Пример #1
        // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline.
        public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env, SeedUser Seeder)
            if (env.IsDevelopment())
                app.UseExceptionHandler(builder => {
                    builder.Run(async context => {
                        context.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError;
                        var error = context.Features.Get <IExceptionHandlerFeature>();

                        if (error != null)
                            await context.Response.WriteAsync(error.Error.Message);
                // The default HSTS value is 30 days. You may want to change this for production scenarios, see https://aka.ms/aspnetcore-hsts.
                //  app.UseHsts();

            //  Seeder.Seed();
            app.UseCors(x => x.AllowAnyOrigin().AllowAnyMethod().AllowAnyHeader());
//            app.UseHttpsRedirection();
Пример #2
        // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline.
        public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env, IServiceProvider services,
                              GameSenseContext context, RoleManager <IdentityRole> roleManager, UserManager <User> userManager)
            if (env.IsDevelopment())
                // The default HSTS value is 30 days. You may want to change this for production scenarios, see https://aka.ms/aspnetcore-hsts.



            app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
                    name: "default",
                    pattern: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");

            SeedUser.Initialize(context, userManager, roleManager).Wait();
Пример #3
        // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline.
        public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env, UserManager <AppUser> userManager)
            if (env.IsDevelopment())



            app.UseMvc(routes =>
                    name: "default",
                    template: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");
Пример #4
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            // CreateHostBuilder(args).Build().Run();
            var host = CreateWebHostBuilder(args).Build();

            using (var scope = host.Services.CreateScope())
                var sp = scope.ServiceProvider;

                    var context     = sp.GetRequiredService <DataContext>();
                    var userManager = sp.GetRequiredService <UserManager <AppUser> >();

                    SeedUser.Initialize(context, userManager).Wait();
                catch (Exception err)
                    var logger = sp.GetRequiredService <ILogger <Program> >();
                    logger.LogError(err, "Error migrating database");

Пример #5
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            AppContext.SetSwitch("Switch.Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.EnableRangeProcessing", true); // enable to send partial content
            var host = CreateWebHostBuilder(args).Build();

            using (var scope = host.Services.CreateScope())
                var services = scope.ServiceProvider;
                var context  = services.GetRequiredService <ApplicationDbContext>();

                var config       = host.Services.GetRequiredService <IConfiguration>();
                var userEmail    = config.GetSection("UserSettings")["UserEmail"];
                var userPassword = config.GetSection("UserSettings")["UserPassword"];
                    SeedUser.Initialize(services, userEmail, userPassword).Wait();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    var logger = services.GetRequiredService <ILogger <Program> >();
                    logger.LogError(ex.Message, "An error occurred seeding the DB.");
Пример #6
        public OrderingTest()
            string[] args = new string[1];

            _context = new ApplicationDBContextFactory().CreateDbContext(args);
            _seed    = new SeedUser(_context);
Пример #7
        public void When_Seed_Then_RetunFillRepositoryWithDefaultUsers()
            ISeedUser sut = new SeedUser(_hasher);


            var users = _repository.List();

            Assert.AreNotEqual(users.Count(), 0);
Пример #8
        // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline.
        public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env,
                              SeedData seedData, SeedUser seedUser)
            if (env.IsDevelopment())


Пример #9
        public void When_Seed_Then_RetunFillWithAdminUser()
            ISeedUser sut = new SeedUser(_hasher);


            var users     = _repository.List();
            var adminUser = users.Where(e => e.UserEmail == "*****@*****.**");

