Пример #1
        public string GetEffectModel()
            //assemble the effect model
            StringBuilder effectModel = new StringBuilder(Response + "~"); //add in the response

            if (Covariates != null)
                effectModel.Append(String.Join('+', Covariates) + '+');

            if (OtherDesignFactors != null)
                effectModel.Append(String.Join('+', OtherDesignFactors) + '+');

            //complicated business of assembling the other part of the model from the interactions etc...
            string[]      splitter           = { " * " };
            List <string> interactionEffects = new List <string>(SelectedEffect.Split(splitter, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries));

            List <string> factors = new List <string>(Treatments);

            factors.Add(RepeatedFactor); //add in time to the factors

            foreach (string s in factors)
                if (!interactionEffects.Contains(s)) //only add on effects if the "mainEffect"/selected effect does not already have it
                    effectModel.Append(s + "+");

            return(effectModel + "mainEffect"); //where maineffect is the combined effect column of the selected effect in the dataset
Пример #2
        private string GetEffectModel()
            //assemble the effect model
            StringBuilder effectModel = new StringBuilder(Response + "~"); //add in the response

            if (Covariates != null)
                effectModel.Append(String.Join('+', Covariates) + '+');

            if (OtherDesignFactors != null)
                effectModel.Append(String.Join('+', OtherDesignFactors) + '+');

            //complicated business of assembling the other part of the model from the interactions etc...
            string[]      splitter           = { " * " };
            List <string> interactionEffects = new List <string>(SelectedEffect.Split(splitter, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries));

            foreach (string treat in Treatments)
                if (!interactionEffects.Contains(treat))
                    effectModel.Append(treat.Trim() + "+");

            return(effectModel + "mainEffect"); //where maineffect is the combined effect column of the selected effect in the dataset
Пример #3
 private void mnuTransparency_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (tempImage != null)
     // keep a copy
     tempImage           = (Bitmap)selectedImage.Clone();
     trkEffects.Maximum  = 255;
     trkEffects.Minimum  = 0;
     trkEffects.Value    = oldTransparency;
     selectedEffect      = SelectedEffect.Transparency;
     pnlEffects.Location = new Point(mouseX, mouseY);
     pnlEffects.Visible  = true;
Пример #4
 private void contrastMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (tempImage != null)
     // keep a copy
     tempImage           = (Bitmap)selectedImage.Clone();
     trkEffects.Maximum  = 100;
     trkEffects.Minimum  = -100;
     trkEffects.Value    = 0;
     selectedEffect      = SelectedEffect.Contrast;
     pnlEffects.Location = new Point(mouseX, mouseY);
     pnlEffects.Visible  = true;
Пример #5
    //selects on command - tutorial only
    public void selectObject(GameObject newSelection)
        // unhighlight previously selected fused part
        if (selectedObject != null)
            //! CODE FOR REMOVING Marker FROM PREVIOUS PART. prevSelectedFuseTo
            Destroy(selectedObject.GetComponent <SelectedEffect>());

        prevSelectedObject = selectedObject;
        selectedObject     = newSelection;
        //print("Currently Selected FuseTo: " + selectedFuseTo);

        FaceSelector currentFaceSelector = selectedObject.GetComponent <FaceSelector>();


        if (selectedObject.GetComponent <SelectedEffect>() == null)
            SelectedEffect sel = selectedObject.AddComponent <SelectedEffect>();
            // this code obtains the correct normal for the ghost effects from the mesh rather than from a raycast from a mouse click,
            // as is done in the Update() method when the player themselves is doing the selecting
            RaycastResult hitInfo = new RaycastResult();
            Mesh          mesh    = selectedObject.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh;
            Vector3[]     normals = mesh.normals;

            // this is dumb, but for some reason the normal for b1p2_bb1_a2 is being calculated as (-1,0,0) rather
            // than (1,0,0), so I had to hard code it
            if (!newSelection.name.Equals("b1p2_bb1_a2"))
                hitInfo.worldNormal = normals[0];
                hitInfo.worldNormal = new Vector3(1, 0, 0);

            sel.hitInfo = hitInfo;
            Debug.Log("Normals of hitInfo for " + selectedObject + ": " + hitInfo.worldNormal);

        if (selectedObject != null && selectedFuseTo != null)
            connectButton.interactable = true;
Пример #6
        public override string[] ExportData()
            DataTable dtNew = DataTable.CopyForExport();

