public async Task <IProjectConfigurationSettingsAccess> OpenProjectSettingsAccessAsync( UnconfiguredProject unconfiguredProject, IRProjectProperties propertes) { Check.ArgumentNull(nameof(unconfiguredProject), unconfiguredProject); Check.ArgumentNull(nameof(propertes), propertes); SettingsAccess access = null; await _semaphore.WaitAsync(); try { string projectFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(unconfiguredProject.FullPath); if (!_settings.TryGetValue(projectFolder, out access)) { var settings = await OpenCollectionAsync(projectFolder, propertes); var th = unconfiguredProject.Services?.ExportProvider?.GetExportedValue <IThreadHandling>(); access = new SettingsAccess(this, th, projectFolder, propertes, settings); _settings[projectFolder] = access; } access.Counter.Increment(); } finally { _semaphore.Release(); } return(access); }
public async void UpdateSettingTest() { try { int parallelnum = 1000; SettingsAccess settingAccess = new SettingsAccess(); RecentHistoryAccess recenthistory = new RecentHistoryAccess(); List <Task> tasks = new List <Task>(parallelnum); await LoginUtil.Instance.ValidateUserLogin("*****@*****.**", "1234", "AU"); for (int i = 0; i < parallelnum; i++) { tasks.Add(Task.Run(() => { //settingAccess.GetSetting(BusinessModel.SettingsEnum.FontSize, "*****@*****.**", "AU") settingAccess.UpdateSetting(i.ToString(), BusinessModel.SettingsEnum.FontSize, "*****@*****.**", "AU"); recenthistory.UpdateRecentHistory(new RecentHistory { BookId = i, TOCTitle = "", Email = "*****@*****.**", ServiceCode = "AU" }); PublicationUtil.Instance.GetPublicationOnline(); PublicationContentUtil.Instance.GetRecentHistory(); })); } await Task.WhenAll(tasks); } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
/// <summary> /// Создать планеты из списка /// </summary> /// <param name="cellItems">Список планет для создания</param> private void FillAdvancedVisiblePlanets(SortedCellItem[] cellItems) { _planets.DestroyAll(); var precision = _zoom.GetZoomPrecision(); for (int i = 0; i < cellItems.Length; i++) { var cellItem = cellItems[i]; var cell = _cells.GetCell(cellItem.CellPos); var worldPos = cell.GetWordPosition(cellItem.Index); var posId = SettingsAccess.GetId(worldPos); var planet = _planets.Create(posId); planet.Show(worldPos, SettingsAccess.ConvertToWorldPosition(worldPos, precision), cellItem.Rating); } SetPosition(); _prevRect = null; }
public MainViewModel(IEventAggregator eventAggregator) { _eventAggregator = eventAggregator; _eventAggregator.GetEvent <ScriptInfoAddedEvent>().Subscribe(OnScriptInfoAdded); _eventAggregator.GetEvent <ScriptInfoChangedEvent>().Subscribe((scriptInfo) => ScriptInfo = scriptInfo); _eventAggregator.GetEvent <SettingsChangedEvent>().Subscribe((settings) => LoadSettings(settings)); // Disable global hotkeys while user is changing hotkey _eventAggregator.GetEvent <SettingsWindowOpenEvent>().Subscribe( () => _winService.GlobalKeyDown -= OnGlobalHotkeyDown); _eventAggregator.GetEvent <SettingsWindowClosedEvent>().Subscribe( () => _winService.GlobalKeyDown += OnGlobalHotkeyDown); _settingsAccess = new SettingsAccess(); _scriptAccess = new ScriptAccess(); _dialogService = new DialogService(); _scriptService = new ScriptService(); _winService = new WinService(); _winService.GlobalKeyDown += OnGlobalHotkeyDown; _winService.GlobalKeyUp += OnGlobalHotkeyUp; _automationService = new AutomationService(); _automationService.RemoveFileModificationDetectedDialogOnCreated(); _settings = _settingsAccess.LoadSettings(); FormViewModel = new ScriptInfoViewModel(eventAggregator, SaveScriptInfoAction); LoadCommands(); LoadSettings(_settings, firstTime: true); ScriptNames = _scriptAccess.GetScriptNames(); }