Пример #10
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            var host = CreateHostBuilder(args).Build();

            using (var scope = host.Services.CreateScope()) {
                var service = scope.ServiceProvider;
                try {
                    var context = service.GetRequiredService <DataContext> ();
                    // SeedWorldData.Seed(context);
                } catch (Exception ex)  {
                    throw ex;
Пример #11
        public static async Task Main(string[] args)
            var host = CreateHostBuilder(args).Build();

            using var scope = host.Services.CreateScope();
            var services = scope.ServiceProvider;

            try {
                var context = services.GetRequiredService <DataContext>();
                await context.Database.MigrateAsync();

                await SeedUser.SeedUsers(context);
            catch (Exception ex) {
                var logger = services.GetRequiredService <ILogger <Program> >();
                logger.LogError(ex, "An error occured during migration");
            await host.RunAsync();
Пример #12
        // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline.
        public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env, SeedUser seeder)
            if (env.IsDevelopment())
                app.UseExceptionHandler(builder =>
                    builder.Run(async context =>
                        context.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError;

                        var error = context.Features.Get <IExceptionHandlerFeature>();
                        if (error != null)

                            await context.Response.WriteAsync("Ocorreu um erro interno no servidor");



            app.UseCors(x => x


            app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
Пример #13
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            var host = CreateWebHostBuilder(args).Build();

            using (var scope = host.Services.CreateScope())
                var services = scope.ServiceProvider;

                    var context = services.GetRequiredService <UserContext>();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    var logger = services.GetRequiredService <ILogger <Program> >();
                    logger.LogError(ex, "An error occurred seeding the DB.");

Пример #14
        // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline.
        public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
            if (env.IsDevelopment())






            app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>

            SeedUser.Initialize(app.ApplicationServices.GetRequiredService <IServiceScopeFactory>().CreateScope().ServiceProvider);
Пример #15
        protected override void Seed(LibraryContext context)
            context.Users.Add(new User
                UserName = "******",
                PassWord = "******",
                Age      = 21,
                Role     = new Role()
                    Name = "管理员"
                Email = "*****@*****.**",
            context.Roles.Add(new Role {
                Name = "普通用户"
            context.Authors.Add(new Author
                Id   = 1,
                Name = "林奕含",
            context.Authors.Add(new Author
                Id   = 2,
                Name = "肯·福莱特",
            context.Authors.Add(new Author
                Id   = 3,
                Name = "东野圭吾",
            context.Authors.Add(new Author
                Id   = 4,
                Name = "埃莱娜·费兰特",
            context.Authors.Add(new Author
                Id   = 5,
                Name = "加西亚·马尔克斯",
            context.Authors.Add(new Author
                Id   = 6,
                Name = "余华",
            context.Authors.Add(new Author
                Id   = 9,
                Name = "乔治·奥威尔",
            context.Authors.Add(new Author
                Id   = 10,
                Name = "涂子沛",
            context.Authors.Add(new Author
                Id   = 11,
                Name = "[美] 伍绮诗",
            context.Authors.Add(new Author
                Id   = 12,
                Name = "格雷厄姆·格林",
            context.Authors.Add(new Author
                Id   = 13,
                Name = "菲利普•休斯顿 迈克尔•弗洛伊德 苏珊•卡尼瑟洛",
            context.Authors.Add(new Author
                Id   = 14,
                Name = "三谷宏治",
            context.Authors.Add(new Author
                Id   = 15,
                Name = "铃木敏文",
            context.Authors.Add(new Author
                Id   = 16,
                Name = "帕特里克·塔克尔",
            context.Authors.Add(new Author
                Id   = 17,
                Name = "IT经理世界",
            context.Authors.Add(new Author
                Id   = 18,
                Name = "二混子",
            context.Authors.Add(new Author
                Id   = 19,
                Name = "方兴东、刘伟",
            context.Authors.Add(new Author
                Id   = 20,
                Name = "羿飞",
            context.Authors.Add(new Author
                Id   = 21,
                Name = "汉斯·马格努斯·恩岑斯贝格尔",
            context.Authors.Add(new Author
                Id   = 22,
                Name = "[美] 罗伯特·杰伊·利夫顿",
            context.Authors.Add(new Author
                Id   = 23,
                Name = " [美] 丹尼尔·席尔瓦",
            context.Authors.Add(new Author
                Id   = 24,
                Name = "[英] 肯·福莱特 ",
            context.Authors.Add(new Author
                Id   = 25,
                Name = "[美] 加·泽文 ",
            context.Authors.Add(new Author
                Id   = 26,
                Name = "北京大陆桥文化传媒",
            context.Authors.Add(new Author
                Id   = 27,
                Name = "波利亚",
            context.Authors.Add(new Author
                Id   = 28,
                Name = "[英] 安迪·莱利",
            context.Authors.Add(new Author
                Id   = 29,
                Name = "顾森",
            context.Authors.Add(new Author
                Id   = 30,
                Name = "[韩] 姜锡基",
            context.Authors.Add(new Author
                Id   = 31,
                Name = "[美] 史蒂夫·洛尔",
            context.Authors.Add(new Author
                Id   = 32,
                Name = "[美] Sarah Lacy",
            context.Authors.Add(new Author
                Id   = 33,
                Name = "加斯特",
            context.Authors.Add(new Author
                Id   = 34,
                Name = "陈一佳",
            context.Authors.Add(new Author
                Id   = 35,
                Name = "[英]查尔斯·亚瑟",
            context.Authors.Add(new Author
                Id   = 36,
                Name = "[美] 杰伊•哈曼",
            context.Authors.Add(new Author
                Id   = 37,
                Name = "(比)普里戈金,(法)斯唐热",
            context.Authors.Add(new Author
                Id   = 38,
                Name = "村上春树",
            context.Authors.Add(new Author
                Id   = 39,
                Name = "[美]弗雷德蒙德·马利克",
            context.Authors.Add(new Author
                Id   = 40,
                Name = "梁成",
            context.Authors.Add(new Author
                Id   = 41,
                Name = "稻盛和夫",
            context.Authors.Add(new Author
                Id   = 42,
                Name = "陈杰",
            context.Authors.Add(new Author
                Id   = 43,
                Name = "[美] 唐纳德·基奥 (Donald R.Keough))",
            context.Authors.Add(new Author
                Id   = 44,
                Name = "胜间和代",
            context.Authors.Add(new Author
                Id   = 46,
                Name = "严歌苓",
            context.Authors.Add(new Author
                Id   = 47,
                Name = "周梅森",
            context.Authors.Add(new Author
                Id   = 48,
                Name = "菲茨杰拉德",
            context.Authors.Add(new Author
                Id   = 49,
                Name = "[奥] 斯台芬·茨威格",
            context.Authors.Add(new Author
                Id   = 50,
                Name = "霍达",

