private async Task ReturnError(HttpContextBase context, SecurityResult error) { LogError(context, error); context.Response.Headers.Set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=UTF-8"); context.Response.StatusCode = (int)error.Code; await context.Response.Output.WriteAsync(_base.Serialize(error)).ConfigureAwait(false); }
//Método utilizado en Web para añadir los errores producidos al modelo private void AddErrors(SecurityResult result) { foreach (var error in result.Errors) { ModelState.AddModelError("", error); } }
public async Task <SecurityResult> RegisterAsync(string userName, string email, string password) { var securityResult = new SecurityResult(); var user = new User { UserName = userName, Email = email, IsApproved = false }; var createUserResult = await _userManager.CreateAsync(user, password); if (!createUserResult.Succeeded) { securityResult.AddErrorMessages(createUserResult.Errors.Select(e => e.Description)); return(securityResult); } var claims = new[] { new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, user.UserName), new Claim(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier, user.Id) }; var addClaimsResult = await _userManager.AddClaimsAsync(user, claims); if (!addClaimsResult.Succeeded) { securityResult.AddErrorMessages(addClaimsResult.Errors.Select(e => e.Description)); } return(securityResult); }
public static string SecurityResultToString(SecurityResult status) { switch (status) { case SecurityResult.Success: //System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("de-DE"); Localization.Culture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("de-DE"); return Localization.Success; //return "No error."; case SecurityResult.Unimplemented: return "Function or operation not implemented."; case SecurityResult.Parameter: return "One or more parameters passed to a function where not valid."; case SecurityResult.Allocate: return "Failed to allocate memory."; case SecurityResult.Deprecated: return "Deprecated password encryption error found."; case SecurityResult.NotAvailable: return "No keychain is available. You may need to restart your computer."; case SecurityResult.DuplicateItem: return "The specified item already exists in the keychain."; case SecurityResult.ItemNotFound: return "The specified item could not be found in the keychain."; case SecurityResult.InteractionNotAllowed: return "User interaction is not allowed."; case SecurityResult.Decode: return "Unable to decode the provided data."; default: return "Unknown security result error."; } }
public async Task <SecurityResult <TokenBatch> > LoginAsync(string userName, string password) { var result = new SecurityResult <TokenBatch>(); var user = await _userManager.FindByNameAsync(userName); if (user == null) { result.AddErrorMessage($"{userName} does not exists."); return(result); } var verified = _userManager.PasswordHasher.VerifyHashedPassword(user, user.PasswordHash, password); if (verified == PasswordVerificationResult.Failed) { result.AddErrorMessage("Invalid password."); return(result); } var usersClaims = await _userManager.GetClaimsAsync(user); var accessToken = _tokenService.GenerateAccessToken(usersClaims); result.Data = new TokenBatch { AccessToken = accessToken }; return(result); }
private SecurityResult ValidateUser(ApplicationUser dbUser) { SecurityResult result; if (dbUser == null) { result = new SecurityResult { Errors = new[] { "User not found." } }; } else { if (!IsEditableUser(dbUser.UserName)) { result = new SecurityResult { Errors = new[] { "It is forbidden to edit this user." } }; } else { result = new SecurityResult { Succeeded = true }; } } return(result); }
public SingleResultDto(SecurityResult erroSecurity) { Codigo = erroSecurity.Code; Sucesso = false; Mensagem = erroSecurity.ErrorMessage; Data = null; }
public async Task <IHttpActionResult> RequestPasswordReset(string loginOrEmail) { var retVal = new SecurityResult { // Return success by default for security reason Succeeded = true }; try { var user = await _securityService.FindByNameAsync(loginOrEmail, UserDetails.Full) ?? await _securityService.FindByEmailAsync(loginOrEmail, UserDetails.Full); // Do not permit rejected users and customers if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(user?.Email) || user.UserState == AccountState.Rejected || user.UserType.EqualsInvariant(AccountType.Customer.ToString())) { if (ConfigurationHelper.GetAppSettingsValue("VirtoCommerce:ForgotPassword:RevealAccountState", false)) { retVal.Errors = new[] { "User with this name or email does not exist" }; retVal.Succeeded = false; } } else { EnsureUserIsEditable(user.UserName); var uri = Request.RequestUri.AbsoluteUri; uri = uri.Substring(0, uri.IndexOf("/api/platform/security/", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); var token = await _securityService.GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync(user.Id); var sender = ConfigurationHelper.GetAppSettingsValue("VirtoCommerce:Notifications:Sender:Email") ?? "noreply@" + Request.RequestUri.Host; var notification = _notificationManager.GetNewNotification <ResetPasswordEmailNotification>("Platform", typeof(ResetPasswordEmailNotification).Name, "en-US"); notification.Url = $"{uri}/#/resetpassword/{user.Id}/{token}"; notification.Recipient = user.Email; notification.Sender = sender; try { _notificationManager.ScheduleSendNotification(notification); } catch (Exception ex) { // Display errors only when sending notifications fails retVal.Errors = new[] { ex.Message }; retVal.Succeeded = false; } } } catch { // No details for security reasons } return(Ok(retVal)); }
