// Token: 0x060008A0 RID: 2208 RVA: 0x0007DB4C File Offset: 0x0007BD4C public override void update() { if (SplashScr.splashScrStat == 30 && !this.isCheckConnect) { this.isCheckConnect = true; if (Rms.loadRMSInt("isPlaySound") != -1) { GameCanvas.isPlaySound = (Rms.loadRMSInt("isPlaySound") == 1); } if (GameCanvas.isPlaySound) { SoundMn.gI().loadSound(TileMap.mapID); } SoundMn.gI().getStrOption(); if (Rms.loadRMSInt("svselect") == -1) { ServerListScreen.loadIP(); } else { ServerListScreen.loadIP(); } } SplashScr.splashScrStat++; ServerListScreen.updateDeleteData(); }
// Token: 0x0600088F RID: 2191 RVA: 0x0007CFE0 File Offset: 0x0007B1E0 public override void updateKey() { if (GameCanvas.isTouch) { ServerListScreen.updateDeleteData(); if (this.cmdCallHotline != null && this.cmdCallHotline.isPointerPressInside()) { this.cmdCallHotline.performAction(); } if (!ServerListScreen.loadScreen) { if (ServerListScreen.cmdDownload != null && ServerListScreen.cmdDownload.isPointerPressInside()) { ServerListScreen.cmdDownload.performAction(); } base.updateKey(); return; } for (int i = 0; i < this.cmd.Length; i++) { if (this.cmd[i] != null && this.cmd[i].isPointerPressInside()) { this.cmd[i].performAction(); } } } else if (ServerListScreen.loadScreen) { if (GameCanvas.keyPressed[8]) { int num = (mGraphics.zoomLevel <= 1) ? 4 : 2; GameCanvas.keyPressed[8] = false; ServerListScreen.selected++; if (ServerListScreen.selected > num) { ServerListScreen.selected = 0; } this.processInput(); } if (GameCanvas.keyPressed[2]) { int num2 = (mGraphics.zoomLevel <= 1) ? 4 : 2; GameCanvas.keyPressed[2] = false; ServerListScreen.selected--; if (ServerListScreen.selected < 0) { ServerListScreen.selected = num2; } this.processInput(); } } if (ServerListScreen.isWait) { return; } base.updateKey(); }
public void TestVPNConnection() { // Switch to VPN client session this.vpnClient.Session.SwitchTo(); LandingScreen landingScreen = new LandingScreen(this.vpnClient.Session); landingScreen.ClickGetStartedButton(); // User Sign In via web browser UserCommonOperation.UserSignIn(this.vpnClient, this.browser); // Main Screen this.vpnClient.Session.SwitchTo(); MainScreen mainScreen = new MainScreen(this.vpnClient.Session); mainScreen.ClickServerListButton(); // Server Screen ServerListScreen serverListScreen = new ServerListScreen(this.vpnClient.Session); serverListScreen.RandomSelectDifferentCityServer("Miami"); string prevCity = serverListScreen.GetSelectedCity(); Console.WriteLine("Before switching: the selected city is {0}", prevCity); // User turns on VPN UserCommonOperation.ConnectVPN(this.vpnClient, this.desktop); // Click the server button mainScreen = new MainScreen(this.vpnClient.Session); mainScreen.ClickServerListButton(); // Select a random US server serverListScreen = new ServerListScreen(this.vpnClient.Session); serverListScreen.RandomSelectDifferentCityServer("Atlanta"); string currentCity = serverListScreen.GetSelectedCity(); Console.WriteLine("After switching: the selected city is {0}", currentCity); // Check the subtitle Assert.AreEqual(string.Format("From {0} to {1}", prevCity, currentCity), mainScreen.GetSubtitle()); // Check the windows notification again