Пример #1
    public static void sendSignal(string signalName, InstanceSpecification target)
        SendSignalAction action = new SendSignalAction();

        action.SignalClass = new Signal(signalName);
        //string target = "broadcast";

        //take any entitty to send the message
        List <Entity> entities = MascaretApplication.Instance.getEnvironment().getEntities();
        Entity        entity   = entities[0];

        foreach (Entity e in entities)
            if (e != null)
                entity = e;
        Action action2 = null;

        if (action.GetType().ToString() == "Mascaret.SendSignalAction" && target != null)
            PrintSingleton.Instance.log("############################ SEND SIGNAL : " + action.SignalClass.name + " to " + target.name + "  which is a " + target.Classifier.name);
            Signal signalC = ((SendSignalAction)(action)).SignalClass;
            InstanceSpecification signal = new InstanceSpecification(signalC.name, signalC);

            action2 = new SendSignalAction();
            ((SendSignalAction)(action2)).SignalClass   = ((SendSignalAction)(action)).SignalClass;
            ((SendSignalAction)(action2)).Target        = new SendSignalTarget();
            ((SendSignalAction)(action2)).Target.target = target;
            ((SendSignalAction)(action2)).Signal        = signal;
        BehaviorScheduler.Instance.executeBehavior(action2, entity, new Dictionary <string, ValueSpecification>(), false);
Пример #2
        protected void parseInteractions(XElement interactionNode)
            Interaction interaction = new Interaction();

            foreach (XElement action in interactionNode.Elements())
                if (action.Name.LocalName == "SendSignal")
                    string signal = action.Attribute("name").Value;
                    string target = "";
                    if (action.Attribute("target") != null) target = action.Attribute("target").Value;
                    if (target == "") target = "designated";
                    string periphName = action.Attribute("peripheric").Value;
                    string buttonName = action.Attribute("button").Value;
                    bool pressed = (bool)action.Attribute("pressed");

                    SendSignalAction sendSignal = new SendSignalAction();
                    sendSignal.SignalClass = new Signal(signal);

                    Peripheric periph = this.window.getPeripheric(periphName);
                    Button button = periph.getButton(buttonName);
                    if (button != null)
                        interaction.addButtonAction(button, sendSignal, target, pressed);
                else if(action.Name.LocalName == "CallOperation")
                    string classifier=action.Attribute("classifier").Value;
                    Class targetClass=MascaretApplication.Instance.Model.AllClasses[classifier][0];
                    string operation=action.Attribute("name").Value;
                    string target=action.Attribute("target").Value;
                    string periphName=action.Attribute("peripheric").Value;
                    string buttonName=action.Attribute("button").Value;
                    bool pressed = (bool)action.Attribute("pressed");

                    CallOperationAction callOp = new CallOperationAction();
                    callOp.Operation = targetClass.Operations[operation];

                    Peripheric periph = this.window.getPeripheric(periphName);
                    Button button = periph.getButton(buttonName);
                    if (button != null)
                        interaction.addButtonAction(button, callOp, target, pressed);
                else if (action.Name.LocalName == "CallProcedure")
                    string procedure = action.Attribute("name").Value;
                    string organisation = action.Attribute("organisation").Value;

                    string target = "";
                    if (action.Attribute("target") != null) target = action.Attribute("target").Value;
                    if (target == "") target = "designated";
                    string periphName = action.Attribute("peripheric").Value;
                    string buttonName = action.Attribute("button").Value;
                    bool pressed = (bool)action.Attribute("pressed");

                    CallProcedureAction callProc = new CallProcedureAction();
                    callProc.Procedure = procedure;
                    callProc.OrganisationalEntity = organisation;

                    Peripheric periph = this.window.getPeripheric(periphName);
                    Button button = periph.getButton(buttonName);
                    if (button != null)
                        interaction.addButtonAction(button, callProc, target, pressed);
Пример #3
        //FinalNode, Merge et Decision devraent �tre des activityNode !!
        public void addActivityNode(XElement node, Activity activity)
            MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log("New activity node");
            string type = "";
            string id = "";
            if (node.Attribute("{http://schema.omg.org/spec/XMI/2.1}type") != null)
                type = node.Attribute("{http://schema.omg.org/spec/XMI/2.1}type").Value;
                type = node.Attribute("{http://www.omg.org/spec/XMI/20131001}type").Value;

            MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log(" Type : " + type);

            if (node.Attribute("{http://schema.omg.org/spec/XMI/2.1}id") != null)
                id = node.Attribute("{http://schema.omg.org/spec/XMI/2.1}id").Value;
                id = node.Attribute("{http://www.omg.org/spec/XMI/20131001}id").Value;
            MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log(" ID : " + id);

            string name = "";
            if (node.Attribute("name") != null)
                name = node.Attribute("name").Value;
            else name = id;
            MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log(" Name : " + name);

            string idPartition = "";
            if (node.Attribute("inPartition") != null)
                idPartition = node.Attribute("inPartition").Value;


            ActivityNode actNode = null;

            //Debug.Log(" TYPE NODE : " + type);

            if (type == "uml:InitialNode")
                actNode = new InitialNode();
                activity.Initial = actNode;
                actNode.name = "Initial";
            else if (type == "uml:FinalNode" || type == "uml:ActivityFinalNode")
                actNode = new FinalNode();
            else if (type == "uml:LoopNode")
                addActivityGroup(node, activity);
            else if (type == "uml:ForkNode")
                actNode = new ForkNode();
            else if (type == "uml:JoinNode")
                actNode = new JoinNode();
            else if (type == "uml:MergeNode")
                actNode = new MergeNode();
            /*else if (type == "uml:DecisionNode")
                actNode = new DecisionNode();
            else if (type == "uml:ObjectNode" || type == "uml:CentralBufferNode")

                ObjectNode objNode = new ObjectNode(name);
                Classifier ressourceType = getObjectNodeType(node);
                if (ressourceType != null)
                    objNode.ResourceType = ressourceType;
                actNode = objNode;
                string type2 = node.Attribute("{http://schema.omg.org/spec/XMI/2.1}type").Value;
                if (_idClass.ContainsKey(type2))
                    ((ObjectNode)actNode).ResourceType = _idClass[type2];
            else if (type == "uml:ValueSpecificationAction")
                shared_ptr<XmlNode> valueNode = node->getChildByName("value");
                string expressionValue = valueNode->getProperty("value");
                shared_ptr<Expression> expression = make_shared<Expression>(expressionValue, _model->getBasicType("boolean"));
                _activityExpressions[node->getProperty("id")] = expression;
            else if (type == "uml:OpaqueAction")
                if (isStereotypedPlayAnimation(node))
                    string animationName = getAnimName(node);
                    MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log("%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% NEW PLAY ANIMATION : " + name + "    " + animationName);

                    ActionNode an = new ActionNode(name, "action");
                    PlayAnimationAction ap = new PlayAnimationAction();
                    ap.Description = getComment(node);
                    ap.name = name;
                    ap.Owner = activity;
                    ap.animationName = animationName;

                    an.Action = ap;
                    addPins(an, node);
                    actNode = an;
            else if (type == "uml:CallBehaviorAction")

                ActionNode an = new ActionNode(name, "action");
                CallBehaviorAction cb = new CallBehaviorAction();
                cb.Description = getComment(node);
                cb.name = name;
                cb.Owner = activity;
                XElement beNode = node.Element("behavior");

                string opid;

                if (beNode != null) opid = beNode.Attribute("idref").Value;
                else opid = node.Attribute("behavior").Value;

                if (_idBehaviors.ContainsKey(opid))
                    cb.Behavior = _idBehaviors[opid];
                    // Debug.Log("[ModelLoader2 Info] Behavior " + opid
                    //           + " not yet found for ActionNode " + name + ". Postbone...");
                    _callBehaviors.Add(cb, opid);

                an.Action = cb;
                addPins(an, node);
                actNode = an;

            else if (type == "uml:CallOperationAction")

                ActionNode an = new ActionNode(name, "action");
                //Debug.Log("Action Node : " +name);
                CallOperationAction act = new CallOperationAction();
                act.Description = getComment(node);
                an.Fml = getFML(node);

                act.name = name;

                act.Owner = activity;

                XElement opNode = node.Element("operation");
                if (opNode != null)
                    string opid;
                    opid = opNode.Attribute("idref").Value;
                    //MascaretApplication.Instance.logfile.WriteLine("Operation ID : " + opid); MascaretApplication.Instance.logfile.Flush();
                    string stereo = getStereotype(opid);
                    MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" + name + " : " + opid + " " + stereo);
                    if (stereo != "")

