public PLDateSelection() { this._Types = SelectionTypes.All; this._ReturnType = TimeType.Date; this.InitializeComponent(); this.SetLookup(); }
private void select(SelectionTypes button) { if (appState.InEditSession() && currentPointerHit != null && LayerIsEditable()) { editSelected = true; currentSelected = currentPointerHit; currentSelected.SendMessage("Selected", button, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); } }
public override void Selected(SelectionTypes button) { if (button == SelectionTypes.SELECTALL) { gameObject.BroadcastMessage("Selected", SelectionTypes.BROADCAST, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); BlockMove = true; GetComponentsInChildren <Dataline>().ToList <Dataline>().ForEach(item => item.Selected(SelectionTypes.SELECTALL)); } }
public PLDateSelection(SelectionTypes SelectionTypes, SelectionTypes Default, TimeType ReturnType) { this._Types = SelectionTypes.All; this._ReturnType = TimeType.Date; this.InitializeComponent(); this._Types = SelectionTypes; this._Default = Default; this._ReturnType = ReturnType; this.SetLookup(); }
public void SetSelectionType(Control control, SelectionTypes selectionTypes) { if (functionDict.ContainsKey(control)) { functionDict[control] = selectionTypes; } else { functionDict.Add(control, selectionTypes); } }
protected override void OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e) { base.OnMouseUp(e); if (SelectionType != SelectionTypes.None) { SelectionType = SelectionTypes.Selected; MoveHelper.UnSelectArrow(); RotationHelper.UnSelectRing(); } }
public Selection(bool guess, Formula formula, Dictionary <string, string> dictVariables) { _guess = guess; _formula = formula; _selectionType = SelectionTypes.Formula; _dictVariables = new Dictionary <string, string>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> valuePair in dictVariables) { _dictVariables.Add(valuePair.Key, valuePair.Value); } }
public GeneticMachine(int jobs, int procs, int macs, int popsize) { this.jobnum = jobs; this.procnum = procs; this.macnum = macs; krlength = jobs * procs; mutOdd = 1; minTimeOdd = 0; groupSize = 5; population = new Schedule[popsize]; popSize = popsize; crossOver = COTypes.Uniform; mutationTypes = MutationTypes.ExchangeValues; selectionType = SelectionTypes.Tournament; best = null; nothingFound = 0; }
public GeneticMachine(int jobs, int procs, int macs, int popsize) { this.NumberOfJobs = jobs; this.NumberOfProcesses = procs; this.NumberOfMachines = macs; NumberOfJobsXProcess = jobs * procs; mutOdd = 1; minTimeOdd = 0; groupSize = 5; population = new Schedule[popsize]; popSize = popsize; crossOver = COTypes.Uniform; mutationTypes = MutationTypes.ExchangeValues; selectionType = SelectionTypes.Tournament; best = null; nothingFound = 0; }
public void SelectObject(Object3D ActiveObject3D) { if (ActiveObject3D != null) { SelectedObject = ActiveObject3D; SelectionType = SelectionTypes.Selected; MoveHelper.Position = ActiveObject3D.Position; RotationHelper.Position = ActiveObject3D.Position; } else { SelectedObject = null; SelectionType = SelectionTypes.None; MoveHelper.UnSelectArrow(); RotationHelper.UnSelectRing(); } }
void control_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Control control = sender as Control; Control selectionSourceControl = buttonDict[control]; SelectionTypes selectType = functionDict[control]; if (selectionSourceControl is CheckedListBox) { CheckedListBox checkedListBox = selectionSourceControl as CheckedListBox; for (int i = 0; i < checkedListBox.Items.Count; i++) { bool _selected = checkedListBox.GetItemChecked(i); _selected = ChangSelected(_selected, selectType); checkedListBox.SetItemChecked(i, _selected); checkedListBox.SetSelected(i, _selected); } } }
private bool ChangSelected(bool isSelected, SelectionTypes types) { if (types == SelectionTypes.清空) { return(false); } else if (types == SelectionTypes.全选) { return(true); } else if (types == SelectionTypes.反选) { return(!isSelected); } else { throw new NotImplementedException(); } }
private void ClickHandler(SelectionTypes button) { RaycastHit hitInfo = new RaycastHit(); Vector3 mousePos = Input.mousePosition; Ray ray = self.ScreenPointToRay(mousePos); //Debug.DrawRay(ray.origin, ray.direction * 100f, Color.yellow, 1000f); bool hit = Physics.Raycast(ray, out hitInfo); if (hit) { currentPointerHit = hitInfo.transform; select(button); selectedDistance = hitInfo.distance; from = hitInfo.point; } else { editSelected = false; } }
/// <summary> /// Реализация абстрактного метода. Производит вычисления, /// а также принимает входные параметры от пользователя. в данном случае также выводит результат выполнения /// задачи в консоль. /// </summary> public override void MenuItem() { activeSelections.Clear(); switcher = 0; while (true) { if (activeSelections.Count == 0) { activeSelections.Add(SelectionTypes.None); } DisplayActiveSelectionTypes(); DisplayAllSelectionTypes(); WriteLine("Enter exit to {0} to main menu.", ExitString); string enteredValue = ReadLine(); if (enteredValue.ToLower() == ExitString) { break; } if (!uint.TryParse(enteredValue, out switcher)) { WriteLine("Sorry, value is invalid. Enter unsigned integer."); continue; } else { SelectionTypes selected = selectionTypes.Where(st => (uint)st.Key == switcher).FirstOrDefault().Key; if (activeSelections.Contains(selected)) { activeSelections.Remove(selected); } else { activeSelections.Add(selected); } if (activeSelections.Contains(SelectionTypes.None)) { activeSelections.Remove(SelectionTypes.None); } } } }
