Пример #1
 private void getData()
     string version = null;
     string platform = null;
     string hoster = null;
     string binding = null;
     Input.getHostData(IsPostBack, ViewState, out userid, out address, out user, out binding, out hostNameIdentifier, out configName, out version, out platform, out hoster, false);
     UTC.Text = "<span style=\"color:silver;font-size:1.1em;padding-left:20px;\">" + DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString("f") + " (UTC)";
         configProxy = new ServiceConfigurationClient(binding, address, user);
         mySOA = configProxy.getSOAMap(hostNameIdentifier, configName, null, user);  //this one call gets the entire network deployment across the world, complete with perf stats.
         if (mySOA != null && mySOA.MyVirtualHost != null)
             fillMap(soaTreeView);  //now display it.
     catch (Exception eSoa)
             InValid.Text = "Error Getting SOA Map (try again).  Exception is: <br/>" + eSoa.ToString();
        protected void AutoGenButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (TextBoxConfigLoginAddress.Text == null || TextBoxConfigLoginAddress.Text == "")
                LabelGetServices.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Maroon;
                LabelGetServices.Text = "Please enter an address to the remote Configuration Service.";
                Uri testConfigUri = new Uri(TextBoxConfigLoginAddress.Text);
            catch (Exception)
                LabelGetServices.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Maroon;
                LabelGetServices.Text = "Please enter a valid address.  The address you entered is not a valid URI; no connection was attempted.";
            string addressSes = null;
            string IDSes = null;
            ServiceUsers csUserSes = null;
            string confignameSes = null;
            string hosterSes = null;
            string versionSes = null;
            string platformSes = null;
            string clientSession = null;
            string nameSes = null;
            SessionInfo info = new SessionInfo();
            info.getSessionData(false, out addressSes, out csUserSes, out clientSession, out nameSes, out confignameSes, out hosterSes, out versionSes, out platformSes, out IDSes);
            address = addressSes;
            string currentbinding = clientSession;
            user = csUserSes;
            if (address == null || user == null)
            traversePath = DynamicTraversePath.getTraversePath(hostNameIdentifier, configName, ref configProxy, address, currentbinding, user);
            string addressConfig = TextBoxConfigLoginAddress.Text.Trim();
            ClientInformation theClient = clients.Find(delegate(ClientInformation ciExist) { return ciExist.ElementName.Equals(DropDownListConfigClient.SelectedValue); });
            BindingInformation binding = bindings.Find(delegate(BindingInformation bindingItem) { return bindingItem.BindingConfigurationName.Equals(theClient.BindingConfiguration); });
            string selectedBinding = theClient.ElementName;
            if (binding != null && binding.BindingType != null)
                switch (binding.BindingType)
                    case ConfigUtility.BASIC_HTTP_BINDING:
                            if (!addressConfig.ToLower().StartsWith("http"))

                                LabelGetServices.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Maroon;
                                LabelGetServices.Text = "You have selected an <b>Http</b> binding: Please enter a valid http address.";
                    case ConfigUtility.WS_HTTP_BINDING:
                            goto case ConfigUtility.BASIC_HTTP_BINDING;

                    case ConfigUtility.WS_2007_HTTP_BINDING:
                            goto case ConfigUtility.BASIC_HTTP_BINDING;

                    case ConfigUtility.NET_TCP_BINDING:
                            if (!addressConfig.ToLower().StartsWith("net.tcp"))
                                LabelGetServices.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Maroon;
                                LabelGetServices.Text = "You have selected a <b>Tcp</b> binding: Please enter a valid tcp address in form of net.tcp://";
            ServiceUsers configUser = new ServiceUsers();
            configUser = user;
            csusername= TextBoxConfigLoginUserId.Text.ToLower().Trim();
            cspassword = TextBoxConfigLoginPassword.Text.Trim();
            ServiceConfigurationClient newConfigProxy = null;
                newConfigProxy = new ServiceConfigurationClient(currentbinding, address, configUser);
                configServices = newConfigProxy.getMyConfigServiceDetails(hostNameIdentifier, configName, traversePath, addressConfig, selectedBinding,csusername,cspassword, configUser);
                if (configServices != null)
                    if (configServices.Count == 0)
                        LabelGetServices.Text = "The remote host is currently not returning any Configuration Service Hosts to connect to.";
