Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes a Graph Pattern style query against the Source
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graph">Graph Pattern</param>
        /// <param name="options">Query Options</param>
        /// <param name="sink">Results Sink</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>
        /// This is implemented by transforming the Graph Pattern which is a set of SemWeb Statement templates into a SPARQL Algebra BGP.  The resulting algebra is then executed using the Leviathan engine and the results converted into VariableBindings for SemWeb
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// The only Query Option that is supported is the Limit option
        /// </para>
        /// </remarks>
        public void Query(Statement[] graph, SW.Query.QueryOptions options, SW.Query.QueryResultSink sink)
            ISparqlAlgebra algebra = this.ToAlgebra(graph);

            SparqlEvaluationContext context = new SparqlEvaluationContext(null, new InMemoryDataset(this._store));
            BaseMultiset results = context.Evaluate(algebra);//algebra.Evaluate(context);

            sink.Init(results.Variables.Select(v => new Variable(v)).ToArray());
            if (results.Count > 0)
                int c = 0;
                foreach (Set s in results.Sets)
                    //Apply Limit if applicable
                    if (options.Limit > 0 && c >= options.Limit)

                    //Convert the Set to VariableBindings for SemWeb
                    Variable[] vars = s.Variables.Select(v => new Variable(v)).ToArray();
                    Resource[] resources = s.Variables.Select(v => SemWebConverter.ToSemWeb(s[v], this.GetMapping(s[v].Graph))).ToArray();
                    SW.Query.VariableBindings bindings = new SW.Query.VariableBindings(vars, resources);

                    //Keep adding results until the sink tells us to stop
                    if (!sink.Add(bindings))
Пример #2
		public void Query(Statement[] graph, SemWeb.Query.QueryOptions options, SemWeb.Query.QueryResultSink sink) {
			if (graph.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentException("graph array must have at least one element");
			// This method translates the graph pattern into a single SQL statement. Each graph statement
			// corresponds to a new use of the _statements table in the FROM clause. For instance:
			//     ?a foaf:knows ?b . ?b foaf:name ?c .
			// translates to
			//     SELECT
			//       g0.subject, v0.value,
			//       g0.object, v1.value,
			//       g1.object, v2.value, v2lit.value, v2lit.language, v2lit.datatype
			//     FROM
			//       db_tables as g0 LEFT JOIN db_entities AS v0 ON g0.subject=v0.id LEFT JOIN db_entities AS v1 ON g0.object=v1.id,
			//       db_tables as g1 LEFT JOIN db_entities AS v2 ON g1.object=v2.id LEFT JOIN db_literals AS v2lit ON g1.object=v2lit.id
			//     WHERE
			//       g0.predicate = <the id of the foaf:knows entity> AND
			//       g1.predicate = <the id of the foaf:name entity> AND
			//       g0.object = g1.subject
			// If any variable column is an *undistinguished* variable --- which is to say that the caller
			// says it is a variable, but is not concerned with its values --- then we want to apply
			// DISTINCT to the SELECT statement. This is because while in the normal case we may get
			// duplicates, we expect that to not occur more than the caller expects, but in the latter
			// case there will often be many duplicates. Consider the SPARQL query:
			//      SELECT DISTINCT ?p WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }
			// to get a list of predicates in the dataset, which corresponds to the graph query
			//      ?s ?p ?o
			// where only ?p is distinguished.
			// This normally translates to:
			//     SELECT
			//       g0.predicate, v0.value,
			//     FROM
			//       db_tables as g0 LEFT JOIN db_entities AS v0 ON g0.predicate=v0.id
			// which of course is going to return a result for every triple in the database.
			// So we add DISTINCT to beginning ("SELECT DISTINCT").
			// Unfortunately, MySQL performs the DISTINCT bit only after the LEFT JOINs (which makes sense normally).
			// That means that MySQL is repeatedly fetching the URI values of the predicates and checking
			// if a new unique row has been created, and this is very slow. What we want is to get the distinct
			// IDs of the predicates first, and then get their URIs.
			// I first tried implementing this with VIEWs, but it didn't always speed things up, and it was
			// difficult to manage the creation and deletion of VIEWs.
			// So instead, in this case, we do the query in two parts. First we get the IDs of the variables,
			// and then we get their URIs.
			options = options.Clone(); // because we modify the knownvalues array
			// Order the variables mentioned in the graph.
			Variable[] varOrder;
			ResSet distinguishedVars = null;
			bool useDistinct = false;
				if (options.DistinguishedVariables != null)
					distinguishedVars = new ResSet(options.DistinguishedVariables);
					distinguishedVars = new ResSet();
				Hashtable seenvars = new Hashtable();
				foreach (Statement filter in graph) {
					for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
						Resource r = filter.GetComponent(i);
						if (r == null)
							throw new ArgumentException("The graph may not have any null components.  Use Variables instead.");

