Пример #1
        public static SettingsBag ReadSettings(XElement node)
            if (!node.Name.LocalName.Equals("Settings"))
                throw new InternalErrorException();

            var settings = SettingsBag.CreateDefault();

            foreach (var element in node.Elements("Setting"))
                var key   = element.Attribute("Key");
                var value = element.Attribute("Value");
                settings.Add(key.Value, value.Value);
Пример #2
        void Initialize()
            serverModeArray = new NSMutableArray();
            if (MacUI.AppDelegate.HasBuiltinFramework)
                serverModeArray.Add(new ServerModeModel(ServerMode.Builtin, "Builtin test framework"));
                serverModeArray.Add(new ServerModeModel(ServerMode.WaitForConnection, "Wait for connection"));
                serverModeArray.Add(new ServerModeModel(ServerMode.Local, "Run locally"));
                serverModeArray.Add(new ServerModeModel(ServerMode.Android, "Connect to Android"));
                serverModeArray.Add(new ServerModeModel(ServerMode.iOS, "Connect to iOS"));

            string currentMode;

            if (!SettingsBag.TryGetValue("ServerMode", out currentMode))
                currentMode = MacUI.AppDelegate.HasBuiltinFramework ? "Builtin" : "WaitForConnection";

            SettingsBag.DisableTimeouts = SettingsBag.LogLevel > SettingsBag.DisableTimeoutsAtLogLevel;

            for (nuint i = 0; i < serverModeArray.Count; i++)
                var model = serverModeArray.GetItem <ServerModeModel> (i);
                if (currentServerMode == null || model.Mode.ToString().Equals(currentMode))
                    currentServerMode = model;

            testCategoriesArray = new NSMutableArray();
            allCategory         = new TestCategoryModel(TestCategory.All);
            globalCategory      = new TestCategoryModel(TestCategory.Global);
            martinCategory      = new TestCategoryModel(TestCategory.Martin);
            currentCategory     = allCategory;

            testFeaturesArray = new NSMutableArray();
Пример #3
        Program(string[] args)
            rng = RandomNumberGenerator.Create();

            DependencyInjector.Register <ICryptoProvider> (this);
            DependencyInjector.Register <IConnectionProvider> (this);

            MonoTlsProviderFactory.InstallProvider(new NewTlsProvider());

            LogLevel = -1;

            var p = new OptionSet();

            p.Add("settings=", v => SettingsFile = v);
            p.Add("server", v => Server          = true);
            p.Add("noxml", v => NoXml            = true);
            p.Add("log-level=", v => LogLevel    = int.Parse(v));
            var remaining = p.Parse(args);

            settings = LoadSettings(SettingsFile);

            Assembly assembly;

            if (remaining.Count == 1)
                assembly = Assembly.LoadFile(remaining [0]);
            else if (remaining.Count == 0)
                assembly = typeof(NewTlsTestFeatures).Assembly;
                throw new InvalidOperationException();

            logger          = new TestLogger(new ConsoleLogger(this));
            logger.LogLevel = LogLevel;

            framework = TestFramework.GetLocalFramework(assembly);
Пример #4
        void Initialize()

            settings = LoadSettings(SettingsFile);

            if (customSettings != null)

            if (DebugMode)
                settings.LogLevel        = -1;
                settings.LocalLogLevel   = -1;
                settings.DisableTimeouts = true;

            if (LogLevel != null)
                settings.LogLevel = LogLevel.Value;
            if (LocalLogLevel != null)
                settings.LocalLogLevel = LocalLogLevel.Value;

            logger = new TestLogger(new ConsoleLogger(this));

            if (Launcher != null)
                LauncherOptions = new LauncherOptions {
                    Category = category, Features = features
        private void AddField(FieldInfo fieldInfo, SettingsBag obj)
            GameObject    newField;
            SettingsField uiField;

            if (fieldInfo.FieldType == typeof(bool))
                newField = Instantiate(BoolFieldPrefab, _scrollView.content);
                var f = newField.GetComponent <BoolSettingField>();
                f.CheckBox.isOn = (bool)fieldInfo.GetValue(obj);
                uiField         = f;
            else //(fieldInfo.FieldType == typeof(string))
            {    // Anything except bool is string for now
                if (Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(fieldInfo, typeof(PathAttribute)) != null)
                    newField = Instantiate(BrowseFieldPrefab, _scrollView.content);
                    newField = Instantiate(StringFieldPrefab, _scrollView.content);
                var f = newField.GetComponent <StringSettingsField>();
                f.Field.text = fieldInfo.GetValue(obj)?.ToString() ?? "";
                uiField      = f;

