private void SellToCustomerEntry_Completed(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SellToCustomerEntry.Text)) { DataManager manager = new DataManager(); Customer customer = new Customer(); customer = manager.GetSQLite_CustomerbyCustNo(SellToCustomerEntry.Text); if (customer != null) { SellToCustomerEntry.Text = customer.CustomerNo; SellToNameLabel.Text = customer.Name; App.gCustPriceGroup = customer.CustomerPriceGroup; manager = new DataManager(); Customer objCust = new Customer(); objCust = manager.GetSQLite_CustomerbyCustNo(customer.billtoCustNo); if (objCust != null) { BillToCustNo = objCust.CustomerNo; BilltoName = objCust.Name; } else { BillToCustNo = customer.CustomerNo; BilltoName = customer.Name; } } else { UserDialogs.Instance.ShowError("Wrong customer no or customer does not existed!", 3000); SellToCustomerEntry.Text = string.Empty; SellToNameLabel.Text = string.Empty; BillToCustNo = string.Empty; BilltoName = string.Empty; App.gCustPriceGroup = string.Empty; SellToCustomerEntry.Focus(); } } }
private async void SaveButton_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_isEnableSaveBtn) { _isEnableSaveBtn = false; if (CurStatus == "Open") { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SellToCustomerEntry.Text)) { DataManager manager = new DataManager(); string retval = await manager.SaveSQLite_SalesHeader(new SalesHeader { ID = EntryNo, DocumentNo = InvoiceNoLabel.Text, DocumentDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss tt"),//DocumentDatePicker.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), SellToCustomer = SellToCustomerEntry.Text, SellToName = SellToNameLabel.Text, BillToCustomer = BillToCustNo, BillToName = BilltoName, Status = "Open", TotalAmount = SubTotal, GSTAmount = GSTAmount, NetAmount = NetTotal, DocumentType = App.gDocType, Note = string.Empty, IsVoid = "false", IsSync = "false", SyncDateTime = string.Empty, ExternalDocNo = ExternalDocNoEntry.Text }); if (retval == "Success") { // Edit Sales line if Customer Changed if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(originCust)) { if (originCust != SellToCustomerEntry.Text) { ObservableCollection <SalesLine> prevLines = new ObservableCollection <SalesLine>(); manager = new DataManager(); prevLines = manager.GetSalesLinesbyDocNo(InvoiceNoLabel.Text); if (prevLines != null) { if (prevLines.Count > 0) { foreach (SalesLine s in prevLines) { SalesLine line = new SalesLine() { ID = s.ID, DocumentNo = s.DocumentNo, ItemNo = s.ItemNo, Description = s.Description, UnitofMeasurementCode = s.UnitofMeasurementCode, Quantity = s.Quantity, BadQuantity = s.BadQuantity, FOCQty = s.FOCQty, UnitPrice = GetDefaultPrice(s.ItemNo), GoodReasonCode = s.GoodReasonCode, BadReasonCode = s.BadReasonCode, ItemType = s.ItemType, // BagNo=ScanBagEntry.Text //IsSync = "false", //SyncDateTime = string.Empty }; retval = manager.SaveSQLite_SalesLine(line); } if (retval == "Success") { ObservableCollection <SalesLine> lines = new ObservableCollection <SalesLine>(); lines = manager.GetSalesLinesbyDocNo(InvoiceNoLabel.Text); decimal new_amt = lines.Sum(x => x.LineAmount); retval = manager.UpdateSalesHeaderTotalAmount(new_amt, InvoiceNoLabel.Text, lines); } } // end check line count } // line!=null } } if (EntryNo == 0) //DD #284 { if (App.gDocType == "SO") { manager.IncreaseNoSeries(App.gSOPrefix, InvoiceNoLabel.Text, "SO"); } else { manager.IncreaseNoSeries(App.gCRPrefix, InvoiceNoLabel.Text, "CR"); } } UserDialogs.Instance.ShowSuccess(retval, 3000); Navigation.PopAsync(); } else { UserDialogs.Instance.ShowError(retval, 3000); _isEnableSaveBtn = true; } } else { UserDialogs.Instance.ShowError("Required Sell to Customer!", 3000); SellToCustomerEntry.Focus(); _isEnableSaveBtn = true; } } else { UserDialogs.Instance.ShowError("Not allow to save released Sales Order!", 3000); _isEnableSaveBtn = true; } } }