Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// figure out which vtx/edge the input vtx is on
        /// </summary>
        void update_from_split(SegmentVtx sv, Index2i splitEdges)
            // check if within tolerance of existing vtx, because we did not
            // sort that out before...
            int existing_v = find_existing_vertex(sv.v);

            if (existing_v >= 0)
                sv.type    = 0;
                sv.elem_id = existing_v;
                sv.vtx_id  = existing_v;
                VIDToSegVtxMap[sv.vtx_id] = sv;

            for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
                if (is_on_edge(splitEdges[j], sv.v))
                    sv.type    = 1;
                    sv.elem_id = splitEdges[j];

            throw new Exception("update_from_split: unsortable vertex?");
Пример #2
 public SegmentVtx this[int key] {
     get { return((key == 0) ? v0 : v1); }
     set { if (key == 0)
               v0 = value;
               v1 = value;
           } }
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// For each on-face vtx, we poke the face, and re-sort
        /// the remaining vertices on that face onto new faces/edges
        /// </summary>
        void insert_face_vertices()
            while (FaceVertices.Count > 0)
                var pair = FaceVertices.First();
                int tid  = pair.Key;
                List <SegmentVtx> triVerts = pair.Value;
                SegmentVtx        v        = triVerts[triVerts.Count - 1];
                triVerts.RemoveAt(triVerts.Count - 1);

                DMesh3.PokeTriangleInfo pokeInfo;
                MeshResult result = Target.PokeTriangle(tid, out pokeInfo);
                if (result != MeshResult.Ok)
                    throw new Exception("shit");

                int new_v = pokeInfo.new_vid;

                Target.SetVertex(new_v, v.v);
                v.vtx_id = new_v;
                VIDToSegVtxMap[v.vtx_id] = v;
                PointHash.InsertPoint(v.vtx_id, v.v);

                // remove this triangles vtx list because it is no longer valid

                // update remaining verts
                Index3i pokeEdges = pokeInfo.new_edges;
                var     pokeTris  = new Index3i(tid, pokeInfo.new_t1, pokeInfo.new_t2);
                foreach (SegmentVtx sv in triVerts)
                    update_from_poke(sv, pokeEdges, pokeTris);
                    if (sv.type == 1)
                        add_edge_vtx(sv.elem_id, sv);
                    else if (sv.type == 2)
                        add_face_vtx(sv.elem_id, sv);

                // track poke subfaces
                add_poke_subfaces(tid, ref pokeInfo);
Пример #4
        void add_face_vtx(int tid, SegmentVtx vtx)
            List <SegmentVtx> l;

            if (FaceVertices.TryGetValue(tid, out l))
                l = new List <SegmentVtx>()
                FaceVertices[tid] = l;
Пример #5
        void add_edge_vtx(int eid, SegmentVtx vtx)
            List <SegmentVtx> l;

            if (EdgeVertices.TryGetValue(eid, out l))
                l = new List <SegmentVtx>()
                EdgeVertices[eid] = l;
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// for each on-edge vtx, we split the edge and then
        /// re-sort any of the vertices on that edge onto new edges
        /// </summary>
        void insert_edge_vertices()
            while (EdgeVertices.Count > 0)
                var pair = EdgeVertices.First();
                int eid  = pair.Key;
                List <SegmentVtx> edgeVerts = pair.Value;
                SegmentVtx        v         = edgeVerts[edgeVerts.Count - 1];
                edgeVerts.RemoveAt(edgeVerts.Count - 1);

                Index2i splitTris = Target.GetEdgeT(eid);

                DMesh3.EdgeSplitInfo splitInfo;
                MeshResult           result = Target.SplitEdge(eid, out splitInfo);
                if (result != MeshResult.Ok)
                    throw new Exception("insert_edge_vertices: split failed!");

                int new_v      = splitInfo.vNew;
                var splitEdges = new Index2i(eid, splitInfo.eNewBN);

                Target.SetVertex(new_v, v.v);
                v.vtx_id = new_v;
                VIDToSegVtxMap[v.vtx_id] = v;
                PointHash.InsertPoint(v.vtx_id, v.v);