            newField.name       = $"{fieldInfo.Name}";
            uiField.SettingsBag = obj;
            var tooltip = (TooltipAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(fieldInfo, typeof(TooltipAttribute));

            uiField.FieldToolTip = tooltip?.tooltip ?? fieldInfo.Name;
            uiField.FieldName    = fieldInfo.Name;
            uiField.FieldType    = fieldInfo.FieldType;
        private bool IsDirectory()
            var attr = SettingsBag.GetType().GetField(FieldName).GetCustomAttribute <PathAttribute>();

            return(attr != null && attr.PathType == PathAttribute.PathTypes.Directory);
Пример #7
        public ProgramOptions(Assembly assembly, string[] args)
            Assembly = assembly;

            var dependencies = new List <string> ();

            var    resultOutput      = "TestResult.xml";
            var    junitResultOutput = "JUnitTestResult.xml";
            string packageName       = null;

            string outputDir = null, stdout = null;
            string customSettings = null;
            string sdkRoot = null, iosDeviceType = null, iosRuntime = null;
            string androidSdkRoot = null;
            int?   repeat         = null;

            bool   debugMode       = false;
            bool   noJUnit         = false;
            bool   dontSaveLogging = false;
            string logLevel        = null;
            int?   localLogLevel   = null;

            var p = new OptionSet();

            p.Add("settings=", v => settingsFile = v);
            p.Add("endpoint=", v => EndPoint     = Program.GetEndPoint(v));
            p.Add("extra-launcher-args=", v => ExtraLauncherArgs = v);
            p.Add("gui=", v => GuiEndPoint                = Program.GetEndPoint(v));
            p.Add("no-result", v => resultOutput          = junitResultOutput = null);
            p.Add("package-name=", v => packageName       = v);
            p.Add("result=", v => resultOutput            = v);
            p.Add("junit-result=", v => junitResultOutput = v);
            p.Add("log-level=", v => logLevel             = v);
            p.Add("local-log-level=", v => localLogLevel  = int.Parse(v));
            p.Add("dependency=", v => dependencies.Add(v));
            p.Add("optional-gui", v => OptionalGui          = true);
            p.Add("no-junit", v => noJUnit                  = true);
            p.Add("set=", v => customSettings               = v);
            p.Add("category=", v => Category                = v);
            p.Add("features=", v => Features                = v);
            p.Add("martin=", v => MartinTest                = v);
            p.Add("debug", v => debugMode                   = true);
            p.Add("save-options", v => saveSettings         = true);
            p.Add("show-categories", v => ShowCategories    = true);
            p.Add("show-features", v => ShowFeatures        = true);
            p.Add("show-config", v => ShowCategories        = ShowFeatures = true);
            p.Add("ios-device-type=", v => iosDeviceType    = v);
            p.Add("ios-runtime=", v => iosRuntime           = v);
            p.Add("android-activity=", v => AndroidActivity = v);
            p.Add("android-serial=", v => AndroidSerial     = v);
            p.Add("stdout=", v => stdout   = v);
            p.Add("sdkroot=", v => sdkRoot = v);
            p.Add("android-sdkroot=", v => androidSdkRoot = v);
            p.Add("save-logcat=", v => SaveLogCat         = v);
            p.Add("jenkins", v => Jenkins                   = true);
            p.Add("jenkins-html=", v => JenkinsHtml         = v);
            p.Add("output-dir=", v => outputDir             = v);
            p.Add("repeat=", v => repeat                    = int.Parse(v));
            p.Add("dont-save-logging", v => dontSaveLogging = true);
            p.Add("jenkins-job=", "Jenkins Job Path", v => JenkinsJobPath = v);
            var arguments = p.Parse(args);

            PackageName = packageName;

            if (assembly != null)
                Command = Command.Local;

                if (arguments.Count > 0 && arguments[0].Equals("local"))
                if (arguments.Count < 1)
                    throw new ProgramException("Missing argument.");

                Command command;
                if (!Enum.TryParse(arguments[0], true, out command))
                    throw new ProgramException("Unknown command.");
                Command = command;