						if (r is Variable) {
							if (options.DistinguishedVariables != null) {
								if (!distinguishedVars.Contains(r)) {
									// If we are omitting a column from the results because it is
									// not distinguished, and it's not a meta column, then we'll
									// use DISTINCT.
									if (i != 3)
										useDistinct = true;
									// Don't put this into seenvars.
							} else {
								distinguishedVars.Add(r); // all variables are distinguished
							seenvars[r] = r;
				varOrder = new Variable[seenvars.Count];
				int ctr = 0;
				foreach (Variable v in seenvars.Keys)
					varOrder[ctr++] = v;
			// Set the initial bindings to the result sink

			Hashtable varLitFilters = new Hashtable();
			// Prefetch the IDs of all resources mentioned in the graph and in variable known values.
			// For Resources in the graph that are not in the store, the query immediately fails.
				ArrayList graphResources = new ArrayList();
				foreach (Statement s in graph) {
					for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
						Resource r = s.GetComponent(i);
						if (!(r is BNode)) // definitely exclude variables, but bnodes are useless too
				if (options.VariableKnownValues != null)
					foreach (ICollection values in options.VariableKnownValues.Values)

				// Check resources in graph and fail fast if any is not in the store.
				foreach (Statement s in graph) {
					for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
						Resource r = s.GetComponent(i);
						if (r is Variable) continue;
						if ((object)r != (object)Statement.DefaultMeta && GetResourceKey(r) == null) {
							sink.AddComments("Resource " + r + " is not contained in the data model.");
				// Check variable known values and remove any values not in the store.
				// Don't do any fail-fasting here because there might be entries in this
				// dictionary that aren't even used in this query (yes, poor design).
				// We check later anyway.
				if (options.VariableKnownValues != null) {
					#if !DOTNET2
					foreach (Variable v in new ArrayList(options.VariableKnownValues.Keys)) {
					foreach (Variable v in new System.Collections.Generic.List<Variable>(options.VariableKnownValues.Keys)) {
						#if !DOTNET2
						ArrayList newvalues = new ArrayList();
						System.Collections.Generic.List<Resource> newvalues = new System.Collections.Generic.List<Resource>();
						foreach (Resource r in (ICollection)options.VariableKnownValues[v]) {
							if ((object)r == (object)Statement.DefaultMeta || GetResourceKey(r) != null)

						options.VariableKnownValues[v] = newvalues;
			// Helpers
			string[] colnames = { "subject", "predicate", "object", "meta" };
			// we initialize these things while locked, but use them after we release the lock
			ArrayList results = new ArrayList();
			Hashtable resourceCache = new Hashtable(); // map resource ID to Resource instances

			// We can either include JOINs to the entities and literals table for every variable
			// in the query, or we can delay fetching that information to separate SELECTs
			// after the main part of the query is done. If we are including DISTINCT, then we
			// don't want to do the JOINs because the JOINs happen before the DISTINCT and will
			// be unnecessarily repeated. Also if the query has many variables, say more than 6,
			// then it may slow down query planning (the MySQL optimizer) to include them all in
			// one query.
			bool joinEntitiesAndLiterals = true;
			if (useDistinct) joinEntitiesAndLiterals = false;
			if (varOrder.Length > 6) joinEntitiesAndLiterals = false;
			// Lock the store and make sure we are initialized and any pending add's have been committed.
			lock (syncroot) {
			// Compile the SQL statement.