                        an.Stereotype = stereo;

                    if (_idOperations.ContainsKey(opid))
                        act.Operation = _idOperations[opid];
                        //cerr << "ERREUR PAS OPERATION... " << opid<< endl;
                        _callOperations.Add(act, opid);
                    string opid;
                    opid = node.Attribute("operation").Value;
                    // MascaretApplication.Instance.logfile.WriteLine("Operation ID : " + opid); MascaretApplication.Instance.logfile.Flush();
                    string stereo = getStereotype(opid);
                    MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" + name + " : " + opid + " " + stereo);
                    if (stereo != "")

                        an.Stereotype = stereo;

                    // MascaretApplication.Instance.logfile.WriteLine("Operation ID : " + opid); MascaretApplication.Instance.logfile.Flush();

                    if (_idOperations.ContainsKey(opid))
                        act.Operation = _idOperations[opid];
                        // MascaretApplication.Instance.logfile.WriteLine("Operation Name : " + act.Operation); MascaretApplication.Instance.logfile.Flush();

                        _callOperations.Add(act, opid);
                an.Action = act;
                addPins(an, node);
                actNode = an;
            else if (type == "uml:SendSignalAction")
                ActionNode an = new ActionNode(name, "action");
                SendSignalAction act = new SendSignalAction();
                XElement sigNode = node.Element("signal");
                if (sigNode != null)
                    string signame = sigNode.Attribute("name").Value;
                    if (!_signals.ContainsKey(signame))
                        Signal ns = new Signal(signame);
                        _signals.Add(signame, ns);
                    act.SignalClass = _signals[signame];
                    string signame = "";
                    if (node.Attribute("signal") != null)
                        signame = node.Attribute("signal").Value;
                    if (!_signals.ContainsKey(signame))
                        Signal ns = new Signal(signame);
                        _signals.Add(signame, ns);

                    act.SignalClass = _signals[signame];

                XElement targetNode = node.Element("argument");
                if (targetNode != null)
                    string targetName = targetNode.Attribute("name").Value;
                    XElement typeNode = targetNode.Element("type");
                    string classid = "";
                    if (typeNode != null)
                        classid = typeNode.Attribute("idref").Value;
                        classid = targetNode.Attribute("type").Value;
                    act.Target = new SendSignalTarget();
                    act.Target.targetName = targetName;
                    act.Target.targetClass = _idClass[classid];
                    targetNode = node.Element("target");
                    if (targetNode != null)
                        MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log("SendSignal Target");
                        string targetName = targetNode.Attribute("name").Value;
                        string classid = targetNode.Attribute("type").Value;
                        MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log("name : " + targetName);
                        MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log("name : " + targetName + " : " + _idClass[classid]);

                        act.Target = new SendSignalTarget();
                        act.Target.targetName = targetName;
                        act.Target.targetClass = _idClass[classid];

                    else MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log("No target");
                an.Action = act;
                addPins(an, node);
                actNode = an;
            else if (type == "uml:AddStructuralFeatureValueAction")
                //cerr << " ############# Found a AddStructuralFeatureValueAction : " << endl;
                shared_ptr<ActionNode> an = make_shared<ActionNode>(name);
                shared_ptr<Classifier> type;
                shared_ptr<XmlNode> pinNode = node->getChildByName("object");

                string attrName = pinNode->getProperty("name");

                cerr << " Name == " << attrName << endl;

                shared_ptr<XmlNode> typeNode = pinNode->getChildByName("type");
                if (typeNode && typeNode->getProperty("type") == "uml:PrimitiveType")
                    string href = typeNode->getProperty("href");
                    string strType = href.substr(href.rfind('#') + 1);
                    type = _model->getBasicType(strType);

                shared_ptr<XmlNode> valueNode = pinNode->getChildByName("value");
                if (valueNode)
                    string value = valueNode->getProperty("value");
                    cerr << "    VALUE : " << value << endl;
                    shared_ptr<Expression> expression = make_shared<Expression>(value, type);
                    shared_ptr<AddStructuralFeatureValueAction> act =
                actNode = an;

            else if (type == "uml:AcceptEventAction")
                MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log("New uml:AcceptEventAction");
                ActionNode an = new ActionNode(name, "action");
                AcceptEventAction act = new AcceptEventAction();

                XElement triggerNode = node.Element("trigger");
                if (triggerNode != null)
                    MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log("trigger node found");

