Пример #1

        /// Run the plug-in at a particular timestep.
        public override void Run()
            UI.WriteLine("Processing landscape for wind events ...");

            SiteVars.Event.SiteValues = null;
            SiteVars.Severity.ActiveSiteValues = 0;

            int eventCount = 0;
            foreach (ActiveSite site in Model.Core.Landscape) {
                Event windEvent = Event.Initiate(site, Timestep);
                if (windEvent != null) {
                    LogEvent(Model.Core.CurrentTime, windEvent);
            UI.WriteLine("  Wind events: {0}", eventCount);

            //  Write wind severity map
            IOutputRaster<SeverityPixel> map = CreateMap(Model.Core.CurrentTime);
            using (map) {
                SeverityPixel pixel = new SeverityPixel();
                foreach (Site site in Model.Core.Landscape.AllSites) {
                    if (site.IsActive) {
                        if (SiteVars.Disturbed[site])
                            pixel.Band0 = (byte) (SiteVars.Severity[site] + 1);
                            pixel.Band0 = 1;
                    else {
                        //  Inactive site
                        pixel.Band0 = 0;

        /// Run the plug-in at a particular timestep.
        public override void Run()
            UI.WriteLine("Processing landscape for Fire events ...");

            SiteVars.Event.SiteValues = null;
            SiteVars.Severity.ActiveSiteValues = 0;
            SiteVars.Disturbed.ActiveSiteValues = false;

            foreach (IEcoregion ecoregion in Model.Core.Ecoregions)
                if (ecoregion.Active)
                    summaryEcoregionEventCount[ecoregion.Index] = 0;

            summaryTotalSites = 0;
            summaryEventCount = 0;
            foreach (ActiveSite site in Model.Core.Landscape) {
                Event FireEvent = Event.Initiate(site, Model.Core.CurrentTime, Timestep);
                if (FireEvent != null) {
                    LogEvent(Model.Core.CurrentTime, FireEvent);
            //UI.WriteLine("  Fire events: {0}", summaryEventCount);

            //  Write Fire severity map
            string path = MapNames.ReplaceTemplateVars(mapNameTemplate, Model.Core.CurrentTime);
            IOutputRaster<SeverityPixel> map = CreateMap(path);
            using (map) {
                SeverityPixel pixel = new SeverityPixel();
                foreach (Site site in Model.Core.Landscape.AllSites) {
                    if (site.IsActive) {
                        if (SiteVars.Disturbed[site])
                            pixel.Band0 = (byte) (SiteVars.Severity[site] + 1);
                            pixel.Band0 = 1;
                    else {
                        //  Inactive site
                        pixel.Band0 = 0;

Пример #3
        /// Run the BDA extension at a particular timestep.
        public override void Run()
            UI.WriteLine("Processing landscape for BDA events ...");

            //SiteVars.Epidemic.SiteValues = null;

            int eventCount = 0;

            foreach(IAgent activeAgent in manyAgentParameters)

                activeAgent.TimeSinceLastEpidemic += Timestep;
                //UI.WriteLine("TimeSince={0}, TimeToNext={1}", activeAgent.TimeSinceLastEpidemic, activeAgent.TimeToNextEpidemic);
                    //(activeAgent.TimeSinceLastEpidemic+ activeAgent.TimeToNextEpidemic));

                int ROS = RegionalOutbreakStatus(activeAgent, Timestep);

                if(ROS > 0)
                    Epidemic currentEpic = Epidemic.Simulate(activeAgent,
                    //activeAgent.TimeSinceLastEpidemic = activeAgent.TimeSinceLastEpidemic + Timestep;

                    if (currentEpic != null)
                        LogEvent(Model.Core.CurrentTime, currentEpic, ROS);