			Hashtable varRef = new Hashtable(); // the column name representing the variable, as in "g0.subject"
			Hashtable varRef2 = new Hashtable(); // the index of the variable, for accessing the entities and literals joined tables
			Hashtable varSelectedLiteral = new Hashtable(); // whether the variable is in a literal column and a LEFT JOIN for the literals table was used for it
			Hashtable varCouldBeLiteral = new Hashtable(); // whether the variable is only in literal columns
			Hashtable varSelectedEntity = new Hashtable(); // whether a LEFT JOIN for the entities table was used for a variable
			StringBuilder fromClause = new StringBuilder();
			StringBuilder whereClause = new StringBuilder();
			for (int f = 0; f < graph.Length; f++) {
				// For each filter, we select FROM the statements table with an
				// alias: q#, where # is the filter's index.
				if (f > 0) fromClause.Append(',');
				fromClause.Append("_statements AS g");
				// For each component of the filter...
				for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
					// This has the name of the column corresponding to this variable (i.e. "g1.predicate").
					string myRef = "g" + f + "." + colnames[i];
					Variable v = graph[f].GetComponent(i) as Variable;
					if (v != null) {
						// If the component is a variable, then if this is
						// the first time we're seeing the variable, we don't
						// add any restrictions to the WHERE clause, but we
						// note the variable's "name" in the world of SQL
						// so we can refer back to it later and we add the
						// necessary FROM tables so we can get its URI and
						// literal value if it is a reported variable.
						// If this isn't the first time, then we add a WHERE restriction so
						// that the proper columns here and in a previous
						// filter are forced to have the same value.
						if (!varRef.ContainsKey(v)) {
							// This is the first time we are seeing this variable.
							// Record the column name for the variable (i.e. g0.subject).
							varRef[v] = myRef;
							// Record an index for the variable (i.e. 0, 1, 2, ...)
							int vIndex = varRef.Count;
							varRef2[v] = vIndex;
							varCouldBeLiteral[v] = (i == 2);
							// LEFT JOIN the entities table for this variable to get its URI
							// only if it is a distinguished variable and we are not using DISTINCT.
							varSelectedEntity[v] = false;
							if (joinEntitiesAndLiterals && distinguishedVars.Contains(v)) {
								varSelectedEntity[v] = true; // Record that we are selecting the entities table for this variable.
								fromClause.Append(" LEFT JOIN ");
								fromClause.Append("_entities AS vent");
								fromClause.Append(" ON ");
								fromClause.Append("vent" + vIndex + ".id ");
							// LEFT JOIN the literals table for this variable:
							//    if it is in an object position
							//    to get its value, language, and datatype only if it is a distinguished variable and we are not using DISTINCT
							//    to apply a literal value filter (which will be done later)
							#if !DOTNET2
							bool hasLitFilter = (options.VariableLiteralFilters != null && options.VariableLiteralFilters[v] != null);
							bool hasLitFilter = (options.VariableLiteralFilters != null && options.VariableLiteralFilters.ContainsKey(v));
							varSelectedLiteral[v] = false;
							if (i == 2 && ((joinEntitiesAndLiterals && distinguishedVars.Contains(v)) || hasLitFilter)) {
								varSelectedLiteral[v] = true; // Record that we are selecting the literals table for this variable.
								fromClause.Append(" LEFT JOIN ");
								fromClause.Append("_literals AS vlit");
								fromClause.Append(" ON ");
								fromClause.Append("vlit" + vIndex + ".id ");
							// If this variable has known values, then we must restrict what values can appear using a WHERE clause.
							if (options.VariableKnownValues != null) {
								ICollection values = null;
								#if DOTNET2
								if (options.VariableKnownValues.ContainsKey(v))
									values = (ICollection)options.VariableKnownValues[v];
								if (values != null) {
									if (values.Count == 0) {
									Resource r = ToMultiRes((Resource[])new ArrayList(values).ToArray(typeof(Resource)));
									if (!WhereItem(myRef, r, whereClause, whereClause.Length != 0)) {
										// We know at this point that the query cannot return any results.
						} else {
							// We've seen this variable before, so link up the column in this
							// statement to the corresponding column in a previous (or this) statement.
							if (whereClause.Length != 0) whereClause.Append(" AND ");
							if (i != 2)
								varCouldBeLiteral[v] = false;
					} else {
						// If this is not a variable, then it is a resource.
						// Append something into the WHERE clause to make sure this component gets
						// the right fixed value. If we cannot add the component to the WHERE clause
						// because the fixed value isn't even known in the data source, we can stop early.
						if (!WhereItem(myRef, graph[f].GetComponent(i), whereClause, whereClause.Length != 0)) {
							// We know at this point that the query cannot return any results.

