void App_Startup(object sender, StartupEventArgs e) { var process = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); var otherProcess = Process.GetProcesses().FirstOrDefault(p => p.ProcessName == process.ProcessName && p.Id != process.Id); if (otherProcess != null) { PerformRegularShutdownOprations = false; ShowWindow(otherProcess); Current.Shutdown(); return; } if (!UserSettings.HasSettings() || UserSettings.Settings.Devices.Count == 0) { var setupWindow = new SetupWindow(); setupWindow.Show(); } else { NormalStartup(e); } }
public void Execute(object parameter) { var setup = new SetupWindow(_workspace); setup.ShowDialog(); _workspace.FocusListView(); }
/// <summary> /// Handles the OpenSetupRequested event. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The sender<see cref="object"/>.</param> /// <param name="e">The e<see cref="ViewModelEventArgs"/>.</param> private void Vm_OpenSetupRequested(object sender, ViewModelEventArgs e) { WpfHelper.SetWindowSettings(Window.GetWindow(this)); var win = new SetupWindow(); win.ShowDialog(); }
void App_Startup(object sender, StartupEventArgs e) { var process = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); var otherProcess = Process.GetProcesses().FirstOrDefault(p => p.ProcessName == process.ProcessName && p.Id != process.Id); if (otherProcess != null) { PerformRegularShutdownOprations = false; ShowWindow(otherProcess); Current.Shutdown(); return; } if (!UserSettings.HasSettings() || UserSettings.Settings.Devices.Count == 0) { var setupWindow = new SetupWindow(); setupWindow.Show(); } else { var primaryColor = (Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString("#3FAE29"); var secondaryColor = (Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString("#2D2F30"); var baseTheme = Theme.Dark; var theme = Theme.Create(baseTheme, primaryColor, secondaryColor); Application.Current.Resources.SetTheme(theme); NormalStartup(e); } }
private static IEmulatorWindow SetupWindow(ISettings settings, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, ITextRecognition recognition) { IEmulatorWindow window = settings.EmulatorType switch { EmulatorType.NoxPlayer => new NoxWindow(settings.WindowName), EmulatorType.BlueStacks => new BluestacksWindow(loggerFactory.CreateLogger <BluestacksWindow>(), recognition, settings.WindowName), _ => throw new Exception("Invalid emulator type") }; try { window.Initialize(); } catch (FailedToFindWindowException) { var setup = new SetupWindow(); var vm = new SetupViewModel(loggerFactory.CreateLogger <SetupViewModel>(), recognition, settings); setup.DataContext = vm; vm.Saved += () => { setup.DialogResult = true; //setup.Hide(); }; if (setup.ShowDialog() != true) { Current.Shutdown(); } window = SetupWindow(settings, loggerFactory, recognition); } return(window); }
private void App_OnStartup(object sender, StartupEventArgs e) { this.controller = new ApplicationController(Current); var setupWindow = new SetupWindow(this.controller); setupWindow.Show(); }
private void App_OnStartup(object sender, StartupEventArgs e) { string commandArg = string.Empty; if (e.Args.Length > 0) { commandArg = e.Args[0].ToLower().Trim().Substring(0, 2); } switch (commandArg) { case "/p": // preview this.Shutdown(); break; case "/s": // screensaver this.controller = new ApplicationController(Current); this.StartScreensaver(); break; default: // no argument or /c both show config this.controller = new ApplicationController(Current); var setupWindow = new SetupWindow(this.controller); setupWindow.Show(); break; } }
static void Main() { //Application.EnableVisualStyles(); //Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); //Application.Run(new Form1()); string path = Application.ExecutablePath; EndogineHub endogine = new EndogineHub(path); string[] aAvailableStrategies = StageBase.GetAvailableRenderers(); //Endogine.MdiParent mdiParent = new MdiParent(); //SetupWindow wndSetup = new SetupWindow(aAvailableStrategies, mdiParent); SetupWindow wndSetup = new SetupWindow(aAvailableStrategies, null); wndSetup.ShowDialog(); Main main = new Main(); main.Show(); endogine.Init(main, null, null); main.EndogineInitDone(); MusicGame.Midi.Main game = new MusicGame.Midi.Main(); while (endogine.MainLoop()) { Application.DoEvents(); } }
public override void Execute(object parameter) { SetupWindow Setup = new SetupWindow(); Setup.Show(); //Setup.Owner = this; }
public void OpenSetup(Action OnSetupFinished) { if (Data.Settings.FirstTimeSetup) { SetupWindow setupWindow = new SetupWindow(this, OnSetupFinished); setupWindow.Owner = App.Current.MainWindow; setupWindow.Show(); } }
public static void ResetAllSettings(MainWindow mainWindow) { UserSettings.DeleteSettings(); var setupWindow = new SetupWindow(); setupWindow.Show(); mainWindow.Close(); }
public void ShowSetupDialog(MainWindow mainWindow = null) { _parent.Effect = new BlurEffect(); var setupWindow = new SetupWindow(mainWindow) { Owner = Window.GetWindow(_parent) }; setupWindow.ShowDialog(); _parent.Effect = new DropShadowEffect(); }
private SetupViewModel(Entities entities) { _entities = entities; MoveBack = new RelayCommand<int>(LoadPreviousVehicle); MoveForward = new RelayCommand<int>(LoadNextVehicle); Save = new RelayCommand<int>(SaveVechicle); Close = new RelayCommand<int>((i) => _window.Close()); Types = _entities.Types.ToList(); _window = new SetupWindow(); _window.DataContext = this; Load(_entities.Vehicles); _window.ShowDialog(); }