                        //----- Write BDA severity maps --------
                        IOutputRaster<SeverityPixel> map = CreateMap(Model.Core.CurrentTime, activeAgent.AgentName);
                        using (map) {
                            SeverityPixel pixel = new SeverityPixel();
                            foreach (Site site in Model.Core.Landscape.AllSites) {
                                if (site.IsActive) {
                                    if (SiteVars.Disturbed[site])
                                        pixel.Band0 = (byte) (activeAgent.Severity[site] + 1);
                                        pixel.Band0 = 1;
                                else {
                                    //  Inactive site
                                    pixel.Band0 = 0;
                        if (!(srdMapNames == ""))
                            //----- Write BDA SRD maps --------
                            IOutputRaster<UShortPixel> srdmap = CreateSRDMap(Model.Core.CurrentTime, activeAgent.AgentName);
                            using (srdmap)
                                UShortPixel pixel = new UShortPixel();
                                foreach (Site site in Model.Core.Landscape.AllSites)
                                    if (site.IsActive)
                                        pixel.Band0 = (ushort)System.Math.Round(SiteVars.SiteResourceDom[site] * 100.00);
                                        //  Inactive site
                                        pixel.Band0 = 0;
                        if (!(nrdMapNames == ""))
                            //----- Write BDA NRD maps --------
                            IOutputRaster<UShortPixel> nrdmap = CreateNRDMap(Model.Core.CurrentTime, activeAgent.AgentName);
                            using (nrdmap)
                                UShortPixel pixel = new UShortPixel();
                                foreach (Site site in Model.Core.Landscape.AllSites)
                                    if (site.IsActive)
                                        pixel.Band0 = (ushort)System.Math.Round(SiteVars.NeighborResourceDom[site] * 100.00);
                                        //  Inactive site
                                        pixel.Band0 = 0;

                        //----- Write Site Vulnerability or OutbreakZone maps --------
                        //----- USED FOR LANDSCAPE TESTING -----------
                        /*IOutputRaster<UShortPixel> dmap = CreateUShortMap(Model.Core.CurrentTimestep, activeAgent.AgentName);
                        using (dmap) {
                            UShortPixel pixel = new UShortPixel();
                            foreach (Site site in Model.Core.Landscape.AllSites) {
                                if (site.IsActive) {
                                    //pixel.Band0 = (ushort) (activeAgent.OutbreakZone[site]);
                                    pixel.Band0 = (ushort) (SiteVars.Vulnerability[site] * 100);
                                else {
                                    //  Inactive site
                                    pixel.Band0 = 0;

                        /*IOutputRaster<UShortPixel> nmap = CreateUShortMap2(Model.Core.CurrentTimestep, activeAgent.AgentName);
                        using (nmap) {
                            UShortPixel pixel = new UShortPixel();
                            foreach (Site site in Model.Landscape.AllSites) {
                                if (site.IsActive) {
                                    //pixel.Band0 = (ushort) (activeAgent.OutbreakZone[site]);
                                    pixel.Band0 = (ushort) System.Math.Round(SiteVars.NeighborResourceDom[site] * 100.00);
                                else {
                                    //  Inactive site
                                    pixel.Band0 = 0;


        /// Run the plug-in at a particular timestep.
        public override void Run()
            if (isDebugEnabled)
                UI.WriteLine("Running {0} at time = {1}", Name, Model.Core.CurrentTime);

            UI.WriteLine("   Processing landscape for Fire events ...");

            SiteVars.Event.SiteValues = null;
            SiteVars.Severity.ActiveSiteValues = 0;
            SiteVars.Disturbed.ActiveSiteValues = false;
            SiteVars.TravelTime.ActiveSiteValues = Double.PositiveInfinity;
            SiteVars.MinNeighborTravelTime.ActiveSiteValues = Double.PositiveInfinity;
            SiteVars.RateOfSpread.ActiveSiteValues = 0.0;

            foreach (IFireRegion fire_region in FireRegions.Dataset)
                summaryFireRegionEventCount[fire_region.Index] = 0;
                summaryFireRegionSeverity[fire_region.Index] = 0;

            summaryTotalSites = 0;
            summaryEventCount = 0;