                        LabelGetServices.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Maroon;
                    LabelGetServices.Text = "<span style=\"font-size:1.2em;color:palegreen\">Connected!</span>";
                    ViewState["configServices"] = configServices;
                    LabelGetServices.Text = "Service refused to supply information. Check userid/password and try again.";
                    LabelGetServices.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Maroon;
                HostNameID.Text = configServices[0].HostNameIdentifier;
                TextBoxConfigLoginUserId.Text = configServices[0].InitialCSUserID;
                TextBoxConfigLoginPassword.Text = configServices[0].InitialCSPassword;
                TextBoxConfigLoginPassword.Attributes.Add("value", configServices[0].InitialCSPassword);
                string hsContractSelected = null;
                List<ConnectedServices> csList = compositeServiceData[0].ConnectedServices;
                for (int i = 0; i < configServices[0].PrimaryHostedServices.Count; i++)
                    if (configServices[0].PrimaryHostedServices[i].ServiceType == ConfigUtility.HOST_TYPE_PRIMARY || configServices[0].PrimaryHostedServices[i].ServiceType == ConfigUtility.HOST_TYPE_GENERIC)
                        ConnectedServices csCheck = csList.Find(delegate(ConnectedServices csExist) { return csExist.ServiceFriendlyName.Equals(configServices[0].PrimaryHostedServices[i].FriendlyName); });
                        if (csCheck == null)
                            if (hsContractSelected == null)
                                hsContractSelected = configServices[0].PrimaryHostedServices[i].FriendlyName;
                            DropDownListServiceName.Items.Add(new ListItem(configServices[0].PrimaryHostedServices[i].FriendlyName, configServices[0].PrimaryHostedServices[i].FriendlyName));
                            UpdateMessage.Text = "There are services you already have established definitions for, and these have been removed from the available list!";
                            UpdateMessage.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#FFFF99");
                if (DropDownListServiceName.Items.Count > 0)
                    DropDownListServiceName.SelectedIndex = 0;
                    string serviceName = DropDownListServiceName.SelectedValue;
                    hsSelected = configServices[0].PrimaryHostedServices.Find(delegate(HostedServices hsExist) { return hsExist.FriendlyName.Equals(DropDownListServiceName.Items[0].Text); });
                    TextBoxOnlineMethod.Text = hsSelected.OnlineMethod;
                    TextBoxOnlineParms.Text = hsSelected.OnlineParms;
                    DropDownListServiceName.SelectedValue = hsContractSelected;
                    DropDownListServiceName.Text = hsContractSelected;
                    DropDownListServiceName.Enabled = true;
                    Add.Enabled = true;
                    LabelContract.Text = hsSelected.ServiceContract;
                    LabelServiceFriendlyName.Text = hsSelected.FriendlyName;
                        DropDownListPrimaryContract.SelectedValue = hsSelected.ServiceContract;
                    catch { }
                    LabelSvcBindingType.Text = hsSelected.BindingType;
                    LabelPort.Text = hsSelected.Port;
                    LabelUseHttps.Text = hsSelected.UseHttps.ToString();
                    LabelVPath.Text = hsSelected.VirtualPath;
                    SecurityMode.Text = hsSelected.SecurityMode;
                    string thisHssecurityMode = hsSelected.SecurityMode;
                    string thisHsBindingType = hsSelected.BindingType;
                    for (int i = 0; i < clients.Count; i++)
                        if (DropDownListPrimaryContract.SelectedValue.Equals(clients[i].Contract))
                            BindingInformation theClientBinding = bindings.Find(delegate(BindingInformation biExist) { return biExist.BindingConfigurationName.Equals(clients[i].BindingConfiguration); });
                            if (theClientBinding != null)
                                string tsSecMode = null;
                                if (thisService == null)
                                    tsSecMode = "unknown";
                                    tsSecMode = thisService.SecurityMode;
                                if (theClientBinding.BindingType.Equals(thisHsBindingType) || thisHsBindingType.ToLower().Contains("custom"))
                                    if (theClientBinding.SecurityMode.Equals(tsSecMode) || tsSecMode.Equals("unknown"))
                                        if (!clients[i].ElementName.ToLower().Contains("host") && !clients[i].ElementName.ToLower().Contains("client_configsvc") && !clients[i].ElementName.ToLower().Contains("client_nodesvc"))
                                            DropDownListPrimaryClients.Items.Add(new ListItem(clients[i].ElementName, clients[i].ElementName));
                                            DropDownListPrimaryClients.SelectedValue = clients[i].ElementName;