private void modifySelection(CheckedListBox list, SelectionTypes type) { int[] selectedArray = new int[list.SelectedIndices.Count]; list.SelectedIndices.CopyTo(selectedArray, 0); list.SelectedIndices.Clear(); for (var i = 0; i < list.Items.Count; i++) { if (type == SelectionTypes.All) { list.SelectedIndices.Add(i); } else if (type == SelectionTypes.Inverse) { if (!selectedArray.Contains(i)) { list.SelectedIndices.Add(i); } } list.SetItemChecked(i, list.SelectedIndices.Contains(i)); } }
public GeneticAlgorithm(int populationSize, int dnaSize, Random random, Func <int, T> getRandomGene, Func <int, float> fitnessFunction, float elitism = 1, SelectionTypes selectionType = 0, CrossoverTypes crossoverType = 0, float crossoverRate = 1f, float mutationRate = 0.01f) { Population = new List <DNA <T> >(populationSize); newPopulation = new List <DNA <T> >(populationSize); Generation = 1; Elitism = Math.Max(0, elitism) < 1 ? (int)elitism * populationSize : (int)elitism; //If less than 1 treat it as a percentage of the population MutationRate = mutationRate; CrossoverRate = crossoverRate; this.random = random; this.dnaSize = dnaSize; this.getRandomGene = getRandomGene; this.selectionType = selectionType; this.crossoverType = crossoverType; this.fitnessFunction = fitnessFunction; BestGenes = new T[dnaSize]; for (int i = 0; i < populationSize; i++) { Population.Add(new DNA <T>(dnaSize, random, getRandomGene, fitnessFunction, crossoverType, shouldInitGenes: true)); } }
private int[] GetSelectedIndices(SelectionTypes t) { List <int> rval = new List <int>(); if (IsCommandLine) { return(rval.ToArray()); } for (int i = 0; i < treeView1.SelectedNodes.Count; i++) { SeriesCatalogRow si = treeView1.SelectedNodes[i].Tag as SeriesCatalogRow; if (t == SelectionTypes.Series && si.IsFolder == 0) { rval.Add(; } if (t == SelectionTypes.Folder && si.IsFolder == 1) { rval.Add(; } } return(rval.ToArray()); }
private void HandleMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e) { if (MoveHelper.ArrowXCollideWithMouse(e.X, e.Y, GraphicsDevice.Viewport, ActiveCamera.View, ActiveCamera.Projection)) { SelectionType = SelectionTypes.MoveX; MoveHelper.SelectArrowX(); } else if (MoveHelper.ArrowYCollideWithMouse(e.X, e.Y, GraphicsDevice.Viewport, ActiveCamera.View, ActiveCamera.Projection)) { SelectionType = SelectionTypes.MoveY; MoveHelper.SelectArrowY(); } else if (MoveHelper.ArrowZCollideWithMouse(e.X, e.Y, GraphicsDevice.Viewport, ActiveCamera.View, ActiveCamera.Projection)) { SelectionType = SelectionTypes.MoveZ; MoveHelper.SelectArrowZ(); } }
// // Link this to the mouse click control // public void HandleMouseClick(InputAction.CallbackContext context) { InputAction action = context.action; SelectionTypes button = SelectionTypes.SELECT; switch ( { case "Select": button = SelectionTypes.SELECT; break; case "MultiSelect": button = SelectionTypes.SELECTALL; break; } if (action.phase == InputActionPhase.Canceled && appState.InEditSession()) { UnClickHandler(button); } else if (action.phase == InputActionPhase.Started && !editSelected && appState.InEditSession()) { ClickHandler(button); } }
private void HandleMouseRotation(MouseEventArgs e) { if (RotationHelper.RingXCollideWithMouse(e.X, e.Y, GraphicsDevice.Viewport, ActiveCamera.View, ActiveCamera.Projection)) { SelectionType = SelectionTypes.RotateX; RotationHelper.SelectRingX(); } else if (RotationHelper.RingYCollideWithMouse(e.X, e.Y, GraphicsDevice.Viewport, ActiveCamera.View, ActiveCamera.Projection)) { SelectionType = SelectionTypes.RotateY; RotationHelper.SelectRingY(); } else if (RotationHelper.RingZCollideWithMouse(e.X, e.Y, GraphicsDevice.Viewport, ActiveCamera.View, ActiveCamera.Projection)) { SelectionType = SelectionTypes.RotateZ; RotationHelper.SelectRingZ(); } }
public void SetSelectedComponents(ICollection comps, SelectionTypes st) { SetSelectedComponents(comps); }
public EasyGridVariousTypeCellInfo(ICollection <String> items, int selectedIndex, SelectionTypes itemtype = SelectionTypes.ComboBox) { if (itemtype == SelectionTypes.ComboBox) { this.ItemType = ItemTypes.ComboBox; } else { this.ItemType = ItemTypes.RadioButton; } this.Items = items; this.SelectedIndex = selectedIndex; if (selectedIndex >= 0 && items.Count > selectedIndex) { this.SelectedText = items.ElementAt(selectedIndex); } }
// If the array is a null reference or does not contain any components, // SetSelectedComponents selects the top-level component in the designer. // public void SetSelectedComponents(ICollection components, SelectionTypes selectionType) { bool primary, add, remove, replace, toggle, auto; primary = add = remove = replace = toggle = auto = false; OnSelectionChanging(); if (_selection == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("_selection == null"); } if (components == null || components.Count == 0) { components = new ArrayList(); ((ArrayList)components).Add(this.RootComponent); selectionType = SelectionTypes.Replace; } if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(SelectionTypes), selectionType)) { selectionType = SelectionTypes.Auto; } auto = ((selectionType & SelectionTypes.Auto) == SelectionTypes.Auto); if (auto) { if ((((Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Control) == Keys.Control) || ((Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift) == Keys.Shift))) { toggle = true; } else if (components.Count == 1) { object component = null; foreach (object c in components) { component = c; break; } if (this.GetComponentSelected(component)) { primary = true; } else { replace = true; } } else { replace = true; } } else { primary = ((selectionType & SelectionTypes.Primary) == SelectionTypes.Primary); add = ((selectionType & SelectionTypes.Add) == SelectionTypes.Add); remove = ((selectionType & SelectionTypes.Remove) == SelectionTypes.Remove); toggle = ((selectionType & SelectionTypes.Toggle) == SelectionTypes.Toggle); replace = ((selectionType & SelectionTypes.Replace) == SelectionTypes.Replace); } if (replace) { _selection.Clear(); add = true; } if (add) { foreach (object component in components) { if (component is IComponent && !