/// Find all shapes overlapping the segment with the given start and end points. /// Shapes are filtered using the group and layers in the same way as collisions. public static void SegmentQuery(Vector2 start, Vector2 end, uint layers, string group, SegmentQueryDelegate del) { IntPtr handle = manager._space._handle; _SegmentQuery(handle, start, end, layers, ChipmunkBinding.InternString(group), del); }
/// Calls SegmentQuery() with all layers and no group. public static void SegmentQuery(Vector2 start, Vector2 end, SegmentQueryDelegate del) { SegmentQuery(start, end, ~(uint)0, "", del); }
private static extern void _SegmentQuery(IntPtr handle, Vector2 start, Vector2 end, uint layers, int group, SegmentQueryDelegate del);