Пример #1
        private void BindData()
            FileName    = GetStringParameter("f", "");
            SettingName = GetStringParameter("gs", "");

            if (!FileName.Equals("") && !SettingName.Equals(""))
                List <string> presetFileLines = SettingsFiles.GetPresetFileLinesAsList(PTMagicBasePath, SettingName, FileName, PTMagicConfiguration);
                FileContent = SystemHelper.ConvertListToTokenString(presetFileLines, Environment.NewLine, false);
        public T Resolve <T>(string name = null)
            var matchingOnes = name == null
                ? SettingsFiles.Where(s => s.Type == typeof(T))
                : SettingsFiles.Where(s => s.Name == name);

            if (!matchingOnes.Any())
                throw new NullReferenceException(string.Format("None of the settings matched for {0}", name == null ? typeof(T).Name : name));
Пример #3
        internal void AddOrUpdate(SettingsFile settingsFile, string sectionName, SettingItem item)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sectionName))
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.Argument_Cannot_Be_Null_Or_Empty, nameof(sectionName));

            if (item == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(item));

            var currentSettings = Priority.Last(f => f.Equals(settingsFile));

            if (settingsFile.IsMachineWide || (currentSettings?.IsMachineWide ?? false))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Resources.CannotUpdateMachineWide);

            if (settingsFile.IsReadOnly || (currentSettings?.IsReadOnly ?? false))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Resources.CannotUpdateReadOnlyConfig);

            if (currentSettings == null)

            // If it is an update this will take care of it and modify the underlaying object, which is also referenced by _computedSections.
            settingsFile.AddOrUpdate(sectionName, item);

            // AddOrUpdate should have created this section, therefore this should always exist.
            settingsFile.TryGetSection(sectionName, out var settingFileSection);

            // If it is an add we have to manually add it to the _computedSections.
            var computedSectionExists = _computedSections.TryGetValue(sectionName, out var section);

            if (computedSectionExists && !section.Items.Contains(item))
                var existingItem = settingFileSection.Items.First(i => i.Equals(item));
            else if (!computedSectionExists)
                                      new VirtualSettingSection(settingFileSection));
        public static new (List <Dictionary <string, string> >, List <(string, string)>, List <string>) GetConfigurationSections()
            Serilog.Log.Debug("{0} {1}: GetConfigurationSections Enter at {2}", "PluginVAGameAOE", "GetConfigurationSections", DateTime.Now.ToString(StringConstantsVA.DATE_FORMAT));
            (List <Dictionary <string, string> > lDCs, List <(string, string)> lSFTs, List <string> lEVPs) = ATAP.Utilities.VoiceAttack.Game.Plugin.GetConfigurationSections();
            List <Dictionary <string, string> > DefaultConfigurations = new();
            List <(string, string)>             SettingsFiles         = new();
            List <string> CustomEnvironmentVariablePrefixs            = new();

            // Use the version of merge that throws an error if a duplicate key exists
            SettingsFiles.Add((StringConstants.SettingsFileName, StringConstants.SettingsFileNameSuffix));
            return(DefaultConfigurations, SettingsFiles, CustomEnvironmentVariablePrefixs);