            //Get the response, treatment and covariate columns by removing all other columns from the new datatable
            foreach (string columnName in dtNew.GetVariableNames())
                if (Response != columnName && !Treatments.Contains(columnName) && (OtherDesignFactors == null || !OtherDesignFactors.Contains(columnName)) && (Covariates == null || !Covariates.Contains(columnName)))

            //if the response is blank then remove that row

            //Generate a "catfact" column from the CatFactors (used only in R)!
            DataColumn catFactor = new DataColumn("catfact");


            //Need to create a new column for the scatterplot data as we have to combine any interaction effects into one column
            dtNew.CreateCombinedEffectColumn(Treatments, "scatterPlotColumn");

            //If an interaction effect is selected then we need to combine values into single column
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(SelectedEffect))
                //create a new column and add it to the table
                if (SelectedEffect.Contains(" * ")) //then it is an interaction effect so we need to combine values from different columns
                    char[]   splitChar = { '*' };
                    string[] effects   = SelectedEffect.Split(splitChar, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); //get the effect names that make up the interaction effect

                    dtNew.CreateCombinedEffectColumn(effects, "mainEffect");
                else //just copy the column selected in the dropdown
                    DataColumn mainEffect = new DataColumn("mainEffect");
                    foreach (DataRow r in dtNew.Rows)
                        r["mainEffect"] = r[SelectedEffect].ToString();

            //Now do transformations...
            dtNew.TransformColumn(Response, ResponseTransformation);

            if (Covariates != null)
                foreach (string covariate in Covariates)
                    dtNew.TransformColumn(covariate, CovariateTransformation);

            //Finally, as numeric categorical variables get misinterpreted by r, we need to go through
            //each column and put them in quotes...
            foreach (string treat in Treatments)
                if (dtNew.CheckIsNumeric(treat))
                    foreach (DataRow row in dtNew.Rows)
                        row[treat] = "'" + row[treat] + "'";

            if (OtherDesignFactors != null)
                foreach (string odf in OtherDesignFactors)
                    if (dtNew.CheckIsNumeric(odf))
                        foreach (DataRow row in dtNew.Rows)
                            row[odf] = "'" + row[odf] + "'";

            string[] csvArray = dtNew.GetCSVArray();

            //fix any columns with illegal chars here (at the end)
            ArgumentFormatter argFormatter = new ArgumentFormatter();

            csvArray[0] = argFormatter.ConvertIllegalCharacters(csvArray[0]);

Пример #7
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
            RaycastHit hitInfo = new RaycastHit();
            if (Physics.Raycast(Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition), out hitInfo))
                GameObject objectToSelect = hitInfo.transform.gameObject;
                //	print ("Currently selected object: " + selectedObject);
                //	print ("Active part: " + activePart);
                Transform objectParent = objectToSelect.transform.parent;

                if (objectParent != null &&
                    objectToSelect.GetComponent <SelectBehavior>() != null &&
                    objectToSelect.transform.parent.gameObject.GetComponent <IsFused>().isFused)
                    //fused part

                    // unhighlight previously selected fused part
                    if (prevSelectedFuseTo != null)
                        unhighTexture = prevSelectedFuseTo.GetComponent <SelectBehavior>().unhighTex;
                        prevSelectedFuseTo.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.mainTexture = unhighTexture;

                        //! CODE FOR REMOVING Marker FROM PREVIOUS PART. prevSelectedFuseTo
                        Destroy(prevSelectedFuseTo.GetComponent <SelectedEffect>());

                    selectedFuseTo = objectToSelect;
                    print("Currently Selected FuseTo: " + selectedFuseTo);
                    highTexture = selectedFuseTo.GetComponent <SelectBehavior>().highTex;
                    selectedFuseTo.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.mainTexture = highTexture;

                    //! CODE FOR ADDING MARKER TO SELECTED PART. selectedFuseTo

                    if (GetComponent <SelectedEffect>() == null)
                        SelectedEffect sel = selectedFuseTo.AddComponent <SelectedEffect>();
                        sel.hitInfo  = hitInfo;
                        sel.selected = selectedFuseTo;

                    prevSelectedFuseTo = selectedFuseTo;
                else if (objectToSelect.transform.parent != null && objectToSelect.GetComponent <SelectBehavior>() != null)
                    //active part

                    // unhighlight previously selected active part
                    if (prevSelectedObject != null)
                        Texture regTex = prevSelectedObject.GetComponent <SelectBehavior>().unhighTex;
                        prevSelectedObject.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.mainTexture = regTex;