            // Update the FireRegions Map as necessary:
            //UI.WriteLine("    Dynamic Fire:  Loading Dynamic Fire Regions...");
            foreach(IDynamicFireRegion dyneco in dynamicEcos)
                 if(dyneco.Year == Model.Core.CurrentTime)
                    UI.WriteLine("   Reading in new Fire FireRegions Map {0}.", dyneco.MapName);
                     foreach (IFireRegion fire_region in FireRegions.Dataset)
                         fire_region.FireRegionSites = new List<Location>();
                    FireRegions.ReadMap(dyneco.MapName); //Sites added to their respective fire_region lists

            //Update the weather table as necessary:
            //UI.WriteLine("    Dynamic Fire:  Loading Dynamic Weather ...");
            foreach (IDynamicWeather dynweather in dynamicWeather)
                if (dynweather.Year == Model.Core.CurrentTime)
                    UI.WriteLine("  Reading in new Weather Table {0}", dynweather.FileName);
                    WeatherDataTable = Weather.ReadWeatherFile(dynweather.FileName, FireRegions.Dataset, seasonParameters);
                    //Weather.ReadFileName(, seasonParameters, FireRegions.Dataset);

            // Fill in open types as needed:
            if (isDebugEnabled)
                UI.WriteLine("Filling open types as needed ...");

            UI.WriteLine("      Dynamic Fire:  Filling open types as needed ...");
            foreach (ActiveSite site in Model.Core.Landscape)
                IFireRegion fire_region = SiteVars.FireRegion[site];

                if(fire_region == null)
                    throw new System.ApplicationException("Error: SiteVars.FireRegion is empty.");

                //if(SiteVars.CFSFuelType[site] == 0)
                //    throw new System.ApplicationException("Error: SiteVars.CFSFuelType is empty.");

                if(Event.FuelTypeParms[SiteVars.CFSFuelType[site]] == null)
                    UI.WriteLine("Error:  SiteVars.CFSFuelType[site]={0}.", SiteVars.CFSFuelType[site]);
                    throw new System.ApplicationException("Error: Event BaseFuel Empty.");

                if(Event.FuelTypeParms[SiteVars.CFSFuelType[site]].BaseFuel == BaseFuelType.NoFuel)
                    if(SiteVars.PercentDeadFir[site] == 0)
                        SiteVars.CFSFuelType[site] = fire_region.OpenFuelType;
            if (isDebugEnabled)
                UI.WriteLine("Done filling open types");

            UI.WriteLine("      Dynamic Fire:  Igniting Fires ...");
            foreach (IFireRegion fire_region in FireRegions.Dataset)
                if (fire_region.EcoIgnitionNum > 0)
                    PoissonDistribution randVar = new PoissonDistribution(RandomNumberGenerator.Singleton);
                    double doubleLambda;
                    int ignGenerated = 0;

                    if (isDebugEnabled)
                        UI.WriteLine("{0}: EcoIgnitionNum = {1}, computing ignGenerated ...",
                                             fire_region.Name, fire_region.EcoIgnitionNum);
                    if (fire_region.EcoIgnitionNum < 1)
                        // Adjust ignition probability for multiple years
                        // (The inverse of the probability of NOT having any ignition for the time period.)
                        // P = 1 - (1-Pignition)^timestep
                        //doubleLambda = 1 - System.Math.Pow(1.0 - fire_region.EcoIgnitionNum, Timestep);

                        for (int i = 1; i <= Timestep; i++)
                            int annualFires = 0;
                            if (Util.Random.GenerateUniform() <= fire_region.EcoIgnitionNum)
                                annualFires = 1;
                            ignGenerated += annualFires;
                        doubleLambda = fire_region.EcoIgnitionNum;
                        bool boolLarge = false;

                        // 745 is the upper limit for valid Poisson lambdas.  If greater than
                        // 745, divide by 10 and readjust back up below.
                        if (doubleLambda > 745)
                            doubleLambda = doubleLambda / 10;
                            boolLarge = true;
                        //bool boolLambda = randVar.IsValidLambda(doubleLambda);
                        randVar.Lambda = doubleLambda;

