Пример #1
        public async Task SendWithPlainHttpContentShouldSucceed()
            // Arrange

            var uri                 = new Uri("https://myserver.com/content/id");
            var content             = "This is a text content";
            var httpResponseMessage = new HttpResponseMessage()
                StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK,
                Content    = new StringContent(content)

            .SendAsync(Arg.Is <HttpRequestMessage>(r => r.RequestUri == uri && r.Method == HttpMethod.Get),
                       Arg.Any <CancellationToken>())
            var settings = new SendMessageFromHttpSettings
                Uri  = uri,
                Type = PlainText.MIME_TYPE
            var target = GetTarget();

            // Act
            await target.ExecuteAsync(Context, JObject.FromObject(settings), CancellationToken);

            // Assert
            await Sender.Received(1).SendMessageAsync(Arg.Is <Message>(m =>
                                                                       m.To.Equals(From) && m.Type == PlainText.MediaType && m.Content.ToString().Equals(content)), Arg.Any <CancellationToken>());
Пример #2
        public async Task SendWithJsonHttpContentShouldSucceed()
            // Arrange
            var uri     = new Uri("https://myserver.com/content/id");
            var content = new Select()
                Text    = "This is the header",
                Scope   = SelectScope.Immediate,
                Options = new[]
                    new SelectOption
                        Text = "This is the first option"
                    new SelectOption
                        Text = "This is the second option"
                    new SelectOption
                        Text = "This is the third option"

            var httpResponseMessage = new HttpResponseMessage()
                StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK,
                Content    = new StringContent(DocumentSerializer.Serialize(content))

            .SendAsync(Arg.Is <HttpRequestMessage>(r => r.RequestUri == uri && r.Method == HttpMethod.Get),
                       Arg.Any <CancellationToken>())
            var settings = new SendMessageFromHttpSettings
                Uri  = uri,
                Type = Select.MIME_TYPE
            var target = GetTarget();

            // Act
            await target.ExecuteAsync(Context, JObject.FromObject(settings), CancellationToken);

            // Assert
            await Sender.Received(1).SendMessageAsync(
                Arg.Is <Message>(m =>
                                 m.To.ToIdentity().Equals(From) &&
                                 m.Type == Select.MediaType &&
                                 m.Content is Select &&
                                 ((Select)m.Content).Text == content.Text &&
                                 ((Select)m.Content).Scope == SelectScope.Immediate &&
                                 ((Select)m.Content).Options.Length == content.Options.Length &&
                                 ((Select)m.Content).Options[0].Text == content.Options[0].Text &&
                                 ((Select)m.Content).Options[1].Text == content.Options[1].Text &&
                                 ((Select)m.Content).Options[2].Text == content.Options[2].Text),
                Arg.Any <CancellationToken>());