                        //! CODE FOR REMOVING MARKER FROM PREVIOUS PART. prevSelectedObject
                        Destroy(prevSelectedObject.GetComponent <SelectedEffect>());

                    selectedObject = hitInfo.transform.gameObject;
                    //highlight selected object
                    Texture highlightedTex = selectedObject.GetComponent <SelectBehavior>().highTex;
                    if (highlightedTex)
                        selectedObject.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.mainTexture = highlightedTex;
                        print("Unable to load texture");
                    print("Currently Selected Object: " + selectedObject);

                    //! CODE FOR ADDING MARKER TO SELECTED PART. selectedObject

                    if (GetComponent <SelectedEffect>() == null)
                        SelectedEffect sel = selectedObject.AddComponent <SelectedEffect>();
                        sel.hitInfo  = hitInfo;
                        sel.selected = selectedObject;

                    prevSelectedObject = selectedObject;
                    //print ("prevSelected: " + prevSelectedObject.name);
                if (!tutorialOn && selectedObject != null && selectedFuseTo != null)
                    connectButton.interactable = true;
                    connectButton.interactable = false;
Пример #8
        private void mnuTransparency_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            if (tempImage != null)
            // keep a copy
            tempImage = (Bitmap)selectedImage.Clone();
            trkEffects.Maximum = 255;
            trkEffects.Minimum = 0;
            trkEffects.Value = oldTransparency;
            selectedEffect = SelectedEffect.Transparency;
            pnlEffects.Location = new Point(mouseX, mouseY);
            pnlEffects.Visible = true;
Пример #9
        private void contrastMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            if (tempImage != null)
            // keep a copy
            tempImage = (Bitmap)selectedImage.Clone();
            trkEffects.Maximum = 100;
            trkEffects.Minimum = -100;
            trkEffects.Value = 0;
            selectedEffect = SelectedEffect.Contrast;
            pnlEffects.Location = new Point(mouseX, mouseY);
            pnlEffects.Visible = true;
Пример #10
        private void UpdateEffects(SelectedEffect se)
            //set current effect
            Effects.CurrentEffect = se;

            //clear check marks
            //is there a better way to do this?
            lowerCaseToolStripMenuItem.Checked = false;
            lowerCaseMenuItem.Checked = false;

            titleCaseToolStripMenuItem.Checked = false;
            titleCaseMenuItem.Checked = false;

            removeSpacesToolStripMenuItem.Checked = false;
            removeSpacesMenuItem.Checked = false;

            upperCaseToolStripMenuItem.Checked = false;
            upperCaseMenuItem.Checked = false;

            customToolStripMenuItem.Checked = false;
            customMenuItem.Checked = false;

            oneLineToolStripMenuItem.Checked = false;
            oneLineMenuItem.Checked = false;

            //check off the good ones
            switch (se)
                case SelectedEffect.Custom:
                    customToolStripMenuItem.Checked = true;
                    customMenuItem.Checked = true;
                case SelectedEffect.LowerCase:
                    lowerCaseToolStripMenuItem.Checked = true;
                    lowerCaseMenuItem.Checked = true;
                case SelectedEffect.OneLine:
                    oneLineToolStripMenuItem.Checked = true;
                    oneLineMenuItem.Checked = true;
                case SelectedEffect.RemoveSpaces:
                    removeSpacesToolStripMenuItem.Checked = true;
                    removeSpacesMenuItem.Checked = true;
                case SelectedEffect.TitleCase:
                    titleCaseToolStripMenuItem.Checked = true;
                    titleCaseMenuItem.Checked = true;
                case SelectedEffect.UpperCase:
                    upperCaseToolStripMenuItem.Checked = true;
                    upperCaseMenuItem.Checked = true;
Пример #11
    // only executes if this gameobject was the first one hit by mouse's raycast
    // so it won't fire if UI element is clicked and object is behind it, yay
    public void OnPointerClick(PointerEventData data)
        if (!selectPart.controlsDisabled)
            //print("OnPointerClick on " + gameObject + "!");
            //	print ("Active part: " + activePart);
            bool fusedPart = isFusedComponent.isFused;
            globalHitInfo = data.pointerCurrentRaycast;
            GameObject lastSelectedFuseTo = selectPart.getSelectedFuseTo();
            GameObject lastSelectedObject = selectPart.getSelectedObject();

            if (fusedPart && lastSelectedFuseTo != this.gameObject)
                //Debug.Log("Normal of globalFuseToHitInfo: " + globalFuseToHitInfo.worldNormal);

                //print("Currently Selected FuseTo: " + selectPart.getSelectedFuseTo());
                //print("Previously selected FuseTo: " + selectPart.getPrevSelectedFuseTo());
                // unhighlight previously selected fused part
                if (selectPart.getPrevSelectedFuseTo() != null)
                    //! CODE FOR REMOVING Marker FROM PREVIOUS PART. prevSelectedFuseTo
                    Destroy(selectPart.getPrevSelectedFuseTo().GetComponent <SelectedEffect>());

