == '\t'))

                    // not valid? jump to next.
                    if (ws > 0 && compileSource[ws] != '\n')
                        offs = compileSource.IndexOf("#include", offs + 1);

                    int start = ws+1;

                    bool tail = true;

                    int lineEnd = compileSource.IndexOf("\n", start+1);
                    if(lineEnd == -1)
                        lineEnd = compileSource.Length;
                        tail = false;

                    ws = offs + "#include".Length;
                    while (compileSource[ws] == ' ' || compileSource[ws] == '\t')

                    string line = compileSource.Substring(offs, lineEnd-offs+1);

                    if (compileSource[ws] != '<' && compileSource[ws] != '"')
                        viewer.ShowErrors("Invalid #include directive found:\r\n" + line);

                    // find matching char, either <> or "";
                    int end = compileSource.IndexOf(compileSource[ws] == '"' ? '"' : '>', ws + 1);

                    if (end == -1)
                        viewer.ShowErrors("Invalid #include directive found:\r\n" + line);

                    string fname = compileSource.Substring(ws + 1, end - ws - 1);

                    string fileText = "";

                    // look for exact match first
                    if (updatedfiles.ContainsKey(fname))
                        fileText = updatedfiles[fname];
                        string search = renderdocui.Code.Helpers.SafeGetFileName(fname);
                        // if not, try and find the same filename (this is not proper include handling!)
                        foreach (var k in updatedfiles.Keys)
                            if (renderdocui.Code.Helpers.SafeGetFileName(k) == search)
                                fileText = updatedfiles[k];

                        if(fileText == "")
                            fileText = "// Can't find file " + fname + "\n";

                    compileSource = compileSource.Substring(0, offs) + "\n\n" + fileText + "\n\n" + (tail ? compileSource.Substring(lineEnd + 1) : "");

                    // need to start searching from the beginning - wasteful but allows nested includes to work
                    offs = compileSource.IndexOf("#include");

                if (updatedfiles.ContainsKey("@cmdline"))
                    compileSource = updatedfiles["@cmdline"] + "\n\n" + compileSource;

                // invoke off to the ReplayRenderer to replace the log's shader
                // with our edited one
                m_Core.Renderer.BeginInvoke((ReplayRenderer r) =>
                    string errs = "";

                    uint flags = shaderDetails.DebugInfo.compileFlags;

                    ResourceId from = stage.Shader;
                    ResourceId to = r.BuildTargetShader(entryFunc, compileSource, flags, stage.stage, out errs);

                    viewer.BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { viewer.ShowErrors(errs); });
                    if (to == ResourceId.Null)
                        pipeviewer.BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { m_Core.RefreshStatus(); });
                        r.ReplaceResource(from, to);
                        pipeviewer.BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { m_Core.RefreshStatus(); });

            // Close Callback
            () =>
                // remove the replacement on close (we could make this more sophisticated if there
                // was a place to control replaced resources/shaders).
                m_Core.Renderer.BeginInvoke((ReplayRenderer r) =>
                    pipeviewer.BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { m_Core.RefreshStatus(); });

Пример #5
        private void shader_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            GLPipelineState.ShaderStage stage = GetStageForSender(sender);

            if (stage == null) return;

            ShaderReflection shaderDetails = stage.ShaderDetails;

            if (stage.Shader == ResourceId.Null) return;

            ShaderViewer s = new ShaderViewer(m_Core, shaderDetails, stage.stage, null, "");

Пример #6
        private void shaderedit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            GLPipelineState.ShaderStage stage = GetStageForSender(sender);

            if (stage == null) return;

            ShaderReflection shaderDetails = stage.ShaderDetails;

            if (stage.Shader == ResourceId.Null || shaderDetails == null) return;

            var files = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            foreach (var s in shaderDetails.DebugInfo.files)
                files.Add(s.BaseFilename, s.filetext);

            if (files.Count == 0)

            ShaderViewer sv = new ShaderViewer(m_Core, false, "main", files,

            // Save Callback
            (ShaderViewer viewer, Dictionary<string, string> updatedfiles) =>
                string compileSource = "";
                foreach (var kv in updatedfiles)
                    compileSource += kv.Value;

                // invoke off to the ReplayRenderer to replace the log's shader
                // with our edited one
                m_Core.Renderer.BeginInvoke((ReplayRenderer r) =>
                    string errs = "";

                    ResourceId from = stage.Shader;
                    ResourceId to = r.BuildTargetShader("main", compileSource, shaderDetails.DebugInfo.compileFlags, stage.stage, out errs);

                    viewer.BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { viewer.ShowErrors(errs); });
                    if (to == ResourceId.Null)
                        r.ReplaceResource(from, to);

