Пример #1
		public static void GiveRoseTo( Mobile m, DialogNPC npc )
			Item rose = new Server.Items.PottedPlant1();
			rose.Hue = 37;
			rose.Name = "Casanova's Rose";

			if ( m.AddToBackpack( rose ) )
				npc.SayTo( m, "Thank you my dear... take this rose as a sign of my love for you..." );
				m_Received.Add( m );
				npc.SayTo( m, "I wish I could grant you with a rose, but I don't think you could carry its weight..." );
        public static void GiveRoseTo(Mobile m, DialogNPC npc)
            Item rose = new Server.Items.PottedPlant1();

            rose.Hue  = 37;
            rose.Name = "Casanova's Rose";

            if (m.AddToBackpack(rose))
                npc.SayTo(m, "Thank you my dear... take this rose as a sign of my love for you...");
                npc.SayTo(m, "I wish I could grant you with a rose, but I don't think you could carry its weight...");