this.desktop.Session.SwitchTo(); WindowsNotificationScreen windowsNotificationScreen = new WindowsNotificationScreen(this.desktop.Session); Assert.AreEqual(string.Format("From {0} to {1}", prevCity, currentCity), windowsNotificationScreen.GetTitleText()); Assert.AreEqual("You switched servers.", windowsNotificationScreen.GetMessageText()); windowsNotificationScreen.ClickDismissButton(); // User turns off VPN UserCommonOperation.DisconnectVPN(this.vpnClient, this.desktop); // Sign out UserCommonOperation.UserSignOut(this.vpnClient); }
// Token: 0x06000889 RID: 2185 RVA: 0x0007C9C0 File Offset: 0x0007ABC0 public static void getServerList(string str) { ServerListScreen.lengthServer = new int[3]; string[] array = Res.split(str.Trim(), ",", 0); Res.outz("tem leng= " + array.Length); mResources.loadLanguague(sbyte.Parse(array[array.Length - 2])); ServerListScreen.nameServer = new string[array.Length - 2]; ServerListScreen.address = new string[array.Length - 2]; ServerListScreen.port = new short[array.Length - 2]; ServerListScreen.language = new sbyte[array.Length - 2]; ServerListScreen.hasConnected = new bool[2]; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length - 2; i++) { string[] array2 = Res.split(array[i].Trim(), ":", 0); ServerListScreen.nameServer[i] = array2[0]; ServerListScreen.address[i] = array2[1]; ServerListScreen.port[i] = short.Parse(array2[2]); ServerListScreen.language[i] = sbyte.Parse(array2[3].Trim()); ServerListScreen.lengthServer[(int)ServerListScreen.language[i]]++; } ServerListScreen.serverPriority = sbyte.Parse(array[array.Length - 1]); ServerListScreen.saveIP(); GameCanvas.endDlg(); }
// Token: 0x06000897 RID: 2199 RVA: 0x0007D454 File Offset: 0x0007B654 public void perform(int idAction, object p) { Res.outz("perform " + idAction); if (idAction == 1000) { GameCanvas.connect(); } if (idAction == 1 || idAction == 4) { this.cancel(); } if (idAction == 2) { ServerListScreen.stopDownload = false; ServerListScreen.cmdDownload = new Command(mResources.huy, this, 4, null); ServerListScreen.cmdDownload.x = GameCanvas.w / 2 - mScreen.cmdW / 2; ServerListScreen.cmdDownload.y = GameCanvas.hh + 65; this.right = null; if (!GameCanvas.isTouch) { ServerListScreen.cmdDownload.x = GameCanvas.w / 2 - mScreen.cmdW / 2; ServerListScreen.cmdDownload.y = GameCanvas.h - mScreen.cmdH - 1; } this.center = new Command(string.Empty, this, 4, null); if (!ServerListScreen.isGetData) { Service.gI().getResource(1, null); if (!GameCanvas.isTouch) { ServerListScreen.cmdDownload.isFocus = true; this.center = new Command(string.Empty, this, 4, null); } ServerListScreen.isGetData = true; } } if (idAction == 3) { Res.outz("toi day"); if (GameCanvas.loginScr == null) { GameCanvas.loginScr = new LoginScr(); } GameCanvas.loginScr.switchToMe(); bool flag = Rms.loadRMSString("acc") != null && !Rms.loadRMSString("acc").Equals(string.Empty); bool flag2 = Rms.loadRMSString("userAo" + ServerListScreen.ipSelect) != null && !Rms.loadRMSString("userAo" + ServerListScreen.ipSelect).Equals(string.Empty); if (!flag && !flag2) { GameCanvas.connect(); string text = Rms.loadRMSString("userAo" + ServerListScreen.ipSelect); if (text == null || text.Equals(string.Empty)) { Service.gI().login2(string.Empty); } else { GameCanvas.loginScr.isLogin2 = true; GameCanvas.connect(); Service.gI().setClientType(); Service.gI().login(text, string.Empty, GameMidlet.VERSION, 1); } if (Session_ME.connected) { GameCanvas.startWaitDlg(); } else { GameCanvas.startOKDlg(mResources.maychutathoacmatsong); } } else { GameCanvas.loginScr.doLogin(); } LoginScr.serverName = ServerListScreen.nameServer[ServerListScreen.ipSelect]; } if (idAction == 10100) { if (GameCanvas.loginScr == null) { GameCanvas.loginScr = new LoginScr(); } GameCanvas.loginScr.switchToMe(); GameCanvas.connect(); Service.gI().login2(string.Empty); Res.outz("tao user ao"); GameCanvas.startWaitDlg(); LoginScr.serverName = ServerListScreen.nameServer[ServerListScreen.ipSelect]; } if (idAction == 5) { ServerListScreen.doUpdateServer(); if (ServerListScreen.nameServer.Length == 1) { return; } MyVector myVector = new MyVector(string.Empty); for (int i = 0; i < ServerListScreen.nameServer.Length; i++) { myVector.addElement(new Command(ServerListScreen.nameServer[i], this, 6, null)); } GameCanvas.menu.startAt(myVector, 0); if (!GameCanvas.isTouch) { GameCanvas.menu.menuSelectedItem = ServerListScreen.ipSelect; } } if (idAction == 6) { ServerListScreen.ipSelect = GameCanvas.menu.menuSelectedItem; this.selectServer(); } if (idAction == 7) { if (GameCanvas.loginScr == null) { GameCanvas.loginScr = new LoginScr(); } GameCanvas.loginScr.switchToMe(); } if (idAction == 8) { bool flag3 = Rms.loadRMSInt("lowGraphic") == 1; MyVector myVector2 = new MyVector("cau hinh"); myVector2.addElement(new Command(mResources.cauhinhthap, this, 9, null)); myVector2.addElement(new Command(mResources.cauhinhcao, this, 10, null)); GameCanvas.menu.startAt(myVector2, 0); if (flag3) { GameCanvas.menu.menuSelectedItem = 0; } else { GameCanvas.menu.menuSelectedItem = 1; } } if (idAction == 9) { Rms.saveRMSInt("lowGraphic", 1); GameCanvas.startOK(mResources.plsRestartGame, 8885, null); } if (idAction == 10) { Rms.saveRMSInt("lowGraphic", 0); GameCanvas.startOK(mResources.plsRestartGame, 8885, null); } if (idAction == 11) { if (GameCanvas.loginScr == null) { GameCanvas.loginScr = new LoginScr(); } GameCanvas.loginScr.switchToMe(); string text2 = Rms.loadRMSString("userAo" + ServerListScreen.ipSelect); if (text2 == null || text2.Equals(string.Empty)) { Service.gI().login2(string.Empty); } else { GameCanvas.loginScr.isLogin2 = true; GameCanvas.connect(); Service.gI().setClientType(); Service.gI().login(text2, string.Empty, GameMidlet.VERSION, 1); } GameCanvas.startWaitDlg(mResources.PLEASEWAIT); Res.outz("tao user ao"); } if (idAction == 12) { GameMidlet.instance.exit(); } if (idAction == 13 && (!ServerListScreen.isGetData || ServerListScreen.loadScreen)) { switch (mSystem.clientType) { case 1: mSystem.callHotlineJava(); break; case 3: case 5: mSystem.callHotlineIphone(); break; case 4: mSystem.callHotlinePC(); break; case 6: mSystem.callHotlineWindowsPhone(); break; } } if (idAction == 14) { Command cmdYes = new Command(mResources.YES, GameCanvas.serverScreen, 15, null); Command cmdNo = new Command(mResources.NO, GameCanvas.serverScreen, 16, null); GameCanvas.startYesNoDlg(mResources.deletaDataNote, cmdYes, cmdNo); } if (idAction == 15) { Rms.clearAll(); GameCanvas.startOK(mResources.plsRestartGame, 8885, null); } if (idAction == 16) { InfoDlg.hide(); GameCanvas.currentDialog = null; } }