/// <summary> /// Создать или добавить ячейку на поле /// </summary> /// <param name="centerCellPos">Координаты центральной ячейки, для расчёта координат полностью генерируемых ячеек</param> /// <param name="cellPos">Координаты ячейки</param> /// <returns>Ячейка для заданной позиции</returns> private CellInfo GetOrCreateCell(Vector2Int centerCellPos, Vector2Int cellPos) { var index = SettingsAccess.GetFieldIndex(cellPos); CellInfo cell = _cells[index]; if (cell == null) { cell = new CellInfo(); _cells[index] = cell; } ushort[] ratings = null; // Если эта ячейка должна быть сгенерирована полностью, найдём для неё индекс реиспользуемого массива int visibleIndex = GetFullGenerationIndex(centerCellPos, cellPos); if (visibleIndex != -1) { ratings = _fullGenerationRatingsArray[visibleIndex]; if (ratings == null) { ratings = new ushort[SettingsAccess.CellPxLenght]; _fullGenerationRatingsArray[visibleIndex] = ratings; } } cell.InitCell(cellPos, ratings); return(cell); }
/// <summary> /// Отобразить планеты, входящие в прямоугольник /// </summary> /// <param name="rect">Прямоугольник в который входят планеты, которые требуется создать</param> private void FillPlanets(RectInt rect) { var iterator = rect.allPositionsWithin; CellInfo cell = null; while (iterator.MoveNext()) { var worldPos = iterator.Current; var cellPos = SettingsAccess.GetCellBeginPosition(worldPos); if (cell == null || cell.Pos != cellPos) { cell = _cells.GetCell(cellPos); } var cellItemPos = cell.GetCellItemPosition(worldPos); var rating = cell.GetRating(cellItemPos); if (rating > 0) { var posId = SettingsAccess.GetId(worldPos); var planet = _planets.Create(posId); planet.Show(worldPos, SettingsAccess.ConvertToWorldPosition(worldPos), rating); } } }
public void CellBeginPositionCheck() { Vector2Int[] positions = new Vector2Int[] { new Vector2Int(0, 0), new Vector2Int(50, 50), new Vector2Int(99, 99), new Vector2Int(-50, -50), new Vector2Int(-99, -99), new Vector2Int(-1, -1), new Vector2Int(-99, 100), }; Vector2Int[] cellPositions = new Vector2Int[] { new Vector2Int(0, 0), new Vector2Int(0, 0), new Vector2Int(0, 0), new Vector2Int(-100, -100), new Vector2Int(-100, -100), new Vector2Int(-100, -100), new Vector2Int(-100, 100), }; Assert.AreEqual(positions.Length, cellPositions.Length); for (int i = 0; i < positions.Length; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(cellPositions[i], SettingsAccess.GetCellBeginPosition(positions[i]), string.Format("for {0}", i)); } }
public static void Initialize() { sessionAccess = new SessionAccess(); settingsAccess = new SettingsAccess(); var sessionResult = sessionAccess.LoadSession(); var settingsResult = settingsAccess.LoadSettings(); if (sessionResult.Status != Status.Success) { sessionResult.Print(); } if (settingsResult.Status != Status.Success) { settingsResult.Print(); } Session = sessionResult.Data; Settings = settingsResult.Data; Author = "Near Huscarl"; License = "BSD 3-Clauses"; SourceCodeURL = ""; ScoreFont = new FontShape(width: 6, height: 18); MenuFont = new FontShape(width: 9, height: 20); SpriteData = new SpriteData(); Theme = new Dictionary <string, Color>() { { "Red", "#c0392b".ToColor() }, { "Orange", "#d35400".ToColor() }, { "Yellow", "#f39c12".ToColor() }, { "Green", "#27ae60".ToColor() }, { "Blue", "#2980b9".ToColor() }, { "Cyan", "#16a085".ToColor() }, { "Magenta", "#8e44ad".ToColor() }, { "Gray", "#7f8c8d".ToColor() }, { "Black", "#2c3e50".ToColor() }, { "LightRed", "#e74c3c".ToColor() }, { "LightOrange", "#e67e22".ToColor() }, { "LightYellow", "#f1c40f".ToColor() }, { "LightGreen", "#2ecc71".ToColor() }, { "LightBlue", "#3498db".ToColor() }, { "LightCyan", "#1abc9c".ToColor() }, { "LightMagenta", "#9b59b6".ToColor() }, { "LightGray", "#95a5a6".ToColor() }, { "Dark", "#34495e".ToColor() }, { "Silver", "#bdc3c7".ToColor() }, { "White", "#ecf0f1".ToColor() }, }; ExplosiveRadius = 40; }
public bool updateSettings(string username, string setString) { return(SettingsAccess.SaveOrUpdate(new Settings() { settings = setString, username = username })); }
public void LineEnumeratorCheck() { var rect = SettingsAccess.GetFieldRectPx(; CheckLine(rect, 100, 100); CheckLine(rect, 100, 1000); CheckLine(rect, 1000, 100); CheckLine(rect, 1000, 1000); }
/// <summary> /// Возвращает индекс для полной генерации мира вокруг игрока <see cref="_fullGenerationRatingsArray"/> /// </summary> /// <returns>Индекс массива</returns> private int GetFullGenerationIndex(Vector2Int centerCellPosition, Vector2Int cellPos) { if (SettingsAccess.GetRadius(centerCellPosition, cellPos) <= SettingsAccess.FullGeneratedCellsRadius) { return(Mathf.Abs(cellPos.x % SettingsAccess.FullGeneratedCellsRadiusSize + cellPos.y % SettingsAccess.FullGeneratedCellsRadiusSize * SettingsAccess.FullGeneratedCellsRadiusSize)); } return(-1); }
/// <summary> /// Инициализация поля /// </summary> /// <param name="zoom">Зум поля</param> /// <param name="progress">Прогресс инициализации</param> /// <param name="input">Управление игроком</param> /// <param name="debug">Отладка</param> public void Init(ZoomControl zoom, ProgressBar progress, IPlayerInput input, IGameDebug debug) { // Подпишемся на изменения зума _zoom = zoom; _input = input; // Инициализируем случайные значения положения игрока на поле и его рейтинг _currentCellPosition = SettingsAccess.GetRandomFieldPosition(); _currentCellItemPosition = SettingsAccess.GetRandomCellPosition(_currentCellPosition); _playerRating = NoiseTool.GetRandomPlayerRating(); // Инициализируем коллекцию ячеек _cells = new CellCollection(_playerRating); // Инициализируем механизм поиска первых <see cref="SettingsAccess.MaxAdvancedVisiblePlanet"/> планет, ближайших по рейтингу к рейтингу игрока _sortedCellsVisitor = gameObject.AddComponent <SortedCellsVisitor>().Init(_cells, _playerRating, debug); _sortedCellsVisitor.OnProcessEnd += OnSearchTopRatingsEnd; string generationString; if (SystemInfo.supportsComputeShaders) { // Если поддерживаются Computed Shader _generator = gameObject.AddComponent <ComputedShaderNoiseGenerator>() .SetDebug(debug); generationString = "GENERATE COMPUTED SHADER"; } else { #if (UNITY_ANDROID) // По идее, должен поддерживаться большинством платформ, добавлять директивы препроцессора по мере тестирования _generator = gameObject.AddComponent <CustomRenderTextureNoiseGenerator>() .SetDebug(debug); generationString = "GENERATE RENDER TEXTURE"; #else // Для всех остальных платформ. _generator = gameObject.AddComponent <CpuNoiseGenerator>() .SetDebug(debug); generationString = "GENERATE CPU"; #endif } _generator.OnProcessEnd += OnGenerationEnd; // Добавим первое задание на генерацию всего поля _generator.AppendRect(SettingsAccess.GetFieldRectPx(_currentCellPosition)); // Отобразим прогресс progress.Begin(() => _generator.GetProgress(), generationString, OnEndInit); }
