Пример #1
        public void WriteEvents()
            const string brokerList           = "localhost:9092";                                                                               // The host and port where the Kafka broker is running
            const string groupName            = "dev";                                                                                          // The dependency group name
            const string topicName            = "events_sample";                                                                                // The existing topic's name in the Kafka broker. The *_announce topic name must exist too. In this case the data_in_announce
            var          dependencyServiceUri = new Uri("http://localhost:8180/api/dependencies/");                                             // The URI where the dependency services are running

            var client               = new KafkaStreamClient(brokerList);                                                                       // Create a new KafkaStreamClient for connecting to Kafka broker
            var dataFormatClient     = new DataFormatClient(new HttpDependencyClient(dependencyServiceUri, groupName));                         // Create a new DataFormatClient
            var httpDependencyClient = new HttpDependencyClient(dependencyServiceUri, groupName);                                               // DependencyClient stores the Data format, Atlas Configuration

            var atlasConfigurationId = new AtlasConfigurationClient(httpDependencyClient).PutAndIdentifyAtlasConfiguration(AtlasConfiguration); // Uniq ID created for the AtlasConfiguration
            var dataFormat           = DataFormat.DefineFeed().BuildFormat();                                                                   // Create a dataformat based on the parameters, using the parameter id
            var dataFormatId         = dataFormatClient.PutAndIdentifyDataFormat(dataFormat);                                                   // Uniq ID created for the Data Format

            using (var outputTopic = client.OpenOutputTopic(topicName))                                                                         // Open a KafkaOutputTopic
                var output = new SessionTelemetryDataOutput(outputTopic, dataFormatId, dataFormatClient);
                output.SessionOutput.AddSessionDependency(DependencyTypes.DataFormat, dataFormatId); // Add session dependencies to the output
                output.SessionOutput.AddSessionDependency(DependencyTypes.AtlasConfiguration, atlasConfigurationId);

                output.SessionOutput.SessionState      = StreamSessionState.Open;  // set the sessions state to open
                output.SessionOutput.SessionStart      = DateTime.Now;             // set the session start to current time
                output.SessionOutput.SessionIdentifier = "events_" + DateTime.Now; // set a custom session identifier

                var events = GenerateEvents(20, (DateTime)output.SessionOutput.SessionStart);  // Generate some events data
                var tasks  = events.Select(ev => output.EventsOutput.SendEvent(ev)).ToArray(); // enqueue and send the events to the output through the EventsOutput

                output.SessionOutput.SessionState = StreamSessionState.Closed; // set session state to closed. In case of any unintended session close, set state to Truncated
                output.SessionOutput.SendSession();                            // send session
        /// <summary>
        ///     This method creates stream pipeline for each child stream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataFormatClient">The data format client.</param>
        /// <param name="outputTopic">The output topic.</param>
        /// <param name="streamId">The stream identifier.</param>
        /// <returns>Stream pipeline.</returns>
        private IStreamInput CreateStreamInput(DataFormatClient dataFormatClient, IOutputTopic outputTopic, string streamId)
            // these templates provide commonly-combined data, but you can make your own
            var input  = new SessionTelemetryDataInput(streamId, dataFormatClient);
            var output = new SessionTelemetryDataOutput(outputTopic, dataFormatId, dataFormatClient);

            // data is split into named feeds; use default feed if you don't need that
            var inputFeed  = input.DataInput.BindFeed(InputFeed, CreateInputDataFormat());
            var outputFeed = output.DataOutput.BindFeed(OutputFeed);

            output.SessionOutput.AddSessionDependency(DependencyTypes.AtlasConfiguration, atlasConfId);
            output.SessionOutput.AddSessionDependency(DependencyTypes.DataFormat, dataFormatId);

            // automatically propagate session metadata and lifecycle
            input.LinkToOutput(output.SessionOutput, identifier => identifier + "_" + OutputTopicName);
            input.LapsInput.LapStarted += (s, e) => output.LapsOutput.SendLap(e.Lap);

            // react to data
            inputFeed.DataBuffered += (sender, e) =>
                var data = ProcessData(e.Buffer);


Пример #3
        public IStreamInput CreateStreamInput(string streamId)
            Console.WriteLine($"Stream {streamId} started.");

            // these templates provide commonly-combined data, but you can make your own
            var input  = new SessionTelemetryDataInput(streamId, dataFormatClient);
            var output = new SessionTelemetryDataOutput(outputTopic, this.outputDataFormatId, dataFormatClient);

            this.outputFeed = output.DataOutput.BindFeed("");

