public override void Setup(BizTalkManager manager, Uri moxyUri) { if (SetupAction == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("The Setup action has not been configured for this Send Stop."); } SetupAction.Invoke(manager, moxyUri); base.Setup(manager, moxyUri); }
public static void IsGet(this ControlComponent component, string pathRegex, MiddlewareFunc middlewareFunc, SetupAction setup = null) { component.When(BuildGetFilter(pathRegex), middlewareFunc, setup); }
public IPipeline Use(MiddlewareFunc middleware, SetupAction setup = null) { _components.Add(new DelegateComponent(middleware, setup)); return this; }
public void Use(AppFunc app, SetupAction setup = null) { _components.Add(new DelegateComponent((env, next) => app(env), setup)); }
static void ActionAdd(SetupAction action) { _actions.Insert(0, action); }
public MiddleWareDelegateComponent(MiddlewareFunc middleware, SetupAction setup = null) { _middleware = middleware; _setup = setup; }
public void When(Func <Env, bool> shouldHandle, MiddlewareFunc middlewareFunc, SetupAction setup = null) { When(shouldHandle, new DelegateComponent(middlewareFunc, setup)); }
public void When(Func <Env, bool> shouldHandle, AppFunc appFunc, SetupAction setup = null) { When(shouldHandle, new DelegateComponent((env, _) => appFunc(env), setup)); }
public void Use(AppFunc app, SetupAction setup = null) { _components.Add(new MiddleWareDelegateComponent((env, next) => app(env), setup)); }
public IPipeline Use(MiddlewareFunc middleware, SetupAction setup = null) { _components.Add(new MiddleWareDelegateComponent(middleware, setup)); return(this); }
public void When(Func<Env, bool> shouldHandle, MiddlewareFunc middlewareFunc, SetupAction setup = null) { When(shouldHandle, new DelegateComponent(middlewareFunc, setup)); }
public void When(Func<Env, bool> shouldHandle, AppFunc appFunc, SetupAction setup = null) { When(shouldHandle, new DelegateComponent((env, _) => appFunc(env), setup)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var app = new CommandLineApplication(); app.Name = "taide"; app.Description = ".NET Core console app with argument parsing."; app.HelpOption(helpValues); var basicOption = app.Option("-o|--option<optionvalue>", "Some option value", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); app.OnExecute(() => { if (basicOption.HasValue()) { Console.WriteLine("Option was selected, value: {0}", basicOption.Value()); } else { app.ShowHint(); } return(0); }); app.Command("setup", (command) => { command.Description = "Creates commonly used variables and modules in Terraform project."; command.HelpOption(helpValues); command.OnExecute(() => { var action = new SetupAction(); action.Execute(); return(0); }); }); app.Command("create", (command) => { command.Description = "Creates a new Terraform project folder in the current directory."; command.HelpOption(helpValues); command.OnExecute(() => { var action = new CreateAction(); action.Execute(); return(0); }); }); app.Command("module", (command) => { command.Description = ""; command.HelpOption(helpValues); command.OnExecute(() => { var action = new ModuleAction(); action.Execute(); return(0); }); }); app.Command("variable", (command) => { command.Description = ""; command.HelpOption(helpValues); command.OnExecute(() => { var action = new VariableAction(); action.Execute(); return(0); }); }); app.Command("test", (command) => { command.Description = ""; command.HelpOption(helpValues); command.OnExecute(() => { var action = new TestAction(); action.Execute(); return(0); }); }); app.Execute(args); #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("Press any key to close..."); Console.ReadKey(); #endif }
public DelegateComponent(MiddlewareFunc middleware, SetupAction setup = null) { _middleware = middleware; _setup = setup; }