protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     oServiceEditor = new ServiceEditor(0, dsnServiceEditor);
     if (Request.QueryString["u"] != null && Request.QueryString["u"] == "GET")
         XmlDocument oDoc = new XmlDocument();
         Response.ContentType = "application/xml";
         StringBuilder sb        = new StringBuilder("<values>");
         string        strValues = Server.UrlDecode(oDoc.FirstChild.InnerXml);
         string        strValue  = strValues.Substring(0, strValues.IndexOf("_"));
         string        strConfig = strValues.Substring(strValues.IndexOf("_") + 1);
         int           intValue  = Int32.Parse(strValue);
         int           intConfig = Int32.Parse(strConfig);
         sb.Append(AddResets(intConfig, intValue));
         DataSet dsAffects = oServiceEditor.GetConfigAffectsValue(intValue);
         foreach (DataRow drAffect in dsAffects.Tables[0].Rows)
Пример #2
        public void InitView(String configurationPath, String moduleCode, EditorType selectedType, Boolean allowAnonymous)
            if (!allowAnonymous && UserContext.isAnonymous)
                View.CurrentType = EditorType.none;
                EditorConfiguration config = ServiceEditor.GetConfiguration(configurationPath);
                if (config == null || (config.DefaultEditor == null && !config.Settings.Any()))
                    View.CurrentType = EditorType.none;
                    ModuleEditorSettings mSettings = (config.ModuleSettings == null) ? null : config.ModuleSettings.Where(m => m.ModuleCode == moduleCode).FirstOrDefault();

                    EditorType loadType = (mSettings != null) ?
                                          ((config.Settings.Any() && config.Settings.Where(s => s.EditorType == selectedType).Any())
                                        ? selectedType : ((config.DefaultEditor != null) ? config.DefaultEditor.EditorType:  EditorType.none));
                    View.CurrentType = loadType;
                    EditorSettings    rSettings    = (config.Settings.Any() ? config.Settings.Where(s => s.EditorType == loadType).FirstOrDefault(): null);
                    EditorInitializer eInitializer = GetInitializer(loadType, config, (rSettings != null) ? rSettings: config.DefaultEditor, mSettings);

                    View.LoadEditor(loadType, eInitializer);
                    View.isInitialized = true;
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     intProfile     = Int32.Parse(Request.Cookies["profileid"].Value);
     oServiceEditor = new ServiceEditor(intProfile, dsnServiceEditor);
     oUser          = new Users(intProfile, dsn);
     Int32.TryParse(Request.QueryString["wm"], out intWM);
     Int32.TryParse(Request.QueryString["serviceid"], out intService);
     Int32.TryParse(Request.QueryString["configid"], out intConfig);
     if (Request.QueryString["saved"] != null)
         trSaved.Visible = true;
     if (!IsPostBack)
         if (intService > 0 && intConfig > 0)
             DataSet ds = oServiceEditor.GetConfigs(intService, intWM, 1);
             foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                 int _configid = Int32.Parse(dr["id"].ToString());
                 if (intConfig == _configid)
                 TreeNode oNode = new TreeNode();
                 oNode.Text         = dr["question"].ToString();
                 oNode.ToolTip      = dr["question"].ToString();
                 oNode.Value        = dr["id"].ToString();
                 oNode.SelectAction = TreeNodeSelectAction.None;
                 oNode.Checked      = false;
                 if (dr["code"].ToString() == "DROPDOWN" || dr["code"].ToString() == "RADIOLIST")
                     DataSet dsValues = oServiceEditor.GetConfigValues(_configid);
                     foreach (DataRow drValue in dsValues.Tables[0].Rows)
                         TreeNode oChild = new TreeNode();
                         oChild.Text         = drValue["value"].ToString();
                         oChild.ToolTip      = drValue["value"].ToString();
                         oChild.Value        = drValue["id"].ToString();
                         oChild.SelectAction = TreeNodeSelectAction.None;
                         DataSet dsResponse = oServiceEditor.GetConfigAffects(intConfig, Int32.Parse(drValue["id"].ToString()));
                         oChild.Checked = (dsResponse.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0);
                     TreeNode oChild = new TreeNode();
                     oChild.Text         = "<b>Unavailable.</b> Only &quot;Drop Down List&quot; and &quot;Radio Button List&quot; controls can be used for dynamic display";
                     oChild.Value        = "0";
                     oChild.SelectAction = TreeNodeSelectAction.None;
                     oChild.ShowCheckBox = false;
Пример #4
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            intProfile = Int32.Parse(Request.Cookies["profileid"].Value);

            oRequest         = new Requests(0, dsn);
            oResourceRequest = new ResourceRequest(0, dsn);
            oRequestItem     = new RequestItems(intProfile, dsn);
            oService         = new Services(0, dsn);
            oUser            = new Users(intProfile, dsn);
            oFunction        = new Functions(intProfile, dsn, intEnvironment);
            oApplication     = new Applications(intProfile, dsn);
            oProject         = new Projects(intProfile, dsn);
            oProjectsPending = new ProjectsPending(intProfile, dsn, intEnvironment);
            oVariable        = new Variables(intEnvironment);
            oPage            = new Pages(intProfile, dsn);
            oServiceEditor   = new ServiceEditor(intProfile, dsnServiceEditor);

            if (Request.Cookies["application"] != null && Request.Cookies["application"].Value != "")
                intApplication = Int32.Parse(Request.Cookies["application"].Value);

            if (Request.QueryString["rrid"] != null && Request.QueryString["rrid"] != "")
                intRRId = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["rrid"]);


            btnSave.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return ValidateText('" + txtComments.ClientID + "','Please enter comment for returning request') && AlertMessage('This action might take a few seconds to complete...\\n\\nPlease be patient and wait for the window to finish processing...') && ProcessButton(this);");

            //btnSave.Attributes.Add("onclick", "parent.HidePanel();");
Пример #5
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            intProfile      = Int32.Parse(Request.Cookies["profileid"].Value);
            oPage           = new Pages(intProfile, dsn);
            oRequestItem    = new RequestItems(intProfile, dsn);
            oServiceRequest = new ServiceRequests(intProfile, dsn);
            oApplication    = new Applications(intProfile, dsn);
            oServiceEditor  = new ServiceEditor(intProfile, dsnServiceEditor);
            oCustomized     = new Customized(intProfile, dsn);
            oRequest        = new Requests(intProfile, dsn);
            oProject        = new Projects(intProfile, dsn);
            oService        = new Services(intProfile, dsn);
            oFunction       = new Functions(intProfile, dsn, intEnvironment);
            if (Request.QueryString["applicationid"] != null && Request.QueryString["applicationid"] != "")
                intApplication = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["applicationid"]);
            if (Request.QueryString["pageid"] != null && Request.QueryString["pageid"] != "")
                intPage = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["pageid"]);
            if (Request.Cookies["application"] != null && Request.Cookies["application"].Value != "")
                intApplication = Int32.Parse(Request.Cookies["application"].Value);

            if (Request.QueryString["returned"] != null)
                boolReqReturned = true;
            if (Request.QueryString["denied"] != null)
                boolReqDenied = true;

            if (Request.QueryString["rid"] != "" && Request.QueryString["rid"] != null)
                if (!IsPostBack)
                radExpediteYes.Attributes.Add("onclick", "Expedite(this, '" + radExpediteNo.ClientID + "');");
                // Custom Loads
                int    intItem        = Int32.Parse(lblItem.Text);
                int    intApp         = oRequestItem.GetItemApplication(intItem);
                string strDeliverable = oApplication.Get(intApp, "deliverables_doc");
                if (strDeliverable != "")
                    btnDeliverable.Visible = true;
                    btnDeliverable.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return OpenWindow('NEW_WINDOW','" + strDeliverable + "');");
                btnDocuments.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return OpenWindow('DOCUMENTS_SECURE','?rid=" + Request.QueryString["rid"] + "');");
            btnBack.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return confirm('WARNING: Any unsaved changes will be lost.\\n\\nAre you sure you want to continue?') && ProcessButton(this) && LoadWait();");
            btnCancel.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return confirm('WARNING: Any unsaved changes will be lost.\\n\\nAre you sure you want to continue?') && ProcessButton(this) && LoadWait();");
            btnCancelR.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this service request?') && ProcessButton(this) && LoadWait();");
        private void InitializeView(String configurationPath, NoticeboardMessage message)
            lm.Comol.Core.BaseModules.Editor.EditorConfiguration config = ServiceEditor.GetConfiguration(configurationPath);
            if (!(config == null || (config.DefaultEditor == null && !config.Settings.Any())))
                ModuleEditorSettings mSettings = (config.ModuleSettings == null) ? null : config.ModuleSettings.Where(m => m.ModuleCode == ModuleNoticeboard.UniqueID).FirstOrDefault();

                EditorType loadType = (mSettings != null) ?
                                      ((config.Settings.Any() && config.Settings.Where(s => s.EditorType == EditorType.telerik).Any())
                                    ? EditorType.telerik : ((config.DefaultEditor != null) ? config.DefaultEditor.EditorType : EditorType.none));
                EditorSettings rSettings = (config.Settings.Any() ? config.Settings.Where(s => s.EditorType == loadType).FirstOrDefault() : null);

                EditorSettings settings   = (rSettings != null) ? rSettings : config.DefaultEditor;
                String         fontfamily = (mSettings != null) ? mSettings.FontNames : (settings != null) ? settings.FontNames : config.FontNames;
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fontfamily))
                    fontfamily = config.FontNames;

                String  fontSizes       = (mSettings != null) ? mSettings.FontSizes : (settings != null) ? settings.FontSizes : config.FontSizes;
                String  realFontSizes   = (mSettings != null) ? mSettings.RealFontSizes : (settings != null) ? settings.RealFontSizes : config.RealFontSizes;
                Boolean useRealFontSize = (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(realFontSizes)) ? View.UseRealFontSize : (mSettings != null) ? mSettings.UseRealFontSize : (settings != null) ? settings.UseRealFontSize : config.UseRealFontSize;

                FontConfiguration   defaultFont      = (mSettings != null && mSettings.DefaultFont != null) ? mSettings.DefaultFont : (settings != null && settings.DefaultFont != null) ? settings.DefaultFont : config.DefaultFont;
                FontConfiguration   defaultRealFont  = (mSettings != null && mSettings.DefaultRealFont != null) ? mSettings.DefaultRealFont : (settings != null && settings.DefaultRealFont != null) ? settings.DefaultRealFont : config.DefaultRealFont;
                List <FontSettings> fontSizeSettings = config.FontSizeSettings;
                List <String>       fitems           = fontfamily.Split(',').Where(s => !String.IsNullOrEmpty(s)).ToList();