                        for (int i = 1; i <= Timestep; i++)
                            int annualFires = randVar.Next();
                            if (boolLarge)
                                annualFires = annualFires * 10;  //readjust if necessary.
                            ignGenerated += annualFires;
                    if (isDebugEnabled)
                        UI.WriteLine("  ignGenerated = {0}; Shuffling {0} cells ...",
                                             ignGenerated, fire_region.FireRegionSites.Count);

                    List<Location> cellsPerFireRegion = fire_region.FireRegionSites;
                    int fireCount = 0;

                    //Try to create poissonNumber of fires in each fire_region.
                    //Fires should only initiate if a fire event has not previously occurred
                    //at that site.
                    if (isDebugEnabled)
                        UI.WriteLine("  Trying to create fires... ");
                        UI.WriteLine("    there are {0} site locations in fire region {1}", cellsPerFireRegion.Count, fire_region.Name);

                    foreach (Location siteLocation in cellsPerFireRegion)

                        Site site = Model.Core.Landscape.GetSite(siteLocation);

                        ActiveSite asite = site as ActiveSite;

                        if (fireCount >= ignGenerated) continue;  //exit loop if the required number of fires has occurred.
                        if (SiteVars.Event[asite] == null)
                            if (isDebugEnabled)
                                UI.WriteLine("    fireCount = {0}", fireCount);
                            Event FireEvent = Event.Initiate(asite, Timestep, fireSizeType, bui, seasonParameters, severityCalibrate);
                            if (isDebugEnabled)
                                UI.WriteLine("    fire event {0}started at {1}",
                                                     FireEvent == null ? "not ": "",
                            if (FireEvent != null)
                                LogEvent(Model.Core.CurrentTime, FireEvent);
                            //fireCount++;  //RMS test


            // Track the time of last fire; registered in SiteVars.cs for other extensions to access.
            if (isDebugEnabled)
                UI.WriteLine("Assigning TimeOfLastFire site var ...");
            foreach (Site site in Model.Core.Landscape.AllSites)
                    SiteVars.TimeOfLastFire[site] = Model.Core.CurrentTime;

            //  Write Fire severity map
            UI.WriteLine("      Dynamic Fire:  Write Severity Map ...");

            string path = MapNames.ReplaceTemplateVars(mapNameTemplate, Model.Core.CurrentTime);
            IOutputRaster<SeverityPixel> map = CreateMap(path);
            using (map) {
                SeverityPixel pixel = new SeverityPixel();
                foreach (Site site in Model.Core.Landscape.AllSites) {
                    if (site.IsActive) {
                        if (SiteVars.Disturbed[site])
                            pixel.Band0 = (byte)(SiteVars.Severity[site] + 2);
                            summaryFireRegionSeverity[SiteVars.FireRegion[site].Index] += SiteVars.Severity[site];
                            pixel.Band0 = 1;
                    else {
                        //  Inactive site
                        pixel.Band0 = 0;
            //  Write travel time map

            path = MapNames.ReplaceTemplateVars("./DFFS-output/travel-time-{timestep}.gis", Model.Core.CurrentTime);
            IOutputRaster<UShortPixel> umap = CreateTravelTimeMap(path);
            using (umap) {
                UShortPixel pixel = new UShortPixel();
                          foreach (Site site in Model.Core.Landscape.AllSites) {
                    if (site.IsActive) {
                        if (!Double.IsPositiveInfinity(SiteVars.TravelTime[site]))
                        //if (SiteVars.Event[site] != null)
                            pixel.Band0 = (ushort) ((SiteVars.TravelTime[site]) + 2);
                            pixel.Band0 = 1;
                    else {
                        //  Inactive site
                        pixel.Band0 = 0;
            //  Write topo map
            path = MapNames.ReplaceTemplateVars("./DFFS-output/topo-{timestep}.gis", Model.Core.CurrentTime);
            IOutputRaster<TopoPixel> tmap = CreateTopoMap(path);
            using (tmap)
                TopoPixel pixel = new TopoPixel();
                foreach (Site site in Model.Core.Landscape.AllSites)
                    if (site.IsActive)
                        pixel.Band0 = (ushort)(SiteVars.GroundSlope[site]);