            context.Categories.Add(new Category
                Id   = 1,
                Name = "小说",
            context.Categories.Add(new Category
                Id   = 2,
                Name = "历史",
            context.Categories.Add(new Category
                Id   = 3,
                Name = "互联网",
            context.Categories.Add(new Category
                Id   = 4,
                Name = "漫画",
            context.Categories.Add(new Category
                Id   = 5,
                Name = "科技",
            context.Categories.Add(new Category
                Id   = 6,
                Name = "编程",
            context.Categories.Add(new Category
                Id   = 7,
                Name = "商业",
            context.Presses.Add(new Press
                Id   = 1,
                Name = "江苏凤凰文艺出版社",
            context.Presses.Add(new Press
                Id   = 2,
                Name = "南海出版公司",
            context.Presses.Add(new Press
                Id   = 3,
                Name = "人民文学出版社",
            context.Presses.Add(new Press
                Id   = 4,
                Name = "上海人民出版社",
            context.Presses.Add(new Press
                Id   = 5,
                Name = "天津人民出版社",
            context.Presses.Add(new Press
                Id   = 6,
                Name = "上海译文出版社",
            context.Presses.Add(new Press
                Id   = 7,
                Name = "中信出版社",
            context.Presses.Add(new Press
                Id   = 8,
                Name = "北京十月文艺出版社",
            context.Presses.Add(new Press
                Id   = 14,
                Name = "世界图书出版公司",
            context.Presses.Add(new Press
                Id   = 16,
                Name = "游擊文化",
            context.Presses.Add(new Press
                Id   = 11,
                Name = "人民邮电出版社",
            context.Presses.Add(new Press
                Id   = 17,
                Name = "上海科技教育出版社",
            context.Presses.Add(new Press
                Id   = 18,
                Name = "东南大学出版社",