                String dFont = "";
                if (!useRealFontSize && defaultFont != null && fitems.Select(s => s.ToLower()).Contains(defaultFont.Family.ToLower()))
                    dFont = defaultFont.Family;
                else if (useRealFontSize && defaultRealFont != null && fitems.Select(s => s.ToLower()).Contains(defaultRealFont.Family.ToLower()))
                    dFont = defaultRealFont.Family;
                if (message.StyleSettings != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(message.StyleSettings.FontFamily) && fitems.Select(s => s.ToLower()).Contains(message.StyleSettings.FontFamily.ToLower()))
                    dFont = message.StyleSettings.FontFamily;
                View.LoadFontFamily(fitems, dFont);

                List <String> sizeItems = fontSizeSettings.Select(s => s.Value).ToList();

                //fontfamily.Split(',').Where(s=> !String.IsNullOrEmpty(s)).ToList();

            View.isInitialized = true;
Пример #7
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Asset oAsset = new Asset(0, dsnAsset, dsn);
            // 7,1,1675,713,5778,2,47
            DataSet       dsAssets       = oAsset.GetServerOrBladeAvailable(7, 1, 1675, 713, 5778, 2, 47);
            ServiceEditor oServiceEditor = new ServiceEditor(0, dsnServiceEditor);
            DataSet       dsAssetsManual = oServiceEditor.APGetSerials();

            for (int ii = 0; ii < dsAssets.Tables[0].Rows.Count; ii++)
                DataRow  drAsset        = dsAssets.Tables[0].Rows[ii];
                string   strSerial      = drAsset["serial"].ToString();
                bool     boolIsManual   = false;
                DataView dvAssetsManual = dsAssetsManual.Tables[0].DefaultView;
                dvAssetsManual.RowFilter = "serial = '" + strSerial + "'";
                if (dvAssetsManual.Count > 0)
                    Response.Write("delete asset " + strSerial + "<br/>");

            //strResult = "";
            //strError = "";
            //oMnemonic = new Mnemonic(0, dsn);
            //oServer = new Servers(0, dsn);
            //oForecast = new Forecast(0, dsn);
            //oRequest = new Requests(0, dsn);
            //oProject = new Projects(0, dsn);
            //oOrganization = new Organizations(0, dsn);
            //oUser = new Users(0, dsn);
            //intEnvironment = 999;
            //oAD = new AD(0, dsn, intEnvironment);
            //oVar = new Variables(intEnvironment);
            //oFunction = new Functions(0, dsn, intEnvironment);
            //oAccountRequest = new AccountRequest(0, dsn);
            //oOnDemand = new OnDemand(0, dsn);
            //strMnemonicCode = "XQM";
            //strMnemonicName = "TESTING CLEARVIEW";
            //strOrganizationCode = "CVW";
            //intServer = 11424;
            //intAnswer = Int32.Parse(oServer.Get(intServer, "answerid"));
            //intRequest = oForecast.GetRequestID(intAnswer, true);
            //intProject = oRequest.GetProjectNumber(intRequest);
            //intOrganization = Int32.Parse(oProject.Get(intProject, "organization"));
            //strIP = "";
            //strDomain = "PNCNT";
            //strScripts = Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + "scripts\\";
            ////strName = "WDRDP300A";
            //strName = "WCXQM203D";

Пример #8
 private bool IsServiceEnabled(string serviceName)
     if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(serviceName))
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(serviceName));
     using (var service = new ServiceEditor(serviceName))
Пример #9
 public bool ServiceExists(string serviceName)
     if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(serviceName))
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(serviceName));
     using (var service = new ServiceEditor(serviceName))
Пример #10
 public string GetServiceDisplayName(string serviceName)
     if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(serviceName))
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(serviceName));
     using (var service = new ServiceEditor(serviceName))
Пример #11
 private void DisableService(string serviceName)
     if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(serviceName))
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(serviceName));
     using (var service = new ServiceEditor(serviceName))
         Logger.LogInfo(string.Format("Service disabled: {0}", serviceName));
Пример #12
 public string GetServiceDllPath(string serviceName)
     if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(serviceName))
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(serviceName));
     using (var service = new ServiceEditor(serviceName))
         var dll = service.GetServiceDLL();
Пример #13
 public void DisableService(string serviceName)
     if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(serviceName))
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(serviceName));
     using (var service = new ServiceEditor(serviceName))
Пример #14
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     intProfile      = Int32.Parse(Request.Cookies["profileid"].Value);
     oPage           = new Pages(intProfile, dsn);
     oRequestItem    = new RequestItems(intProfile, dsn);
     oServiceRequest = new ServiceRequests(intProfile, dsn);
     oApplication    = new Applications(intProfile, dsn);
     oServiceEditor  = new ServiceEditor(intProfile, dsn);
     oCustomized     = new Customized(intProfile, dsn);
     oRequest        = new Requests(intProfile, dsn);
     oProject        = new Projects(intProfile, dsn);
     if (Request.QueryString["applicationid"] != null && Request.QueryString["applicationid"] != "")
         intApplication = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["applicationid"]);
     if (Request.QueryString["pageid"] != null && Request.QueryString["pageid"] != "")
         intPage = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["pageid"]);
     if (Request.Cookies["application"] != null && Request.Cookies["application"].Value != "")
         intApplication = Int32.Parse(Request.Cookies["application"].Value);
     if (Request.QueryString["rid"] != "" && Request.QueryString["rid"] != null)
         imgStart.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return ShowCalendar('" + txtStart.ClientID + "');");
         imgEnd.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return ShowCalendar('" + txtEnd.ClientID + "');");
         chkExpedite_Yes.Attributes.Add("onclick", "Expedite(this, '" + chkExpedite_No.ClientID + "');");
         // Custom Loads
         int    intItem        = Int32.Parse(lblItem.Text);
         int    intApp         = oRequestItem.GetItemApplication(intItem);
         string strDeliverable = oApplication.Get(intApp, "deliverables_doc");
         if (strDeliverable != "")
             panDeliverable.Visible = true;
             btnDeliverable.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return OpenWindow('NEW_WINDOW','" + strDeliverable + "');");
         int intWorkingDays = oApplication.GetLead(intApp, 3);
         if (intWorkingDays > 0)
             oApplication.AssignPriority(intApp, radPriority, lblDeliverable.ClientID, txtEnd.ClientID, hdnEnd.ClientID);
             lblDeliverable.Text = intWorkingDays.ToString();
             txtEnd.Text         = DateTime.Today.AddDays(intWorkingDays).ToShortDateString();
             hdnEnd.Value        = DateTime.Today.AddDays(intWorkingDays).ToShortDateString();
         btnDocuments.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return OpenWindow('DOCUMENTS_SECURE','?rid=" + Request.QueryString["rid"] + "');");
     btnCancel1.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this service request?');");
Пример #15
        public bool IsServiceEnabled(string serviceName)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(serviceName))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(serviceName));
            var serviceDllPath = GetServiceDllPath(serviceName);

            using (var service = new ServiceEditor(serviceName))
                return(service.IsServiceEnabled() &&
                       (String.IsNullOrEmpty(serviceDllPath) || File.Exists(serviceDllPath)));
Пример #16
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     Response.Cookies["loginreferrer"].Value   = "/admin/services_pending.aspx";
     Response.Cookies["loginreferrer"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(30);
     if (Request.Cookies["adminid"] != null && Request.Cookies["adminid"].Value != "")
         intProfile = Int32.Parse(Request.Cookies["adminid"].Value);
     oService       = new Services(intProfile, dsn);
     oServiceEditor = new ServiceEditor(intProfile, dsn);
     oRequestItem   = new RequestItems(intProfile, dsn);
     oApplication   = new Applications(intProfile, dsn);
     oUser          = new Users(intProfile, dsn);
     if (Request.QueryString["id"] != null && Request.QueryString["id"] != "")
         intService      = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["id"]);
         panView.Visible = true;
         if (!IsPostBack)
             lblName.Text = oService.GetName(intService);
             int intItem = oService.GetItemId(intService);
             lblItem.Text        = oRequestItem.GetItemName(intItem);
             lblApplication.Text = oApplication.GetName(oRequestItem.GetItemApplication(intItem));
             DataSet ds = oService.GetUser(intService, -1);
             if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                 lblUser.Text = oUser.GetFullName(Int32.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["userid"].ToString()));
         panAll.Visible     = true;
         rptView.DataSource = oService.GetPending();
     btnSave.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return confirm('Are you sure you want to save this service?');");
     btnDelete.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this service?');");
Пример #17
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (this.Visible)
                if (Request.Cookies["profileid"] != null && Request.Cookies["profileid"].Value != "")
                    intProfile = Int32.Parse(Request.Cookies["profileid"].Value);
                if (Request.QueryString["applicationid"] != null && Request.QueryString["applicationid"] != "")
                    intApplication = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["applicationid"]);
                if (Request.Cookies["application"] != null && Request.Cookies["application"].Value != "")
                    intApplication = Int32.Parse(Request.Cookies["application"].Value);
                oResourceRequest = new ResourceRequest(intProfile, dsn);
                oService         = new Services(intProfile, dsn);
                oUser            = new Users(intProfile, dsn);
                oFunction        = new Functions(intProfile, dsn, intEnvironment);
                oServiceEditor   = new ServiceEditor(intProfile, dsnServiceEditor);

                wucWorkflowItem _workflow   = LoadWorkflow(RequestID, ServiceID, Number, false);
                StringBuilder   strWorkflow = new StringBuilder(_workflow.Html.ToString());
                if (intCount > 0)
                    strWorkflow.Append("<td align=\"center\">");
                    strWorkflow.Append("<img src=\"/images/down_arrow_black.gif\" border=\"0\" align=\"absmiddle\" />");
                strWorkflow.Append("<td style=\"border:solid 1px #CCC\" align=\"center\"" + (intCount % 2 == 0 ? "" : " style=\"background-color:#E6E6E6\"") + ">");
                strWorkflow.Append("<img src=\"/images/bigCheckBox.gif\" align=\"absmiddle\" border=\"0\">&nbsp;<span class=\"header\">End of Request</span>");