// Token: 0x06000884 RID: 2180 RVA: 0x0007C510 File Offset: 0x0007A710 public ServerListScreen() { int num = 4; if (num * 32 + 23 + 33 >= GameCanvas.w) { num--; } this.initCommand(); if (!GameCanvas.isTouch) { ServerListScreen.selected = 0; this.processInput(); } GameScr.loadCamera(true, -1, -1); GameScr.cmx = 100; GameScr.cmy = 200; if (this.cmdCallHotline == null) { this.cmdCallHotline = new Command("Gọi hotline", this, 13, null); this.cmdCallHotline.x = GameCanvas.w - 75; if (mSystem.clientType == 1 && !GameCanvas.isTouch) { this.cmdCallHotline.y = GameCanvas.h - 20; } else { int num2 = 2; this.cmdCallHotline.y = num2 + 6; } } ServerListScreen.cmdUpdateServer = new Command(); ServerListScreen.cmdUpdateServer.actionChat = delegate(string str) { string text = str; string text2 = str; if (text == null) { text = ServerListScreen.linkDefault; return; } if (text == null && text2 != null) { if (text2.Equals(string.Empty) || text2.Length < 20) { text2 = ServerListScreen.linkDefault; } ServerListScreen.getServerList(text2); } if (text != null && text2 == null) { if (text.Equals(string.Empty) || text.Length < 20) { text = ServerListScreen.linkDefault; } ServerListScreen.getServerList(text); } if (text != null && text2 != null) { if (text.Length > text2.Length) { ServerListScreen.getServerList(text); return; } ServerListScreen.getServerList(text2); } }; if (mSystem.clientType == 1) { ServerListScreen.linkDefault = "Vũ trụ 1:,Vũ trụ 2:,Vũ trụ 3:,Vũ trụ 4:,Vũ trụ 5:,Vũ trụ 6:,Vũ trụ 7:,Vũ trụ 8:,Võ đài liên vũ trụ:,Universe 1:,0,5"; return; } ServerListScreen.linkDefault = "Vũ trụ 1:dragon1.teamobi.com:14445:0,Vũ trụ 2:dragon2.teamobi.com:14445:0,Vũ trụ 3:dragon3.teamobi.com:14445:0,Vũ trụ 4:dragon4.teamobi.com:14445:0,Vũ trụ 5:dragon5.teamobi.com:14445:0,Vũ trụ 6:dragon6.teamobi.com:14445:0,Vũ trụ 7:dragon7.teamobi.com:14445:0,Vũ trụ 8:dragon8.teamobi.com:14445:0,Võ đài liên vũ trụ:dragonwar.teamobi.com:20000:0,Universe 1:dragon.indonaga.com:14445:1,0,5"; }
// Token: 0x06000892 RID: 2194 RVA: 0x0000711A File Offset: 0x0000531A public static void loadIP() { ServerListScreen.getServerList(ServerListScreen.linkDefault); }
// Token: 0x0600085A RID: 2138 RVA: 0x0007B670 File Offset: 0x00079870 public void perform(int idAction, object p) { switch (idAction) { case 2000: break; case 2001: if (this.isCheck) { this.isCheck = false; } else { this.isCheck = true; } break; case 2002: this.doRegister(); break; case 2003: this.doMenu(); break; case 2004: this.actRegister(); break; default: switch (idAction) { case 1000: try { GameMidlet.instance.platformRequest((string)p); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.StackTrace.ToString(); } GameCanvas.endDlg(); break; case 1001: GameCanvas.endDlg(); this.isRes = false; break; case 1002: break; case 1003: Session_ME.gI().close(); GameCanvas.serverScreen.switchToMe(); break; case 1004: ServerListScreen.doUpdateServer(); GameCanvas.serverScreen.switchToMe(); break; case 1005: try { GameMidlet.instance.platformRequest("http://ngocrongonline.com"); } catch (Exception ex2) { ex2.StackTrace.ToString(); } break; default: if (idAction != 10041) { if (idAction != 10042) { if (idAction != 4000) { if (idAction == 10021) { this.actRegisterLeft(); } } else { this.doRegister(this.tfUser.getText()); } } } break; } break; case 2008: if (this.tfNgay.getText().Equals(string.Empty) || this.tfThang.getText().Equals(string.Empty) || this.tfNam.getText().Equals(string.Empty) || this.tfDiachi.getText().Equals(string.Empty) || this.tfCMND.getText().Equals(string.Empty) || this.tfNgayCap.getText().Equals(string.Empty) || this.tfNoiCap.getText().Equals(string.Empty) || this.tfSodt.getText().Equals(string.Empty) || this.tfUser.getText().Equals(string.Empty)) { GameCanvas.startOKDlg("Vui lòng điền đầy đủ thông tin"); } else { GameCanvas.startOKDlg(mResources.PLEASEWAIT); Service.gI().charInfo(this.tfNgay.getText(), this.tfThang.getText(), this.tfNam.getText(), this.tfDiachi.getText(), this.tfCMND.getText(), this.tfNgayCap.getText(), this.tfNoiCap.getText(), this.tfSodt.getText(), this.tfUser.getText()); } break; } }
// Token: 0x0600071B RID: 1819 RVA: 0x0005EA54 File Offset: 0x0005CC54 public void perform(int idAction, object p) { switch (idAction) { case 2000: break; case 2001: if (this.isCheck) { this.isCheck = false; } else { this.isCheck = true; } break; case 2002: this.doRegister(); break; case 2003: this.doMenu(); break; case 2004: this.actRegister(); break; default: switch (idAction) { case 1000: try { GameMidlet.instance.platformRequest((string)p); } catch (Exception ex) { } GameCanvas.endDlg(); break; case 1001: GameCanvas.endDlg(); this.isRes = false; break; case 1002: { GameCanvas.startWaitDlg(); string text = Rms.loadRMSString("userAo" + ServerListScreen.ipSelect); if (text == null || text.Equals(string.Empty)) { Service.gI().login2(string.Empty); } else { GameCanvas.loginScr.isLogin2 = true; GameCanvas.connect(); Service.gI().setClientType(); Service.gI().login(text, string.Empty, GameMidlet.VERSION, 1); } break; } case 1003: GameCanvas.startOKDlg(mResources.goToWebForPassword); break; case 1004: ServerListScreen.doUpdateServer(); GameCanvas.serverScreen.switchToMe(); break; case 1005: try { GameMidlet.instance.platformRequest("http://ngocrongonline.com"); } catch (Exception ex2) { } break; default: if (idAction != 10041) { if (idAction != 10042) { if (idAction != 13) { if (idAction != 4000) { if (idAction == 10021) { this.actRegisterLeft(); } } else { this.doRegister(this.tfUser.getText()); } } else { switch (mSystem.clientType) { case 1: mSystem.callHotlineJava(); break; case 3: case 5: mSystem.callHotlineIphone(); break; case 4: mSystem.callHotlinePC(); break; case 6: mSystem.callHotlineWindowsPhone(); break; } } } else { Rms.saveRMSInt("lowGraphic", 1); GameCanvas.startOK(mResources.plsRestartGame, 8885, null); } } else { Rms.saveRMSInt("lowGraphic", 0); GameCanvas.startOK(mResources.plsRestartGame, 8885, null); } break; } break; case 2008: Rms.saveRMSString("acc", this.tfUser.getText().Trim()); Rms.saveRMSString("pass", this.tfPass.getText().Trim()); if (ServerListScreen.loadScreen) { GameCanvas.serverScreen.switchToMe(); } else { GameCanvas.serverScreen.show2(); } break; } }