Пример #1
        //! Calculate satellite position at a single point in time

         *  \param tle of satellite
         *  \param EpochTime to calculate position
         *  \param int WGS-Data to use 0 = WGS_72; 1 = WGS_84
         *  \return SGP4Data containing satellite position data
        public static Sgp4Data getSatPositionAtTime(Tle satellite, EpochTime atTime, Sgp4.wgsConstant wgs)
            Sgp4 sgp4Propagator = new Sgp4(satellite, wgs);

            sgp4Propagator.runSgp4Cal(atTime, atTime, 1 / 60.0);
        public List <SurfaceSgp4Pair> GetCoordinatePairs(Tle satalite, DateTime from, DateTime to, int resolution)
            Sgp4 sgp4Propagator = new Sgp4(satalite, 1);

            var epochFrom = new EpochTime(from);
            var epochTo   = new EpochTime(to);

            var stepSize = (to - from).TotalMinutes / resolution;

            sgp4Propagator.runSgp4Cal(epochFrom, epochTo, stepSize);

            var results = sgp4Propagator.getRestults()
                          .Select((sgp, i) => {
                var time = from.AddMinutes(i * stepSize);
                return(new SurfaceSgp4Pair
                    TimePointUtc = time,
                    SatalitePoint = sgp,
                    SurfacePoint = this.GetMePosition(time)

Пример #3
        private List <Sgp4Data> CalculatePositionList(int start, int end)
            var startTime = new EpochTime(TimeKeeper.Now().AddMinutes(start));
            var endTime   = new EpochTime(TimeKeeper.Now().AddMinutes(end));

            var sgp4Propagator = new Sgp4(Tle, Sgp4.wgsConstant.WGS_84);

            sgp4Propagator.runSgp4Cal(startTime, endTime, 0.01);
Пример #4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Parse three line element
            Tle tleISS = ParserTLE.parseTle(
                "1 25544U 98067A   19132.30925117  .00001081  00000-0  24694-4 0  9993",
                "2 25544  51.6426 179.4820 0001363 344.4861  92.2261 15.52657683169680",
                "ISS 1");

            //Parse tle from file
            if (System.IO.File.Exists("tleData.txt"))
                List <Tle> tleList = ParserTLE.ParseFile("tleData.txt");

            //Get TLE from Space-Track.org
            //list of satellites by their NORAD ID
            string[] noradIDs = { "8709", "43572" };
                One_Sgp4.SpaceTrack.GetSpaceTrack(noradIDs, "USERNAME", "PASSWORD");
            catch { Console.Out.WriteLine("Error could not retrive TLE's from Space-Track, Login credentials might be wrong"); }

            //Create Time points
            EpochTime startTime   = new EpochTime(DateTime.UtcNow);
            EpochTime anotherTime = new EpochTime(2018, 100.5); //(Year 2018, 100 day at 12:00 HH)
            EpochTime stopTime    = new EpochTime(DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(1));

            //get time difference
            double daysSince = startTime - anotherTime;
            //throws exception if first time > second time
            //double daysSince = anotherTime - startTime;

            //compare Time points
            EpochTime compareTime = new EpochTime(2018, 100.5); //(Year 2018, 100 day at 12:00 HH)
            bool      equals      = anotherTime == compareTime;
            bool      notequals   = startTime != anotherTime;
            bool      greater     = startTime > anotherTime;
            bool      smaler      = anotherTime < startTime;

            //Add 15 Seconds to EpochTime
            //Add 20 Min to EpochTime
            //Add 1 hour to EpochTime
            //Add 2 Days to EpochTime

            //Calculate Satellite Position and Speed
            One_Sgp4.Sgp4 sgp4Propagator = new Sgp4(tleISS, Sgp4.wgsConstant.WGS_84);
            //set calculation parameters StartTime, EndTime and caclulation steps in minutes
            sgp4Propagator.runSgp4Cal(startTime, stopTime, 1 / 30.0); // 1/60 => caclulate sat points every 2 seconds
            List <One_Sgp4.Sgp4Data> resultDataList = new List <Sgp4Data>();

            //Return Results containing satellite Position x,y,z (ECI-Coordinates in Km) and Velocity x_d, y_d, z_d (ECI-Coordinates km/s)
            resultDataList = sgp4Propagator.getRestults();