                    theClient = clients.Find(delegate(ClientInformation ciExist) { return ciExist.ElementName.Equals(DropDownListPrimaryClients.SelectedValue); });
                    if (theClient != null)
                        BindingInformation theSelectedBinding = bindings.Find(delegate(BindingInformation biExist) { return biExist.BindingConfigurationName.Equals(theClient.BindingConfiguration); });
                        if (theSelectedBinding != null)
                            LabelBindingTypePrimary.Text = theSelectedBinding.BindingType;
                        LabelIntroService.Text = "<div style=\"font-size:.9em;color:#FFFF99;padding-bottom:10px\">These are the available service endpoints by friendly names as assigned by the Service Hoster. Each has its own binding requirements " +
                            "(network scheme, security, encoding, etc.). Please select the desired service from this list. Client configurations and bindings can be generated by svcutil.exe, " + 
                            "named to Configuration Service standards, and inserted into this application's configuration file to appear in this page as selectable. You will also need to supply the service contract " +
                            "your client uses in your startup call per the StockTrader example and the documentation.<br/>";
                        Add.Enabled = true;
                        LabelIntroService.Text = "Please change the selected Primary Hosted Service, or the Client Contract.  The current combination yields no valid client configuration to connect with. The check was performed against binding type, and security mode. You may need to add and appropriate client definition to your config file.";
                        Add.Enabled = false;
                        LabelIntroService.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#FFFF99");
                    DropDownListServiceName.Enabled = false;
                    Add.Enabled = false;
                    LabelIntroService.Text = "Either this host does not expose services via the Config Service (try as a Generic Service); or you already have established definitions for all available services this virtual host exposes.";
                    LabelIntroService.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Maroon;
                LabelIntroPrimary.Text = "Please Select the Primary Service";
            catch (Exception eConfig)
                LabelGetServices.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Maroon;
                LabelGetServices.Text = "Cannot Connect!<br/><br/>Please make sure the address to the remote configuration service endpoint is correct and you have chosen the appropriate client configuration/binding.  For example" +
                    " if specifying https, you must choose a client configuration using https/transport security.<br/>" +
                    "Full connect exception is: <br/>" + ConfigUtility.reMapExceptionForDisplay(eConfig.ToString());
                if (eConfig.InnerException != null)
                    LabelGetServices.Text = LabelGetServices.Text + "<br/> Inner Exception is:<br/>" + eConfig.InnerException.ToString();
            generateClicked = "true";
            ViewState["generateClicked"] = generateClicked;
            ConnectedPanel.Visible = true;
            panelConnectedService1.Visible = true;
            panelConnectedService2.Visible = false;
Пример #3
        protected void processLogin()
           HttpCookie authcookie = Request.Cookies[FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName];
           if (authcookie != null)
               FormsAuthenticationTicket tryTicket = (FormsAuthenticationTicket)FormsAuthentication.Decrypt(authcookie.Value);
               if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
                   string userid = User.Identity.Name;
            InValid.Text = null;
            allClients = (List<ClientInformation>)ViewState["allClients"];
            knownAddresses = (List<string>)ViewState["knownAddresses"];
            names = (List<string>)ViewState["names"];
            clientDefinitions = (List<string>)ViewState["clientDefinitions"];
            bindings = (List<BindingInformation>)ViewState["bindings"];
            ClientInformation client = null;
            BindingInformation binding = bindings.Find(delegate(BindingInformation bindingItem)
                client = allClients.Find(delegate(ClientInformation clientExist) { return clientExist.ElementName.Equals(clients.SelectedValue); });
                return bindingItem.BindingConfigurationName.Equals(client.BindingConfiguration);
            if (Page.IsValid)
                //Notes on security: 
                //We are using ASP.NET Forms authentication from ConfigWeb, which automates the authentication process against
                //either a simple list of valid users, or a backend database of registered users (ConfigWeb uses this mechanism),
                //Windows Active Directory, or any pluggable mechanism based on the extensibility of Forms Authentication in ASP.NET 2.0.
