Пример #1
        public List <RawImage> ProfilesImages(int profileId, int skip, int take)
            string resultsKey = $"{profileId}profileImages";

            if (skip == 0)
                int relationshipTier = friendRepo.RelationshipTier(currentProfile.profile.ProfileId, profileId);

                // Prep list.
                List <int?> imageIds = new List <int?>();

                // If the requested segment does not start past the end of the list.
                if (skip < imageRepo.CountByProfileId(profileId))
                    // Loop though requested segment of profile's images.
                    foreach (Models.Image i in imageRepo.RangeByProfileId(profileId, skip, take))
                        if (i.PrivacyLevel <= relationshipTier)

                    sessionResults.AddResults(resultsKey, imageIds);

            List <RawImage> images = new List <RawImage>();

            foreach (int imageId in sessionResults.GetResultsSegment(resultsKey, skip, take))
                images.Add(Util.GetRawImage(imageRepo.ById(imageId), 1));

Пример #2
        public List <CommentModel> SearchComments(int postId, int skip, int take, [FromBody] StringModel searchText)
            if (searchText.str == "NULL")

            Post post = postRepo.ById(postId);

            if (post.PrivacyLevel > friendRepo.RelationshipTier(currentProfile.id, post.ProfileId))

            string resultsKey = $"{postId}commentSearch";

            if (skip == 0)
                // Prep list for matches. Each index contains a key value pair of <CommentId, searchPoints>.
                List <KeyValuePair <int, int> > matches = new List <KeyValuePair <int, int> >();

                // Split search terms into array of search terms.
                string[] searchTerms = searchText.str.Split(' ');

                // Define how many points an exact match is worth.
                int exactMatchWorth = 3;

                // Loop through all profiles in the database.
                foreach (Comment c in commentRepo.ByPostId(postId))
                    // Define points variable and start it at 0.
                    int points = 0;

                    string[] contentTerms = c.Content.Split(' ');

                    foreach (string contentTerm in contentTerms)
                        string lcContentTerm = contentTerm.ToLower();

                        // Loop through search terms.
                        foreach (string searchTerm in searchTerms)
                            // Convert search term to lowercase.
                            string lcSearchTerm = searchTerm.ToLower();

                            // If the terms are an exact match, add an exact match worth of points.
                            if (lcSearchTerm == lcContentTerm)
                                points += exactMatchWorth;

                            // Else if the terms are a partial match, add 1 point.
                            else if (lcSearchTerm.Contains(lcContentTerm) || lcContentTerm.Contains(lcSearchTerm))

                    // If the comment earned any points, add its id to the list of matches.
                    if (points > 0)
                        matches.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, int>(c.CommentId, points));

                // Sort match results by points.
                matches.Sort((pair1, pair2) => pair1.Value.CompareTo(pair2.Value));

                // Prep list for preped results.
                List <int?> commentIds = new List <int?>();

                // Loop through matches.
                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, int> match in matches)
                    // Add preped result to results.

                sessionResults.AddResults(resultsKey, commentIds);

            List <CommentModel> commentModels = new List <CommentModel>();

            foreach (int commentId in sessionResults.GetResultsSegment(resultsKey, skip, take))

            // Return search results to user.
Пример #3
        public List <ProfileModel> GetFriends(int profileId, string type, int skip, int take, [FromBody] StringModel search)
            if (profileId != 0)
                Profile profile = profileRepo.ById(profileId);
                if (profile.ProfileFriendsPrivacyLevel > friendRepo.RelationshipTier(currentProfile.id, profileId))

            List <int?> profileIds = new List <int?>();

            List <ProfileModel> results = new List <ProfileModel>();

            if (type == "profileModal")
                string resultsKey = "profileModalFriends";

                if (skip == 0)
                    sessionResults.AddResults(resultsKey, ProfileFriends(profileId));

                foreach (int sessionProfileId in sessionResults.GetResultsSegment(resultsKey, skip, take))
            else if (type == "friendDropdown")
                string resultsKey = "friendDropdown";

                if (skip == 0)
                    // If ID is provided and the user has access, return friends by ProfileID.
                    if (profileId != 0 &&
                        profileRepo.ById(profileId).ProfileFriendsPrivacyLevel <= friendRepo.RelationshipTier(currentProfile.profile.ProfileId, profileId))
                        sessionResults.AddResults(resultsKey, ProfileFriends(profileId));

                    // If search string is provided, return profile search results.
                    else if (search.str != "NULL")
                        sessionResults.AddResults(resultsKey, Search(search.str));

                    // If no ID or search string was provided, return the current user's friend requests.
                        sessionResults.AddResults(resultsKey, FriendRequests());

                foreach (int sessionProfileId in sessionResults.GetResultsSegment(resultsKey, skip, take))

Пример #4
        public List <PostModel> ProfilePosts(int profileId, int skip, int take, string feedFilter, string feedType)
            string resultsKey = "profilePosts";

            // If a new feed is starting and the user has access permission.
            if (skip == 0)
                IEnumerable <Post> posts = new List <Post>();

                switch (feedType)
                case "commentedPosts":
                    posts = postRepo.Posts.Where(p => p.ProfileId == profileId &&
                                                     commentRepo.HasCommented(p.PostId, currentProfile.id) ||
                                                     commentRepo.ByPostId(p.PostId).Any(c => likeRepo.HasLiked(2, c.CommentId, currentProfile.id))

                case "likedPosts":
                    posts = postRepo.Posts.Where(p => p.ProfileId == profileId && likeRepo.HasLiked(1, p.PostId, currentProfile.id));

                case "mainPosts":
                    posts = postRepo.Posts.Where(p => p.ProfileId == profileId);

                switch (feedFilter)
                case "recent":
                    posts = posts.OrderByDescending(p => p.DateTime);

                case "likes":
                    posts = posts
                            .OrderByDescending(p => p.DateTime)
                            .OrderByDescending(p => likeRepo.CountByContentId(1, p.PostId));

                case "comments":
                    posts = posts
                            .OrderByDescending(p => p.DateTime)
                            .OrderByDescending(p => commentRepo.CountByPostId(p.PostId));

                // Sorting by HasCommentActivity must happen after sorting by DateTime.
                if (feedType == "CommentedPosts")
                    posts = posts
                            .OrderByDescending(p => commentRepo.HasCommented(p.PostId, currentProfile.id));

                // Store list of post ids.
                List <int?> postIds = new List <int?>();
                foreach (Post p in posts)
                sessionResults.AddResults(resultsKey, postIds);

            List <PostModel> postModels = new List <PostModel>();

            foreach (int postId in sessionResults.GetResultsSegment(resultsKey, skip, take))
