Пример #1
        public Package(SerializableDictionaryString _data, string url, string debloc = "")
            this.data = _data;

            bool success = this.data.TryGetValue("Filename", out this.url);

            this.url = this.url.Replace(url, "");
            this.url = this.url.Replace("./", "");
            url      = url.Replace("./", "");
            if (success)
                //this.url = (url.EndsWith("/") ? url : url + "/") + this.url;
                if (url.EndsWith("php") || url.EndsWith("/"))
                    this.url = url + this.url;
                    this.url = url + "/" + this.url;
                this.url = "Invalid";
            this.debloc = debloc;
            if (this.debloc == "")
                this.debloc = this.url;

            if (!this.data.TryGetValue("Name", out this.name))
                print("No name for a package from {0}", this.url);
                this.name = "Unknown name";
            if (!this.data.TryGetValue("Package", out this.package))
                print("No package id for {0}", this.name);
            if (!this.data.TryGetValue("Section", out this.section))
                print("No section for {0}", this.name);
            if (!this.data.TryGetValue("Depends", out this.depends))
                print("No depends for {0}", this.name);
            if (!this.data.TryGetValue("Version", out this.version))
                print("No version for {0}", this.name);
            if (!this.data.TryGetValue("Filename", out this.filename))
                print("No filename for {0}", this.name);
            if (!this.data.TryGetValue("Depiction", out this.depiction))
                print("No filename for {0}", this.name);
            string _size = "";

            this.data.TryGetValue("Size", out _size);
            if (!long.TryParse(_size, out this.size))
                print("Invalid size for {0}", this.package);
            if (!this.data.TryGetValue("MD5sum", out this.md5))
                print("No MD5sum for {0}", this.name);
            if (!this.data.TryGetValue("Description", out this.description))
                print("No description for {0}", this.name);
            this.todownload = this.debloc + "/" + this.filename;
Пример #2
        public Repo(string url, ProgressBar RefreshProgress, string srchdir = "", string debloc = "")
            this.debloc  = debloc;
            this.srchdir = srchdir;
            if (this.debloc == "")
                this.debloc = url;
            Console.WriteLine("Debloc: {0}", this.debloc);
            selected = new List <Package>();
            sel      = new List <Package>();
            this.url = url;

            // Downloads Release file from url, reads it and deletes it
            string releasefile = Helper.ReadUrl(url, "Release");

            RefreshProgress.SetProgressNoAnimation(5); // 5

            // different OSes uses different endings so this splits each line into a element of an array
            string[] split = releasefile.Split(new String[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
            if (split.Length < 2)
                split = releasefile.Split('\n');
            if (split.Length < 2)
                split = releasefile.Split('\r');

            RefreshProgress.SetProgressNoAnimation(5); // 10

            // Intilize a dictionary for repo data
            this.data = new SerializableDictionaryString();
            // This will go through each line and place x of "x: y" in key and y in value
            foreach (string data in split)
                string[] keyval = data.Split(new String[] { ": " }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                if (keyval.Length < 2)
                this.data.Add(keyval[0], keyval[1]);
            RefreshProgress.SetProgressNoAnimation(5);     // 15

            this.data.TryGetValue("Label", out this.name); // Grabs repo name and puts it in this.name
            this.name = this.name.Replace('/', '.');
            string dir = this.name;                        // Repo directory

            if (dir == null)
            string to = dir + (dir.EndsWith("/") ? "Release" : "/Release");

            if (File.Exists(to))
            try {
                File.Move("Release", to);
            } catch (DirectoryNotFoundException e) {
                File.Move("Release", to);
            if (!(dir == null))
                Console.WriteLine("Downloading packages...");
                DownloadPackages(dir, srchdir);             //Puts packages file in *dir*/Packages
                RefreshProgress.SetProgressNoAnimation(20); // 35
                Console.WriteLine("Reading packages...");
                // Reads the Packages file stored in repo directory
                string content = Helper.ReadFromPath(dir + (dir.EndsWith("/") ? "Packages" : "/Packages"));
                RefreshProgress.SetProgressNoAnimation(5); // 40

                // different OSes uses different endings so this splits each line into a element of an array
                string[] contentarr = content.Split(new String[] { "\r\n\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                if (contentarr.Length < 2)
                    contentarr = content.Split(new String[] { "\n\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                if (contentarr.Length < 2)
                    contentarr = content.Split(new String[] { "\r\r" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                RefreshProgress.SetProgressNoAnimation(5); // 30
                // Initilize a dictionary with format name: packagedata
                this.packages = new SerializableDictionary <string, Package>();
                foreach (string package in contentarr)
                    Console.WriteLine("adding {0}", package);
                    if ((RefreshProgress.Value + (60 / contentarr.Length)) > 100)
                        RefreshProgress.SetProgressNoAnimation((60 / contentarr.Length));  // 100
                    // Initilize a Dictionary dataname: data
                    SerializableDictionaryString packagedatadict = new SerializableDictionaryString();

                    // different OSes uses different endings so this splits each line into a element of an array
                    string[] packagedata = package.Split(new String[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                    if (packagedata.Length < 2)
                        packagedata = package.Split('\r');
                    if (packagedata.Length < 2)
                        packagedata = package.Split('\n');
                    // This will go through each line and place x of "x: y" in key and y in value
                    foreach (string data in packagedata)
                        if (data != null && data != "")
                            string[] keyval = data.Split(new String[] { ": " }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                            if (keyval.Length < 2)
                            try {
                                packagedatadict.Add(keyval[0], keyval[1]);
                            } catch (System.ArgumentException e) {
                                packagedatadict.Add(keyval[0], keyval[1]);
                    string name = "";
                    if (packagedatadict.TryGetValue("Name", out name))
                        name = name.Replace('/', '.');
                        try {
                            this.packages.Add(name, new Package(packagedatadict, this.url, this.debloc));
                        } catch (ArgumentException e) {
                            string ver = "";
                            packagedatadict.TryGetValue("Version", out ver);
                            Package p;
                            this.packages.TryGetValue(name, out p);

                            bool isnewer = Helper.Versioncheck(ver, p.version);
                            if (isnewer)
                                this.packages.Add(name, new Package(packagedatadict, this.url, this.debloc));
                        // TODO
                        // Check version and overwrite if newer
                        string pak = "";
                        packagedatadict.TryGetValue("Package", out pak);
                        Console.WriteLine("Could not grab name from {0}, skipping...", pak);

                MessageBox.Show("Error, repo not found, make sure it's entered correctly");