                litWorkflow.Text    = strWorkflow.ToString();
                lblWorkflow.Visible = (strWorkflow.ToString() == "");
Пример #18
        public int AddRequest(int _requestid, int _itemid, int _serviceid, int _devices, double _hours, int _status, int _number, string _se_dsn)
            RequestItems    oRequestItem     = new RequestItems(user, dsn);
            Services        oService         = new Services(user, dsn);
            ServiceEditor   oServiceEditor   = new ServiceEditor(user, _se_dsn);
            Applications    oApplication     = new Applications(user, dsn);
            ResourceRequest oResourceRequest = new ResourceRequest(user, dsn);
            ServiceDetails  oServiceDetail   = new ServiceDetails(user, dsn);

            if (_hours == 0.00 && _serviceid > 0)
                double _quantity = 1.00;
                if (oService.Get(_serviceid, "quantity_is_device") == "1")
                    DataSet dsSelected = oService.GetSelected(_requestid);
                    if (dsSelected.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                        _quantity = double.Parse(dsSelected.Tables[0].Rows[0]["quantity"].ToString());
                _hours = oServiceDetail.GetHours(_serviceid, _quantity);
            int     _application    = oRequestItem.GetItemApplication(_itemid);
            int     intPlatform     = Int32.Parse(oApplication.Get(_application, "platform_approve"));
            int     intAccepted     = (oService.Get(_serviceid, "rejection") == "1" ? 0 : 1);
            int     intResource     = oResourceRequest.Add(_requestid, _itemid, _serviceid, _number, "", _devices, _hours, _status, 1, intAccepted, (intPlatform == 1 ? 0 : 1));
            DataSet dsServiceEditor = oServiceEditor.GetRequestFirstData2(_requestid, _serviceid, _number, 0, dsn);

            if (dsServiceEditor.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                oResourceRequest.UpdateName(intResource, dsServiceEditor.Tables[0].Rows[0]["title"].ToString());
            // See if any approver has been configured.  If so, add them.
            // Get approval fields.
            DataSet dsApprovals = oServiceEditor.GetApprovals(_serviceid);

            if (dsApprovals.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                // If exist, send approval...
                oResourceRequest.DeleteApproval(_requestid, _serviceid, _number);
Пример #19
        public bool EnableService(string serviceName)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(serviceName))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(serviceName));
            var enabledRealtime = false;

            using (var service = new ServiceEditor(serviceName))
                if (!service.IsServiceRunAsLocalSystem())
                enabledRealtime = service.EnableService();
Пример #20
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     intProfile     = Int32.Parse(Request.Cookies["profileid"].Value);
     oServiceEditor = new ServiceEditor(intProfile, dsnServiceEditor);
     oUser          = new Users(intProfile, dsn);
     oService       = new Services(intProfile, dsn);
     Int32.TryParse(Request.QueryString["serviceid"], out intService);
     Int32.TryParse(Request.QueryString["nextservice"], out intNextService);
     if (Request.QueryString["saved"] != null)
         trSaved.Visible = true;
     if (!IsPostBack)
         if (intService > 0 && intNextService > 0)
             rptView.DataSource = oServiceEditor.GetConfigsWorkflow(intService, intNextService);
             lblNone.Visible = (rptView.Items.Count == 0);
             foreach (RepeaterItem ri in rptView.Items)
                 Label lblService      = (Label)ri.FindControl("lblService");
                 int   intServiceBegin = 0;
                 if (Int32.TryParse(lblService.Text, out intServiceBegin) == true)
                     string strWorkflowTitle = oService.Get(intServiceBegin, "workflow_title");
                     if (strWorkflowTitle != "")
                         lblService.Text = strWorkflowTitle;
                         lblService.Text = oService.Get(intServiceBegin, "name");
         chkInclude.Attributes.Add("onclick", "CheckListAll(this,'tblChecks');");
         chkEditable.Attributes.Add("onclick", "CheckListAll(this,'tblChecks');");
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            intProfile     = Int32.Parse(Request.Cookies["profileid"].Value);
            oServiceEditor = new ServiceEditor(intProfile, dsnServiceEditor);
            oService       = new Services(intProfile, dsn);
            oUser          = new Users(intProfile, dsn);
            Int32.TryParse(Request.QueryString["serviceid"], out intService);
            Page.Title = "Workflow | " + oService.GetName(intService);
            if (!IsPostBack)
                lstServices = new List <StringBuilder>();
                // Get back to the original one.
                int     intWorkflowService = intService;
                DataSet dsReceive          = oService.GetWorkflowsReceive(intWorkflowService);
                while (dsReceive.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    intWorkflowService = Int32.Parse(dsReceive.Tables[0].Rows[0]["serviceid"].ToString());
                    dsReceive          = oService.GetWorkflowsReceive(intWorkflowService);
                if (dsReceive.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    intWorkflowService = Int32.Parse(dsReceive.Tables[0].Rows[0]["serviceid"].ToString());
                LoadWorkflow(intWorkflowService, intService, 0);

                // Build Table
                strTable = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (StringBuilder lstService in lstServices)
                    if (strTable.ToString() != "")
                        strTable.Append("<td valign=\"top\"><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><img src=\"/images/arrow_right.gif\" border=\"0\" /></td>");
                    strTable.Append("<td valign=\"top\">");
                strTable.Insert(0, "<tr>");
Пример #22
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     Response.Cookies["loginreferrer"].Value   = "/admin/service_editor_fields.aspx";
     Response.Cookies["loginreferrer"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(30);
     if (Request.Cookies["adminid"] != null && Request.Cookies["adminid"].Value != "")
         intProfile = Int32.Parse(Request.Cookies["adminid"].Value);
     oServiceEditor = new ServiceEditor(intProfile, dsn);
     if (!IsPostBack)
         btnOrder.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return OpenWindow('SUPPORTORDER','" + hdnId.ClientID + "','" + hdnOrder.ClientID + "&type=SERVICE_EDITOR_FIELDS" + "',false,400,400);");
         btnDelete.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this item?');");
         btnCancel.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return Cancel();");
         btnImage.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return OpenWindow('IMAGEPATH','','" + txtImage.ClientID + "',false,500,550);");
Пример #23
	public void InitWindows()
		Skin = (GUISkin)Resources.Load("GUI/EditorGUI");
		//windows init
		npcEditor = new NPCEditor(Skin, this);

		armorEditor = new ArmorEditor(Skin, this);

		arenaEditor = new ArenaEditor(Skin, this);

		enemyEditor = new EnemyEditor(Skin, this);

		currencyEditor = new CurrencyEditor(Skin, this);
		conversationEditor = new ConversationEditor(Skin, this);
		shopEditor = new ShopEditor(Skin, this);

		questEditor = new QuestEditor(Skin, this);
		itemEditor = new  ItemEditor(Skin, this);

		minigameEditor = new MiniGameEditor(Skin, this);

		serviceEditor = new ServiceEditor(Skin, this);

		npcQuestEditor = new NPCQuestEditor(Skin, this);

		townEditor = new TownEditor(Skin, this);

		badgeEditor = new BadgeEditor(Skin, this);
		constructionEditor = new ConstructionEditor(Skin, this);

		loadWindows = false;
Пример #24
        public void InitView(String editorConfigurationPath, System.Guid currentWorkingApplicationId)
            NoticeboardMessage message = null;

            EditorConfiguration config = ServiceEditor.GetConfiguration(editorConfigurationPath);

            if (config != null)
                ModuleEditorSettings mSettings = (config.ModuleSettings == null) ? null : config.ModuleSettings.Where(m => m.ModuleCode == ModuleNoticeboard.UniqueID).FirstOrDefault();
                if (mSettings == null && config.CssFiles.Any())
                    View.PreloadCssFiles(config.DefaultCssFilesPath, config.CssFiles);
                else if (mSettings != null && mSettings.CssFiles != null && mSettings.CssFiles.Any() && mSettings.OvverideCssFileSettings)
                    View.PreloadCssFiles(config.DefaultCssFilesPath, mSettings.CssFiles);
                else if (mSettings != null && mSettings.CssFiles != null && !mSettings.OvverideCssFileSettings)
                    View.PreloadCssFiles(config.DefaultCssFilesPath, config.CssFiles);

            long idMessage   = View.PreloadedIdMessage;
            int  IdCommunity = View.PreloadedIdCommunity;

            if (idMessage != 0)
                message = Service.GetMessage(idMessage);
                message = Service.GetLastMessage(IdCommunity);
                if (message != null)
                    idMessage = message.Id;
            if (message != null && message.Community != null)
                IdCommunity = message.Community.Id;
            else if (message != null && message.isForPortal)
                IdCommunity = 0;
                IdCommunity = UserContext.WorkingCommunityID;

            Community community = null;

            if (IdCommunity > 0)
                community = CurrentManager.GetCommunity(IdCommunity);
            if (community == null && IdCommunity > 0)
                View.ContainerName = "";
            else if (community != null)
                View.ContainerName = community.Name;
                View.ContainerName = View.PortalName;

            Boolean anonymousViewAllowed = (View.PreloadWorkingApplicationId != Guid.Empty && View.PreloadWorkingApplicationId == currentWorkingApplicationId);

            if (message == null && idMessage > 0)
                View.SendUserAction(IdCommunity, ModuleID, idMessage, ModuleNoticeboard.ActionType.ViewUnknownMessage);
            else if (message == null && idMessage == 0)
                View.SendUserAction(IdCommunity, ModuleID, idMessage, ModuleNoticeboard.ActionType.ViewEmptyMessage);
            else if (UserContext.isAnonymous && !anonymousViewAllowed)
                View.IdCurrentMessage = idMessage;

                ModuleNoticeboard module = null;
                if (IdCommunity == 0 && message.isForPortal)
                    module = ModuleNoticeboard.CreatePortalmodule((UserContext.isAnonymous) ? (int)UserTypeStandard.Guest : UserContext.UserTypeID);
                else if (IdCommunity > 0)
                    module = new ModuleNoticeboard(CurrentManager.GetModulePermission(UserContext.CurrentUserID, IdCommunity, ModuleID));
                    module = new ModuleNoticeboard();
                if (module.Administration || module.ViewCurrentMessage || module.ViewOldMessage || anonymousViewAllowed)
                    View.SendUserAction(IdCommunity, ModuleID, idMessage, ModuleNoticeboard.ActionType.ViewMessage);
                    View.SendUserAction(IdCommunity, ModuleID, idMessage, ModuleNoticeboard.ActionType.NoPermission);
Пример #25
        public bool NotifyApproval(int _requestid, int intService, int intNumber, int _resourcerequestapprove, int _environment, string _cc, string _dsn_service_editor)
            bool            boolNotify       = false;
            RequestItems    oRequestItem     = new RequestItems(user, dsn);
            ResourceRequest oResourceRequest = new ResourceRequest(user, dsn);
            Applications    oApplication     = new Applications(user, dsn);
            Users           oUser            = new Users(user, dsn);
            Functions       oFunction        = new Functions(user, dsn, _environment);
            Requests        oRequest         = new Requests(user, dsn);
            Pages           oPage            = new Pages(user, dsn);
            Variables       oVariable        = new Variables(_environment);
            Platforms       oPlatform        = new Platforms(user, dsn);
            Services        oService         = new Services(user, dsn);
            Log             oLog             = new Log(user, dsn);
            string          strEMailIdsBCC   = oFunction.GetGetEmailAlertsEmailIds("EMAILGRP_REQUEST_STATUS");

            int intPlatform = 0;
            int intManager  = 0;
            int intApp      = 0;
            int intItem     = oService.GetItemId(intService);
            int RRID        = 0;