                        //  Inactive site
                        pixel.Band0 = 0;
            //  Write wind speed map

            path = MapNames.ReplaceTemplateVars("./DFFS-output/WSV-{timestep}.gis", Model.Core.CurrentTime);
            IOutputRaster<UShortPixel> wsvmap = CreateTravelTimeMap(path);
            using (wsvmap)
                UShortPixel pixel = new UShortPixel();
                foreach (Site site in Model.Core.Landscape.AllSites)
                    if (site.IsActive)
                        pixel.Band0 = (ushort)(SiteVars.SiteWindSpeed[site]);

                        //  Inactive site
                        pixel.Band0 = 0;
            //  Write wind direction map

            path = MapNames.ReplaceTemplateVars("./DFFS-output/WindDir-{timestep}.gis", Model.Core.CurrentTime);
            IOutputRaster<UShortPixel> winddirmap = CreateTravelTimeMap(path);
            using (winddirmap)
                UShortPixel pixel = new UShortPixel();
                foreach (Site site in Model.Core.Landscape.AllSites)
                    if (site.IsActive)
                        pixel.Band0 = (ushort)(SiteVars.SiteWindDirection[site]);

                        //  Inactive site
                        pixel.Band0 = 0;
            //  Write ROS map

            /*path = MapNames.ReplaceTemplateVars("./DFFS-output/ROS-{timestep}.gis", Model.Core.CurrentTime);
            IOutputRaster<UShortPixel> rosmap = CreateTravelTimeMap(path);
            using (rosmap)
                UShortPixel pixel = new UShortPixel();
                foreach (Site site in Model.Core.Landscape.AllSites)
                    if (site.IsActive)
                        pixel.Band0 = (ushort)((SiteVars.RateOfSpread[site]) + 1);

                        //  Inactive site
                        pixel.Band0 = 0;

            //  Write AdjROS map

            path = MapNames.ReplaceTemplateVars("./DFFS-output/AdjROS-{timestep}.gis", Model.Core.CurrentTime);
            IOutputRaster<UShortPixel> adjmap = CreateTravelTimeMap(path);
            using (adjmap)
                UShortPixel pixel = new UShortPixel();
                foreach (Site site in Model.Core.Landscape.AllSites)
                    if (site.IsActive)
                        pixel.Band0 = (ushort)(((SiteVars.AdjROS[site]) * 100) + 1);

                        //  Inactive site
                        pixel.Band0 = 0;

            //  Write TimeOfLastFire map

            path = MapNames.ReplaceTemplateVars("./DFFS-output/TimeOfLastFire-{timestep}.gis", Model.Core.CurrentTime);
            IOutputRaster<UShortPixel> tolfMap = CreateTravelTimeMap(path);
            using (tolfMap)
                UShortPixel pixel = new UShortPixel();
                foreach (Site site in Model.Core.Landscape.AllSites)
                    if (site.IsActive)
                        pixel.Band0 = (ushort)(SiteVars.TimeOfLastFire[site]);

                        //  Inactive site
                        pixel.Band0 = 0;


            if (isDebugEnabled)
                UI.WriteLine("Done running extension");
Пример #5

        /// Run the plug-in at a particular timestep.
        public override void Run()
            UI.WriteLine("Processing landscape for Fire events ...");

