Пример #1
        public async Task <TvDbResponse <Series> > GetAsync(int seriesId, SeriesFilter filter, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var request  = new ApiRequest("GET", $"/series/{seriesId}/filter?keys={this.UrlHelpers.Parametrify(filter)}");
            var response = await this.ApiClient.SendRequestAsync(request, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            return(this.Parser.Parse <TvDbResponse <Series> >(response, ErrorMessages.Series.GetAsync));
Пример #2
 // ReSharper disable once InconsistentNaming
 public Task GetAsync_Without_Filter_Makes_The_Right_Request(int seriesId, SeriesFilter filter, string stringFilter)
            .SetResultObject(new TvDbResponse <Series>())
            .WhenCallingAMethod((impl, token) => impl.GetAsync(seriesId, filter, token))
            .ShouldRequest("GET", $"/series/{seriesId}/filter?keys={stringFilter}")
Пример #3
        // ReSharper disable once InconsistentNaming
        public async void GetAsync_With_Filter_Throws_With_The_Correct_Message(int statusCode)
            var jsonClient = CreateJsonClient();
            var client     = this.CreateClient(jsonClient);

            jsonClient.GetJsonAsync <TvDbResponse <Series> >(null, CancellationToken.None)
            .ThrowsForAnyArgs(info => new TvDbServerException(null, (HttpStatusCode)statusCode, null));

            const SeriesFilter Filter = SeriesFilter.Id | SeriesFilter.Added;

            var ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <TvDbServerException>(async() => await client.GetAsync(42, Filter, CancellationToken.None));

            Assert.Equal(this.ErrorMessages.Series.GetAsync[statusCode], ex.Message);
Пример #4
        // ReSharper disable once InconsistentNaming
        public async void GetAsync_With_Filter_Makes_The_Right_Request()
            var jsonClient = CreateJsonClient();
            var client     = this.CreateClient(jsonClient);

            const int          Id     = 42;
            const string       Route  = "/series/42/filter?keys=added,id";
            const SeriesFilter Filter = SeriesFilter.Id | SeriesFilter.Added;

            var expectedData = new TvDbResponse <Series>();

            jsonClient.GetJsonAsync <TvDbResponse <Series> >(Route, CancellationToken.None).Returns(expectedData);

            var responseData = await client.GetAsync(Id, Filter, CancellationToken.None);

            await jsonClient.Received().GetJsonAsync <TvDbResponse <Series> >(Route, CancellationToken.None);

            Assert.Equal(expectedData, responseData);
Пример #5
        public Task <TvDbResponse <Series> > GetAsync(int seriesId, SeriesFilter filter, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                string requestUri = $"/series/{seriesId}/filter?keys={this.UrlHelpers.Parametrify(filter)}";

                return(this.GetAsync <Series>(requestUri, cancellationToken));
            catch (TvDbServerException ex)
                string message = this.GetMessage(ex.StatusCode, this.ErrorMessages.Series.GetAsync);

                if (message == null)

                throw new TvDbServerException(message, ex.StatusCode, ex);
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Override the Draw method to display the indicator.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Draw(MSChart.Chart chart1, bool enable = true)
            string TREND = "TrendLine";

            int startIndexOffset = (int)parameters["StartOffset"].Value;
            int endIndexOffset   = (int)parameters["EndOffset"].Value;

            // Convert from an "offset" (bars back from the current bar - zero = current bar) to an index into the series Points.
            int startIndex;
            int endIndex;
            int pointCount = chart1.Series["candlestickSeries"].Points.Count;

            if (startIndexOffset <= endIndexOffset)
                startIndex = startIndexOffset;
                endIndex   = endIndexOffset;
                startIndex = pointCount - startIndexOffset - 1;
                endIndex   = pointCount - endIndexOffset - 1;

            // Make sure start and end index are within the range of the series points.
            startIndex = Math.Min(startIndex, pointCount - 1);
            startIndex = Math.Max(startIndex, 0);
            endIndex   = Math.Min(endIndex, pointCount - 1);
            endIndex   = Math.Max(endIndex, 0);

            if (chart1.Series.IndexOf(TREND) == -1)
                chart1.Series[TREND].IsXValueIndexed = true;
                chart1.Series[TREND].ChartType       = MSChart.SeriesChartType.Line;
                chart1.Series[TREND].BorderWidth     = 3;
                chart1.Series[TREND].Color           = Color.Red;