            DataSet dsResource = oResourceRequest.GetAllService(_requestid, intService, intNumber);

            if (dsResource.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                Int32.TryParse(dsResource.Tables[0].Rows[0]["RRID"].ToString(), out RRID);

            string strCVT = "CVT" + _requestid.ToString() + "-" + intService.ToString() + "-" + intNumber.ToString();

            if (intItem > 0)
                intApp      = oRequestItem.GetItemApplication(intItem);
                intPlatform = Int32.Parse(oApplication.Get(intApp, "platform_approve"));
            if (intService > 0)
                Int32.TryParse(oService.Get(intService, "manager_approval"), out intManager);

            DataSet dsSelected    = oService.GetSelected(_requestid, intService, intNumber);
            int     intSelectedID = 0;
            int     intApproved   = 0;

            if (dsSelected.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                Int32.TryParse(dsSelected.Tables[0].Rows[0]["approved"].ToString(), out intApproved);
                Int32.TryParse(dsSelected.Tables[0].Rows[0]["id"].ToString(), out intSelectedID);
                intApproved = 1;    // since not the first one submitted, automatically approve from a service owner perspective.
            // First, check for the requestor's manager Approval
            if (intManager == 1 && Get(_requestid, "manager_approval") == "0")
                // Send to Manager for approval
                intPlatform = 0;
                boolNotify  = true;
                int intUser = oUser.GetManager(oRequest.GetUser(_requestid), true);
                oLog.AddEvent(_requestid.ToString(), strCVT, "Sending to manager for approval - " + oUser.GetFullNameWithLanID(intUser), LoggingType.Debug);
                if (intUser == 0)
                    intPlatform = 1;
                    string strDefault = oUser.GetApplicationUrl(intUser, _resourcerequestapprove);
                    if (strDefault == "")
                        oFunction.SendEmail("Request #CVT" + _requestid.ToString() + " APPROVAL", oUser.GetName(intUser), _cc, strEMailIdsBCC, "Request #CVT" + _requestid.ToString() + " APPROVAL", "<p><b>A service request requires your approval; you are required to approve or deny this request.</b></p>", true, false);
                        oFunction.SendEmail("Request #CVT" + _requestid.ToString() + " APPROVAL", oUser.GetName(intUser), _cc, strEMailIdsBCC, "Request #CVT" + _requestid.ToString() + " APPROVAL", "<p><b>A service request requires your approval; you are required to approve or deny this request.</b></p><p><a href=\"" + oVariable.URL() + "/redirect.aspx?referrer=/" + strDefault + oPage.GetFullLink(_resourcerequestapprove) + "?rid=" + _requestid.ToString() + "&approve=true\" target=\"_blank\">Click here to review this request.</a></p>", true, false);
                // Next, check the service approval
                DataSet dsApprovers = oService.GetUser(intService, -10);
                //int intApproval = ((oService.Get(intService, "approval") == "1" && dsApprovers.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) ? 0 : 1);
                int intApproval = ((oService.Get(intService, "approval") == "1" && dsApprovers.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) ? 1 : 0);
                if (intApproval == 1 && intApproved == 0)
                    // Send to Approvers for approval
                    boolNotify = true;
                    // Send to Approvers for approval
                    foreach (DataRow drApprover in dsApprovers.Tables[0].Rows)
                        int intUser = Int32.Parse(drApprover["userid"].ToString());
                        oLog.AddEvent(_requestid.ToString(), strCVT, "Sending to service approver for approval - " + oUser.GetFullNameWithLanID(intUser), LoggingType.Debug);
                        string strDefault = oUser.GetApplicationUrl(intUser, _resourcerequestapprove);
                        if (strDefault == "")
                            oFunction.SendEmail("Service Request APPROVAL", oUser.GetName(intUser), _cc, strEMailIdsBCC, "Service Request APPROVAL", "<p><b>A service request requires your approval; you are required to approve or deny this request.</b></p>", true, false);
                            oFunction.SendEmail("Service Request APPROVAL", oUser.GetName(intUser), _cc, strEMailIdsBCC, "Service Request APPROVAL", "<p><b>A service request requires your approval; you are required to approve or deny this request.</b></p><p><a href=\"" + oVariable.URL() + "/redirect.aspx?referrer=/" + strDefault + oPage.GetFullLink(_resourcerequestapprove) + "?srid=" + intSelectedID.ToString() + "\" target=\"_blank\">Click here to review this request.</a></p>", true, false);
                    // Update that the service is approved.
                    if (intSelectedID > 0 && intApproved != 1)
                        oService.UpdateSelectedApprove(_requestid, intService, intNumber, 1, -999, DateTime.Now, "System Approval");

                    // Commenting since no current way of knowing if request has been approved by the platform
                    //if (intPlatform == 1)
                    //    // Send to Platform for approval
                    //    if (intItem > 0)
                    //    {
                    //        int intUser = oPlatform.GetManager(Int32.Parse(oRequestItem.GetItem(intItem, "platformid")));
                    //        if (intUser > 0)
                    //        {
                    //            string strDefault = oUser.GetApplicationUrl(intUser, _resourcerequestapprove);
                    //            if (strDefault == "")
                    //                oFunction.SendEmail("Request APPROVAL", oUser.GetName(intUser), "", strEMailIdsBCC, "Request APPROVAL", "<p><b>A service request requires your approval; you are required to approve or deny this request.</b></p>", true, false);
                    //            else
                    //                oFunction.SendEmail("Request APPROVAL", oUser.GetName(intUser), "", strEMailIdsBCC, "Request APPROVAL", "<p><b>A service request requires your approval; you are required to approve or deny this request.</b></p><p><a href=\"" + oVariable.URL() + "/redirect.aspx?referrer=/" + strDefault + oPage.GetFullLink(_resourcerequestapprove) + "?rrid=" + _resourcerequestid.ToString() + "\" target=\"_blank\">Click here to review this request.</a></p>", true, false);
                    //        }
                    //    }

                    // Notify 3rd part approvers
                    DataSet       dsAlready        = oResourceRequest.GetApprovals(_requestid, intService, intNumber);
                    ServiceEditor oServiceEditor   = new ServiceEditor(user, _dsn_service_editor);
                    DataSet       dsApprovalFields = oServiceEditor.GetApprovals(intService);
                    DataSet       dsServiceEditor  = oServiceEditor.GetRequestFirstData2(_requestid, intService, intNumber, 0, dsn);

                    foreach (DataRow drApprovalField in dsApprovalFields.Tables[0].Rows)
                        if (dsServiceEditor.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                            int intApprover = 0;
                            if (Int32.TryParse(dsServiceEditor.Tables[0].Rows[0][drApprovalField["dbfield"].ToString()].ToString(), out intApprover) == true && intApprover > 0)
                                // Check to see if already sent
                                bool boolAlready = false;
                                foreach (DataRow drAlready in dsAlready.Tables[0].Rows)
                                    if (intApprover == Int32.Parse(drAlready["userid"].ToString()))
                                        boolAlready = true;
                                if (boolAlready == false)
                                    boolNotify = true;
                                    oResourceRequest.AddApproval(_requestid, intService, intNumber, intApprover);
                                    oLog.AddEvent(_requestid.ToString(), strCVT, "Sending to 3rd party approver for approval - " + oUser.GetFullNameWithLanID(intApprover), LoggingType.Debug);
                                    string strDefault = oUser.GetApplicationUrl(intApprover, _resourcerequestapprove);
                                    if (strDefault == "")
                                        oFunction.SendEmail("Request #CVT" + _requestid.ToString() + "-" + intService.ToString() + "-" + intNumber.ToString() + " APPROVAL", oUser.GetName(intApprover), "", strEMailIdsBCC, "Request #CVT" + _requestid.ToString() + "-" + intService.ToString() + "-" + intNumber.ToString() + " APPROVAL", "<p><b>A service request requires your approval; you are required to approve or deny this request.</b></p>", true, false);
                                        oFunction.SendEmail("Request #CVT" + _requestid.ToString() + "-" + intService.ToString() + "-" + intNumber.ToString() + " APPROVAL", oUser.GetName(intApprover), "", strEMailIdsBCC, "Request #CVT" + _requestid.ToString() + "-" + intService.ToString() + "-" + intNumber.ToString() + " APPROVAL", "<p><b>A service request requires your approval; you are required to approve or deny this request.</b></p><p><a href=\"" + oVariable.URL() + "/redirect.aspx?referrer=/" + strDefault + oPage.GetFullLink(_resourcerequestapprove) + "?rrid=" + RRID.ToString() + "\" target=\"_blank\">Click here to review this request.</a></p>", true, false);
                                    // No new people to notify, check to see all approvals are finished.
                                    foreach (DataRow drAlready in dsAlready.Tables[0].Rows)
                                        if (drAlready["approved"].ToString() == "" && drAlready["denied"].ToString() == "")
                                            boolNotify = true;
                                    oLog.AddEvent(_requestid.ToString(), strCVT, "Notify = " + boolNotify.ToString(), LoggingType.Debug);