_selection.Contains(component)) { _selection.Add(component); _primarySelection = (IComponent)component; } } } if (remove) { bool rootRemoved = false; foreach (object component in components) { if (component is IComponent && _selection.Contains(component)) { _selection.Remove(component); } if (component == this.RootComponent) { rootRemoved = true; } } if (_selection.Count == 0) { if (rootRemoved) { _primarySelection = null; } else { _primarySelection = this.RootComponent; _selection.Add(this.RootComponent); } } } if (toggle) { foreach (object component in components) { if (component is IComponent) { if (_selection.Contains(component)) { _selection.Remove(component); if (component == _primarySelection) { _primarySelection = this.RootComponent; } } else { _selection.Add(component); _primarySelection = (IComponent)component; } } } } if (primary) { object primarySelection = null; foreach (object component in components) { primarySelection = component; break; } if (!this.GetComponentSelected(primarySelection)) { _selection.Add(primarySelection); } _primarySelection = (IComponent)primarySelection; } OnSelectionChanged(); }
public void SetSelectedComponents(ICollection components, SelectionTypes selectionType) { bool control = false; bool shift = false; // Raise selectionchanging event if (SelectionChanging != null) SelectionChanging(this, EventArgs.Empty); // If we're being passed an empty collection if (components == null || components.Count == 0) components = new object[1] { host.RootComponent }; // If the selection type is Click, we want to know if shift or control is being held if ((selectionType & SelectionTypes.Click) == SelectionTypes.Click) { control = ((Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Control) == Keys.Control); shift = ((Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift) == Keys.Shift); } if (selectionType == SelectionTypes.Replace) { // Simply replace our existing collection with the new one selectedComponents.Clear(); foreach (object component in components) { if (component != null && !selectedComponents.Contains(component)) selectedComponents.Add(component); } } else { // Clear selection if ctrl or shift isn't pressed if (!control && !shift && components.Count == 1) { foreach(object component in components) { if (!selectedComponents.Contains(component)) selectedComponents.Clear(); } } // Add or remove each component to or from the selection foreach (object component in components) { if (component != null) { if (control || shift) { if (selectedComponents.Contains(component)) selectedComponents.Remove(component); else selectedComponents.Insert(0, component); } else { if (!selectedComponents.Contains(component)) selectedComponents.Add(component); else { selectedComponents.Remove(component); selectedComponents.Insert(0, component); } } } } } // Raise the selectionchanged event if (SelectionChanged != null) SelectionChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty); }
public void SetSelectedComponents(ICollection components, SelectionTypes selectionType) { // fire changing event if (SelectionChanging != null) { try { SelectionChanging(this, EventArgs.Empty); } catch {} } // dont allow an empty collection if (components == null || components.Count == 0) { components = new ArrayList(); } bool ctrlDown = false, shiftDown = false; // we need to know if shift or ctrl is down on clicks if ((selectionType & SelectionTypes.Click) == SelectionTypes.Click) { ctrlDown = ((Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Control) == Keys.Control); shiftDown = ((Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift) == Keys.Shift); } if (selectionType == SelectionTypes.Replace) { // discard the hold list and go with this one selectedComponents = new ArrayList(components); } else { if (!shiftDown && !ctrlDown && components.Count == 1 && !selectedComponents.Contains(components)) { selectedComponents.Clear(); } // something was either added to the selection // or removed IEnumerator ie = components.GetEnumerator(); while (ie.MoveNext()) { IComponent comp = ie.Current as IComponent; if (comp != null) { if (ctrlDown || shiftDown) { if (selectedComponents.Contains(comp)) { selectedComponents.Remove(comp); } else { // put it back into the front because it was // the last one selected selectedComponents.Insert(0, comp); } } else { if (!selectedComponents.Contains(comp)) { selectedComponents.Add(comp); } else { selectedComponents.Remove(comp); selectedComponents.Insert(0, comp); } } } } } // fire changed event if (SelectionChanged != null) { try { SelectionChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty); } catch {} } }