                //Via Forms Authentication, ASP.NET provides automatic authentication for restricted pages, and automates redirects to login forms 
                //such as this one. In addition, security can be set with WCF bindings, which support transport, message, and transport with
                //message credentials.  You can add additional WCF binding configurations and client configurations to ConfigWeb web.config, and they will 
                //automatically show up as drop-down options on the login page.  The Configuration Service itself authenticates every
                //request against its registered users database; with service operations restricted based on the user rights for that registered user.

                //The remote Configuration Service you are logging into must support the binding option you choose (via the selected Client Configuration) on login; with WCF
                //a service host can simultaneously support many different bindings (perhaps with different security settings), many different
                //listen endpoints (URIs).  And, clients can also support these different binding options, as illustrated with this login
                //page that allows netTcp (binary encoding); or basicHttp (SOAP/text-XML encoding) to be chosen as an option for login and
                //all subsequent requests for Configuration Service operations. Again, you could add different bindings to your Configuration 
                //Service host, and simply add the appropriate client bindings (can generate via svcutil) to ConfigWeb web.config to 
                //restrict access based on transport and/or message level security set in your binding configurations on client and host--
                //for example, adding wsHttp support over https.  See:
                //                          http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms735093.aspx 
                //Finally, ASP.NET Forms authentication defaults to use SHA1 for HMAC Generation and AES for
                //Encryption, which is recommended. An application such as this in production on the public Internet
                //(vs. internal private net) would be run over SSL. An excellent security Patterns and Practices resource 
                //on how to secure Internet applications can be found at:
                //                http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa302415.aspx
                //Information on Forms Authentication, encryption and using Forms Authentication with SSL is available at:
                //               http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms998310.aspx

                string userID = uid.Text;
                string password = pwd.Text;
                password = Input.LoginValidate(password, Input.EXPRESSION_PWORD);
                userID = Input.LoginValidate(userID, Input.EXPRESSION_USERID);
                if (userID==null || password == null)
                    InValid.Text = "Please enter a valid userid and/or password!";
                string address = null;
                if (!CheckBoxAddress.Checked)
                    address = textboxaddress.Text.ToLower().Trim();
                    address = ServiceAddress.Text.ToLower().Trim();
                if (address == null || address == "")
                    InValid.Text = "Please enter a valid address!";
                Uri theUri = null;
                    theUri = new Uri(address);
                catch (Exception)
                    InValid.Text = "Please enter a valid address!";
                bool remap = false;
                ServiceConfigurationClient configProxy = null;
                ServiceUsers user = new ServiceUsers(0, userID, password, ConfigUtility.CONFIG_NO_RIGHTS, true, 0);
                    if (!CheckBoxAddress.Checked)
                        if (binding.BindingType != null)
                            switch (binding.BindingType)
                                case ConfigUtility.BASIC_HTTP_BINDING:
                                        if (!client.ElementName.ToLower().Contains("t_security"))
                                            if (!address.ToLower().StartsWith("https") && address.ToLower().StartsWith("http"))
                                            else if (address.ToLower().StartsWith("https"))
                                                address = address.Remove(4, 1);
                                                textboxaddress.Text = address;
                                                theUri = new Uri(address);
                                                remap = true;
                                                InValid.Text = "You have selected an <b>Http</b> configuration: Please enter a valid <strong>http</strong> address.";
                                            if (!address.ToLower().StartsWith("https") && address.ToLower().StartsWith("http"))
                                                address = address.Insert(4, "s");