            context.Books.Add(new Book
                Name       = "巨人的陨落",
                PubDate    = Convert.ToDateTime("2016/5/1 "),
                Price      = 89.6f,
                Number     = 10,
                AuthorId   = 2,
                CategoryId = 1,
                PressId    = 1,
            context.Books.Add(new Book
                Name       = "世界的凛冬",
                PubDate    = Convert.ToDateTime("2017/3/1 "),
                Price      = 94.9f,
                Number     = 20,
                AuthorId   = 2,
                CategoryId = 1,
                PressId    = 1,
            context.Books.Add(new Book
                Name       = "无声告白",
                PubDate    = Convert.ToDateTime("2015/7/1 "),
                Price      = 23.9f,
                Number     = 15,
                AuthorId   = 11,
                CategoryId = 1,
                PressId    = 1,
            context.Books.Add(new Book
                Name       = "恋情的终结",
                PubDate    = Convert.ToDateTime("2017/4/15  "),
                Price      = 41.7f,
                Number     = 25,
                AuthorId   = 12,
                CategoryId = 1,
                PressId    = 1,
            context.Books.Add(new Book
                Name       = "掌控力——让所有人对你讲真话",
                PubDate    = Convert.ToDateTime("2017/2/1 "),
                Price      = 24.1f,
                Number     = 10,
                AuthorId   = 13,
                CategoryId = 7,
                PressId    = 1,
            context.Books.Add(new Book
                Name       = "经营战略全史",
                PubDate    = Convert.ToDateTime("2016/1/1"),
                Price      = 28.7f,
                Number     = 50,
                AuthorId   = 14,
                CategoryId = 7,
                PressId    = 1,
            context.Books.Add(new Book
                Name       = "房思琪的初戀樂園",
                PubDate    = Convert.ToDateTime("2017-2-7"),
                Price      = 86,
                Number     = 100,
                AuthorId   = 1,
                CategoryId = 1,
                PressId    = 16,
            context.Books.Add(new Book
                Name       = "零售心理战",
                PubDate    = Convert.ToDateTime("2015-6-1"),
                Price      = 39,
                Number     = 78,
                AuthorId   = 15,
                CategoryId = 7,
                PressId    = 1,
            context.Books.Add(new Book
                Name       = "商业模式全史",
                PubDate    = Convert.ToDateTime("2016-1-1"),
                Price      = 28.6f,
                Number     = 65,
                AuthorId   = 14,
                CategoryId = 7,
                PressId    = 1,
            context.Books.Add(new Book
                Name       = "赤裸裸的未来",
                PubDate    = Convert.ToDateTime("2014-10-1"),
                Price      = 35.4f,
                Number     = 36,
                AuthorId   = 16,
                CategoryId = 5,
                PressId    = 1,
            context.Books.Add(new Book
                Name       = "大产品—— 超级世界市场:窃意、创意与生意",
                PubDate    = Convert.ToDateTime("2014-11-1"),
                Price      = 26.2f,
                Number     = 55,
                AuthorId   = 17,
                CategoryId = 5,
                PressId    = 1,
            context.Books.Add(new Book
                Name       = "半小时漫画中国史",
                PubDate    = Convert.ToDateTime("2017-4-10"),
                Price      = 25.6f,
                Number     = 45,
                AuthorId   = 18,
                CategoryId = 4,
                PressId    = 1,
            context.Books.Add(new Book
                Name       = "阿里巴巴正传:我们与马云的“一步之遥",
                PubDate    = Convert.ToDateTime("2015-1-10"),
                Price      = 31.7f,
                Number     = 65,
                AuthorId   = 19,
                CategoryId = 3,
                PressId    = 1,
            context.Books.Add(new Book
                Name       = "我的钱:互联网金融,如何理财?",
                PubDate    = Convert.ToDateTime("2015-1-9"),
                Price      = 58,
                Number     = 75,