            Arguments = arguments;

            var dependencyAssemblies = new Assembly[dependencies.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < dependencyAssemblies.Length; i++)
                dependencyAssemblies[i] = Assembly.LoadFile(dependencies[i]);

            Dependencies = dependencyAssemblies;

            switch (Command)
            case Command.Listen:
                if (EndPoint == null)
                    EndPoint = Program.GetLocalEndPoint();

            case Command.Local:
                if (assembly != null)
                    if (arguments.Count != 0)
                        arguments.ForEach(a => Program.PrintError($"Unexpected remaining argument: {a}"));
                        throw new ProgramException("Unexpected extra argument.");
                    Assembly = assembly;
                else if (arguments.Count == 1)
                    Application = arguments[0];
                    Assembly    = Assembly.LoadFile(arguments[0]);
                else if (EndPoint == null)
                    throw new ProgramException("Missing endpoint");

            case Command.Connect:
                if (assembly != null)
                    throw new ProgramException("Cannot use 'connect' with assembly.");
                if (arguments.Count == 1)
                    EndPoint = Program.GetEndPoint(arguments[0]);
                else if (arguments.Count == 0)
                    if (EndPoint == null)
                        throw new ProgramException("Missing endpoint");
                    arguments.ForEach(a => Program.PrintError($"Unexpected remaining argument: {a}"));
                    throw new ProgramException("Unexpected extra argument.");

            case Command.Simulator:
            case Command.Device:
            case Command.TVOS:
                if (arguments.Count < 1)
                    throw new ProgramException("Expected .app argument");
                Application = arguments[0];

                if (EndPoint == null)
                    EndPoint = Program.GetLocalEndPoint();

            case Command.Mac:
                if (arguments.Count < 1)
                    throw new ProgramException("Expected .app argument");
                Application = arguments[0];

                if (EndPoint == null)
                    EndPoint = Program.GetLocalEndPoint();

            case Command.Android:
                if (arguments.Count != 0)
                    throw new ProgramException("Unexpected extra arguments");

                if (EndPoint == null)
                    EndPoint = Program.GetLocalEndPoint();

            case Command.Avd:
            case Command.Emulator:
                if (arguments.Count != 0)
                    throw new ProgramException("Unexpected extra arguments");


            case Command.Apk:
                if (arguments.Count != 1)
                    throw new ProgramException("Expected .apk argument");

                Application = arguments[0];

            case Command.Result:
                if (arguments.Count != 1)
                    throw new ProgramException("Expected TestResult.xml argument");
                resultOutput = arguments[0];

                throw new ProgramException("Unknown command '{0}'.", Command);

            OutputDirectory = outputDir;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(OutputDirectory) && !Directory.Exists(OutputDirectory))

            if (stdout != null)
                var fullPath = Path.Combine("artifact", stdout);
                if (JenkinsJobPath != null)
                    fullPath = Path.Combine(JenkinsJobPath, fullPath);
                JenkinsStdOutLink = $"<a href=\"{fullPath}\">{stdout}</a>";

            StdOut       = MakeAbsolute(OutputDirectory, stdout);
            ResultOutput = MakeAbsolute(OutputDirectory, resultOutput);
            if (!noJUnit)
                JUnitResultOutput = MakeAbsolute(OutputDirectory, junitResultOutput);
            JenkinsHtml = MakeAbsolute(OutputDirectory, JenkinsHtml);

            if (settingsFile != null)
                if (saveSettings == null)
                    saveSettings = true;
            else if (Assembly != null)
                var name = Assembly.GetName().Name;
                var path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData);
                path = Path.Combine(path, "Xamarin", "AsyncTests");

                if (!Directory.Exists(path))

                settingsFile = Path.Combine(path, name + ".xml");

            if (settingsFile == null || !File.Exists(settingsFile))
                Settings = SettingsBag.CreateDefault();
                Settings = LoadSettings(settingsFile);

            if (repeat != null)
                Settings.Repeat      = true;
                Settings.RepeatCount = repeat.Value;

            if (customSettings != null)
                ParseSettings(Settings, customSettings);
                if (saveSettings ?? false)
                    SaveSettings(Settings, settingsFile);

            if (debugMode)
                Settings.LogLevel        = -1;
                Settings.LocalLogLevel   = -1;
                Settings.DisableTimeouts = true;