            //if (intApproval)
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            intProfile     = Int32.Parse(Request.Cookies["profileid"].Value);
            oServiceEditor = new ServiceEditor(intProfile, dsnServiceEditor);
            oService       = new Services(intProfile, dsn);
            oUser          = new Users(intProfile, dsn);
            Int32.TryParse(Request.QueryString["id"], out intID);
            Int32.TryParse(Request.QueryString["serviceid"], out intService);
            Int32.TryParse(Request.QueryString["nextservice"], out intNextService);

            if (Request.QueryString["saved"] != null)
                trSaved.Visible = true;
            if (!IsPostBack)
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["id"]) == false)
                    panCondition.Visible = true;
                    DataSet dsConfigs = oServiceEditor.GetConfigs(intService, -1, 1);
                    //DataSet dsConfigs = oServiceEditor.GetConfigs(intService, 0, 1);
                    foreach (DataRow dr in dsConfigs.Tables[0].Rows)
                        int      _configid = Int32.Parse(dr["id"].ToString());
                        TreeNode oNode     = new TreeNode();
                        oNode.Text         = dr["question"].ToString();
                        oNode.ToolTip      = dr["question"].ToString();
                        oNode.Value        = dr["id"].ToString();
                        oNode.SelectAction = TreeNodeSelectAction.None;
                        oNode.Checked      = false;

                        DataSet dsValues = oServiceEditor.GetConfigValues(_configid);
                        //dr["code"].ToString() == "DROPDOWN" || dr["code"].ToString() == "RADIOLIST"
                        if (dsValues.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                            foreach (DataRow drValue in dsValues.Tables[0].Rows)
                                TreeNode oChild = new TreeNode();
                                oChild.Text         = drValue["value"].ToString();
                                oChild.ToolTip      = drValue["value"].ToString();
                                oChild.Value        = drValue["id"].ToString();
                                oChild.SelectAction = TreeNodeSelectAction.None;
                                oChild.Checked      = oServiceEditor.IsWorkflowConditionValue(intID, Int32.Parse(drValue["id"].ToString()));
                            TreeNode oChild = new TreeNode();
                            oChild.Text         = "<b>Unavailable.</b> Only &quot;valued&quot; controls can be used for conditional workflow";
                            oChild.Value        = "0";
                            oChild.SelectAction = TreeNodeSelectAction.None;
                            oChild.ShowCheckBox = false;

                    if (intID > 0)
                        DataSet ds = oServiceEditor.GetWorkflowCondition(intID);
                        if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                            txtName.Text       = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["name"].ToString();
                            chkEnabled.Checked = (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["enabled"].ToString() == "1");
                    btnAdd.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return ValidateText('" + txtName.ClientID + "','Enter a name for this condition')" +
                else if (intService > 0 && intNextService > 0)
                    DataSet ds = oService.GetWorkflow(intService, intNextService);
                    if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                        panList.Visible            = true;
                        radConditionOnly.Checked   = (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["only"].ToString() == "1");
                        radConditionUnless.Checked = (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["only"].ToString() == "0");
                        radContinueYes.Checked     = (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["continue"].ToString() == "1");
                        radContinueNo.Checked      = (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["continue"].ToString() == "0");
                        btnSave.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return ValidateRadioButtons3('" + radConditionOnly.ClientID + "','" + radConditionUnless.ClientID + "','" + radConditionNeither.ClientID + "','Please select your condition for initiating this workflow')" +
                                               " && ValidateRadioButtons('" + radContinueYes.ClientID + "','" + radContinueNo.ClientID + "','Please select how you want to handle subsequent workflows if this workflow is not initiated')" +

                        rptConditions.DataSource = oServiceEditor.GetWorkflowConditions(intService, intNextService, 0);
                        lblNone.Visible = (rptConditions.Items.Count == 0);
                        foreach (RepeaterItem ri in rptConditions.Items)
                            ((LinkButton)ri.FindControl("btnDelete")).Attributes.Add("onclick", "return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this condition set?');");
                if (radConditionOnly.Checked == false && radConditionUnless.Checked == false)
                    radConditionNeither.Checked = true;
                if (radContinueNo.Checked == false && radContinueYes.Checked == false)
                    radContinueNo.Checked = true;
Пример #27
        public string GetBody(int _requestid, int _itemid, int _number, int _serviceid, int _rrid, int _rr_workflowid, string _se_dsn, int _environment, string _dsn_asset, string _dsn_ip)
            string              strView              = "";
            Applications        oApplication         = new Applications(user, dsn);
            RequestItems        oRequestItem         = new RequestItems(user, dsn);
            ResourceRequest     oResourceRequest     = new ResourceRequest(user, dsn);
            Users               oUser                = new Users(user, dsn);
            Services            oService             = new Services(user, dsn);
            Variables           oVariable            = new Variables(_environment);
            Functions           oFunction            = new Functions(0, dsn, _environment);
            Requests            oRequest             = new Requests(user, dsn);
            Projects            oProject             = new Projects(user, dsn);
            ServiceRequests     oServiceRequest      = new ServiceRequests(user, dsn);
            ServiceEditor       oServiceEditor       = new ServiceEditor(user, _se_dsn);
            Servers             oServer              = new Servers(user, dsn);
            Workstations        oWorkstation         = new Workstations(user, dsn);
            AssetOrder          oAssetOrder          = new AssetOrder(user, dsn, _dsn_asset, _environment);
            AssetSharedEnvOrder oAssetSharedEnvOrder = new AssetSharedEnvOrder(user, dsn, _dsn_asset, _environment);
            PNCTasks            oPNCTask             = new PNCTasks(user, dsn);
            TSM          oTSM         = new TSM(user, dsn);
            StatusLevels oStatusLevel = new StatusLevels();

            DataSet dsRR = oResourceRequest.GetRequestService(_requestid, _serviceid, _number);

            if (dsRR.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                if (_rrid == 0)
                    Int32.TryParse(dsRR.Tables[0].Rows[0]["parent"].ToString(), out _rrid);
                if (_rr_workflowid == 0)
                    Int32.TryParse(dsRR.Tables[0].Rows[0]["id"].ToString(), out _rr_workflowid);

            // Workflow
            string strWorkflowName = "";
            int    intProject      = oRequest.GetProjectNumber(_requestid);

            if (intProject > 0)
                strView += "<tr><td valign=\"top\"><b>Project Name:</b></td>";
                strView += "<td colspan=\"40\">" + oProject.Get(intProject, "name") + "</td></tr>";
                strView += "<tr><td valign=\"top\"><b>Project Number:</b></td>";
                strView += "<td>" + "<a href=\"" + oRequest.GetDataPointLink(_requestid, _environment) + "\" target=\"_blank\">" + oProject.Get(intProject, "number") + "</a></td></tr>";
                string strTaskName = "N/A";
                if (_rr_workflowid > 0)
                    strTaskName = oResourceRequest.GetWorkflow(_rr_workflowid, "name").Trim();
                if ((strTaskName == "" || strTaskName == "N/A") && _rrid > 0)
                    strTaskName = oResourceRequest.Get(_rrid, "name").Trim();
                if ((strTaskName == "" || strTaskName == "N/A") && _requestid > 0)
                    strTaskName = oServiceRequest.Get(_requestid, "name").Trim();
                strView += "<tr><td valign=\"top\"><b>Task Name:</b></td>";
                strView += "<td colspan=\"40\">" + strTaskName + "</td></tr>";
            strView += "<tr><td valign=\"top\"><b>Task Number:</b></td>";
            strView += "<td>" + "<a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" class=\"lookup\" onclick=\"OpenNewWindowMenu('/datapoint/service/resource.aspx?id=" + oFunction.encryptQueryString(_rrid.ToString()) + "', '800', '600');\">CVT" + _requestid.ToString() + "-" + _serviceid.ToString() + "-" + _number.ToString() + "</a></td></tr>";
            //strWorkflowName += "<td>" + "<a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" class=\"lookup\" onclick=\"OpenNewWindowMenu('" + oRequest.GetDataPointLink(_requestid, _environment) + "', '800', '600');\">CVT" + _requestid.ToString() + "</a></td>";

            string strWorkflowRequested  = "";
            string strWorkflowCreated    = "";
            string strWorkflowService    = "";
            string strWorkflowDepartment = "";
            string strWorkflowResources  = "";
            string strWorkflowStatus     = "";
            string strWorkflowComments   = "";
            int    intStatus             = 0;

            // Requested
            strWorkflowRequested += "<td valign=\"top\"><b>Requested By:</b></td>";
            int intRequestor        = oRequest.GetUser(_requestid);
            int intRequestorManager = 0;

            Int32.TryParse(oUser.Get(intRequestor, "manager"), out intRequestorManager);
            Int32.TryParse(oResourceRequest.Get(_rrid, "status"), out intStatus);
            strWorkflowRequested += "<td>" + oUser.GetFullName(intRequestor) + " (" + oUser.GetName(intRequestor) + ")" + "</td>";
            strWorkflowCreated   += "<td valign=\"top\"><b>Created On:</b></td>";
            if (_rrid > 0)
                strWorkflowCreated += "<td>" + DateTime.Parse(oResourceRequest.Get(_rrid, "created")).ToLongDateString() + "</td>";
                strWorkflowCreated += "<td>" + DateTime.Parse(oRequest.Get(_requestid, "created")).ToLongDateString() + "</td>";
            // Service
            strWorkflowService += "<td valign=\"top\"><b>Service:</b></td>";
            if (_serviceid == 0)
                strWorkflowService += "<td>" + oRequestItem.GetItem(_itemid, "service_title") + "</td>";
                strWorkflowService += "<td>" + oService.GetName(_serviceid) + "</td>";
            // Department
            strWorkflowDepartment += "<td valign=\"top\"><b>Department:</b></td>";
            strWorkflowDepartment += "<td>" + oApplication.Get(oRequestItem.GetItemApplication(_itemid), "service_title") + "</td>";
            // Resources
            string  strApprovers = "";
            DataSet dsApprovals  = oResourceRequest.GetApprovals(_requestid, _serviceid, _number);

            foreach (DataRow drApprover in dsApprovals.Tables[0].Rows)
                int intApprover = Int32.Parse(drApprover["userid"].ToString());
                if (drApprover["approved"].ToString() == "" && drApprover["denied"].ToString() == "")
                    if (strApprovers != "")
                        strApprovers += "\\n";
                    strApprovers += oUser.GetFullName(intApprover) + " (" + oUser.GetName(intApprover) + ")";
            bool boolAutomated = (oService.Get(_serviceid, "automate") == "1");