                //! CODE FOR ADDING MARKER TO SELECTED PART. selectedFuseTo
                if (GetComponent <SelectedEffect>() == null)
                    SelectedEffect sel = this.gameObject.AddComponent <SelectedEffect>();
                    sel.hitInfo = globalHitInfo;
                    //Debug.Log("Normals of hitInfo for " + this.gameObject + ": " + globalHitInfo.worldNormal);
            else if (!fusedPart && lastSelectedObject != this.gameObject)
                //active part
                //Debug.Log("Normal of globalActivePartHitinfo: " + globalActivePartHitInfo.worldNormal);
                //print("Currently Selected Object: " + selectPart.getSelectedObject());

                // unhighlight previously selected active part
                if (selectPart.getPrevSelectedObject() != null)
                    //! CODE FOR REMOVING MARKER FROM PREVIOUS PART. prevSelectedObject
                    Destroy(selectPart.getPrevSelectedObject().GetComponent <SelectedEffect>());

                //highlight selected object
                //! CODE FOR ADDING MARKER TO SELECTED PART. selectedObject
                if (GetComponent <SelectedEffect>() == null)
                    SelectedEffect sel = gameObject.AddComponent <SelectedEffect>();
                    sel.hitInfo = globalHitInfo;
                    //Debug.Log("Normals of hitInfo for " + this.gameObject + ": " + globalHitInfo.worldNormal);

            GameObject currentlySelectedObject = selectPart.getSelectedObject();
            GameObject currentlySelectedFuseTo = selectPart.getSelectedFuseTo();

            if (currentlySelectedObject != null && currentlySelectedFuseTo != null)
                // both faces selected, player is now allowed to attempt fuses between the two objects
                fuseButton.interactable = true;

                //! PART MOVEMENT.
                // We ALWAYS need the hitinfo of selecting a part on the static object.
                // To do this, globalHitInfo is set whenever we click on a fused part.
                // TODO: what if it could be set every time we rotate? Would that eliminate SelectedEffect and
                // part alignment problems?

                // Move it to the position of the fused object, offset by a multiple of the normal,
                // offset again by the scaled local positional difference of the connection face and the parent object.

                //! DUE TO THE CRAZINESS: All parts with non-boxy attachment points will require box colliders roughly
                // positioned at their center.'
                if (currentlySelectedObject.GetComponent <BoxCollider>() == null)
                    BoxCollider boxy = currentlySelectedObject.AddComponent <BoxCollider>();
                    boxy.size = Vector3.zero;

                if (currentlySelectedFuseTo.GetComponent <BoxCollider>() == null)
                    BoxCollider boxy = currentlySelectedFuseTo.AddComponent <BoxCollider>();
                    boxy.size = Vector3.zero;

                // The actual location of the selected fuse marker... Wow.
                Vector3 properFuseToPos = currentlySelectedFuseTo.transform.position
                                          + (Quaternion.Euler(currentlySelectedFuseTo.transform.eulerAngles)
                                             * (currentlySelectedFuseTo.transform.parent.localScale.x
                                                * (currentlySelectedFuseTo.GetComponent <BoxCollider>().center)));
                // The actual offset of the object face from the object parent... Also wow.
                Vector3 properOffset = Quaternion.Euler(this.gameObject.transform.parent.localEulerAngles)
                                       * (currentlySelectedObject.transform.parent.localScale.x
                                          * (currentlySelectedObject.transform.localPosition
                                             + Quaternion.Euler(this.gameObject.transform.localEulerAngles)
                                             * (currentlySelectedObject.GetComponent <BoxCollider>().center)));

                //Debug.DrawLine(selectedObject.transform.parent.position, selectedObject.transform.parent.position + properOffset, Color.red, 25f, false);
                //Debug.DrawLine(selectedFuseTo.transform.parent.position, properFuseToPos, Color.red, 25f, false);

                //Vector3 targetPosition = properFuseToPos + (OFFSET * selectPart.getFuseToNormal());
                Vector3 targetPosition = properFuseToPos - properOffset + (OFFSET * selectPart.getFuseToNormal());

                //Set currently active coroutine variable so FuseEvent can check it and stop it if it needs to perform a fuse
                currentlyActiveCoroutine = StartCoroutine(SweepPosition(currentlySelectedObject.transform.parent.gameObject, targetPosition, 10));