            //Coordinate of an observer on Ground lat, long, height(in meters)
            One_Sgp4.Coordinate observer = new Coordinate(35.00, 18.0, 0);
            //Convert to ECI coordinate system
            One_Sgp4.Point3d eci = observer.toECI(startTime.getLocalSiderealTime());
            //Get Local SiderealTime for Observer
            double localSiderealTime = startTime.getLocalSiderealTime(observer.getLongitude());

            //Calculate if Satellite is Visible for a certain Observer on ground at certain timePoint
            bool satelliteIsVisible = One_Sgp4.SatFunctions.isSatVisible(observer, 0.0, startTime, resultDataList[0]);

            //Calculate Sperical Coordinates from an Observer to Satellite
            //returns 3D-Point with range(km), azimuth(radians), elevation(radians) to the Satellite
            One_Sgp4.Point3d spherical = One_Sgp4.SatFunctions.calcSphericalCoordinate(observer, startTime, resultDataList[0]);

            //Calculate the Next 5 Passes over a point
            //for a location, Satellite, StartTime, Accuracy in Seconds = 15sec, MaxNumber of Days = 5 Days, Wgs constant = WGS_84
            //Returns pass with Location, StartTime of Pass, EndTime Of Pass, Max Elevation in Degrees
            List <Pass> passes = One_Sgp4.SatFunctions.CalculatePasses(observer, tleISS, new EpochTime(DateTime.UtcNow), 15, 5, Sgp4.wgsConstant.WGS_84);

            foreach (var p in passes)
        public static async Task <Satellite> FindClosestSatellite(double userLat, double userLong, double userHeight)
            List <Tle> tleList = ParserTLE.ParseFile(pathToTLEData);

            Vector3 difference = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

            Satellite        closest    = new Satellite("Temporary Satellite. If you see this, you done messed up", double.MaxValue);
            List <Satellite> satellites = new List <Satellite>();

            One_Sgp4.Coordinate observer = new Coordinate(userLat, userLong, userHeight);

            for (int i = 0; i < tleList.Count; i++)
                //Create Time points
                EpochTime startTime = new EpochTime(DateTime.UtcNow);
                EpochTime stopTime  = new EpochTime(DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(1));

                One_Sgp4.Sgp4 sgp4Propagator = new Sgp4(tleList[i], Sgp4.wgsConstant.WGS_84);

                    sgp4Propagator.runSgp4Cal(startTime, stopTime, 0.5);
                    Console.WriteLine("Something went wrong with " + tleList[i].getName());

                List <One_Sgp4.Sgp4Data> resultDataList = new List <Sgp4Data>();
                //Return Results containing satellite Position x,y,z (ECI-Coordinates in Km) and Velocity x_d, y_d, z_d (ECI-Coordinates km/s)
                resultDataList = sgp4Propagator.getResults();

                    double localSiderealTime = startTime.getLocalSiderealTime(observer.getLongitude());

                    Sgp4Data grrPoint = One_Sgp4.SatFunctions.getSatPositionAtTime(tleList[0], startTime, Sgp4.wgsConstant.WGS_84);

                    One_Sgp4.Point3d sphCoordsSat = One_Sgp4.SatFunctions.calcSphericalCoordinate(observer, startTime, resultDataList[0]);

                    double distance = sphCoordsSat.x;

                    Satellite satellite = new Satellite(tleList[i].getName(), distance);

                    if (distance < closest.distance)
                        closest = satellite;
                    //Something went wrong with a satellite, skipped

            closest.distance = Math.Round(closest.distance, 2);


            //Console.WriteLine("Done: " + satellites.Count + " satellites successfully analyzed from " + tleList.Count + " in the dataset.");
            //Console.WriteLine("The closest active satellite is " + closest.name.Trim() + " which is " + Math.Round(closest.distance, 2).ToString() + " kilometres away from you. Time: " + DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss"));
Пример #6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Parse three line element
            Tle tleISS = ParserTLE.parseTle(
                "1 25544U 98067A   19097.23063721 -.00000469  00000-0  00000+0 0  9999",
                "2 25544  51.6449 353.9503 0002279 151.1697 290.4275 15.52495932164239",
                "ISS 1");