            if (boolAutomated == false)
                DataSet dsReqForm = oRequestItem.GetForm(_requestid, _serviceid, _itemid, _number);
                if (dsReqForm.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    boolAutomated = (dsReqForm.Tables[0].Rows[0]["automated"].ToString() == "1" ? true : false);
            strWorkflowResources += "<td valign=\"top\"><b>Assigned:</b></td>";
            strWorkflowStatus    += "<td><b>Status:</b></td>";
            if (boolAutomated == true)
                strWorkflowResources += "<td valign=\"top\">---</td>";
                intStatus             = (int)ResourceRequestStatus.NotAvailable; // Set to N/A since it is automated...
                strWorkflowStatus    += "<td>" + oStatusLevel.HTML(intStatus) + "</td>";
                List <WorkflowStatus> RR = oResourceRequest.GetStatus(null, _rrid, null, null, null, null, false, _se_dsn);
                if (RR.Count > 0)
                    StringBuilder strUsers = new StringBuilder();
                    foreach (string strUser in RR[0].users)
                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(strUser) == false)
                    strWorkflowResources += "<td valign=\"top\">" + strUsers.ToString() + "</td>";
                    strWorkflowStatus    += "<td>" + RR[0].status + "</td>";
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(RR[0].comments) == false)
                        strWorkflowComments += "<td valign=\"top\"><b>Comments:</b></td>";
                        strWorkflowComments += "<td valign=\"top\">" + oFunction.FormatText(RR[0].comments) + "</td>";
                    strWorkflowResources += "<td valign=\"top\"> N / A </td>";
                    strWorkflowStatus    += "<td> N / A </td>";
            strView += "<tr>" + strWorkflowRequested + "</tr><tr>" + strWorkflowCreated + "</tr><tr>" + strWorkflowService + "</tr><tr>" + strWorkflowDepartment + "</tr>" + "<tr>" + strWorkflowStatus + "</tr>" + (strWorkflowResources == "" ? "" : "<tr>" + strWorkflowResources + "</tr>") + (strWorkflowComments == "" ? "" : "<tr>" + strWorkflowComments + "</tr>");

            if (strView == "")
                strView = "Information Unavailable";
                strView = "<table cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"2\" border=\"0\" style=\"" + oVariable.DefaultFontStyle() + "\">" + strView + "</table>";
                StringBuilder      sbViewRequest       = new StringBuilder();
                Customized         oCustomized         = new Customized(user, dsn);
                DNS                oDNS                = new DNS(user, dsn);
                OnDemandTasks      oOnDemandTask       = new OnDemandTasks(user, dsn);
                Reports            oReport             = new Reports(user, dsn);
                Audit              oAudit              = new Audit(user, dsn);
                Enhancements       oEnhancement        = new Enhancements(user, dsn);
                ServerDecommission oServerDecommission = new ServerDecommission(0, dsn);
                Storage            oStorage            = new Storage(0, dsn);

                string strCatch = "1";
                    sbViewRequest.Append(oServiceEditor.GetRequestBody(_requestid, _serviceid, _number, dsn));
                    if (sbViewRequest.ToString() == "")
                        strCatch = "2";
                        sbViewRequest.Append(oCustomized.GetPNCDNSConflictBody(_requestid, _itemid, _number));
                    if (sbViewRequest.ToString() == "")
                        strCatch = "3";
                        sbViewRequest.Append(oCustomized.GetStorage3rdBody(_requestid, _itemid, _number, _environment));
                    if (sbViewRequest.ToString() == "")
                        strCatch = "4";
                        sbViewRequest.Append(oOnDemandTask.GetServerOther(_requestid, _serviceid, _number, _environment, _dsn_asset, _dsn_ip));
                    if (sbViewRequest.ToString() == "")
                        strCatch = "5";
                        sbViewRequest.Append(GetBody(oReport.GetOrderReport(_requestid, _itemid, _number), _serviceid));
                    if (sbViewRequest.ToString() == "")
                        strCatch = "6";
                        sbViewRequest.Append(oServerDecommission.GetBody(_requestid, _number, _dsn_asset, _environment));
                    if (sbViewRequest.ToString() == "")
                        strCatch = "7";
                        sbViewRequest.Append(oCustomized.GetDecommissionServerBody(_requestid, _itemid, _number, _dsn_asset));
                    if (sbViewRequest.ToString() == "")
                        strCatch = "7.1";
                    if (sbViewRequest.ToString() == "")
                        strCatch = "8";
                        int intEnhancementID = oCustomized.GetEnhancementID(_requestid);
                        if (intEnhancementID > 0)
                            sbViewRequest.Append(oCustomized.GetEnhancementBody(intEnhancementID, _environment, false));
                    if (sbViewRequest.ToString() == "")
                        strCatch = "9";
                        int intIssueID = oCustomized.GetIssueID(_requestid);
                        if (intIssueID > 0)
                            sbViewRequest.Append(oCustomized.GetIssueBody(intIssueID, _environment, false));
                    if (sbViewRequest.ToString() == "")
                        strCatch = "10";
                        sbViewRequest.Append(GetBody(oCustomized.GetIIS(_requestid, _itemid, _number), _serviceid));
                    if (sbViewRequest.ToString() == "")
                        strCatch = "11";
                        sbViewRequest.Append(GetBody(oCustomized.GetRemediation(_requestid, _itemid, _number), _serviceid));
                    if (sbViewRequest.ToString() == "")
                        strCatch = "12";
                        sbViewRequest.Append(GetBody(oCustomized.GetServerArchive(_requestid, _itemid, _number), _serviceid));
                    if (sbViewRequest.ToString() == "")
                        strCatch = "13";
                        sbViewRequest.Append(GetBody(oCustomized.GetServerRetrieve(_requestid, _itemid, _number), _serviceid));
                    if (sbViewRequest.ToString() == "")
                        strCatch = "14";
                        sbViewRequest.Append(GetBody(oCustomized.GetTPM(_requestid, _itemid, _number), _serviceid));
                    if (sbViewRequest.ToString() == "")
                        strCatch = "15";
                        sbViewRequest.Append(GetBody(oCustomized.GetWorkstation(_requestid, _itemid, _number), _serviceid));
                    if (sbViewRequest.ToString() == "")
                        strCatch = "16";
                        sbViewRequest.Append(GetBody(oCustomized.GetThirdTierDistributed(_requestid, _itemid, _number), _serviceid));
                    if (sbViewRequest.ToString() == "")
                        strCatch = "17";
                        sbViewRequest.Append(GetBody(oCustomized.GetGeneric(_requestid, _itemid, _number), _serviceid));
                    if (sbViewRequest.ToString() == "")
                        strCatch = "18";
                        sbViewRequest.Append(oDNS.GetDNSBody(_requestid, _itemid, _number, false, _environment));
                    if (sbViewRequest.ToString() == "")
                        strCatch = "19";
                        sbViewRequest.Append(oAudit.GetErrorBody(_requestid, _serviceid, _number));

                    if (sbViewRequest.ToString() == "")//Server Error Provisioning Support
                        strCatch = "20";
                        sbViewRequest.Append(oServer.GetErrorDetailsBody(_requestid, _itemid, _number, _environment));

                    if (sbViewRequest.ToString() == "") //Workstation Error Provisioning Support
                        strCatch = "21";
                        sbViewRequest.Append(oWorkstation.GetVirtualErrorDetailsBody(_requestid, _number, _environment));

                    if (sbViewRequest.ToString() == "") //Asset Procurement
                        strCatch = "22";
                        sbViewRequest.Append(oAssetOrder.GetOrderBody(_requestid, _itemid, _number));

                    if (sbViewRequest.ToString() == "") //Shared Environement - IM
                        strCatch = "23";
                        sbViewRequest.Append(oAssetSharedEnvOrder.GetOrderBody(_requestid, _itemid, _number));

                    if (sbViewRequest.ToString() == "") //Backup
                        strCatch = "24";
                        sbViewRequest.Append(oTSM.GetBody(_requestid, _itemid, _number, _dsn_asset, _dsn_ip));

                    if (sbViewRequest.ToString() == "") // New Enhancement
                        strCatch = "25";
                        sbViewRequest.Append(oEnhancement.GetBodyRequest(_requestid, _environment));

                    if (sbViewRequest.ToString() == "") // New Enhancement
                        strCatch = "26";
                        sbViewRequest.Append(oStorage.GetBody(_requestid, _itemid, _number, _dsn_asset, _dsn_ip, _environment, false));

                    if (sbViewRequest.ToString() == "")
                        //strViewRequest = "Information Unavailable";
                        if (sbViewRequest.ToString().Trim().StartsWith("<table") == false)
                            sbViewRequest.Insert(0, "<table cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"2\" border=\"0\" style=\"" + oVariable.DefaultFontStyle() + "\">");
                    sbViewRequest = new StringBuilder("&nbsp;&nbsp;** WARNING: Information Unavailable (# " + strCatch + ") **&nbsp;&nbsp;");
                sbViewRequest.Insert(0, "<table cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"2\" border=\"0\" style=\"" + oVariable.DefaultFontStyle() + "\"><tr><td>");
                strView += "<br/>" + sbViewRequest.ToString();
Пример #28
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Request.Cookies["adminid"] != null && Request.Cookies["adminid"].Value != "")
                intProfile = Int32.Parse(Request.Cookies["adminid"].Value);
            oPlatform         = new Platforms(intProfile, dsn);
            oOrganization     = new Organizations(intProfile, dsn);
            oRequestItem      = new RequestItems(intProfile, dsn);
            oUserAt           = new Users_At(intProfile, dsn);
            oCost             = new Costs(intProfile, dsn);
            oService          = new Services(intProfile, dsn);
            oRequestField     = new RequestFields(intProfile, dsn);
            oReport           = new Reports(intProfile, dsn);
            oSites            = new Sites(intProfile, dsn);
            oType             = new Types(intProfile, dsn);
            oModel            = new Models(intProfile, dsn);
            oRacks            = new Racks(intProfile, dsn);
            oBanks            = new Banks(intProfile, dsn);
            oDepot            = new Depot(intProfile, dsn);
            oShelf            = new Shelf(intProfile, dsn);
            oClasses          = new Classes(intProfile, dsn);
            oRooms            = new Rooms(intProfile, dsn);
            oFloor            = new Floor(intProfile, dsn);
            oEnvironment      = new Environments(intProfile, dsn);
            oForecast         = new Forecast(intProfile, dsn);
            oSolution         = new Solution(intProfile, dsn);
            oConfidence       = new Confidence(intProfile, dsn);
            oLocation         = new Locations(intProfile, dsn);
            oField            = new Field(intProfile, dsn);
            oServiceDetail    = new ServiceDetails(intProfile, dsn);
            oDomainController = new DomainController(intProfile, dsn);
            oDomain           = new Domains(intProfile, dsn);
            oServerName       = new ServerName(intProfile, dsn);
            oOperatingSystems = new OperatingSystems(intProfile, dsn);
            oOnDemand         = new OnDemand(intProfile, dsn);
            oServicePack      = new ServicePacks(intProfile, dsn);
            oServer           = new Servers(intProfile, dsn);
            oHost             = new Host(intProfile, dsn);
            oVirtualHDD       = new VirtualHDD(intProfile, dsn);
            oVirtualRam       = new VirtualRam(intProfile, dsn);
            oRestart          = new Restart(intProfile, dsn);
            oSegment          = new Segment(intProfile, dsn);
            oServiceEditor    = new ServiceEditor(intProfile, dsnServiceEditor);
            oProjectRequest   = new ProjectRequest(intProfile, dsn);
            oVMWare           = new VMWare(intProfile, dsn);
            oWorkstation      = new Workstations(intProfile, dsn);
            //oNew = new New(intProfile, dsn);
            oWhatsNew          = new WhatsNew(intProfile, dsn);
            oMaintenanceWindow = new MaintenanceWindow(intProfile, dsn);
            //oRecoveryLocations = new RecoveryLocations(intProfile, dsn);
            oTSM         = new TSM(intProfile, dsn);
            oDNS         = new DNS(intProfile, dsn);
            oSolaris     = new Solaris(intProfile, dsn);
            oZeus        = new Zeus(intProfile, dsn);
            oError       = new Errors(intProfile, dsn);
            oDesign      = new Design(intProfile, dsn);
            oResiliency  = new Resiliency(intProfile, dsn);
            oEnhancement = new Enhancements(intProfile, dsn);

