public long AddInventory(InventoryAddModel model) { try { var sqlQuery = GetAddInventoryQuery(model); var result = _db.ExecuteScalar <long>(sqlQuery, new { @brandName = model.BrandName, @name = model.Name, @inventoryCode = model.InventoryCode, @imagePath = model.ImagePath, @createdBy = SessionRegistry.GetUserData().Id, @createdDate = DateTime.Now, @modifiedBy = SessionRegistry.GetUserData().Id, @modifiedDate = DateTime.Now, @volumeType = model.VolumeType, @volume = model.Volume, @specification = model.Specification.Replace("'", "''"), @inPrice = model.InPrice, @outPrice = model.OutPriceIncVat, @rea = model.REA, @supplier = model.Supplier }); return(result); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message.ToString()); } }
public static IProfilerServer CreateServer(SessionRegistry sessionRegistry) { ProfilerService server = new ProfilerService(sessionRegistry); ServiceHost serviceHost = new ServiceHost(server, new Uri(ProfilerIpc.ServiceBase)); serviceHost.AddServiceEndpoint( typeof(IProfilerService), new NetNamedPipeBinding(), ProfilerIpc.ServiceName); serviceHost.Open(); return(server); }
protected override bool AuthorizeCore(HttpContextBase filterContext) { bool authorize = false; foreach (var role in allowedRoles) { var user = SessionRegistry.GetUserData(); if (user != null && user.RoleId == role) { authorize = true; } } return(authorize); }
public ActionResult EndShopping(string cartId) { try { var storeId = Convert.ToString(Session["StoreId"]); var user = SessionRegistry.GetUserData(); var message = _receiptService.Payment(user.Id.ToString(), storeId, cartId); return(Json(new { success = true, data = message }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } catch (Exception ex) { _log.ErrorFormat("Following error occured while payment customer view shop purchase item. Error: {0}", ex.Message); return(Json(new { success = false, error = ex.Message }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); MatchService matchService = new MatchService(); MessageDispatcher dispatcher = new MessageDispatcher(matchService); SessionRegistry sessionRegistry = new SessionRegistry(); SessionService sessionService = new SessionService(sessionRegistry, dispatcher); sessionService.Start(); Console.WriteLine("Server start."); autoEvent.WaitOne(); Console.WriteLine("Server exit."); }
public CollaborationSession StartCollaboration() { Logger.Info("Starting collaboration"); lock (_locker) { SessionRegistry sreg = GetSessions(); try { _theSession = sreg.getSession(); Logger.Info("Session retrieved: " + OrbServices.GetSingleton().object_to_string(_theSession)); } catch (TargetInvocationException e) { if (e.InnerException is SessionDoesNotExist) { Logger.Warn("Session not found for entity " + (e.InnerException as SessionDoesNotExist).entity); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Error("Error trying to obtain session: " + e); throw; } if (_theSession == null) { try { CollaborationRegistry collab = GetCollabs(); _theSession = collab.createCollaborationSession(); sreg.registerSession(_theSession); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Error("Error creating the session (it will be destroyed): " + e); if (_theSession != null) { _theSession.destroy(); } throw; } } UpdateActivation(); } return(_theSession); }
public ActionResult AddItemInCart(string inventoryCode) { try { var user = SessionRegistry.GetUserData(); var storeId = Convert.ToString(Session["StoreId"]); var cartId = _cartService.GenerateCart(user.Id.ToString(), storeId); var cartItem = _cartService.AddCartItemForCustomerShop(user.Id.ToString(), cartId.ToString(), storeId, inventoryCode); return(Json(new { success = true, data = cartItem }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } catch (Exception ex) { _log.ErrorFormat("Following error occured while storing customer view shop purchase item. Error: {0}", ex.Message); return(Json(new { success = false, error = ex.Message }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