			} // graph filter 0...n
			// Add literal filters to the WHERE clause

			foreach (Variable v in varOrder) {
				// Is there a literal value filter?
				if (options.VariableLiteralFilters == null) continue;
				#if !DOTNET2
				if (options.VariableLiteralFilters[v] == null) continue;
				if (!options.VariableLiteralFilters.ContainsKey(v)) continue;
				// If this variable was not used in a literal column, then
				// we cannot filter its value. Really, it will never be a literal.
				if (!(bool)varSelectedLiteral[v]) continue;

				foreach (LiteralFilter filter in (ICollection)options.VariableLiteralFilters[v]) {
					string s = FilterToSQL(filter, "vlit" + (int)varRef2[v] + ".value");
					if (s == null) continue;

					if (whereClause.Length != 0) whereClause.Append(" AND ");

			// Put the parts of the SQL statement together

			StringBuilder cmd = new StringBuilder();
			cmd.Append("SELECT ");

			if (useDistinct) cmd.Append("DISTINCT ");
			if (!SupportsLimitClause && options.Limit > 0) {
				cmd.Append("TOP ");
				cmd.Append(' ');
			// Add all of the distinguished variables to the SELECT clause.
			bool firstvar = true;
			foreach (Variable v in varOrder) {
				if (!firstvar) cmd.Append(','); firstvar = false;
				if ((bool)varSelectedEntity[v]) {
					cmd.Append(", vent" + (int)varRef2[v] + ".value");
				if ((bool)varSelectedLiteral[v]) {
					cmd.Append(", vlit" + (int)varRef2[v] + ".value");
					cmd.Append(", vlit" + (int)varRef2[v] + ".language");
					cmd.Append(", vlit" + (int)varRef2[v] + ".datatype");
			cmd.Append(" FROM ");
			if (whereClause.Length > 0)
				cmd.Append(" WHERE ");
			if (SupportsLimitClause && options.Limit > 0) {
				cmd.Append(" LIMIT ");