/// Select the given components with the given SelectionType. void ISelectionService.SetSelectedComponents(ICollection components, SelectionTypes selectionType) { bool fToggle = false; bool fControl = false; bool fClick = false; bool fChanged = false; // did we actually change something? // Catch a null input list if (components == null){ components = new Component[0]; } if ((selectionType & SelectionTypes.Normal) == SelectionTypes.Normal || (selectionType & SelectionTypes.Click) == SelectionTypes.Click) { fControl = ((Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Control) == Keys.Control); // Only toggle when we are affecting a single control, and // when we are handling the "mouse" state events (i.e. up/down // used to show/hide the selection). // fToggle = ((Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Control) != 0 || (Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift) != 0) && components.Count == 1 && (selectionType & SelectionTypes.MouseUp) != SelectionTypes.MouseUp; } if ((selectionType & SelectionTypes.Click) == SelectionTypes.Click) { fClick = true; } // If we are replacing the selection, only remove the ones that are not in our new list. // We also handle the special case here of having a singular component selected that's // already selected. In this case we just move it to the primary selection. // if (!fToggle && !fControl) { object firstSelection = null; foreach(object o in components) { firstSelection = o; break; } if (fClick && 1 == components.Count && ((ISelectionService)this).GetComponentSelected(firstSelection)) { SampleSelectionItem oldPrimary = primarySelection; SetPrimarySelection((SampleSelectionItem)selectionsByComponent[firstSelection]); if (oldPrimary != primarySelection) { fChanged = true; } } else { SampleSelectionItem[] selections = new SampleSelectionItem[selectionsByComponent.Values.Count]; selectionsByComponent.Values.CopyTo(selections, 0); // Even with several hundred components this should be fairly fast foreach(SampleSelectionItem item in selections) { bool remove = true; foreach(object comp in components) { if (comp == item.Component) { remove = false; break; } } if (remove) { RemoveSelection(item); fChanged = true; } } } } SampleSelectionItem primarySel = null; int selectedCount = selectionsByComponent.Count; // Now do the selection. foreach(Component comp in components) { if (comp != null) { SampleSelectionItem s = (SampleSelectionItem)selectionsByComponent[comp]; if (null == s) { s = new SampleSelectionItem(this, comp); AddSelection(s); if (fControl || fToggle) { primarySel = s; } fChanged = true; } else { if (fToggle) { // Remove the selection from our list. RemoveSelection(s); fChanged = true; } } } } if (primarySel != null) { SetPrimarySelection(primarySel); } // Now notify that our selection has changed if (fChanged) { OnSelectionChanged(); } }
public virtual bool Add(Entity newEntity, SelectionTypes type) { if (newEntity == null) //invalid entity { return(false); } if (manager.MultipleSelectionKeyDown == true) //if the player is holding down the multiple selection key { type = SelectionTypes.multiple; //multiple selection incoming } if (currExclusive && newEntity.Type != lastEntityType) //if the last selection type was exclusive and this doesn't match the last selected entity type { type = SelectionTypes.single; //single selection now (and all previous elements will be deselected) } bool exclusiveOnSuccess = false; //will the selection be marked as exclusive in case the entity is successfully selected? by default no foreach (SelectionOptions options in selectionOptions) //go through all the selection options { if (newEntity.Type == options.entityType) //if the entity type matches { if (options.exclusive == true) //if this entity type can be selected only exclusively { exclusiveOnSuccess = true; //mark selection as exclusive on success if (newEntity.Type != lastEntityType) //the last selected entity does not match with the current type { type = SelectionTypes.single; //all previous selected elements will be deselected } } if (type == SelectionTypes.multiple && options.allowMultiple == false) //if the selection type is multiple but that's not allowed for this entity type { type = SelectionTypes.single; //set type back to single to deselect previous elements } break; //entity type match found, no need to see the rest of the options } } switch (type) { case SelectionTypes.single: //single selection RemoveAll(); //remove all selected entities break; case SelectionTypes.multiple: //multiple selection: if (manager.MultipleSelectionKeyDown && IsSelected(newEntity)) //if the multiple selection key is down & entity is already selected, selecting a new entity -> removing it from the already selected group { Remove(newEntity); return(false); } break; } if (newEntity.GetSelection().CanSelect() == true && IsSelected(newEntity) == false) //can be selected and not already selected? { if (selectedDic.TryGetValue(newEntity.GetCode(), out List <Entity> targetList)) //if there's at least another entity of the same type that is already selected { targetList.Add(newEntity); } else //if not add it to new list and new entry to dictionary { selectedDic.Add(newEntity.GetCode(), new List <Entity> { newEntity }); } Count++; //increment the selection count if (Count == 1) //first entity to get selected? { singleSelected = newEntity; //assign as the single selected entity singleSelected.GetSelection().IsSelectedOnly = true; //mark as selected only } else if (Count == 2) //only one entity was selected before { singleSelected.GetSelection().IsSelectedOnly = false; //not the only selected entity any more. } newEntity.GetSelection().OnSelected(); lastEntityType = newEntity.Type; //set the last selected entity type currExclusive = exclusiveOnSuccess; //is the selection exclusive now? return(true); } return(false); }