public ActionResult GetAllCartItemCustomerShop() { try { var user = SessionRegistry.GetUserData(); var storeId = Convert.ToString(Session["StoreId"]); var cartId = _cartService.GenerateCart(user.Id.ToString(), storeId); var cartItems = _cartService.GetAllCartItemList(cartId.ToString()); return(Json(new { success = true, data = cartItems }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } catch (Exception ex) { _log.ErrorFormat("Following error occured while fetching customer view shop purchase list. Error: {0}", ex.Message); return(Json(new { success = false, error = ex.Message }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
public PacChatServer() { instance = this; new ServerSettings(); protocolProvider = new ProtocolProvider(); SessionRegistry = new SessionRegistry(); Mongo.StartService(); ProfileCache.StartService(); CommandManager.StartService(); RegisterCommand(); Sticker.StartService(); StartNetworkService(); }
protected override void HandleUnauthorizedRequest(AuthorizationContext filterContext) { var user = SessionRegistry.GetUserData(); if (user == null) { filterContext.Result = new RedirectToRouteResult(new RouteValueDictionary { { "action", "Index" }, { "controller", "Login" } }).WithError("Please login to continue"); } else { filterContext.Result = new RedirectToRouteResult(new RouteValueDictionary { { "action", "Index" }, { "controller", "Dashboard" } }).WithError("You are not authorized to access this page."); } }
public void ExitCollaboration() { lock (_locker) { try { DeactivateConsumer(); DeactivateObserver(); Logger.Info("Collaboration finished"); } finally { _subsId = 0; _obsId = 0; _theSession = null; _consumer = null; _observer = null; _collabs = null; _sessions = null; } } }
public ProfilerService(SessionRegistry sessionRegistry) { this.sessionRegistry = sessionRegistry; this.clientEndpointToPid = new ConcurrentDictionary <EndpointAddress, int>(); }
public HostIpcService(SessionRegistry sessionRegistry) { this.sessionRegistry = sessionRegistry; }
private static string GetEditInventoryQuery(InventoryAddModel model) { var sqlQuery = new StringBuilder(); sqlQuery.Append(string.Format(@"UPDATE Inventory SET BrandName='{0}',Name='{1}',InventoryCode='{2}',ModifiedBy={3},ModifiedDate='{4}',ImagePath='{5}',VolumeType='{6}',Supplier='{7}',InPrice='{8}',OutPriceIncVat='{9}',REA={10},Volume='{11}',Specification='{12}' WHERE Id={13} ", model.BrandName, model.Name, model.InventoryCode, SessionRegistry.GetUserData().Id, DateTime.Now, model.ImagePath, model.VolumeType, model.Supplier, model.InPrice, model.OutPriceIncVat, model.REA, model.Volume, model.Specification, model.Id)); return(sqlQuery.ToString()); }
private SessionRegistry GetSessions() { bool find = _sessions == null; if (!find) { try { find = !_context.ORB.non_existent(_sessions); } catch (Exception) { find = true; } } if (find) { ServiceProperty[] serviceProperties = new ServiceProperty[1]; string sessionRegType = Repository.GetRepositoryID(typeof(SessionRegistry)); serviceProperties[0] = new ServiceProperty("openbus.component.interface", sessionRegType); ServiceOfferDesc[] services = _context.OfferRegistry.findServices(serviceProperties); foreach (ServiceOfferDesc offerDesc in services) { try { MarshalByRefObject obj = offerDesc.service_ref.getFacet(sessionRegType); if (obj == null) { continue; } _sessions = obj as SessionRegistry; if (_sessions != null) { break; // found one } } catch (Exception e) { NO_PERMISSION npe = null; if (e is TargetInvocationException) { npe = e.InnerException as NO_PERMISSION; } // caso não seja uma NO_PERMISSION{NoLogin} descarta essa oferta. if ((npe == null) && (!(e is NO_PERMISSION))) { continue; } npe = npe ?? e as NO_PERMISSION; switch (npe.Minor) { case NoLoginCode.ConstVal: throw; } } } } return(_sessions); }