                    Trigger trigger = new Trigger(name);
                    MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log("Debug : " + name);
                    string idT = "";
                    if (triggerNode.Attribute("{http://schema.omg.org/spec/XMI/2.1}id") != null)
                        idT = triggerNode.Attribute("{http://schema.omg.org/spec/XMI/2.1}id").Value;
                        idT = triggerNode.Attribute("{http://www.omg.org/spec/XMI/20131001}id").Value;

                    trigger.Id = idT;

                    if (triggerNode.Attribute("event") != null)
                        string idEvent = triggerNode.Attribute("event").Value;

                        if (_events.ContainsKey(idEvent))
                            trigger.MEvent = _events[idEvent];
                            MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log("Could not find event : " + idEvent);
                an.Action = act;
                addPins(an, node);
                actNode = an;

                MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log(" Fin AcceptEventAction");

            // ...
                //Debug.Log("Unknown state: " + type);

            if (actNode != null)
                _activityNodes.Add(id, actNode);
                //cerr << "searching _partitions for '" << idPartition << "'" << endl;
                if (_partitions.ContainsKey(idPartition))
                actNode.Summary = getSummary(node);
                actNode.Description = getComment(node);
                actNode.Tags = getTags(node);
Пример #4
        //non gestion des triggers
        //Attention ! Les Opaque expressions ne sont pas impl�ment� mais sont utilis� pour le moment dans les modelLoader
        //(par contre les expressions existe - c'est du ocl)
        public void addMachineTransition(XElement node, StateMachine machine, Dictionary<string, Vertex> vertices)
            //shared_ptr<Operation> op;

            //    StreamWriter fileT = MascaretApplication.Instance.logfile;
            Transition t = new Transition();
            string transitionKind = "";

            if (node.Attribute("kind") != null)
                transitionKind = node.Attribute("kind").Value;
            t.Description = getComment(node);
            t.Summary = getSummary(node);
            t.Tags = getTags(node);
            if (transitionKind != "internal")
                //cerr << "Not internal" << endl;
                Region region = machine.Region[machine.Region.Count - 1];
            //   fileT.WriteLine("-------------------------------------------");
            //   fileT.WriteLine("Transition : " + transitionKind); fileT.Flush();

            // Trigger

            XElement triggerNode;
            triggerNode = node.Element("trigger");
            if (triggerNode != null)
                if (triggerNode.Attribute("{http://schema.omg.org/spec/XMI/2.1}idref") != null)
                    string idRef = triggerNode.Attribute("{http://schema.omg.org/spec/XMI/2.1}idref").Value;
                    MascaretEvent evt = this._events[idRef];
                    if (evt != null)
                        //    fileT.WriteLine("Trigger : " + evt.name);
                        Trigger trigger = new Trigger(evt.name);
                        trigger.MEvent = evt;
                    string triggerName = triggerNode.Attribute("name").Value;

                    if (triggerNode.Attribute("event") != null)
                        //cerr << "has prop event" << endl;
                        string eventID = triggerNode.Attribute("event").Value;
                        MascaretEvent evt = this._events[eventID];
                        if (evt != null)
                            //    fileT.WriteLine("Trigger : " + evt.name);
                            //   if (evt.GetType().ToString() == "Mascaret.SignalEvent") fileT.WriteLine("Trigger Class : " + ((SignalEvent)evt).SignalClass.name);
                            //   fileT.Flush();
                            Trigger trigger = new Trigger(evt.name);
                            trigger.MEvent = evt;
                        }// else
                         //Debug.Log ("Error : Event not found for trigger : " + triggerName
                         //	+ " in machine " + machine.getFullName() );

            // Effect
            XElement effectNode;
            effectNode = node.Element("effect");
            if (effectNode != null)
                string type = "";
                if (effectNode.Attribute("{http://schema.omg.org/spec/XMI/2.1}type") != null)
                    type = effectNode.Attribute("{http://schema.omg.org/spec/XMI/2.1}type").Value;
                    type = effectNode.Attribute("{http://www.omg.org/spec/XMI/20131001}type").Value;

                if (type == "uml:OpaqueBehavior")
                    if (effectNode.Attribute("specification") != null)
                        string opName = effectNode.Attribute("specification").Value;
                        Operation op = _idOperations[opName];

                        if (transitionKind != "internal" && op != null)
                            CallOperationAction action = new CallOperationAction();
                            t.Effect = action;
                            action.Operation = op;

                        string sigName = effectNode.Attribute("name").Value;
                        Signal sig;
                        sig = _signals[sigName];
                        SendSignalAction action = new SendSignalAction();
                        t.Effect = action;
                        action.SignalClass = sig;

            if (transitionKind != "internal")
                // Source
                string sourceID = node.Attribute("source").Value;
                string targetID = node.Attribute("target").Value;