                AuthorId   = 20,
                CategoryId = 3,
                PressId    = 1,
            context.Books.Add(new Book
                Name       = "动荡",
                PubDate    = Convert.ToDateTime("2016-12-9"),
                Price      = 58,
                Number     = 75,
                AuthorId   = 21,
                CategoryId = 2,
                PressId    = 1,
            context.Books.Add(new Book
                Name       = "纳粹医生",
                PubDate    = Convert.ToDateTime("2016-10-15"),
                Price      = 77.5f,
                Number     = 56,
                AuthorId   = 22,
                CategoryId = 2,
                PressId    = 1,
            context.Books.Add(new Book
                Name       = "暗杀大师:寻找伦勃朗",
                PubDate    = Convert.ToDateTime("2016-7-29 "),
                Price      = 30.2f,
                Number     = 45,
                AuthorId   = 23,
                CategoryId = 1,
                PressId    = 1,
            context.Books.Add(new Book
                Name       = "永恒的边缘",
                PubDate    = Convert.ToDateTime("2017-5-7 "),
                Price      = 79,
                Number     = 80,
                AuthorId   = 24,
                CategoryId = 2,
                PressId    = 1,
            context.Books.Add(new Book
                Name       = "玛格丽特小镇",
                PubDate    = Convert.ToDateTime("2016-6-1"),
                Price      = 24.9f,
                Number     = 51,
                AuthorId   = 25,
                CategoryId = 1,
                PressId    = 1,
            context.Books.Add(new Book
                Name       = "解忧杂货店",
                PubDate    = Convert.ToDateTime("2014/5/15  "),
                Price      = 29.4f,
                Number     = 128,
                AuthorId   = 3,
                CategoryId = 1,
                PressId    = 2,
            context.Books.Add(new Book
                Name       = "白夜行",
                PubDate    = Convert.ToDateTime("2008-9-15 "),
                Price      = 29.4f,
                Number     = 160,
                AuthorId   = 3,
                CategoryId = 1,
                PressId    = 2,
            context.Books.Add(new Book
                Name       = "嫌疑人X的献身",
                PubDate    = Convert.ToDateTime("2008/9/1"),
                Price      = 26,
                Number     = 240,
                AuthorId   = 3,
                CategoryId = 1,
                PressId    = 2,
            context.Books.Add(new Book
                Name       = "新名字的故事",
                PubDate    = Convert.ToDateTime("2017-4-7"),
                Price      = 36,
                Number     = 150,
                AuthorId   = 4,
                CategoryId = 1,
                PressId    = 3,
            context.Books.Add(new Book
                Name       = "我的天才女友",
                PubDate    = Convert.ToDateTime("2017-1-14"),
                Price      = 32.3f,
                Number     = 178,
                AuthorId   = 4,
                CategoryId = 1,
                PressId    = 3,
            context.Books.Add(new Book
                Name       = "霍乱时期的爱情",
                PubDate    = Convert.ToDateTime("2012-9-1"),
                Price      = 45,
                Number     = 165,
                AuthorId   = 5,
                CategoryId = 1,
                PressId    = 2,
            context.Books.Add(new Book
                Name       = "百年孤独",
                PubDate    = Convert.ToDateTime("2011-6-18"),
                Price      = 29.4f,
                Number     = 326,
                AuthorId   = 5,
                CategoryId = 1,
                PressId    = 2,
            context.Books.Add(new Book
                Name       = "族长的秋天",
                PubDate    = Convert.ToDateTime("2014-6-13"),
                Price      = 29.6f,
                Number     = 153,
                AuthorId   = 5,
                CategoryId = 1,
                PressId    = 2,
            context.Books.Add(new Book
                Name       = "梦中的欢快葬礼和十二个异乡故事",
                PubDate    = Convert.ToDateTime("2015-5-1"),
                Price      = 26,