            // we add output format reference to output session.
            output.SessionOutput.AddSessionDependency(DependencyTypes.DataFormat, this.outputDataFormatId);
            output.SessionOutput.AddSessionDependency(DependencyTypes.AtlasConfiguration, this.outputAtlasConfId);

            // automatically propagate session metadata and lifecycle
            input.LinkToOutput(output.SessionOutput, identifier => identifier + "_Models");

            // we simply forward laps.
            input.LapsInput.LapStarted += (s, e) => output.LapsOutput.SendLap(e.Lap);

            // we bind our models to specific feed and parameters.
            input.DataInput.BindDefaultFeed("gLat:Chassis", "gLong:Chassis").DataBuffered += this.gTotalModel;

            input.StreamFinished += (s, e) => Console.WriteLine($"Stream {e.StreamId} ended.");

        private void GenerateData(IOutputTopic topic, DataFormatClient dataFormatClient, string dataFormatId, string atlasConfigurationId)
            var foregroundColor = (ConsoleColor)(15 - this.topicLists.IndexOf(topic.TopicName));

            const int steps = 120000;
            const int delay = (int)(1000 / Frequency);

            var start = DateTime.UtcNow;
            var epoch = start.ToTelemetryTime();

            var output     = new SessionTelemetryDataOutput(topic, dataFormatId, dataFormatClient);
            var outputFeed = output.DataOutput.BindDefaultFeed();

            // declare a session
            output.SessionOutput.AddSessionDependency(DependencyTypes.DataFormat, dataFormatId);
            output.SessionOutput.AddSessionDependency(DependencyTypes.AtlasConfiguration, atlasConfigurationId);
            output.SessionOutput.SessionState      = StreamSessionState.Open;
            output.SessionOutput.SessionStart      = start;
            output.SessionOutput.SessionIdentifier = "random_walk" + DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay;

            // generate data points
            var data     = outputFeed.MakeTelemetryData(1, epoch);
            var sinParam = data.Parameters[0];
            var cosParam = data.Parameters[1];

            for (var step = 1; step <= steps; step++)

                // writing a single data point for simplicity, but you can send chunks of data
                // timestamps expressed in ns since the epoch (which is the start of the session)
                var elapsedNs = step * delay * 1000000L;
                data.TimestampsNanos[0] = elapsedNs;
                sinParam.Statuses[0]    = DataStatus.Sample;
                sinParam.AvgValues[0]   = Math.Sin(step / 50.0);

                cosParam.Statuses[0]  = DataStatus.Sample;
                cosParam.AvgValues[0] = Math.Cos(step / 100.0);

                output.SessionOutput.SessionDurationNanos = elapsedNs;

                Console.ForegroundColor = foregroundColor;

                if (Console.KeyAvailable && Console.ReadKey(true).Key == ConsoleKey.Escape)

            output.SessionOutput.SessionState = StreamSessionState.Closed;
        private void GenerateData(IOutputTopic topic, DataFormatClient dataFormatClient, string dataFormatId, string atlasConfigurationId)
            const int steps  = 12000;
            const int delay  = (int)(1000 / Frequency);
            var       random = new Random();

            var start = DateTime.UtcNow;
            var epoch = start.ToTelemetryTime();

            var output     = new SessionTelemetryDataOutput(topic, dataFormatId, dataFormatClient);
            var outputFeed = output.DataOutput.BindDefaultFeed();

            // declare a session
            output.SessionOutput.AddSessionDependency(DependencyTypes.DataFormat, dataFormatId);
            output.SessionOutput.AddSessionDependency(DependencyTypes.AtlasConfiguration, atlasConfigurationId);
            output.SessionOutput.SessionState      = StreamSessionState.Open;
            output.SessionOutput.SessionStart      = start.Date;
            output.SessionOutput.SessionIdentifier = "random_walk";