            if (logLevel != null)
                var(defaultLevel, categories) = ParseLogLevel(logLevel);
                Settings.LogLevel             = defaultLevel;
                foreach (var entry in categories)
                    Settings.SetLogLevel(entry.Key, entry.Value);
            if (localLogLevel != null)
                Settings.LocalLogLevel = localLogLevel.Value;

            if (!debugMode)
                Settings.DisableTimeouts = Settings.LogLevel > SettingsBag.DisableTimeoutsAtLogLevel;

            if (dontSaveLogging)
                Settings.DontSaveLogging = true;

            if (MartinTest != null)
                if (Category != null)
                    throw new ProgramException("Cannot use both --category and --martin");
                Category            = "martin";
                Settings.MartinTest = MartinTest;

            bool needSdk = false, needAndroidSdk = false;

            switch (Command)
            case Command.Device:
            case Command.Simulator:
                IOSDeviceType = iosDeviceType ?? GetEnvironmentVariable("IOS_DEVICE_TYPE", "iPhone-5s");
                IOSRuntime    = iosRuntime ?? GetEnvironmentVariable("IOS_RUNTIME", "iOS-10-3");
                needSdk       = true;

            case Command.TVOS:
                IOSDeviceType = iosDeviceType ?? GetEnvironmentVariable("IOS_DEVICE_TYPE", "Apple-TV-1080p");
                IOSRuntime    = iosRuntime ?? GetEnvironmentVariable("IOS_RUNTIME", "tvOS-9-2");
                needSdk       = true;

            case Command.Android:
            case Command.Avd:
            case Command.Emulator:
            case Command.Apk:
                needAndroidSdk = true;

            if (needSdk)
                SdkRoot = sdkRoot ?? GetEnvironmentVariable("XCODE_DEVELOPER_ROOT", "/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer");

            if (needAndroidSdk)
                AndroidSdkRoot = androidSdkRoot ?? Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ANDROID_SDK_PATH");
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(AndroidSdkRoot))
                    var home = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal);
                    AndroidSdkRoot = Path.Combine(home, "Library", "Developer", "Xamarin", "android-sdk");
Пример #8
        public MobileTestOptions(string options)
            Settings = SettingsBag.CreateDefault();
            Settings.LocalLogLevel = -1;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(options))
                Settings.LogLevel        = 0;
                Settings.LocalLogLevel   = 0;
                Settings.DisableTimeouts = false;
                SessionMode = MobileSessionMode.Local;

            int?   logLevel       = null;
            bool   debugMode      = false;
            string category       = null;
            string features       = null;
            string packageName    = null;
            string customSettings = null;

            var p = new NDesk.Options.OptionSet();

            p.Add("debug", v => debugMode           = true);
            p.Add("log-level=", v => logLevel       = int.Parse(v));
            p.Add("category=", v => category        = v);
            p.Add("features=", v => features        = v);
            p.Add("package-name=", v => packageName = v);
            p.Add("set=", v => customSettings       = v);

            var optArray = options.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            var args     = p.Parse(optArray);

            Category    = category;
            Features    = features;
            PackageName = packageName;

            if (debugMode)
                Settings.LogLevel        = -1;
                Settings.LocalLogLevel   = -1;
                Settings.DisableTimeouts = true;
                Settings.DisableTimeouts = false;

            if (logLevel != null)
                Settings.LogLevel = logLevel.Value;

            if (customSettings != null)

            if (args.Count == 0)
                SessionMode = MobileSessionMode.Local;

            if (args [0] == "server")
                SessionMode = MobileSessionMode.Server;
                if (args.Count == 2)
                    EndPoint = DependencyInjector.Get <IPortableEndPointSupport> ().ParseEndpoint(args [1]);
                else if (args.Count == 1)
                    EndPoint = GetEndPoint();
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid 'XAMARIN_ASYNCTESTS_OPTIONS' argument.");
            else if (args [0] == "connect")
                SessionMode = MobileSessionMode.Connect;
                if (args.Count != 2)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid 'XAMARIN_ASYNCTESTS_OPTIONS' argument.");
                EndPoint = DependencyInjector.Get <IPortableEndPointSupport> ().ParseEndpoint(args [1]);
            else if (args [0] == "local")
                SessionMode = MobileSessionMode.Local;
                if (args.Count != 1)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid 'XAMARIN_ASYNCTESTS_OPTIONS' argument.");
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid 'XAMARIN_ASYNCTESTS_OPTIONS' argument.");
 public void Add(SettingsBag recent)