            if (Request.QueryString["type"] != null && Request.QueryString["type"] != "")
                lblType.Text = Request.QueryString["type"];
            if (Request.QueryString["id"] != null && Request.QueryString["id"] != "")
                lblId.Text = Request.QueryString["id"];
            string strControl = "";

            if (Request.QueryString["control"] != null)
                strControl = Request.QueryString["control"];
            btnSave.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return Update('hdnUpdateOrder','" + strControl + "');");
            btnClose.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return HidePanel();");
            imgOrderUp.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return MoveOrderUp(" + lstOrder.ClientID + ");");
            imgOrderDown.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return MoveOrderDown(" + lstOrder.ClientID + ");");
Пример #29
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            intProfile = Int32.Parse(Request.Cookies["profileid"].Value);
            if (Request.QueryString["save"] != null && Request.QueryString["save"] != "")
                Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(Page), "save", "<script type=\"text/javascript\">window.parent.navigate(window.parent.location);<" + "/" + "script>");
            if (Request.QueryString["delete"] != null && Request.QueryString["delete"] != "")
                Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(Page), "delete", "<script type=\"text/javascript\">window.parent.navigate(window.parent.location);<" + "/" + "script>");
            oServiceEditor = new ServiceEditor(intProfile, dsnServiceEditor);
            if (Request.QueryString["serviceid"] != null && Request.QueryString["serviceid"] != "")
                intService = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["serviceid"]);
            if (Request.QueryString["wm"] != null && Request.QueryString["wm"] != "")
                intWMFlag = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["wm"]);
            if (intWMFlag == 0)
                panWrite.Visible = true;
            if (Request.QueryString["fieldid"] != null && Request.QueryString["fieldid"] != "")
                panField.Visible = true;
                intField         = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["fieldid"]);
                DataSet ds = oServiceEditor.GetField(intField);
                if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    lblField.Text = oServiceEditor.GetField(intField, "name");
                    strCode       = oServiceEditor.GetField(intField, "code");
                    btnSave.Enabled = true;
                    btnSave.Text    = "Add";
                    btnBack.Visible = true;
                    btnBack.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return confirm('WARNING: Any unsaved changes will be discarded!\\n\\nAre you sure you want to continue?');");
            else if (Request.QueryString["configid"] != null && Request.QueryString["configid"] != "")
                panField.Visible = true;
                intConfig        = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["configid"]);
                DataSet ds = oServiceEditor.GetConfig(intConfig);
                if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    intField      = Int32.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["fieldid"].ToString());
                    lblField.Text = oServiceEditor.GetField(intField, "name");
                    strCode       = oServiceEditor.GetField(intField, "code");
                    lblID.Visible = true;
                    lblID.Text    = "<b>Field ID:</b> " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["dbfield"].ToString();
                    btnSave.Enabled   = true;
                    btnSave.Text      = "Update";
                    btnDelete.Enabled = true;
                    btnDelete.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this control?');");
                    if (intConfig > 0 && !IsPostBack)
                        txtQuestion.Text       = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["question"].ToString();
                        txtURL.Text            = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["url"].ToString();
                        txtText.Text           = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["other_text"].ToString();
                        txtLength.Text         = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["length"].ToString();
                        txtWidth.Text          = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["width"].ToString();
                        txtRows.Text           = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["height"].ToString();
                        txtMinimum.Text        = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["width"].ToString();
                        txtMaximum.Text        = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["height"].ToString();
                        radCheckYes.Checked    = (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["checked"].ToString() == "1");
                        radCheckNo.Checked     = (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["checked"].ToString() == "0");
                        radDirectionH.Checked  = (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["direction"].ToString() == "1");
                        radDirectionV.Checked  = (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["direction"].ToString() == "0");
                        radMultipleYes.Checked = (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["multiple"].ToString() == "1");
                        radMultipleNo.Checked  = (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["multiple"].ToString() == "0");
                        if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["required"].ToString() == "1")
                            radRequiredYes.Checked       = true;
                            txtRequired.Text             = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["required_text"].ToString();
                            divRequired.Style["display"] = "inline";
                            radRequiredNo.Checked = true;
                        txtTip.Text      = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["tip"].ToString();
                        chkWrite.Checked = (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["wm"].ToString() == "1");
                        chkWrite.ToolTip = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["wm"].ToString();
                        ds = oServiceEditor.GetConfigValues(intConfig);
                        foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                            hdnValues.Value += dr["value"].ToString() + ";";
                panFields.Visible = true;
                DataSet       ds = oServiceEditor.GetFields(1);
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(strFields);

                foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                    if (sb.ToString() != "")
                        sb.Append("<tr><td colspan=\"2\"><span style=\"width:100%;border-bottom:1 dotted #CCCCCC;\"/></td></tr>");

                    sb.Append("<tr><td class=\"header\">");
                    sb.Append("<tr><td class=\"required\"><a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onclick=\"ShowHideDivExample('TR");
                    sb.Append("',this);\">Show Example</a></td></tr>");
                    sb.Append("<tr id=\"TR");
                    sb.Append("\" style=\"display:none\"><td><img src=\"");
                    sb.Append("\" border=\"0\"/></td></tr>");
                    sb.Append("<tr><td><input type=\"button\" value=\"Add to Form\" class=\"default\" onclick=\"window.navigate('");
                    sb.Append("');\" style=\"width:100px\"/></td></tr>");

                if (sb.ToString() != "")
                    sb.Insert(0, "<table height=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\" cellspacing=\"3\">");

                strFields = sb.ToString();
            if (txtMinimum.Text == "")
                txtMinimum.Text = "0";
            if (txtMaximum.Text == "")
                txtMaximum.Text = "0";
            radRequiredYes.Attributes.Add("onclick", "ShowHideDiv('" + divRequired.ClientID + "','inline');");
            radRequiredNo.Attributes.Add("onclick", "ShowHideDiv('" + divRequired.ClientID + "','none');");
            txtAdd.Attributes.Add("onkeydown", "if(event.which || event.keyCode){if ((event.which == 13) || (event.keyCode == 13)) {document.getElementById('" + btnAdd.ClientID + "').click();return false;}} else {return true}; ");
            btnUp.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return MoveOrderUp(" + lstValues.ClientID + ",'" + hdnValues.ClientID + "');");
            btnOut.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return MoveOrderOut(" + lstValues.ClientID + ",'" + hdnValues.ClientID + "');");
            btnDown.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return MoveOrderDown(" + lstValues.ClientID + ",'" + hdnValues.ClientID + "');");
            btnAdd.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return ValidateText('" + txtAdd.ClientID + "','Please enter a value') && ValidateNoComma('" + txtAdd.ClientID + "','The value cannot contain a comma (,)\\n\\nPlease click OK and remove all commas from the value field') && ValidateNoDuplicate('" + txtAdd.ClientID + "','" + lstValues.ClientID + "','This value already exists. You cannot add the same value more than once.\\n\\nPlease change the value and try again.') && MoveOrderIn(" + lstValues.ClientID + ",'" + hdnValues.ClientID + "','" + txtAdd.ClientID + "');");
Пример #30
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            intProfile       = Int32.Parse(Request.Cookies["profileid"].Value);
            oProject         = new Projects(intProfile, dsn);
            oFunction        = new Functions(intProfile, dsn, intEnvironment);
            oUser            = new Users(intProfile, dsn);
            oPage            = new Pages(intProfile, dsn);
            oResourceRequest = new ResourceRequest(intProfile, dsn);
            oRequestItem     = new RequestItems(intProfile, dsn);
            oRequest         = new Requests(intProfile, dsn);
            oService         = new Services(intProfile, dsn);
            oServiceRequest  = new ServiceRequests(intProfile, dsn);
            oRequestField    = new RequestFields(intProfile, dsn);
            oApplication     = new Applications(intProfile, dsn);
            oServiceDetail   = new ServiceDetails(intProfile, dsn);
            oDelegate        = new Delegates(intProfile, dsn);
            oDocument        = new Documents(intProfile, dsn);
            oLog             = new Log(intProfile, dsn);
            oServiceEditor   = new ServiceEditor(intProfile, dsnServiceEditor);
            oVariable        = new Variables(intEnvironment);
            if (Request.QueryString["applicationid"] != null && Request.QueryString["applicationid"] != "")
                intApplication = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["applicationid"]);
            if (Request.QueryString["pageid"] != null && Request.QueryString["pageid"] != "")
                intPage = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["pageid"]);
            if (Request.Cookies["application"] != null && Request.Cookies["application"].Value != "")
                intApplication = Int32.Parse(Request.Cookies["application"].Value);
            if (Request.QueryString["rrid"] != null && Request.QueryString["rrid"] != "")
                // Start Workflow Change
                lblResourceWorkflow.Text = Request.QueryString["rrid"];
                int intResourceWorkflow = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["rrid"]);
                int intResourceParent   = oResourceRequest.GetWorkflowParent(intResourceWorkflow);
                ds = oResourceRequest.Get(intResourceParent);
                // End Workflow Change
                intRequest          = Int32.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["requestid"].ToString());
                lblRequestedBy.Text = oUser.GetFullName(oRequest.GetUser(intRequest));
                lblRequestedOn.Text = DateTime.Parse(oResourceRequest.Get(intResourceParent, "created")).ToString();
                lblDescription.Text = oRequest.Get(intRequest, "description");
                if (lblDescription.Text == "")
                    lblDescription.Text = "<i>No information</i>";
                intItem   = Int32.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["itemid"].ToString());
                intNumber = Int32.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["number"].ToString());
                int intStatus = 0;
                Int32.TryParse(oResourceRequest.GetWorkflow(intResourceWorkflow, "status"), out intStatus);
                // Start Workflow Change
                bool boolComplete = (oResourceRequest.GetWorkflow(intResourceWorkflow, "status") == "3");
                int  intUser      = Int32.Parse(oResourceRequest.GetWorkflow(intResourceWorkflow, "userid"));
                txtCustom.Text = oResourceRequest.GetWorkflow(intResourceWorkflow, "name");
                double dblAllocated = double.Parse(oResourceRequest.GetWorkflow(intResourceWorkflow, "allocated"));
                boolJoined = (oResourceRequest.GetWorkflow(intResourceWorkflow, "joined") == "1");
                // End Workflow Change
                intService      = Int32.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["serviceid"].ToString());
                lblService.Text = oService.Get(intService, "name");
                int intApp = oRequestItem.GetItemApplication(intItem);