public void SetSelectedComponents(ICollection <DesignItem> components, SelectionTypes selectionType) { if (components == null) { components = SharedInstances.EmptyDesignItemArray; } if (components.Contains(null)) { throw new ArgumentException("Cannot select 'null'."); } var prevSelectedItems = _selectedComponents.ToArray(); if (SelectionChanging != null) { SelectionChanging(this, EventArgs.Empty); } DesignItem newPrimarySelection = _primarySelection; if (selectionType == SelectionTypes.Auto) { if (Keyboard.Modifiers == ModifierKeys.Control) { selectionType = SelectionTypes.Toggle; // Ctrl pressed: toggle selection } else if ((Keyboard.Modifiers & ~ModifierKeys.Control) == ModifierKeys.Shift) { selectionType = SelectionTypes.Add; // Shift or Ctrl+Shift pressed: add to selection } else { selectionType = SelectionTypes.Primary; // otherwise: change primary selection } } if ((selectionType & SelectionTypes.Primary) == SelectionTypes.Primary) { // change primary selection to first new component newPrimarySelection = null; foreach (DesignItem obj in components) { newPrimarySelection = obj; break; } selectionType &= ~SelectionTypes.Primary; if (selectionType == 0) { // if selectionType was only Primary, and components has only one item that // changes the primary selection was changed to an already-selected item, // then we keep the current selection. // otherwise, we replace it if (components.Count == 1 && IsComponentSelected(newPrimarySelection) && prevSelectedItems.Length == 1) { // keep selectionType = 0 -> don't change the selection } else { selectionType = SelectionTypes.Replace; } } } HashSet <DesignItem> componentsToNotifyOfSelectionChange = new HashSet <DesignItem>(); switch (selectionType) { case SelectionTypes.Add: // add to selection and notify if required foreach (DesignItem obj in components) { if (_selectedComponents.Add(obj)) { componentsToNotifyOfSelectionChange.Add(obj); } } break; case SelectionTypes.Remove: // remove from selection and notify if required foreach (DesignItem obj in components) { if (_selectedComponents.Remove(obj)) { componentsToNotifyOfSelectionChange.Add(obj); } } break; case SelectionTypes.Replace: // notify all old components: componentsToNotifyOfSelectionChange.AddRange(_selectedComponents); // set _selectedCompontents to new components _selectedComponents.Clear(); foreach (DesignItem obj in components) { _selectedComponents.Add(obj); // notify the new components componentsToNotifyOfSelectionChange.Add(obj); } break; case SelectionTypes.Toggle: // toggle selection and notify foreach (DesignItem obj in components) { if (_selectedComponents.Contains(obj)) { _selectedComponents.Remove(obj); } else { _selectedComponents.Add(obj); } componentsToNotifyOfSelectionChange.Add(obj); } break; case 0: // do nothing break; default: throw new NotSupportedException("The selection type " + selectionType + " is not supported"); } if (!IsComponentSelected(newPrimarySelection)) { // primary selection is not selected anymore - change primary selection to any other selected component newPrimarySelection = null; foreach (DesignItem obj in _selectedComponents) { newPrimarySelection = obj; break; } } // Primary selection has changed: if (newPrimarySelection != _primarySelection) { componentsToNotifyOfSelectionChange.Add(_primarySelection); componentsToNotifyOfSelectionChange.Add(newPrimarySelection); if (PrimarySelectionChanging != null) { PrimarySelectionChanging(this, EventArgs.Empty); } _primarySelection = newPrimarySelection; if (PrimarySelectionChanged != null) { PrimarySelectionChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty); } RaisePropertyChanged("PrimarySelection"); } if (!_selectedComponents.SequenceEqual(prevSelectedItems)) { if (SelectionChanged != null) { SelectionChanged(this, new DesignItemCollectionEventArgs(componentsToNotifyOfSelectionChange)); } RaisePropertyChanged("SelectedItems"); } }
protected override void OnClick(EventArgs e) { Invalidate(); if (TheSelectionType == SelectionTypes.SelectionOne) { Caption1Visible = false; Caption2Visible = true; RaiseToggleButtonSelectionTwoClickedEvent(); TheSelectionType = SelectionTypes.SelectionTwo; } else { Caption2Visible = false; Caption1Visible = true; RaiseToggleButtonSelectionOneClickedEvent(); TheSelectionType = SelectionTypes.SelectionOne; } while (TheExcutionDuration.ElapsedMilliseconds() <= 300) System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); TheToggleButton.Pressed = false; Invalidate(); }
public Selection(bool guess, Formula formula, Dictionary <string, string> dictVariables, WorldObject obj, string variable) : this(guess, formula, dictVariables) { _worldObject = new WorldObject(obj); _variable = variable; _selectionType = SelectionTypes.WorldObject; }
private void unSelect(SelectionTypes button) { editSelected = false; currentSelected?.SendMessage("UnSelected", button, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); currentSelected = null; }
void ISelectionService.SetSelectedComponents(ICollection components, SelectionTypes selectionType) { bool fToggle = false; bool fControl = false; bool fClick = false; bool fChanged = false; if (components == null) { components = new Component[0]; } if (((selectionType & SelectionTypes.Auto) == SelectionTypes.Auto) || ((selectionType & SelectionTypes.Click) == SelectionTypes.Click)) { fControl = (Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Control) == Keys.Control; fToggle = ((((Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Control) != Keys.None) || ((Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift) != Keys.None)) && (components.Count == 1)) && ((selectionType & SelectionTypes.MouseUp) != SelectionTypes.MouseUp); } if ((selectionType & SelectionTypes.Click) == SelectionTypes.Click) { fClick = true; } if (!fToggle && !fControl) { object firstSelection = null; foreach (object o in components) { firstSelection = o; break; } if ((fClick && (1 == components.Count)) && ((ISelectionService) this).GetComponentSelected(firstSelection)) { SampleSelectionItem oldPrimary = this.primarySelection; this.SetPrimarySelection((SampleSelectionItem) this.selectionsByComponent[firstSelection]); if (oldPrimary != this.primarySelection) { fChanged = true; } } else { SampleSelectionItem[] selections = new SampleSelectionItem[this.selectionsByComponent.Values.Count]; this.selectionsByComponent.Values.CopyTo(selections, 0); foreach (SampleSelectionItem item in selections) { bool remove = true; foreach (object comp in components) { if (comp == item.Component) { remove = false; break; } } if (remove) { this.RemoveSelection(item); fChanged = true; } } } } SampleSelectionItem primarySel = null; int selectedCount = this.selectionsByComponent.Count; foreach (Component comp in components) { if (comp != null) { SampleSelectionItem s = (SampleSelectionItem) this.selectionsByComponent[comp]; if (null == s) { s = new SampleSelectionItem(this, comp); this.AddSelection(s); if (fControl || fToggle) { primarySel = s; } fChanged = true; } else if (fToggle) { this.RemoveSelection(s); fChanged = true; } } } if (primarySel != null) { this.SetPrimarySelection(primarySel); } if (fChanged) { this.OnSelectionChanged(); } }
private void ChangeSelection(SelectionTypes Selection) { BasicControl control; DateTime dateTo = DateTime.Now; //DateTime dateFrom = this.DateTimeControl.DateFrom; if (this.bkWith != null) { this.LookUpEditFrom.Width = (Int32)bkWith; } switch (Selection) { case SelectionTypes.None: if (bkWith == null) bkWith = this.LookUpEditFrom.Width; this.LookUpEditFrom.Width = this.orginWith; control = new BasicControl(); control.Visible = false; break; case SelectionTypes.OneDate: control = new DayControl(dateTo); break; case SelectionTypes.OneMonth: control = new PLMonthControl(dateTo); break; case SelectionTypes.OneQuarter: control = new PLQuarterControl(dateTo); break; case SelectionTypes.OneYear: control = new PLYearControl(dateTo); break; case SelectionTypes.SixMonths: control = new PLSixMonths(dateTo); break; case SelectionTypes.FromQuarterToQuarter: control = new PLFromToQuarter(dateTo.AddMonths(-9), dateTo); break; case SelectionTypes.FromYearToYear: control = new PLFromToYearDateTime(new DateTime(dateTo.Year - 1, 1, 1), new DateTime(dateTo.Year, 1, 1)); break; case SelectionTypes.FromDateToDate: control = new PLFromToDay(dateTo.AddDays(-7), dateTo); break; case SelectionTypes.FromMonthToMonth: control = new PLFromToMonth(dateTo.AddMonths(-2), dateTo); break; default: control = new DayControl(dateTo); break; } this.ShowControl(control); }
/// <summary> /// make ComboBox or RadioButton Column /// </summary> /// <param name="wid"></param> /// <param name="colName"></param> /// <param name="titleText"></param> /// <param name="items"></param> /// <param name="selectedIndex"></param> /// <param name="itemtype"></param> public EasyGridColumnInfo(int wid, String colName, String titleText, ICollection <String> items, int selectedIndex, SelectionTypes itemtype = SelectionTypes.ComboBox) { ColumnName = colName; Width = wid; this.TitleText = titleText; if (itemtype == SelectionTypes.ComboBox) { this.ItemType = ItemTypes.ComboBox; } else { this.ItemType = ItemTypes.RadioButton; } this.Items = items; if (selectedIndex < 0) { if (items != null && items.Count > 0) { this.SelectedText = items.ElementAt(0); this.SelectedIndex = 0; } } else { this.SelectedIndex = selectedIndex; if (selectedIndex >= 0 && items.Count > selectedIndex) { this.SelectedText = items.ElementAt(selectedIndex); } } }
public void SetComboOrRadioInfo(int wid, String colName, ICollection <String> items, int selectedIndex, SelectionTypes itemtype = SelectionTypes.ComboBox) { ColumnName = colName; Width = wid; if (itemtype == SelectionTypes.ComboBox) { this.ItemType = ItemTypes.ComboBox; } else { this.ItemType = ItemTypes.RadioButton; } this.Items = items; this.SelectedIndex = selectedIndex; if (selectedIndex >= 0 && items.Count > selectedIndex) { this.SelectedText = items.ElementAt(selectedIndex); } }
protected virtual void SelectComponent(IComponent comp, SelectionTypes selectionType) { ISelectionService selection = (ISelectionService) this.GetService(typeof(ISelectionService)); if(selection!=null && comp!=null) { ArrayList arr=new ArrayList(1); arr.Add(comp); selection.SetSelectedComponents(arr,selectionType); } }
void ISelectionService.SetSelectedComponents(ICollection components, SelectionTypes selectionType) { if (selectionType != SelectionTypes.Auto) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("selectionType"); } this.OnSelectionChanging(EventArgs.Empty); this._selectedObjects = components; this.OnSelectionChanged(EventArgs.Empty); }