            // Close Callback
            () =>
                // remove the replacement on close (we could make this more sophisticated if there
                // was a place to control replaced resources/shaders).
                m_Core.Renderer.BeginInvoke((ReplayRenderer r) =>

        private void csDebug_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            uint gx = 0, gy = 0, gz = 0;
            uint tx = 0, ty = 0, tz = 0;

            if (m_Core.CurD3D11PipelineState == null ||
                m_Core.CurD3D11PipelineState.m_CS.Shader == ResourceId.Null ||
                m_Core.CurD3D11PipelineState.m_CS.ShaderDetails == null)

            if (uint.TryParse(groupX.Text, out gx) &&
                uint.TryParse(groupY.Text, out gy) &&
                uint.TryParse(groupZ.Text, out gz) &&
                uint.TryParse(threadX.Text, out tx) &&
                uint.TryParse(threadY.Text, out ty) &&
                uint.TryParse(threadZ.Text, out tz))
                ShaderDebugTrace trace = null;

                ShaderReflection shaderDetails = m_Core.CurD3D11PipelineState.m_CS.ShaderDetails;

                m_Core.Renderer.Invoke((ReplayRenderer r) =>
                    trace = r.CSGetDebugStates(new uint[] { gx, gy, gz }, new uint[] { tx, ty, tz });

                if (trace == null || trace.states.Length == 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("Couldn't debug compute shader.", "Uh Oh!",
                                    MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

                this.BeginInvoke(new Action(() =>
                    string debugContext = String.Format("Group [{0},{1},{2}] Thread [{3},{4},{5}]", gx, gy, gz, tx, ty, tz);

                    ShaderViewer s = new ShaderViewer(m_Core, shaderDetails, ShaderStageType.Compute, trace, debugContext);

                MessageBox.Show("Enter numbers for group and thread ID.", "Invalid thread", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
        private void ShowShaderViewer(VulkanPipelineState.ShaderStage stage, Dictionary<String, String> files)
            VulkanPipelineStateViewer pipeviewer = this;

            ShaderViewer sv = new ShaderViewer(m_Core, false, "main", files,

            // Save Callback
            (ShaderViewer viewer, Dictionary<string, string> updatedfiles) =>
                string compileSource = "";
                foreach (var kv in updatedfiles)
                    compileSource += kv.Value;

                // invoke off to the ReplayRenderer to replace the log's shader
                // with our edited one
                m_Core.Renderer.BeginInvoke((ReplayRenderer r) =>
                    string errs = "";

                    ResourceId from = stage.Shader;
                    ResourceId to = r.BuildTargetShader("main", compileSource, stage.ShaderDetails.DebugInfo.compileFlags, stage.stage, out errs);

                    viewer.BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { viewer.ShowErrors(errs); });
                    if (to == ResourceId.Null)
                        pipeviewer.BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { m_Core.RefreshStatus(); });
                        r.ReplaceResource(from, to);
                        pipeviewer.BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { m_Core.RefreshStatus(); });

            // Close Callback
            () =>
                // remove the replacement on close (we could make this more sophisticated if there
                // was a place to control replaced resources/shaders).
                m_Core.Renderer.BeginInvoke((ReplayRenderer r) =>
                    pipeviewer.BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { m_Core.RefreshStatus(); });

        // start a shaderviewer to edit this shader, optionally generating stub GLSL if there isn't
        // GLSL source available for this shader.
        private void shaderedit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            VulkanPipelineState.ShaderStage stage = GetStageForSender(sender);

            if (stage == null) return;

            ShaderReflection shaderDetails = stage.ShaderDetails;

            if (stage.Shader == ResourceId.Null || shaderDetails == null) return;

            var files = new Dictionary<string, string>();

            // use disassembly for now. It's not compilable GLSL but it's better than
            // starting with a blank canvas
            files.Add("Disassembly", shaderDetails.Disassembly);

            VulkanPipelineStateViewer pipeviewer = this;

            ShaderViewer sv = new ShaderViewer(m_Core, false, "main", files,

            // Save Callback
            (ShaderViewer viewer, Dictionary<string, string> updatedfiles) =>
                string compileSource = "";
                foreach (var kv in updatedfiles)
                    compileSource += kv.Value;

                // invoke off to the ReplayRenderer to replace the log's shader
                // with our edited one
                m_Core.Renderer.BeginInvoke((ReplayRenderer r) =>
                    string errs = "";

                    ResourceId from = stage.Shader;
                    ResourceId to = r.BuildTargetShader("main", compileSource, shaderDetails.DebugInfo.compileFlags, stage.stage, out errs);

                    viewer.BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { viewer.ShowErrors(errs); });
                    if (to == ResourceId.Null)
                        pipeviewer.BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { m_Core.RefreshStatus(); });
                        r.ReplaceResource(from, to);
                        pipeviewer.BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { m_Core.RefreshStatus(); });

            // Close Callback
            () =>
                // remove the replacement on close (we could make this more sophisticated if there
                // was a place to control replaced resources/shaders).
                m_Core.Renderer.BeginInvoke((ReplayRenderer r) =>
                    pipeviewer.BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { m_Core.RefreshStatus(); });