/// <summary> /// Возвращает ячейку по её индексу /// </summary> /// <param name="cellPos"></param> /// <returns></returns> public CellInfo GetCell(Vector2Int cellPos) { var cell = _cells[SettingsAccess.GetFieldIndex(cellPos)]; if (cell.Pos != cellPos) { return(null); } return(cell); }
public void CellRadiusCheck() { for (int radius = 1; radius < 10; radius++) { var size = SettingsAccess.RadiusToLength(radius); for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) { var pos = SpiralPositionsIterator.Spiral(index) * radius; Assert.GreaterOrEqual(radius, SettingsAccess.GetRadius(, pos)); } } }
/// <summary> /// Установить текущую позицию поля и игрока /// </summary> private void SetPosition() { var playerPos = SettingsAccess.ConvertToWorldPosition(_currentCellItemPosition, _zoom.GetZoomPrecision()); if (_zoom.IsCellsView()) { _tr.position = SettingsAccess.ConvertToWorldPosition(_currentCellPosition + * SettingsAccess.HalfCellPxSize, _zoom.GetZoomPrecision()); } else { _tr.position = playerPos; } _player.SetPosition(playerPos); }
public CreateNewScriptViewModel(IEventAggregator eventAggregator, Action closeAction) { _eventAggregator = eventAggregator; _scriptService = new ScriptService(); _scriptAccess = new ScriptAccess(); _settingsAccess = new SettingsAccess(); _settings = _settingsAccess.LoadSettings(); FormViewModel = new ScriptInfoViewModel(eventAggregator, AddScriptInfoAction); FormViewModel.Mode = ChangeMode.Add; Close = closeAction; CloseCommand = new DelegateCommand(() => Close()); }
/// <summary> /// Очистить прямоугольник от планет /// </summary> /// <param name="rect">Прямоугольник который требуется очистить от планет</param> private void ClearPlanets(RectInt rect) { var iterator = rect.allPositionsWithin; while (iterator.MoveNext()) { var posId = SettingsAccess.GetId(iterator.Current); var planet = _planets.GetByIdOrNull(posId); if (planet != null) { planet.Destroy(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Изменилась текущая позиция игрока на поле /// </summary> private void OnPlayerPositionChanged() { var newCellPosition = SettingsAccess.GetCellBeginPosition(_currentCellItemPosition); // Если изменилась текущая ячейка игрока на поле, добавим разницу между прямоугольниками старых и новых координат игрока на генерацию if (newCellPosition != _currentCellPosition) { var prevRect = SettingsAccess.GetFieldRectPx(_currentCellPosition); var prevVisibleRect = SettingsAccess.GetFullGenerationRect(_currentCellPosition); var newRect = SettingsAccess.GetFieldRectPx(newCellPosition); var newVisibleRect = SettingsAccess.GetFullGenerationRect(newCellPosition); // Разница между старым прямоугольником всего поля и текущим var rectsToFill = RectIntTool.Subtract(newRect, prevRect); // Разница между старым прямоугольником полностью генерируемого мира вокруг игрока и текущим var visibleRectsFill = RectIntTool.Subtract(newVisibleRect, prevVisibleRect); visibleRectsFill.AddRange(rectsToFill); if (visibleRectsFill.Count > 0) { // Добавить задание на генерацию - сперва прямоугольники полностью генерируемых ячеек вокруг игрока, потом прямоугольники поля _generator.AppendRects(visibleRectsFill, true); } _currentCellPosition = newCellPosition; } if (_zoom.IsAdvancedView() == false) { RefreshNormalVisibleArea(); SetPosition(); } else { if (_zoom.IsCellsView()) { _sortedCellsVisitor.AppendRect(_zoom.GetVisibleRect(_currentCellPosition)); } else { _sortedCellsVisitor.AppendRect(_zoom.GetVisibleRect(_currentCellItemPosition)); } } }