            SiteVars.Event.SiteValues = null;
            SiteVars.Severity.ActiveSiteValues = 0;
            SiteVars.Disturbed.ActiveSiteValues = false;
            SiteVars.TravelTime.ActiveSiteValues = Double.PositiveInfinity;
            SiteVars.MinNeighborTravelTime.ActiveSiteValues = Double.PositiveInfinity;
            SiteVars.RateOfSpread.ActiveSiteValues = 0.0;
            // Fill in open types as needed:
            foreach (ActiveSite site in Model.Core.Landscape) 
                if((FuelTypeCode) SiteVars.CFSFuelType[site] == FuelTypeCode.NoFuel)
                    IEcoregion ecoregion = SiteVars.Ecoregion[site];
                    IMoreEcoregionParameters fireParms = ecoregion.MoreEcoregionParameters;
                    SiteVars.CFSFuelType[site] = (int) fireParms.OpenFuelType;

            foreach (IEcoregion ecoregion in Ecoregions.Dataset)
                summaryEcoregionEventCount[ecoregion.Index] = 0;

            summaryTotalSites = 0;
            summaryEventCount = 0;
            //-----Edited by BRM to incorporate Poisson selection of ignition #-----
            //-----This section is original method
            foreach (ActiveSite site in Model.Core.Landscape) 
                IEcoregion ecoregion = SiteVars.Ecoregion[site];
                IMoreEcoregionParameters fireParms = ecoregion.MoreEcoregionParameters;
                if(Util.Random.GenerateUniform() <= fireParms.EcoIgnitionProb)
                    Event FireEvent = Event.Initiate(site, Timestep, fireSizeType, bui, seasonParameters, windDirectionParameters);
                    if (FireEvent != null) 
                        LogEvent(Model.Core.CurrentTime, FireEvent);
            //-----This section replaces removed section above-----
            foreach (IEcoregion ecoregion in Ecoregions.Dataset)
                IMoreEcoregionParameters fireParms = ecoregion.MoreEcoregionParameters;
                if (fireParms.EcoIgnitionProb > 0)
                    PoissonDistribution randVar = new PoissonDistribution(RandomNumberGenerator.Singleton);
                    double doubleLambda;
                    int ignGenerated = 0;
                    if (fireParms.EcoIgnitionProb < 1)
                        doubleLambda = fireParms.EcoIgnitionProb * Timestep;
                        if (doubleLambda < 1)
                            if (Util.Random.GenerateUniform() <= doubleLambda)
                                randVar.Lambda = 1;
                                ignGenerated = randVar.Next();
                                ignGenerated = 0;

                            randVar.Lambda = doubleLambda;
                            ignGenerated = randVar.Next();
                        doubleLambda = fireParms.EcoIgnitionProb;
                        bool boolLarge = false;
                        if (doubleLambda > 745)
                            doubleLambda = doubleLambda / 10;
                            boolLarge = true;
                        bool boolLambda = randVar.IsValidLambda(doubleLambda);
                        randVar.Lambda = doubleLambda;
                        for (int i = 1; i <= Timestep; i++)
                            int annualFires = randVar.Next();
                            if (boolLarge)
                                annualFires = annualFires * 10;
                            ignGenerated += annualFires;
                    List<Location> cellsPerEcoregion = ecoregion.MoreEcoregionParameters.EcoregionSites;
                    int fireCount = 0;

                    //Try to create poissonNumber of fires in each ecoregion.
                    //Fires should only initiate if a fire event has not previously occurred 
                    //at that site.

                    foreach (Location siteLocation in cellsPerEcoregion)

                        Site site = Model.Core.Landscape.GetSite(siteLocation);

                        ActiveSite asite = site as ActiveSite;

                        if (fireCount >= ignGenerated) continue;  //exit loop if the required number of fires has occurred.
                        if (SiteVars.Event[asite] == null)
                            Event FireEvent = Event.Initiate(asite, Timestep, fireSizeType, bui, seasonParameters, windDirectionParameters);
                            if (FireEvent != null)
                                LogEvent(Model.Core.CurrentTime, FireEvent);


            //UI.WriteLine("  Fire events: {0}", summaryEventCount);