            // generate data points
            var data        = outputFeed.MakeTelemetryData(1000000, epoch);
            var param       = data.Parameters[0];
            var rangeWalker = new RandomRangeWalker(0, 1);

            for (var step = 1; step <= steps; step++)

                for (var i = 0; i < 1000000; i++)
                    // writing a single data point for simplicity, but you can send chunks of data
                    // timestamps expressed in ns since the epoch (which is the start of the session)
                    var elapsedNs = step * delay * 1000000L;
                    data.TimestampsNanos[i] = elapsedNs;
                    param.Statuses[i]       = DataStatus.Sample;

                    var value = rangeWalker.GetNext();

                    param.AvgValues[i] = value;

                    output.SessionOutput.SessionDurationNanos = elapsedNs;


            output.SessionOutput.SessionState = StreamSessionState.Closed;
Пример #6
        public void WriteTData()
            const string brokerList           = "localhost:9092";                                                                               // The host and port where the Kafka broker is running
            const string groupName            = "dev";                                                                                          // The group name
            const string topicName            = "data_in";                                                                                      // The existing topic's name in the Kafka broker. The *_announce topic name must exist too. In this case the data_in_announce
            var          dependencyServiceUri = new Uri("http://localhost:8180/api/dependencies/");                                             // The URI where the dependency services are running

            var client               = new KafkaStreamClient(brokerList);                                                                       // Create a new KafkaStreamClient for connecting to Kafka broker
            var dataFormatClient     = new DataFormatClient(new HttpDependencyClient(dependencyServiceUri, groupName));                         // Create a new DataFormatClient
            var httpDependencyClient = new HttpDependencyClient(dependencyServiceUri, groupName);                                               // DependencyClient stores the Data format, Atlas Configuration

            var atlasConfigurationId = new AtlasConfigurationClient(httpDependencyClient).PutAndIdentifyAtlasConfiguration(AtlasConfiguration); // Uniq ID created for the AtlasConfiguration
            var dataFormat           = DataFormat.DefineFeed().Parameter(ParameterId).BuildFormat();                                            // Create a dataformat based on the parameters, using the parameter id
            var dataFormatId         = dataFormatClient.PutAndIdentifyDataFormat(dataFormat);                                                   // Uniq ID created for the Data Format

            using (var outputTopic = client.OpenOutputTopic(topicName))                                                                         // Open a KafkaOutputTopic
                const int sampleCount = 10000;
                var       output      = new SessionTelemetryDataOutput(outputTopic, dataFormatId, dataFormatClient);
                output.SessionOutput.AddSessionDependency(DependencyTypes.DataFormat, dataFormatId); // Add session dependencies to the output
                output.SessionOutput.AddSessionDependency(DependencyTypes.AtlasConfiguration, atlasConfigurationId);

                output.SessionOutput.SessionState         = StreamSessionState.Open; // set the sessions state to open
                output.SessionOutput.SessionStart         = DateTime.Now;            // set the session start to current time
                output.SessionOutput.SessionDurationNanos = sampleCount * Interval;  // duration should be time elapsed between session start time and last sample time
                output.SessionOutput.SessionIdentifier    = "data_" + DateTime.Now;  // set a custom session identifier

                var telemetryData = GenerateData(sampleCount, (DateTime)output.SessionOutput.SessionStart); // Generate some telemetry data

                const string feedName   = "";                                                               // As sample DataFormat uses default feed, we will leave this empty.
                var          outputFeed = output.DataOutput.BindFeed(feedName);                             // bind your feed by its name to the Data Output

                Task.WaitAll(outputFeed.EnqueueAndSendData(telemetryData));                                 // enqueue and send the data to the output through the outputFeed

                output.SessionOutput.SessionState = StreamSessionState.Closed;                              // set session state to closed. In case of any unintended session close, set state to Truncated
                output.SessionOutput.SendSession();                                                         // send session
        public Writer(Uri dependencyServiceUri, AtlasConfiguration atlasConfiguration, DataFormat dataFormat,
                      string group, IOutputTopic topic, bool enableCache = true)
            var httpDependencyClient =
                new HttpDependencyClient(dependencyServiceUri, group,
                                         enableCache); // DependencyClient stores the Data format, Atlas Configuration
            var dataFormatClient         = new DataFormatClient(httpDependencyClient);
            var atlasConfigurationClient = new AtlasConfigurationClient(httpDependencyClient);
            var atlasConfigurationId     =
                .PutAndIdentifyAtlasConfiguration(atlasConfiguration); // Uniq ID created for the AtlasConfiguration
            var dataFormatId =
                dataFormatClient.PutAndIdentifyDataFormat(dataFormat); // Uniq ID created for the Data Format

            TopicName = topic.TopicName;

            //Init Session
            session = new SessionTelemetryDataOutput(topic, dataFormatId, dataFormatClient);
            session.SessionOutput.AddSessionDependency(DependencyTypes.DataFormat, dataFormatId);
            session.SessionOutput.AddSessionDependency(DependencyTypes.AtlasConfiguration, atlasConfigurationId);
            SessionOutput = session.SessionOutput;