            //chart1.DataManipulator.IsStartFromFirst = true;

            chart1.Series[TREND].ChartArea = "ChartAreaBottom";

            if (enable == true)
                EnableOneBottomSeries(chart1, TREND);

            // Line of best fit is linear
            string typeRegression = "Linear";//"Exponential";//
            // The number of days for Forecasting
            string forecasting = "1";
            // Show Error as a range chart.
            string error = "false";
            // Show Forecasting Error as a range chart.
            string forecastingError = "false";
            // Formula parameters
            string parameterStr = typeRegression + ',' + forecasting + ',' + error + ',' + forecastingError;

            SeriesFilter filter = SeriesFilter.Create("Filtered", chart1, "candlestickSeries");

            filter.FilterSeriesRange(startIndex, endIndex);
            filter.Series.Sort(MSChart.PointSortOrder.Ascending, "X");

            //chart1.Series["candlestickSeries"].Sort(MSChart.PointSortOrder.Ascending, "X");
            // Create Forecasting Series.
            //chart1.DataManipulator.FinancialFormula(MSChart.FinancialFormula.Forecasting, parameterStr, chart1.Series["candlestickSeries"], chart1.Series[TREND]);
            chart1.DataManipulator.FinancialFormula(MSChart.FinancialFormula.Forecasting, parameterStr, "Filtered:Y", TREND + ":Y");

            // Remove the last value from the TrendLine series (it adds one value to the input range for the forecast), and
            // match up the X values from the input series.
            for (int i = 0; i < filter.Series.Points.Count; i++)
                chart1.Series[TREND].Points[i].XValue = filter.Series.Points[i].XValue;

            double scaleMax = Math.Round(Math.Max(chart1.Series[TREND].GetFirstPoint().YValues[0], chart1.Series[TREND].GetLastPoint().YValues[0]), 2);
            double scaleMin = Math.Round(Math.Min(chart1.Series[TREND].GetFirstPoint().YValues[0], chart1.Series[TREND].GetLastPoint().YValues[0]), 2);

            // At this point, we have the first and last points of the trend line, so we can calculate slope.
            double yStart = chart1.Series[TREND].GetFirstPoint().YValues[0];
            double yEnd   = chart1.Series[TREND].GetLastPoint().YValues[0];
            double slope  = (yEnd - yStart) / chart1.Series[TREND].Points.Count;
            double theta  = Math.Round(Math.Atan(slope) * 180 / Math.PI, 2);

            Slope = theta;
            if (SlopeChanged != null)

            // Now add any missing data points so the trend series matches up with the candlestickSeries.
            double startX = chart1.Series[TREND].GetFirstPoint().XValue;
            double endX   = chart1.Series[TREND].GetLastPoint().XValue;

            for (int i = 0; i < chart1.Series["candlestickSeries"].Points.Count; i++)
                MSChart.DataPoint emptyDP = new MSChart.DataPoint();
                emptyDP.IsEmpty = true;

                if (chart1.Series["candlestickSeries"].Points[i].XValue < startX)
                else if (chart1.Series["candlestickSeries"].Points[i].XValue > endX)

            // And finally, match up the X values in trend series to those in the candlestickSeries.
            for (int i = 0; i < chart1.Series["candlestickSeries"].Points.Count; i++)
                chart1.Series[TREND].Points[i].XValue = chart1.Series["candlestickSeries"].Points[i].XValue;

            // Update the axes scale for this indicator.
            chart1.ChartAreas["ChartAreaBottom"].AxisY.Minimum = scaleMin;
            chart1.ChartAreas["ChartAreaBottom"].AxisY.Maximum = scaleMax;
Пример #7
 public Task <TvDbResponse <Series> > GetAsync(int seriesId, SeriesFilter filter)
     return(this.GetAsync(seriesId, filter, CancellationToken.None));