                //Check if this service returned
                bool    boolReturned = false;
                DataSet dsRR         = oResourceRequest.GetRequestService(intRequest, intService, intNumber);
                if (dsRR.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    int     intRRId    = Int32.Parse(dsRR.Tables[0].Rows[0]["parent"].ToString());
                    DataSet dsRRReturn = oResourceRequest.getResourceRequestReturn(intRRId, intService, intNumber, 1, 0);
                    if (dsRRReturn.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                        boolReturned                  = true;
                        lblReqReturnedId.Text         = dsRRReturn.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Id"].ToString();
                        lblReqReturnCommentValue.Text = oFunction.FormatText(dsRRReturn.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Comments"].ToString());
                        lblReqReturnedByValue.Text    = oUser.GetName(Int32.Parse(dsRRReturn.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ReturnedByUser"].ToString()));
                        lblReqReturnedByValue.Text    = oUser.GetFullName(Int32.Parse(dsRRReturn.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ReturnedByUser"].ToString()));
                        pnlReqReturn.Visible          = true;
                        boolServiceReturned           = true;
                        pnlReqReturn.Visible = false;

                if (!IsPostBack)
                    if (Request.QueryString["save"] != null && Request.QueryString["save"] != "")
                        Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(Page), "saved", "<script type=\"text/javascript\">alert('Information Saved Successfully');<" + "/" + "script>");
                    if (Request.QueryString["require"] != null && Request.QueryString["require"] != "")
                        Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(Page), "required", "<script type=\"text/javascript\">alert('Information Saved Successfully\\n\\nHowever, one or more required fields were skipped.\\nUpdate these fields and you will be able to complete this request." + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["required"]) ? "" : "\\n\\n - " + oFunction.decryptQueryString(Request.QueryString["required"])) + "');<" + "/" + "script>");
                    if (Request.QueryString["status"] != null && Request.QueryString["status"] != "")
                        Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(Page), "statusd", "<script type=\"text/javascript\">alert('Status Update has been Added');<" + "/" + "script>");

                    DataSet dsServiceEditor = oServiceEditor.GetRequestData(intRequest, intService, intNumber, 1, dsn);
                    strForm = oServiceEditor.LoadForm(intRequest, intService, intNumber, true, false, "", intEnvironment, dsServiceEditor, dsn);

                    string strRequired = oServiceEditor.GetRequired();
                    double dblUsed     = oResourceRequest.GetWorkflowUsed(intResourceWorkflow);
                    lblUpdated.Text = oResourceRequest.GetUpdated(intResourceParent);
                    if (dblAllocated == dblUsed)
                        if (boolComplete == false)
                            oFunction.ConfigureToolButton(btnComplete, "/images/tool_complete");
                            btnComplete.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return true " + strRequired + " && confirm('Are you sure you want to mark this as completed and remove it from your workload?') && ProcessControlButton();");
                            btnSave.ImageUrl   = "/images/tool_save_dbl.gif";
                            btnSave.Enabled    = false;
                            btnReturn.ImageUrl = "/images/tool_return_dbl.gif";
                            btnReturn.Enabled  = false;
                            oFunction.ConfigureToolButton(btnComplete, "/images/tool_complete");
                            btnComplete.Attributes.Add("onclick", "alert('This task has already been marked COMPLETE. You can close this window.');return false;");
                        btnComplete.ImageUrl = "/images/tool_complete_dbl.gif";
                        btnComplete.Enabled  = false;
                    bool boolSLABreached = false;
                    if (oService.Get(intService, "sla") != "")
                        oFunction.ConfigureToolButton(btnSLA, "/images/tool_sla");
                        int intDays = oResourceRequest.GetSLA(intResourceParent);
                        if (intDays > -99999)
                            if (boolReturned == false)
                                if (intDays < 1)
                                    btnSLA.Style["border"] = "solid 2px #FF0000";
                                else if (intDays < 3)
                                    btnSLA.Style["border"] = "solid 2px #FF9999";
                            boolSLABreached = (intDays < 0);
                            btnSLA.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return OpenWindow('RESOURCE_REQUEST_SLA','?rrid=" + intResourceParent.ToString() + "');");
                            btnSLA.ImageUrl = "/images/tool_sla_dbl.gif";
                            btnSLA.Enabled  = false;
                        btnSLA.ImageUrl = "/images/tool_sla_dbl.gif";
                        btnSLA.Enabled  = false;
                    oFunction.ConfigureToolButton(btnEmail, "/images/tool_email");
                    btnEmail.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return OpenWindow('RESOURCE_REQUEST_EMAIL','?rrid=" + intResourceWorkflow.ToString() + "&type=GENERIC');");
                    dblUsed       = (dblUsed / dblAllocated) * 100;
                    strCheckboxes = oServiceDetail.LoadCheckboxes(intRequest, intItem, intNumber, intResourceWorkflow, intService);
                    if (strForm != "")
                        panForm.Visible = true;
                    if (oService.Get(intService, "tasks") != "1" || strCheckboxes == "")
                        if (oService.Get(intService, "no_slider") == "1")
                            panNoSlider.Visible  = true;
                            btnComplete.ImageUrl = "/images/tool_complete.gif";
                            btnComplete.Enabled  = true;
                            btnComplete.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return true " + strRequired + " && confirm('Are you sure you want to mark this as completed and remove it from your workload?') && ProcessControlButton();");
                            btnComplete.CommandArgument = "FAST";
                            panSlider.Visible      = true;
                            sldHours._StartPercent = dblUsed.ToString();
                            sldHours._TotalHours   = dblAllocated.ToString();
                        panCheckboxes.Visible = true;
                    intProject          = oRequest.GetProjectNumber(intRequest);
                    hdnTab.Value        = "D";
                    panWorkload.Visible = true;
                    bool boolRed = LoadStatus(intResourceWorkflow);
                    if (boolRed == false && boolSLABreached == true && boolReturned == false)
                        btnComplete.Attributes.Add("onclick", "alert('NOTE: Your Service Level Agreement (SLA) has been breached!\\n\\nYou must provide a RED STATUS update with an explanation of why your SLA was breached for this request.\\n\\nOnce a RED STATUS update has been provided, you will be able to complete this request.');return false;");
                    chkDescription.Checked = (Request.QueryString["doc"] != null);
                    lblDocuments.Text      = oDocument.GetDocuments_Service(intRequest, intService, oVariable.DocumentsFolder(), 1, (Request.QueryString["doc"] != null));
                    // GetDocuments(string _physical, int _projectid, int _requestid, int _userid, int _security, bool _show_description, bool _mine)
                    //lblDocuments.Text = oDocument.GetDocuments(Request.PhysicalApplicationPath, 0, intRequest, 0, 1, (Request.QueryString["doc"] != null), false);

                    btnDenied.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return CloseWindow();");
                    oFunction.ConfigureToolButton(btnSave, "/images/tool_save");
                    oFunction.ConfigureToolButton(btnPrint, "/images/tool_print");
                    btnPrint.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return PrintWindow();");
                    oFunction.ConfigureToolButton(btnClose, "/images/tool_close");
                    btnClose.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return ExitWindow();");
                    //btnSave.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return ValidateStatus('" + ddlStatus.ClientID + "','" + txtComments.ClientID + "') && ProcessControlButton();");
                    btnSave.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return ProcessControlButton();");
                    btnStatus.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return ValidateStatus('" + ddlStatus.ClientID + "','" + txtComments.ClientID + "')" +
                                             " && ProcessControlButton()" +
                    btnChange.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return ValidateText('" + txtNumber.ClientID + "','Please enter a change control number')" +
                                             " && ValidateDate('" + txtDate.ClientID + "','Please enter a valid implementation date')" +
                                             " && ValidateTime('" + txtTime.ClientID + "','Please enter a valid implementation time')" +
                                             " && ProcessControlButton()" +
                    imgDate.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return ShowCalendar('" + txtDate.ClientID + "');");
                    // 6/1/2009 - Load ReadOnly View
                    if (oResourceRequest.CanUpdate(intProfile, intResourceWorkflow, false) == false)
                        oFunction.ConfigureToolButtonRO(btnSave, btnComplete);
                        //panDenied.Visible = true;

                    if (oService.Get(intService, "rr_path") == "/controls/rr/rr_service_editor.ascx" && oService.Get(intService, "disable_customization") == "0")
                        if (intStatus != (int)ResourceRequestStatus.AwaitingResponse) //Awaiting Client Response
                            btnReturn.Visible = true;
                            oFunction.ConfigureToolButton(btnReturn, "/images/tool_return");
                            btnReturn.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return OpenWindow('RESOURCE_REQUEST_RETURN','?rrid=" + intResourceParent.ToString() + "&rrwfid=" + intResourceWorkflow.ToString() + "');");
                            btnReturn.Visible = true;
                            oFunction.ConfigureToolButton(btnReturn, "/images/tool_return");
                            btnReturn.Attributes.Add("onclick", "alert('This request has already been returned');return false;");
                        btnReturn.Visible = false;
                panDenied.Visible = true;