            //  Write Fire severity map
            string path = MapNames.ReplaceTemplateVars(mapNameTemplate, Model.Core.CurrentTime);
            IOutputRaster<SeverityPixel> map = CreateMap(path);
            using (map) {
                SeverityPixel pixel = new SeverityPixel();
                foreach (Site site in Model.Core.Landscape.AllSites) {
                    if (site.IsActive) {
                        if (SiteVars.Disturbed[site])
                            pixel.Band0 = (byte) (SiteVars.Severity[site] + 2);
                            pixel.Band0 = 1;
                    else {
                        //  Inactive site
                        pixel.Band0 = 0;
            //  Write travel time map
            path = MapNames.ReplaceTemplateVars("./tests/Fire-2006/travel-time-{timestep}.gis", Model.Core.CurrentTime);
            //path = MapNames.ReplaceTemplateVars(mapNameTemplate, Model.Core.CurrentTime);
            IOutputRaster<UShortPixel> umap = CreateTravelTimeMap(path);
            using (umap) {
                UShortPixel pixel = new UShortPixel();
                foreach (Site site in Model.Core.Landscape.AllSites) {
                    if (site.IsActive) {
                        if (!Double.IsPositiveInfinity(SiteVars.TravelTime[site]))
                        //if (SiteVars.Event[site] != null)
                            pixel.Band0 = (ushort) ((SiteVars.TravelTime[site]) + 2);
                            pixel.Band0 = 1;
                    else {
                        //  Inactive site
                        pixel.Band0 = 0;

            //  Write topo map
            path = MapNames.ReplaceTemplateVars("./tests/Fire-2006/topo-{timestep}.gis", Model.Core.CurrentTime);
            //path = MapNames.ReplaceTemplateVars(mapNameTemplate, Model.Core.CurrentTime);
            IOutputRaster<TopoPixel> tmap = CreateTopoMap(path);
            using (tmap)
                TopoPixel pixel = new TopoPixel();
                foreach (Site site in Model.Core.Landscape.AllSites)
                    if (site.IsActive)
                        pixel.Band0 = (ushort)(SiteVars.GroundSlope[site]);
                        //  Inactive site
                        pixel.Band0 = 0;
            //  Write wind speed map
            path = MapNames.ReplaceTemplateVars("./tests/Fire-2006/WSV-{timestep}.gis", Model.Core.CurrentTime);
            //path = MapNames.ReplaceTemplateVars(mapNameTemplate, Model.Core.CurrentTime);
            IOutputRaster<UShortPixel> wsvmap = CreateTravelTimeMap(path);
            using (wsvmap)
                UShortPixel pixel = new UShortPixel();
                foreach (Site site in Model.Core.Landscape.AllSites)
                    if (site.IsActive)
                        pixel.Band0 = (ushort)(SiteVars.SiteWindSpeed[site]);

                        //  Inactive site
                        pixel.Band0 = 0;

            //  Write ROS map
            path = MapNames.ReplaceTemplateVars("./tests/Fire-2006/ROS-{timestep}.gis", Model.Core.CurrentTime);
            //path = MapNames.ReplaceTemplateVars(mapNameTemplate, Model.Core.CurrentTime);
            IOutputRaster<UShortPixel> rosmap = CreateTravelTimeMap(path);
            using (rosmap)
                UShortPixel pixel = new UShortPixel();
                foreach (Site site in Model.Core.Landscape.AllSites)
                    if (site.IsActive)
                        pixel.Band0 = (ushort)(SiteVars.RateOfSpread[site]);

                        //  Inactive site
                        pixel.Band0 = 0;

            //  Write AdjROS map
            path = MapNames.ReplaceTemplateVars("./tests/Fire-2006/AdjROS-{timestep}.gis", Model.Core.CurrentTime);
            //path = MapNames.ReplaceTemplateVars(mapNameTemplate, Model.Core.CurrentTime);
            IOutputRaster<UShortPixel> adjmap = CreateTravelTimeMap(path);
            using (adjmap)
                UShortPixel pixel = new UShortPixel();
                foreach (Site site in Model.Core.Landscape.AllSites)
                    if (site.IsActive)
                        pixel.Band0 = (ushort)((SiteVars.AdjROS[site]) * 100);

                        //  Inactive site
                        pixel.Band0 = 0;