public void GetConnectionStringTest() { string connectionExp = ""; string part = @"Data Source=(LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB; AttachDbFilename="; string getPath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, @"..\..\..\")); string connectionPath = getPath + "dbs\\GODIETCUSTINFO.MDF"; string part2 = ";Integrated Security = True"; connectionExp = part + connectionPath + part2; SetupWindow sw = new SetupWindow(); string conRes = sw.GetConnectionString(); Assert.AreEqual(connectionExp, conRes); }
private void ConnectDatabase(object parameter) { log.Debug("Connect to database"); if (DatabaseConnection.ChangeDatabase(Directory, DbName)) { NotificationProvider.Info("Connected to:", ConnectedFile); SetupWindow?.Close(); } else { NotificationProvider.Error("Connection error", "Database connection failed."); } RaisePropertyChanged("ConnectionState"); RaisePropertyChanged("ConnectedFile"); }
/// <summary> /// Session command /// </summary> public void GoToSessionBuilder() { var window = new SetupWindow(); var mModel = new SetupViewModel(); window.DataContext = mModel; window.WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.CenterScreen; try { window.ShowDialog(); } catch (NullReferenceException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } }
private void CreateDatabase(object parameter) { log.Debug("Create database"); if (DatabaseConnection.CreateDatabase(Directory, DbName)) { RaisePropertyChanged("ConnectionState"); RaisePropertyChanged("ConnectedFile"); CollectDbNames(Directory); NotificationProvider.Info("Database created", "New database: " + DbName); NotificationProvider.Info("Connected to:", ConnectedFile); SetupWindow?.Close(); } else { NotificationProvider.Error("New database error", "Database creation failed."); } }
private void btnOpenJ_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var openFile = new OpenFileDialog(); openFile.FileName = CFiles.MotionParams; if (openFile.ShowDialog() == true) { JsonSerializer Jser = new JsonSerializer(); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(openFile.FileName); JsonReader Jreader = new JsonTextReader(sr); Xparam = Jser.Deserialize <MotionParams_Copy>(Jreader); sr.Close(); CFiles.MotionParams = openFile.FileName; Xparam.CopyParams(KM.CoordMotion.MotionParams); // copy the motion parameters to the KM instance SetupWindow st1 = new SetupWindow(KM.CoordMotion.MotionParams); st1.Show(); } }
private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { m_endogine = new EndogineHub(Application.ExecutablePath); string[] aAvailableStrategies = StageBase.GetAvailableRenderers(null); // string[] aAvailableStrategies = new string[]{Enum.GetName(typeof(EndogineHub.RenderStrategy), 0), Enum.GetName(typeof(EndogineHub.RenderStrategy), 1)}; if (Endogine.AppSettings.Instance.GetNodeText("MDI") != "false") { this.IsMdiContainer = true; } if (Endogine.AppSettings.Instance.GetNodeText("SetupDialog") != "false") { SetupWindow wndSetup = new SetupWindow(aAvailableStrategies, this); wndSetup.ShowDialog(); } m_formStage = new Main(); Form formMdiParent = (Form)null; if (this.IsMdiContainer) { this.Width = 800; this.Height = 600; this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; formMdiParent = this; m_formStage.MdiParent = this; } else { this.Visible = false; //TODO: this doesn't work this.Text = "Should be invisible!"; } //TODO: anyhow, it's strange to use a Form to start from, the project should probably be a console application. m_formStage.Show(); m_endogine.Init(m_formStage, formMdiParent, this); m_formStage.EndogineInitDone(); }
private void btnSaveJ_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { SetupWindow St2 = new SetupWindow(KM.CoordMotion.MotionParams); St2.Show(); }
private void User_ActiveEvent(int id, string name, int command) { if (command == ElementCommands.InfoModule) { Connection.SendMessage(new MessageClass(Connection.ID, id, Commands.GetInfo, 0)); } if (command == ElementCommands.SendModule) { Random r = new Random(); int gid = -1; bool ok = true; while (ok) { ok = false; gid = r.Next(1, Int32.MaxValue / 2); for (int i = 0; i < Setupers.Count; i++) { if (gid == Setupers[i].ID) { ok = true; } } } var setup = new SetupWindow(gid, id, name, Connection); Setupers.Add(setup); setup.Owner = this; setup.CloseEvent += (SetupWindow window) => { Setupers.Remove(window); GC.Collect(); }; setup.Show(); } if (command == ElementCommands.VideoModule) { Random r = new Random(); int gid = -1; bool ok = true; while (ok) { ok = false; gid = r.Next(1, Int32.MaxValue / 2); for (int i = 0; i < VideoWindows.Count; i++) { if (gid == VideoWindows[i].ID) { ok = true; } } } var video = new VideoWindow(gid, id, name, Connection); VideoWindows.Add(video); video.CloseEvent += (VideoWindow window) => { VideoWindows.Remove(window); GC.Collect(); }; video.Show(); } if (command == ElementCommands.FileModule) { Random r = new Random(); int gid = -1; bool ok = true; while (ok) { ok = false; gid = r.Next(1, Int32.MaxValue / 2); for (int i = 0; i < VideoWindows.Count; i++) { if (gid == VideoWindows[i].ID) { ok = true; } } } var fileWindow = new FileWindow(gid, id, name, Connection); FileWindows.Add(fileWindow); fileWindow.CloseEvent += (FileWindow window) => { FileWindows.Remove(window); GC.Collect(); }; fileWindow.Show(); } }
/// <summary> /// Inicia la configuración del PlugIn, esta debe ser una nueva ventana. /// </summary> public void startPluginConfiguration() { SetupWindow sw = new SetupWindow(); sw.Closed += new EventHandler(SetupWindow_Closed); sw.Show(); }