public OptionViewModel(IEventAggregator eventAggregator, Action closeAction) { _eventAggregator = eventAggregator; _eventAggregator.GetEvent <SettingsWindowOpenEvent>().Publish(); _settingsAccess = new SettingsAccess(); _settings = _settingsAccess.LoadSettings(); CopyToClipboardHotkey = _settings.CopyToClipboardHotkey; CompileHotkey = _settings.CompileHotkey; CompileAndRunHotkey = _settings.CompileAndRunHotkey; GenerateExtensionScript = _settings.GenerateExtensionScript; Close = closeAction; SaveSettingsCommand = new DelegateCommand(SaveSettings); CloseCommand = new DelegateCommand(() => Close()); }
public void CellsIndexCheck() { Vector2Int[] exists = new Vector2Int[] { new Vector2Int(6000, -6000) }; Vector2Int[] check = new Vector2Int[] { new Vector2Int(-6000, -6000) }; for (int i = 0; i < exists.Length; i++) { Assert.AreNotEqual(SettingsAccess.GetFieldIndex(exists[i]), SettingsAccess.GetFieldIndex(check[i])); } uint[] idList = new uint[SettingsAccess.FieldLength]; for (int x = 0; x < SettingsAccess.FieldSize; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < SettingsAccess.FieldSize; y++) { var index = SettingsAccess.GetFieldIndex(new Vector2Int(x, y) * SettingsAccess.CellPxSize); Assert.AreEqual(idList[index], 0); idList[index] = index; } } for (int x = SettingsAccess.FieldSize * -3; x < SettingsAccess.FieldSize * 4; x++) { for (int y = SettingsAccess.FieldSize * -3; y < SettingsAccess.FieldSize * 4; y++) { var index = SettingsAccess.GetFieldIndex(new Vector2Int(x, y) * SettingsAccess.CellPxSize); Assert.AreEqual(idList[index], index); } } }
/// <summary> /// Сортирует следущие <see cref="_sliceLenght"/> позиций по координатам из <see cref="_iterator"/> /// </summary> private void VisitNext() { if (_isVisitEnded) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < _sliceLenght; i++) { if (_iterator.MoveNext() == false) { EndProcess(); return; } if (_size == SettingsAccess.CellPxSize) { _cell = _cells.GetCell(_iterator.Current); if (_cell == null) { EndProcess(); return; } _sortedCells.Append(_cell.SortedCellItems); } else { var cellPos = SettingsAccess.GetCellBeginPosition(_iterator.Current); if (_cell == null || _cell.Pos != cellPos) { _cell = _cells.GetCell(cellPos); } if (_cell == null) { EndProcess(); return; } var cellItemPos = _cell.GetCellItemPosition(_iterator.Current); ushort index = _cell.GetCellItemIndex(cellItemPos); var rating = _cell.GetRating(index); if (rating > 0) { var ratingDistance = (ushort)Mathf.Abs(rating - _playerRating); if (_sortedCells.IsBelowThanMaxRatingDistance(ratingDistance)) { _sortedCells.AppendCellItemFast(new SortedCellItem(cellPos, index, rating, ratingDistance)); } } } } }
public SettingsLogic() { settingsAccess = new SettingsAccess(); }
/// <summary> /// Ячейка с такой позицией существует на поле /// </summary> /// <param name="cellPos">Позиция</param> /// <returns>Результат проверки</returns> public bool IsCellExist(Vector2Int cellPos) { var index = SettingsAccess.GetFieldIndex(cellPos); return(_cells[index] != null); }
public Settings getUserSetting(string username) { return(SettingsAccess.Get(username)); }
/// <summary> /// Уникальный индентификатор элемента пулинга /// </summary> /// <returns>Идентификатор</returns> public override int GetId() { return(SettingsAccess.GetId(_cellItemPosition)); }
/// <summary> /// Reduces the given ratio to their lowest rational representation. /// </summary> public static Tuple <int, int> GetAspectRatio(int width, int height) { return(GetAspectRatio(width, height, SettingsAccess.GetInstance())); }