// If the array is a null reference or does not contain any components, // SetSelectedComponents selects the top-level component in the designer. // public void SetSelectedComponents (ICollection components, SelectionTypes selectionType) { bool primary, add, remove, replace, toggle, auto; primary = add = remove = replace = toggle = auto = false; OnSelectionChanging (); if (_selection == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("_selection == null"); if (components == null || components.Count == 0) { components = new ArrayList (); ((ArrayList) components).Add (this.RootComponent); selectionType = SelectionTypes.Replace; } if (!Enum.IsDefined (typeof (SelectionTypes), selectionType)) { #if NET_2_0 selectionType = SelectionTypes.Auto; #else selectionType = SelectionTypes.Normal; #endif } #if NET_2_0 auto = ((selectionType & SelectionTypes.Auto) == SelectionTypes.Auto); #else if ((selectionType & SelectionTypes.Normal) == SelectionTypes.Normal || (selectionType & SelectionTypes.MouseDown) == SelectionTypes.MouseDown || (selectionType & SelectionTypes.MouseUp) == SelectionTypes.MouseUp) { auto = true; } #endif if (auto) { if ((((Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Control) == Keys.Control) || ((Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift) == Keys.Shift))) { toggle = true; } else if (components.Count == 1) { object component = null; foreach (object c in components) { component = c; break; } if (this.GetComponentSelected (component)) primary = true; else replace = true; } else { replace = true; } } else { #if NET_2_0 primary = ((selectionType & SelectionTypes.Primary) == SelectionTypes.Primary); add = ((selectionType & SelectionTypes.Add) == SelectionTypes.Add); remove = ((selectionType & SelectionTypes.Remove) == SelectionTypes.Remove); toggle = ((selectionType & SelectionTypes.Toggle) == SelectionTypes.Toggle); #else primary = ((selectionType & SelectionTypes.Click) == SelectionTypes.Click); #endif replace = ((selectionType & SelectionTypes.Replace) == SelectionTypes.Replace); } if (replace) { _selection.Clear (); add = true; } if (add) { foreach (object component in components) { if (component is IComponent && !_selection.Contains (component)) { _selection.Add (component); _primarySelection = (IComponent) component; } } } if (remove) { foreach (object component in components) { if (component is IComponent && _selection.Contains (component)) { _selection.Remove (component); if (component == _primarySelection) _primarySelection = this.RootComponent; } } } if (toggle) { foreach (object component in components) { if (component is IComponent) { if (_selection.Contains (component)) { _selection.Remove (component); if (component == _primarySelection) _primarySelection = this.RootComponent; } else { _selection.Add (component); _primarySelection = (IComponent) component; } } } } if (primary) { object primarySelection = null; foreach (object component in components) { primarySelection = component; break; } if (!this.GetComponentSelected (primarySelection)) _selection.Add (_primarySelection); _primarySelection = (IComponent) primarySelection; } OnSelectionChanged (); }
public void SetSelectedComponents(ICollection components, SelectionTypes selectionType) { throw new NotSupportedException(); }
/// Select the given components with the given SelectionType. void ISelectionService.SetSelectedComponents(ICollection components, SelectionTypes selectionType) { bool fToggle = false; bool fControl = false; bool fClick = false; bool fChanged = false; // did we actually change something? // Catch a null input list if (components == null) { components = new Component[0]; } if ((selectionType & SelectionTypes.Normal) == SelectionTypes.Normal || (selectionType & SelectionTypes.Click) == SelectionTypes.Click) { fControl = ((Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Control) == Keys.Control); // Only toggle when we are affecting a single control, and // when we are handling the "mouse" state events (i.e. up/down // used to show/hide the selection). // fToggle = ((Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Control) != 0 || (Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift) != 0) && components.Count == 1 && (selectionType & SelectionTypes.MouseUp) != SelectionTypes.MouseUp; } if ((selectionType & SelectionTypes.Click) == SelectionTypes.Click) { fClick = true; } // If we are replacing the selection, only remove the ones that are not in our new list. // We also handle the special case here of having a singular component selected that's // already selected. In this case we just move it to the primary selection. // if (!fToggle && !fControl) { object firstSelection = null; foreach (object o in components) { firstSelection = o; break; } if (fClick && 1 == components.Count && ((ISelectionService)this).GetComponentSelected(firstSelection)) { SampleSelectionItem oldPrimary = primarySelection; SetPrimarySelection((SampleSelectionItem)selectionsByComponent[firstSelection]); if (oldPrimary != primarySelection) { fChanged = true; } } else { SampleSelectionItem[] selections = new SampleSelectionItem[selectionsByComponent.Values.Count]; selectionsByComponent.Values.CopyTo(selections, 0); // Even with several hundred components this should be fairly fast foreach (SampleSelectionItem item in selections) { bool remove = true; foreach (object comp in components) { if (comp == item.Component) { remove = false; break; } } if (remove) { RemoveSelection(item); fChanged = true; } } } } SampleSelectionItem primarySel = null; int selectedCount = selectionsByComponent.Count; // Now do the selection. foreach (Component comp in components) { if (comp != null) { SampleSelectionItem s = (SampleSelectionItem)selectionsByComponent[comp]; if (null == s) { s = new SampleSelectionItem(this, comp); AddSelection(s); if (fControl || fToggle) { primarySel = s; } fChanged = true; } else { if (fToggle) { // Remove the selection from our list. RemoveSelection(s); fChanged = true; } } } } if (primarySel != null) { SetPrimarySelection(primarySel); } // Now notify that our selection has changed if (fChanged) { OnSelectionChanged(); } }