                Number     = 415,
                AuthorId   = 5,
                CategoryId = 1,
                PressId    = 2,
            context.Books.Add(new Book
                Name       = "一个遇难者的故事",
                PubDate    = Convert.ToDateTime("1995-7-3"),
                Price      = 85,
                Number     = 265,
                AuthorId   = 5,
                CategoryId = 1,
                PressId    = 2,
            context.Books.Add(new Book
                Name       = "迷宫中的将军",
                PubDate    = Convert.ToDateTime("2014-11-9"),
                Price      = 29.6f,
                Number     = 147,
                AuthorId   = 5,
                CategoryId = 1,
                PressId    = 2,
            context.Books.Add(new Book
                Name       = "世上最美的溺水者",
                PubDate    = Convert.ToDateTime("2015-11-1"),
                Price      = 58,
                Number     = 75,
                AuthorId   = 5,
                CategoryId = 1,
                PressId    = 2,
            context.Books.Add(new Book
                Name       = "没有人给他写信的上校",
                PubDate    = Convert.ToDateTime("2013-5-15"),
                Price      = 14.5f,
                Number     = 274,
                AuthorId   = 5,
                CategoryId = 1,
                PressId    = 2,
            context.Books.Add(new Book
                Name       = "一桩事先张扬的凶杀案",
                PubDate    = Convert.ToDateTime("2013-6-9"),
                Price      = 18.6f,
                Number     = 455,
                AuthorId   = 5,
                CategoryId = 1,
                PressId    = 2,
            context.Books.Add(new Book
                Name       = "爱情和其他魔鬼",
                PubDate    = Convert.ToDateTime("2016-1-23"),
                Price      = 26,
                Number     = 358,
                AuthorId   = 5,
                CategoryId = 1,
                PressId    = 2,
            context.Books.Add(new Book
                Name       = "许三观卖血记",
                PubDate    = Convert.ToDateTime("1998-9-11"),
                Price      = 17.9f,
                Number     = 556,
                AuthorId   = 6,
                CategoryId = 1,
                PressId    = 2,
            context.Books.Add(new Book
                Name       = "活着",
                PubDate    = Convert.ToDateTime("1998-5-20 "),
                Price      = 13.6f,
                Number     = 600,
                AuthorId   = 6,
                CategoryId = 1,
                PressId    = 2,
            context.Books.Add(new Book
                Name       = "兄弟(上)",
                PubDate    = Convert.ToDateTime("2005-8-17 "),
                Price      = 29.3f,
                Number     = 600,
                AuthorId   = 6,
                CategoryId = 1,
                PressId    = 2,
            context.Books.Add(new Book
                Name       = "在细雨中呼喊",
                PubDate    = Convert.ToDateTime("1999-1-12"),
                Price      = 18.6f,
                Number     = 401,
                AuthorId   = 6,
                CategoryId = 1,
                PressId    = 2,
            context.Books.Add(new Book
                Name       = "数据之巅",
                PubDate    = Convert.ToDateTime("2014-5-1"),
                Price      = 48.4f,
                Number     = 308,
                AuthorId   = 10,
                CategoryId = 3,
                PressId    = 7,
            context.Books.Add(new Book
                Name       = "罪证现场",
                PubDate    = Convert.ToDateTime("2006-1-18 "),
                Price      = 10,
                Number     = 100,
                AuthorId   = 3,
                CategoryId = 5,
                PressId    = 2,
            context.Books.Add(new Book
                Name       = "怎样解题",
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                Name       = "了不起的盖茨比",
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                Name       = "一个陌生女人的来信",
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                Name       = "穆斯林的葬礼",
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