                                                theUri = new Uri(address);
                                                textboxaddress.Text = address;
                                                remap = true;
                                            else if (!address.ToLower().StartsWith("https"))
                                                InValid.Text = "You have selected an <b>Https</b> configuration: Please enter a valid <strong>https</strong> address.";
                                case ConfigUtility.WS_HTTP_BINDING:
                                        goto case ConfigUtility.BASIC_HTTP_BINDING;

                                case ConfigUtility.WS_2007_HTTP_BINDING:
                                        goto case ConfigUtility.BASIC_HTTP_BINDING;
                                case ConfigUtility.NET_TCP_BINDING:
                                        if (!address.ToLower().StartsWith("net.tcp"))
                                            InValid.Text = "You have selected a <b>Tcp</b> configuration: Please enter a valid tcp address in form of net.tcp://";
                    string theClientConfig = null;
                    ServiceUsers returnUser=null;
                    if (CheckBoxAddress.Checked)
                        theClientConfig = ClientConfiguration.Text;
                        theClientConfig = clients.SelectedValue;
                    configProxy = new ServiceConfigurationClient(theClientConfig, address, user);

                    //Ok, request a login from the remote service
                    LoginInfo returnInfo = configProxy.login(user);
                    if (returnInfo!=null)
                        returnUser = returnInfo.CsUser;

                    //By default, the service will reject admin ops on a per request basis, but we will also reject login here 
                    //in ConfigWeb for non-admins.
                    if (returnUser != null && returnUser.Rights >= ConfigUtility.CONFIG_DEMO_ADMIN_RIGHTS)
                        //OK--we are logged in!  To allow scale out of ConfigWeb itself, we are going to jam some basic information into a cookie
                        //as client-side session state.  In secure scenarios, like on Azure, ConfigWeb is always run over https.  This is an alternative
                        //to distributed caching of session state, but only appropriate when the state per session is very, very small (a few strings below).
                        string sessionInfo = address + (char)182 + returnUser.LocalUser.ToString() + (char)182 + returnUser.Password + (char)182 +
                            returnUser.Rights.ToString() + (char)182 + returnUser.UserId + (char)182 + returnUser.UserKey.ToString() + (char)182 + theClientConfig +
                                (char)182 + returnInfo.HostNameIdentifier + (char)182 + returnInfo.ConfigServiceName + (char)182 + returnInfo.ServiceHoster + (char)182 +
                                returnInfo.ServiceVersion + (char)182 + returnInfo.RuntimePlatform + (char)182 + returnInfo.HostedServiceID;
                        //FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(returnUser.UserId, false);
                        FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(3, returnUser.UserId,DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(ConfigSettings.CONFIGWEB_FORMSAUTH_TIMEOUT_MINUTES),false, sessionInfo);
                        string hash = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(ticket);
                        HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, hash);
                        Response.Redirect(FormsAuthentication.DefaultUrl, true);
                        InValid.Text = ConfigSettings.EXCEPTION_MESSAGE_INVALID_LOGIN;
                catch (Exception e)
                    if (remap)
                        InValid.Text = "<b>You entered an https or http address that did not match the selected client configuration binding, and the address was remapped to/from https to/from http automatically before attempting login. </b><br/><br/>";
                        InValid.Text = "";
                    //Note if a service is misconfigured and will not start, the exception will likely be a web page; which has to be handled differently since its encoding is not text/xml, its text/html 
                    //with lots of characters that will not display if simply printed out on a label control.
                    string displayMessage=null;
                    string innerMessage = "";
                    if (e.Message.ToLower().Contains("<html>"))
                        displayMessage = ConfigUtility.reMapExceptionForDisplay(e.Message);
                        displayMessage = e.Message;
                    if (e.InnerException != null)
                        innerMessage = "<br/>Inner Exception is: " + e.InnerException.Message;
                    InValid.Text = InValid.Text + "Error Logging In. Exception is: <br/>" + displayMessage + innerMessage;