                //            fileT.WriteLine("Source : " + sourceID);
                //          fileT.WriteLine("Target : " + targetID);
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Vertex> v in vertices)
                    //    fileT.WriteLine("       Vertex : " + v.Key + " = " + v.Value.name);

                Vertex vertex = null;

                if (!vertices.TryGetValue(sourceID, out vertex))
                    //  fileT.WriteLine("Source : " + vertex.name);
                    t.Source = vertex;
                // target

                if (!vertices.TryGetValue(targetID, out vertex))

                    //   fileT.WriteLine("Target : " + vertex.name);

                    t.Target = vertex;
Пример #5
        void OnButtonPressed(Button button, bool pressed)
            foreach (ButtonActionInfo interaction in interactions)
                if (interaction.pressed == pressed && interaction.button.name == button.name)
                    Action action = interaction.action;
                    string target = interaction.target;

                    if (target == "broadcast")
                        //no target = broadcast. Just choose an arbitrary entity to execute
                        List<Entity> entities = MascaretApplication.Instance.getEnvironment().getEntities();
                        foreach (Entity entity in entities)
                            Action action2 = null;

                            if (action.GetType().ToString() == "Mascaret.SendSignalAction")
                                Signal signalC = ((SendSignalAction)(action)).SignalClass;
                                InstanceSpecification signal = new InstanceSpecification(signalC.name, signalC);

                                action2 = new SendSignalAction();
                                ((SendSignalAction)(action2)).SignalClass = ((SendSignalAction)(action)).SignalClass;
                                ((SendSignalAction)(action2)).Target = new SendSignalTarget();
                                ((SendSignalAction)(action2)).Target.target = entity;
                                ((SendSignalAction)(action2)).Signal = signal;
                            else if (action.GetType().ToString() == "Mascaret.CallOperationAction")
                                action2 = new CallOperationAction();
                                ((CallOperationAction)(action2)).Operation = ((CallOperationAction)(action)).Operation;
                                ((CallOperationAction)(action2)).Target = entity;
                            //if (agt)
                            //	BehaviorScheduler::getInstance()->executeBehavior(action2,agt,Parameters());
                            BehaviorScheduler.Instance.executeBehavior(action2, entity, new Dictionary<string, ValueSpecification>(), false);
                    else if (target == "designated")
                        InstanceSpecification entity = VRApplication.Instance.window.getSelectedEntity();

                        if (entity != null)

                            if (action.GetType().ToString() == "Mascaret.SendSignalAction")
                                Signal signalC = ((SendSignalAction)(action)).SignalClass;
                                InstanceSpecification signal = new InstanceSpecification(signalC.name, signalC);
                                ((SendSignalAction)(action)).Target = new SendSignalTarget();
                                ((SendSignalAction)(action)).Signal = signal;
                                ((SendSignalAction)(action)).Target.target = entity;

                            else if (action.GetType().ToString() == "Mascaret.CallOperationAction")
                                //cerr << "CALL OPERATION ..." << endl;
                                if (entity.Classifier.isA(((CallOperationAction)(action)).Operation.Classifier) == false)
                                ((CallOperationAction)(action)).Target = entity;

                            //if (agt)
                            //	BehaviorScheduler::getInstance()->executeBehavior(action,agt,Parameters());
                            BehaviorScheduler.Instance.executeBehavior(action, entity, new Dictionary<string, ValueSpecification>(), false);
                        if (action.GetType().ToString() == "Mascaret.CallProcedureAction")
                            List<Entity> entities = MascaretApplication.Instance.getEnvironment().getEntities();
                            Entity entity = entities[0];
                            Action action2 = null;
                            action2 = new CallProcedureAction();
                            ((CallProcedureAction)(action2)).Procedure = ((CallProcedureAction)(action)).Procedure;
                            ((CallProcedureAction)(action2)).OrganisationalEntity = ((CallProcedureAction)(action)).OrganisationalEntity;
                            BehaviorScheduler.Instance.executeBehavior(action2, entity, new Dictionary<string, ValueSpecification>(), false);
 public bool Equals(SendSignalAction other)
     if (other == this.Action)
         return true;
     return false;
 public SendSignalBehaviorExecution(SendSignalAction action, InstanceSpecification host, Dictionary<string, ValueSpecification> p)
     : base(action, host, p, false)
     this.action = action;