Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Listen to the message sent by the server监听服务端发来的消息
        /// </summary>
        void ReceiveMsg()//0 is an ordinary message, 1 is a user list 0是普通消息,1是用户列表
            while (true)
                //Define a receive byte array buffer (2M size)
                byte[] arrMsgRev = new byte[1024 * 1024 * 2];
                //Save the received data to arrMsgRev and return the length of the data actually received
                int length = -1;
                    length = socketClient.Receive(arrMsgRev);
                catch (SocketException ex)
                    ShowMsg("SocketException:" + ex.Message);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    ShowMsg("Exception:" + ex.Message);
                if (arrMsgRev[0] == 0) //Judge the client sent the first element of the data is 0, on behalf of the text 判断客户端发送过来数据的第一位元素是0,代表文字
                    //At this point all the elements of the array (each byte) are converted to a string, and really received only the server sent a few characters
                    //string strMsgReceive = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(arrMsgRev, 1, length - 1);
                    byte[] strMsgRev = new byte[arrMsgRev.Length - 1];
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(arrMsgRev, 1, strMsgRev, 0, arrMsgRev.Length - 1);
                    StrMessage strMsgReceive = (StrMessage)SerObject.DeserializeObject(strMsgRev);
                    ShowMsg(string.Format("#{0}# {1} speak to me {2}", strMsgReceive.ToTopic, strMsgReceive.ToName, strMsgReceive.ToMessage));
                else if (arrMsgRev[0] == 1)//1 is the online user list 1是在线用户列表
                    byte[] strMsgRev = new byte[arrMsgRev.Length - 1];
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(arrMsgRev, 1, strMsgRev, 0, arrMsgRev.Length - 1);
                    List <string> listname = (List <String>)SerObject.DeserializeObject(strMsgRev);

                    listMember.Items.Clear(); //Empty the text 清空文本
                    foreach (string name in listname)
Пример #2
        /// Server-side monitoring client-side sends data 服务端监听客户端发来的数据
        /// </summary>
        void ReceiveMsg(object socketClientPara)    //0 is normal message, 1 is the user's nickname 0普通消息,1是用户昵称
            Socket socketClient = socketClientPara as Socket;

            while (true)
                //Define a receive byte array buffer (2M size)
                byte[] arrMsgRev = new byte[1024 * 1024 * 2];
                //Save the received data to arrMsgRev and return the length of the data actually received
                int length = -1;
                    length = socketClient.Receive(arrMsgRev);
                catch (SocketException ex)
                    ShowMsg("Exception:" + ex.Message + "RemoteEndPoint: " + socketClient.RemoteEndPoint.ToString());
                    //Removes the communication socket that was disconnected from the communication socket combination
                    //Removes the disconnected communication thread object from the set of communication threads
                    //Remove the disconnected IP: Port from the display list
                catch (Exception ex)
                    ShowMsg("Exception:" + ex.Message);
                if (arrMsgRev[0] == 0)     //Judge the client sent the first element of the data is 0, on behalf of the text 判断客户端发送过来数据的第一位元素是0,代表文字
                    //At this point all the elements of the array (each byte) are converted to a string, and really received only the server sent a few characters
                    //string strMsgReceive = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(arrMsgRev, 1, length - 1);
                    byte[] strMsgRev = new byte[arrMsgRev.Length - 1];
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(arrMsgRev, 1, strMsgRev, 0, arrMsgRev.Length - 1);
                    StrMessage strMsgReceive = (StrMessage)SerObject.DeserializeObject(strMsgRev);

                    if (strMsgReceive.ToName == "The server end")
                        ShowMsg(string.Format("#{0}# {1} speak to me :{2}", strMsgReceive.ToTopic, clientlist[socketClient.RemoteEndPoint.ToString()], strMsgReceive.ToMessage));
                        StrMessage strMsg = new StrMessage();
                        strMsg.ToMessage = strMsgReceive.ToMessage;
                        strMsg.ToTopic   = strMsgReceive.ToTopic;
                        strMsg.ToName    = clientlist[socketClient.RemoteEndPoint.ToString()];
                        //set the string which to be sent into UTF-8 corresponding byte array
                        byte[] arrMsg     = SerObject.SerializeObject(strMsg);
                        byte[] arrMsgSend = new byte[arrMsg.Length + 1];
                        arrMsgSend[0] = 0;//Set the flag, 0 on behalf of the text sent 设置标识位,0代表发送的是文字
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(arrMsg, 0, arrMsgSend, 1, arrMsg.Length);
                        //Get the list of selected remote IP Key
                        String strCli       = strMsgReceive.ToName;
                        string strClientKey = clientlist.toK(strCli);
                            //Through the key to find the dictionary set corresponding to a client communication socket Send method to send data to each other
                            Socket s = dict[strClientKey];

                            ShowMsg(string.Format("#{0}# {1} speak to {2} :{3}", strMsgReceive.ToTopic, strMsgReceive.ToName, clientlist[socketClient.RemoteEndPoint.ToString()], strMsgReceive.ToMessage));
                        catch (SocketException ex)
                            ShowMsg("SocketException:" + ex.Message);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            ShowMsg("Exception:" + ex.Message);
                else if (arrMsgRev[0] == 1)    //1 for the nickname 1代表昵称
                    String nickname = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(arrMsgRev, 1, length - 1);
                    clientlist[socketClient.RemoteEndPoint.ToString()] = nickname;
                    listMember.Items.Clear();     //Empty the text 清空文本
                    for (int i = 0; i < clientlist.Size(); i++)