public void SetSelectedComponents(ICollection<DesignItem> components, SelectionTypes selectionType) { if (components == null) components = SharedInstances.EmptyDesignItemArray; if (components.Contains(null)) throw new ArgumentException("Cannot select 'null'."); var prevSelectedItems = _selectedComponents.ToArray(); if (SelectionChanging != null) SelectionChanging(this, EventArgs.Empty); DesignItem newPrimarySelection = _primarySelection; if (selectionType == SelectionTypes.Auto) { if (Keyboard.Modifiers == ModifierKeys.Control) selectionType = SelectionTypes.Toggle; // Ctrl pressed: toggle selection else if ((Keyboard.Modifiers & ~ModifierKeys.Control) == ModifierKeys.Shift) selectionType = SelectionTypes.Add; // Shift or Ctrl+Shift pressed: add to selection else selectionType = SelectionTypes.Primary; // otherwise: change primary selection } if ((selectionType & SelectionTypes.Primary) == SelectionTypes.Primary) { // change primary selection to first new component newPrimarySelection = null; foreach (DesignItem obj in components) { newPrimarySelection = obj; break; } selectionType &= ~SelectionTypes.Primary; if (selectionType == 0) { // if selectionType was only Primary, and components has only one item that // changes the primary selection was changed to an already-selected item, // then we keep the current selection. // otherwise, we replace it if (components.Count == 1 && IsComponentSelected(newPrimarySelection) && prevSelectedItems.Length == 1){ // keep selectionType = 0 -> don't change the selection } else { selectionType = SelectionTypes.Replace; } } } HashSet<DesignItem> componentsToNotifyOfSelectionChange = new HashSet<DesignItem>(); switch (selectionType) { case SelectionTypes.Add: // add to selection and notify if required foreach (DesignItem obj in components) { if (_selectedComponents.Add(obj)) componentsToNotifyOfSelectionChange.Add(obj); } break; case SelectionTypes.Remove: // remove from selection and notify if required foreach (DesignItem obj in components) { if (_selectedComponents.Remove(obj)) componentsToNotifyOfSelectionChange.Add(obj); } break; case SelectionTypes.Replace: // notify all old components: componentsToNotifyOfSelectionChange.AddRange(_selectedComponents); // set _selectedCompontents to new components _selectedComponents.Clear(); foreach (DesignItem obj in components) { _selectedComponents.Add(obj); // notify the new components componentsToNotifyOfSelectionChange.Add(obj); } break; case SelectionTypes.Toggle: // toggle selection and notify foreach (DesignItem obj in components) { if (_selectedComponents.Contains(obj)) { _selectedComponents.Remove(obj); } else { _selectedComponents.Add(obj); } componentsToNotifyOfSelectionChange.Add(obj); } break; case 0: // do nothing break; default: throw new NotSupportedException("The selection type " + selectionType + " is not supported"); } if (!IsComponentSelected(newPrimarySelection)) { // primary selection is not selected anymore - change primary selection to any other selected component newPrimarySelection = null; foreach (DesignItem obj in _selectedComponents) { newPrimarySelection = obj; break; } } // Primary selection has changed: if (newPrimarySelection != _primarySelection) { componentsToNotifyOfSelectionChange.Add(_primarySelection); componentsToNotifyOfSelectionChange.Add(newPrimarySelection); if (PrimarySelectionChanging != null) { PrimarySelectionChanging(this, EventArgs.Empty); } _primarySelection = newPrimarySelection; if (PrimarySelectionChanged != null) { PrimarySelectionChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty); } RaisePropertyChanged("PrimarySelection"); } if (!_selectedComponents.SequenceEqual(prevSelectedItems)) { if (SelectionChanged != null) { SelectionChanged(this, new DesignItemCollectionEventArgs(componentsToNotifyOfSelectionChange)); } RaisePropertyChanged("SelectedItems"); } }
public void SetSelectedComponents(ICollection components, SelectionTypes selectionType) { // fire changing event if (SelectionChanging != null) { try { SelectionChanging(this, EventArgs.Empty); } catch{} } // dont allow an empty collection if (components == null || components.Count == 0) { components = new ArrayList(); } bool ctrlDown=false,shiftDown=false; // we need to know if shift or ctrl is down on clicks if ((selectionType & SelectionTypes.Click) == SelectionTypes.Click) { ctrlDown = ((Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Control) == Keys.Control); shiftDown = ((Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift) == Keys.Shift); } if (selectionType == SelectionTypes.Replace) { // discard the hold list and go with this one selectedComponents = new ArrayList(components); } else { if (!shiftDown && !ctrlDown && components.Count == 1 && !selectedComponents.Contains(components)) { selectedComponents.Clear(); } // something was either added to the selection // or removed IEnumerator ie = components.GetEnumerator(); while(ie.MoveNext()) { IComponent comp = ie.Current as IComponent; if(comp!=null) { if (ctrlDown || shiftDown) { if (selectedComponents.Contains(comp)) { selectedComponents.Remove(comp); } else { // put it back into the front because it was // the last one selected selectedComponents.Insert(0,comp); } } else { if (!selectedComponents.Contains(comp)) { selectedComponents.Add(comp); } else { selectedComponents.Remove(comp); selectedComponents.Insert(0,comp); } } } } } // fire changed event if (SelectionChanged != null) { try { SelectionChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty); } catch{} } }
private void UnClickHandler(SelectionTypes button) { unSelect(button); }
public void SetSelectedComponents(System.Collections.ICollection components, SelectionTypes selectionType) { //TODO: Use .NET 2.0 SelectionTypes Primary, Add, Replace, Remove, Toggle if ((selectionType & SelectionTypes.Valid) == SelectionTypes.Valid) SetSelectedComponents(components); }