			if (Debug) {
				string cmd2 = cmd.ToString();
				//if (cmd2.Length > 80) cmd2 = cmd2.Substring(0, 80);
			// Execute the query.
			// When we use DISTINCT and don't select URI and literal values at first,
			// we have to select them after. And since we can't maintain two IDataReaders
			// simultaneously, that means we have to pull the first set of results into
			// memory. It would be nice to not have to do that when we don't use DISTINCT,
			// but in practice it doesn't really matter since in SPARQL it's all sucked
			// into memory anyway.
			using (IDataReader reader = RunReader(cmd.ToString())) {
				while (reader.Read()) {
					QueryResultRowVariable[] row = new QueryResultRowVariable[varOrder.Length];
					int col = 0;
					for (int i = 0; i < varOrder.Length; i++) {
						Variable v = varOrder[i];
						row[i].id = reader.GetInt64(col++);
						if ((bool)varSelectedEntity[v]) {
							row[i].uri = AsString(reader[col++]);
						if ((bool)varSelectedLiteral[v]) {
							row[i].litvalue = AsString(reader[col++]);
							row[i].litlanguage = AsString(reader[col++]);
							row[i].litdatatype = AsString(reader[col++]);
			// For any distinguished variable that we did not select URIs or literal values for,
			// select that information now.
			for (int i = 0; i < varOrder.Length; i++) {
				Variable v = varOrder[i];
				if ((bool)varSelectedEntity[v] && (!(bool)varCouldBeLiteral[v] || (bool)varSelectedLiteral[v])) continue;
				// Get the list of resource IDs found for this variable.
				ArrayList rids = new ArrayList();
				foreach (QueryResultRowVariable[] row in results) {
					if (row[i].id <= 1) continue; // can't fetch for Statement.DefaultMeta
					if (resourceCache.ContainsKey(row[i].id)) continue; // we've already fetched it
					rids.Add(row[i].id); // probably no need to remove duplicates
				if (rids.Count > 0) {
					// Fetch what we can for entities.
					if (!(bool)varSelectedEntity[v]) {
						StringBuilder cmd2 = new StringBuilder();
						cmd2.Append("SELECT id, value FROM ");
						cmd2.Append("_entities WHERE id IN (");
						bool first = true;
						foreach (Int64 id in rids) {
							if (!first) cmd2.Append(','); first = false;
						if (Debug) { Console.Error.WriteLine(cmd2.ToString()); }
						using (IDataReader reader = RunReader(cmd2.ToString())) {
							while (reader.Read()) {
                                Int64 id = reader.GetInt64(0);
								string uri = AsString(reader[1]);
								resourceCache[id] = MakeEntity(id, uri, null);
					// Fetch what we can for literals.
					if ((bool)varCouldBeLiteral[v] && !(bool)varSelectedLiteral[v]) {
						StringBuilder cmd2 = new StringBuilder();
						cmd2.Append("SELECT id, value, language, datatype FROM ");
						cmd2.Append("_literals WHERE id IN (");
						bool first = true;
                        foreach (Int64 id in rids)
							if (!first) cmd2.Append(','); first = false;
						if (Debug) { Console.Error.WriteLine(cmd2.ToString()); }
						using (IDataReader reader = RunReader(cmd2.ToString())) {
							while (reader.Read()) {
                                Int64 id = reader.GetInt64(0);
								string value = AsString(reader[1]);
								string language = AsString(reader[2]);
								string datatype = AsString(reader[3]);
								Literal lit = new Literal(value, language, datatype);
								SetResourceKey(lit, new ResourceKey(id));
								resourceCache[id] = lit;
					// Any ids not found so far are bnodes.
                    foreach (Int64 id in rids)
						if (!resourceCache.ContainsKey(id)) {
							BNode b = new BNode();
							SetResourceKey(b, new ResourceKey(id));
							resourceCache[id] = b;
			} // lock
			// Now loop through the binding results.
			foreach (QueryResultRowVariable[] row in results) {
				bool match = true;
				Resource[] variableBindings = new Resource[varOrder.Length];
				for (int i = 0; i < varOrder.Length; i++) {
                    Int64 id = row[i].id;
					if (resourceCache.ContainsKey(id)) {
						variableBindings[i] = (Resource)resourceCache[id];
					} else {
						if (row[i].litvalue == null) {
							variableBindings[i] = MakeEntity(id, row[i].uri, null);
						} else {
							Literal lit = new Literal(row[i].litvalue, row[i].litlanguage, row[i].litdatatype);
							ArrayList litFilters = (ArrayList)varLitFilters[varOrder[i]];
							if (litFilters != null && !LiteralFilter.MatchesFilters(lit, (LiteralFilter[])litFilters.ToArray(typeof(LiteralFilter)), this)) {
								match = false;
							SetResourceKey(lit, new ResourceKey(id));
							variableBindings[i] = lit;
						// reuse this entity later
						resourceCache[id] = variableBindings[i];
				if (!match) continue;
				if (!sink.Add(new SemWeb.Query.VariableBindings(varOrder, variableBindings))) return;
Пример #3
		public void Select (SemWeb.StatementSink sink)
			Entity keywords = null;

			foreach (DataSet data in sets) {
				switch (data.ID) {
				case DataSetID.CopyrightNotice:
					MetadataStore.AddLiteral (sink, "dc:rights", "rdf:Alt", new SemWeb.Literal (data.XmpObject, "x-default", null));
				case DataSetID.ByLine:
					MetadataStore.AddLiteral (sink, "dc:creator", "rdf:Seq", new SemWeb.Literal (data.XmpObject, "x-default", null));
				case DataSetID.CaptionAbstract:
					MetadataStore.AddLiteral (sink, "dc:description", "rdf:Alt", new SemWeb.Literal (data.XmpObject, "x-default", null));
				case DataSetID.ObjectName:
					MetadataStore.AddLiteral (sink, "dc:title", "rdf:Alt", new SemWeb.Literal (data.XmpObject, "x-default", null));
				case DataSetID.Keywords:
					if (keywords == null) {
						keywords = new BNode ();
						sink.Add (new Statement (MetadataStore.FSpotXMPBase, 
									 MetadataStore.Namespaces.Resolve ("dc:subject"),
						sink.Add (new Statement (keywords, 
									 (Entity)MetadataStore.Namespaces.Resolve ("rdf:type"),
									 (Entity)MetadataStore.Namespaces.Resolve ("rdf:Bag")));
					sink.Add (new Statement (keywords, 
								 MetadataStore.Namespaces.Resolve ("rdf:li"), 
								 new SemWeb.Literal (data.XmpObject, "x-default", null)));
					if (data.XmpPredicate != null) {
						sink.Add (new Statement (MetadataStore.FSpotXMPBase, 
									 new SemWeb.Literal (data.XmpObject)));
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Queries the Store using the Graph Pattern specified by the set of Statement Patterns
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graph">Graph Pattern</param>
        /// <param name="options">Query Options</param>
        /// <param name="sink">Results Sink</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>
        /// Implemented by converting the Statement Patterns into a SPARQL SELECT query and executing that against the underlying Store's SPARQL engine
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// The only Query Option that is supported is the Limit option
        /// </para>
        /// </remarks>
        public void Query(Statement[] graph, SW.Query.QueryOptions options, SW.Query.QueryResultSink sink)
            //Implement as a SPARQL SELECT
            SparqlParameterizedString queryString = new SparqlParameterizedString();
            queryString.QueryText = "SELECT * WHERE {";

