Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        ///     Initialize SDK at the start of your app
        /// </summary>
        private async void Awake()
            Instance = this;

            _db = CountlyBoxDbHelper.BuildDatabase(DbNumber);

            var auto              = _db.Open();
            var configDao         = new Dao <ConfigEntity>(auto, EntityType.Configs.ToString());
            var requestDao        = new Dao <RequestEntity>(auto, EntityType.Requests.ToString());
            var viewEventDao      = new Dao <EventEntity>(auto, EntityType.ViewEvents.ToString());
            var viewSegmentDao    = new SegmentDao(auto, EntityType.ViewEventSegments.ToString());
            var nonViewEventDao   = new Dao <EventEntity>(auto, EntityType.NonViewEvents.ToString());
            var nonViewSegmentDao = new SegmentDao(auto, EntityType.NonViewEventSegments.ToString());

            var requestRepo             = new RequestRepository(requestDao, Config);
            var eventViewRepo           = new ViewEventRepository(viewEventDao, viewSegmentDao, Config);
            var eventNonViewRepo        = new NonViewEventRepository(nonViewEventDao, nonViewSegmentDao, Config);
            var eventNrInSameSessionDao = new EventNumberInSameSessionDao(auto, EntityType.EventNumberInSameSessions.ToString());


            var eventNumberInSameSessionHelper = new EventNumberInSameSessionHelper(eventNrInSameSessionDao);

            Init(requestRepo, eventViewRepo, eventNonViewRepo, configDao, eventNumberInSameSessionHelper);

            Initialization.Begin(Auth.ServerUrl, Auth.AppKey);

            await Initialization.SetDefaults(Config);
        public List <ASEGMENT> loadAllSegments()
            List <ASEGMENT> data = null;

            using (DBConnection_EF con = DBConnection_EF.GetUContext())
                data = SegmentDao.loadAllSegments(con);
 public void start(ViewSectionDao viewSectionDao, SegmentDao segmentDao, AddressDataDao addressDataDao, ScaleBaseDataDao scaleBaseDataDao,
                   ControlDataDao controlDataDao, VehicleControlDao vehicleControlDao)
     VSection100Dao    = viewSectionDao;
     AddressDataDao    = addressDataDao;
     ScaleBaseDataDao  = scaleBaseDataDao;
     ControlDataDao    = controlDataDao;
     VehicleControlDao = vehicleControlDao;
     SegmentDao        = segmentDao;
 public MapBLL(WindownApplication _app)
     app             = _app;
     objCacheManager = app.ObjCacheManager;
     adrDAO          = app.AddressDao;
     sectionDAO      = app.SectionDao;
     segmentDAO      = app.SegmentDao;
     portDAO         = app.PortDao;
     groupRailDAO    = app.GroupRailDao;
     railDAO         = app.RailDao;
     pointDAO        = app.PointDao;
     portIconDAO     = app.PortIconDao;
Пример #5
            public VehicleDataSetting()
                VSection100Dao    = new ViewSectionDao();
                SegmentDao        = new SegmentDao();
                AddressDataDao    = new AddressDataDao();
                ScaleBaseDataDao  = new ScaleBaseDataDao();
                ControlDataDao    = new ControlDataDao();
                VehicleControlDao = new VehicleControlDao();

                SectionDao        = new SectionDao();
                sectionControlDao = new ohxc.winform.Dao.MirleOHS_100.SectionControlDao();

                start(VSection100Dao, SegmentDao, AddressDataDao, ScaleBaseDataDao, ControlDataDao, VehicleControlDao);
 public void start(SCApplication app)
     scApp               = app;
     railDAO             = scApp.RailDao;
     adrDAO              = scApp.AddressDao;
     portDAO             = scApp.PortDao;
     portIconDAO         = scApp.PortIconDao;
     pointDAO            = scApp.PointDao;
     groupRailDAO        = scApp.GroupRailDao;
     sectionDAO          = scApp.SectionDao;
     segmentDAO          = scApp.SegmentDao;
     vehicleDAO          = scApp.VehicleDao;
     blockZoneMasterDao  = scApp.BlockZoneMasterDao;
     blockZoneDetaiDao   = scApp.BolckZoneDetaiDao;
     blockZoneQueueDao   = scApp.BlockZoneQueueDao;
     commObjCacheManager = scApp.getCommObjCacheManager();
Пример #7
 public NonViewEventRepository(Dao <EventEntity> dao, SegmentDao segmentDao, CountlyConfigModel config) : base(dao, segmentDao, config)
Пример #8
 public Database(SegmentDao dao)
     segmentDAO = dao;
 protected AbstractEventRepository(Dao <EventEntity> dao, SegmentDao segmentDao, CountlyConfigModel config) : base(dao, config)
     _config     = config;
     _segmentDao = segmentDao;
        public WindownApplication()
            ViewerID         = getString("Viewer_ID", "");
            webClientManager = WebClientManager.getInstance();

            ObjCacheManager = new ObjCacheManager(this);

            elasticSearchManager = new ElasticSearchManager();

            RailDao             = new RAILDao();
            AddressDao          = new ADDRESSDao();
            PortIconDao         = new PortIconDao();
            PointDao            = new POINTDao();
            GroupRailDao        = new GROUPRAILSDao();
            SegmentDao          = new SegmentDao();
            SectionDao          = new SectionDao();
            PortDao             = new PortDao();
            VehicleDao          = new VehicleDao();
            UserDao             = new UserDao();
            UserGroupDao        = new UserGroupDao();
            UserFuncDao         = new UserFuncDao();
            FunctionCodeDao     = new FunctionCodeDao();
            CMD_OHTCDao         = new CMD_OHTCDao();
            CMD_MCSDao          = new CMD_MCSDao();
            VCMD_MCSDao         = new VCMD_MCSDao();
            PortStationDao      = new PortStationDao();
            AlarmDao            = new AlarmDao();
            MapBLL              = new MapBLL(this);
            UserBLL             = new UserBLL(this);
            OperationHistoryBLL = new OperationHistoryBLL(this);
            CmdBLL              = new CmdBLL(this);
            AlarmBLL            = new AlarmBLL(this);
            PortStationBLL      = new PortStationBLL(this);
            SegmentBLL          = new SegmentBLL(this);
            ID = ObjCacheManager.MapId;

            LineBLL             = new LineBLL(this);
            VehicleBLL          = new VehicleBLL(this);
            SysExcuteQualityBLL = new SysExcuteQualityBLL(this);

            dBTableWatcher = new EventAction.DBTableWatcher(this);
            // setEFConnectionString(ObjCacheManager.EFConnectionString);

            SysExcuteQualityQueryService = new SysExcuteQualityQueryService(this);
            //  SysExcuteQualityQueryService = new SysExcuteQualityQueryService();
            switch (WindownApplication.OHxCFormMode)
            case OHxCFormMode.CurrentPlayer:
                natsManager       = new NatsManager(ID, "nats-cluster", ViewerID);
                redisCacheManager = new RedisCacheManager(ID);

            case OHxCFormMode.HistoricalPlayer:
                HistoricalReplyService = new HistoricalReplyService(this);
Пример #11
 public NonViewEventRepository(Dao <EventEntity> dao, SegmentDao segmentDao) : base(dao, segmentDao)
 protected AbstractEventRepository(Dao <EventEntity> dao, SegmentDao segmentDao) : base(dao)
     _segmentDao = segmentDao;