                // remove this triangles vtx list because it is no longer valid

                // update remaining verts
                foreach (SegmentVtx sv in edgeVerts)
                    update_from_split(sv, splitEdges);
                    if (sv.type == 1)
                        add_edge_vtx(sv.elem_id, sv);

                // track subfaces
                add_split_subfaces(splitTris, ref splitInfo);
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// figure out which vtx/edge/face the input vtx is on
        /// </summary>
        void update_from_poke(SegmentVtx sv, Index3i pokeEdges, Index3i pokeTris)
            // check if within tolerance of existing vtx, because we did not
            // sort that out before...
            int existing_v = find_existing_vertex(sv.v);

            if (existing_v >= 0)
                sv.type    = 0;
                sv.elem_id = existing_v;
                sv.vtx_id  = existing_v;
                VIDToSegVtxMap[sv.vtx_id] = sv;

            for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
                if (is_on_edge(pokeEdges[j], sv.v))
                    sv.type    = 1;
                    sv.elem_id = pokeEdges[j];

            // [TODO] should use PrimalQuery2d for this!
            for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
                if (is_in_triangle(pokeTris[j], sv.v))
                    sv.type    = 2;
                    sv.elem_id = pokeTris[j];

            System.Console.WriteLine("unsorted vertex!");
            sv.elem_id = pokeTris.a;
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// 1) Find intersection segments
        /// 2) sort onto existing input mesh vtx/edge/face
        /// </summary>
        void find_segments()
            Dictionary <Vector3d, SegmentVtx> SegVtxMap = new Dictionary <Vector3d, SegmentVtx>();

            // find intersection segments
            // TODO: intersection polygons
            // TODO: do we need to care about intersection vertices?
            DMeshAABBTree3 targetSpatial = new DMeshAABBTree3(Target, true);
            DMeshAABBTree3 cutSpatial    = new DMeshAABBTree3(CutMesh, true);
            var            intersections = targetSpatial.FindAllIntersections(cutSpatial);

            // for each segment, for each vtx, determine if it is
            // at an existing vertex, on-edge, or in-face
            Segments = new IntersectSegment[intersections.Segments.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < Segments.Length; ++i)
                var              isect  = intersections.Segments[i];
                Vector3dTuple2   points = new Vector3dTuple2(isect.point0, isect.point1);
                IntersectSegment iseg   = new IntersectSegment()
                    base_tid = isect.t0
                Segments[i] = iseg;
                for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
                    Vector3d v = points[j];

                    // if this exact vtx coord has been seen, use same vtx
                    SegmentVtx sv;
                    if (SegVtxMap.TryGetValue(v, out sv))
                        iseg[j] = sv;
                    sv = new SegmentVtx()
                        v = v
                    SegVtxMap[v] = sv;
                    iseg[j]      = sv;

                    // this vtx is tol-equal to input mesh vtx
                    int existing_v = find_existing_vertex(isect.point0);
                    if (existing_v >= 0)
                        sv.initial_type           = sv.type = 0;
                        sv.elem_id                = existing_v;
                        sv.vtx_id                 = existing_v;
                        VIDToSegVtxMap[sv.vtx_id] = sv;

                    Triangle3d tri = new Triangle3d();
                    Target.GetTriVertices(isect.t0, ref tri.V0, ref tri.V1, ref tri.V2);
                    Index3i tv = Target.GetTriangle(isect.t0);

                    // this vtx is tol-on input mesh edge
                    int on_edge_i = on_edge(ref tri, ref v);
                    if (on_edge_i >= 0)
                        sv.initial_type = sv.type = 1;
                        sv.elem_id      = Target.FindEdge(tv[on_edge_i], tv[(on_edge_i + 1) % 3]);
                        Util.gDevAssert(sv.elem_id != DMesh3.InvalidID);
                        add_edge_vtx(sv.elem_id, sv);

                    // otherwise contained in input mesh face
                    sv.initial_type = sv.type = 2;
                    sv.elem_id      = isect.t0;
                    add_face_vtx(sv.elem_id, sv);