            int p = 0;
            foreach (Statement stmt in graph)
                //Add Subject
                queryString.QueryText += "\n";
                if (stmt.Subject is Variable)
                    queryString.QueryText += stmt.Subject.ToString();
                    queryString.QueryText += "@param" + p;
                    queryString.SetParameter("param" + p, SemWebConverter.FromSemWeb(stmt.Subject, this._mapping));
                queryString.QueryText += " ";

                //Add Predicate
                if (stmt.Predicate is Variable)
                    queryString.QueryText += stmt.Predicate.ToString();
                    queryString.QueryText += "@param" + p;
                    queryString.SetParameter("param" + p, SemWebConverter.FromSemWeb(stmt.Predicate, this._mapping));
                queryString.QueryText += " ";

                //Add Object
                if (stmt.Object is Variable)
                    queryString.QueryText += stmt.Object.ToString();
                    queryString.QueryText += "@param" + p;
                    queryString.SetParameter("param" + p, SemWebConverter.FromSemWeb(stmt.Object, this._mapping));
                queryString.QueryText += " .";

            queryString.QueryText += "}";

            //Execute the Query and convert the Results
            Object results = this._store.ExecuteQuery(queryString.ToString());

            if (results is SparqlResultSet)
                SparqlResultSet rset = (SparqlResultSet)results;
                sink.Init(rset.Variables.Select(v => new Variable(v)).ToArray());
                if (rset.Count > 0)
                    int c = 0;
                    foreach (SparqlResult r in rset)
                        //Apply Limit if applicable
                        if (options.Limit > 0 && c >= options.Limit)

                        //Convert the Set to VariableBindings for SemWeb
                        Variable[] vars = r.Variables.Select(v => new Variable(v)).ToArray();
                        Resource[] resources = r.Variables.Select(v => SemWebConverter.ToSemWeb(r[v], this._mapping)).ToArray();
                        SW.Query.VariableBindings bindings = new SW.Query.VariableBindings(vars, resources);

                        //Keep adding results until the sink tells us to stop
                        if (!sink.Add(bindings))
                throw new RdfQueryException("Query returned an unexpected result where a SPARQL Result Set was expected");
Пример #5
        public override void Query(Statement[] graph, SemWeb.Query.QueryOptions options, SelectableSource targetModel, SemWeb.Query.QueryResultSink sink)

            // Try to do the inferencing.
            ArrayList evidence = prove(rules, targetModel, graph, -1);
            if (evidence == null)
                return; // not provable (in max number of steps, if that were given)

            // Then send the possible bindings to the QueryResultSink.

            // Map variables to indexes.
            Hashtable vars = new Hashtable();
            foreach (Statement s in graph) {
                if (s.Subject is Variable && !vars.ContainsKey(s.Subject)) vars[s.Subject] = vars.Count;
                if (s.Predicate is Variable && !vars.ContainsKey(s.Predicate)) vars[s.Predicate] = vars.Count;
                if (s.Object is Variable && !vars.ContainsKey(s.Object)) vars[s.Object] = vars.Count;

            // Prepare the bindings array.
            Variable[] varOrder = new Variable[vars.Count];
            foreach (Variable v in vars.Keys)
                varOrder[(int)vars[v]] = v;

            // Initialize the sink.

            // Send a binding set for each piece of evidence.
            foreach (EvidenceItem ei in evidence) {
                // Write a comment to the results with the actual proof. (nifty actually)

                // Create the binding array and send it on
                Resource[] variableBindings = new Resource[varOrder.Length];
                foreach (Variable v in vars.Keys)
                    if (ei.env.ContainsKey(v))
                        variableBindings[(int)vars[v]] = (Resource)ei.env[v];
                sink.Add(new SemWeb.Query.VariableBindings(varOrder, variableBindings));

            // Close the sink.