            //Parse tle from file
            if (System.IO.File.Exists("tleData.txt"))
                List <Tle> tleList = ParserTLE.ParseFile("tleData.txt");

            //Get TLE from Space-Track.org
            //list of satellites by their NORAD ID
            string[] noradIDs = { "8709", "43572" };
                One_Sgp4.SpaceTrack.GetSpaceTrack(noradIDs, "USERNAME", "PASSWORD");
            catch { Console.Out.WriteLine("Error could not retrive TLE's from Space-Track, Login credentials might be wrong"); }

            //Create Time points
            EpochTime startTime   = new EpochTime(DateTime.UtcNow);
            EpochTime anotherTime = new EpochTime(2018, 100.5); //(Year 2017, 100 day at 12:00 HH)
            EpochTime stopTime    = new EpochTime(DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(1));

            //Add 15 Seconds to EpochTime
            //Add 20 Min to EpochTime
            //Add 1 hour to EpochTime
            //Add 2 Days to EpochTime

            //Calculate Satellite Position and Speed
            One_Sgp4.Sgp4 sgp4Propagator = new Sgp4(tleISS, Sgp4.wgsConstant.WGS_84);
            //set calculation parameters StartTime, EndTime and caclulation steps in minutes
            sgp4Propagator.runSgp4Cal(startTime, stopTime, 1 / 30.0); // 1/60 => caclulate sat points every 2 seconds
            List <One_Sgp4.Sgp4Data> resultDataList = new List <Sgp4Data>();

            //Return Results containing satellite Position x,y,z (ECI-Coordinates in Km) and Velocity x_d, y_d, z_d (ECI-Coordinates km/s)
            resultDataList = sgp4Propagator.getRestults();

            //Coordinate of an observer on Ground lat, long, height(in meters)
            One_Sgp4.Coordinate observer = new Coordinate(35.554595, 18.888574, 0);
            //Convert to ECI coordinate system
            One_Sgp4.Point3d eci = observer.toECI(startTime.getLocalSiderealTime());
            //Get Local SiderealTime for Observer
            double localSiderealTime = startTime.getLocalSiderealTime(observer.getLongitude());

            //TESTING MIR

            //TEST ECI
            EpochTime T_eciTime = new EpochTime(09, 00, 00, 1995, 10, 1);

            //Test GMST
            if (T_eciTime.getLocalSiderealTime() == 2.524218)
            Coordinate T_eciCoo = new Coordinate(40, -75);
            var        t_eci    = T_eciCoo.toECI(T_eciTime.getLocalSiderealTime());
            //Coordinate equals x' = 1703.295 km, y' = 4586.650 km, z' = 4077.984 km.

            EpochTime  t_time = new EpochTime(12, 46, 0, 1995, 11, 18);
            Coordinate t_cord = new Coordinate(45.0, -93);
            Sgp4Data   mirPos = new Sgp4Data();

            var lookAngels = SatFunctions.calcSphericalCoordinate(t_cord, t_time, mirPos);
            var onGround   = SatFunctions.calcSatSubPoint(t_time, mirPos, Sgp4.wgsConstant.WGS_72);
            var r          = t_cord.toECI(t_time.getLocalSiderealTime());

            //Calculate if Satellite is Visible for a certain Observer on ground at certain timePoint
            bool satelliteIsVisible = One_Sgp4.SatFunctions.isSatVisible(observer, 0.0, startTime, resultDataList[0]);

            //Calculate Sperical Coordinates from an Observer to Satellite
            //returns 3D-Point with range(km), azimuth(radians), elevation(radians) to the Satellite
            One_Sgp4.Point3d spherical = One_Sgp4.SatFunctions.calcSphericalCoordinate(observer, startTime, resultDataList[0]);

            //Calculate the Next 5 Passes over a point
            //for a location, Satellite, StartTime, Accuracy in Seconds = 15sec, MaxNumber of Days = 5 Days, Wgs constant = WGS_84
            //Returns pass with Location, StartTime of Pass, EndTime Of Pass, Max Elevation in Degrees
            List <Pass> passes = One_Sgp4.SatFunctions.CalculatePasses(observer, tleISS, new EpochTime(DateTime.UtcNow), 15, 5, Sgp4.wgsConstant.WGS_84);

            foreach (var p in passes)