public async Task <SecurityResult> UpdateAsync(ApplicationUserExtended user) { SecurityResult result; if (user == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("user"); } NormalizeUser(user); //Update ASP.NET indentity user using (var userManager = _userManagerFactory()) { var dbUser = await userManager.FindByIdAsync(user.Id); result = ValidateUser(dbUser); if (result.Succeeded) { //Update ASP.NET indentity user user.Patch(dbUser); var identityResult = await userManager.UpdateAsync(dbUser); result = identityResult.ToCoreModel(); } } if (result.Succeeded) { //Update platform security user using (var repository = _platformRepository()) { var targetDbAcount = repository.GetAccountByName(user.UserName, UserDetails.Full); if (targetDbAcount == null) { result = new SecurityResult { Errors = new[] { "Account not found." } }; } else { var changedDbAccount = user.ToDataModel(); using (var changeTracker = GetChangeTracker(repository)) { changeTracker.Attach(targetDbAcount); changedDbAccount.Patch(targetDbAcount); repository.UnitOfWork.Commit(); //clear cache _cacheManager.ClearRegion(GetUserCacheRegion(changedDbAccount.Id)); } } } } return(result); }
public Task Authorize(GetUserProfileQuery request, IUserContext userContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { if (userContext.IsAuthenticated) { return(SecurityResult.Ok()); } return(SecurityResult.AnonymousUser(request)); }
private void LogError(HttpContextBase context, SecurityResult error) { _logger?.LogError("Actuator Security Error: {ErrorCode} - {ErrorMessage}", error.Code, error.Message); if (_logger?.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Trace) == true) { foreach (var header in context.Request.Headers.AllKeys) { _logger?.LogTrace("Header: {HeaderKey} - {HeaderValue}", header, context.Request.Headers[header]); } } }
public static int DeleteCustomerService(int serviceId) { SecurityResult result = StorehouseController.CheckAccountNotDemoAndActive(); // if (!result.Success) { return(result.ResultCode); } // return(EcommerceProvider.DeleteCustomerService(ES.SecurityContext.User.UserId, serviceId)); }
public static SecurityResult ToCoreModel(this IdentityResult dataModel) { var result = new SecurityResult(); result = Mapper.Map <IdentityResult, SecurityResult>(dataModel); if (dataModel.Errors != null) { result.Errors = dataModel.Errors.Select(x => x.Description).ToArray(); } return(result); }
public static int SetPluginProperties(int userId, int pluginId, KeyValueBunch props) { string xmlText = String.Empty; string[][] pluginProps = null; SecurityResult result = StorehouseController.CheckAccountNotDemoAndActive(); // if (!result.Success) { return(result.ResultCode); } if (props != null) { // create system plugin SystemPluginBase pluginObj = GetSystemPluginInstance(userId, pluginId, false); // crypt sensitive data foreach (string keyName in props.GetAllKeys()) { // string keyValue = props[keyName]; // if (pluginObj.SecureSettings != null) { int indexOf = Array.IndexOf(pluginObj.SecureSettings, keyName); // crypt sensitive data if (indexOf > -1) { keyValue = CryptoUtils.Encrypt(keyValue); } } // props[keyName] = keyValue; } // load old properties KeyValueBunch oldProps = GetPluginPropertiesInternal(userId, pluginId, false, pluginObj.SecureSettings); // merge old props with new props foreach (string keyName in props.GetAllKeys()) { // copy oldProps[keyName] = props[keyName]; } // pluginProps = oldProps.KeyValueArray; } // build update xml xmlText = SettingsHelper.ConvertObjectSettings(pluginProps, "properties", "property"); // return(EcommerceProvider.SetPluginProperties(SecurityContext.User.UserId, userId, pluginId, xmlText)); }
public static SecurityResult ToCoreModel(this IdentityResult dataModel) { var result = new SecurityResult(); result.InjectFrom(dataModel); if (dataModel.Errors != null) { result.Errors = dataModel.Errors.ToArray(); } return(result); }
public static int VoidCustomerInvoice(int invoiceId) { SecurityResult result = StorehouseController.CheckAccountIsAdminOrReseller(); if (!result.Success) { return(result.ResultCode); } // void EcommerceProvider.VoidCustomerInvoice(ES.SecurityContext.User.UserId, invoiceId); // return(0); }
public async Task <IHttpActionResult> RequestPasswordReset(string loginOrEmail) { var retVal = new SecurityResult { //Return success by default for security reason Succeeded = true }; try { var user = await _securityService.FindByNameAsync(loginOrEmail, UserDetails.Full); if (user == null) { user = await _securityService.FindByEmailAsync(loginOrEmail, UserDetails.Full); } //Do not permit rejected users and customers if (user.Email != null && user != null && user.UserState != AccountState.Rejected && !string.Equals(user.UserType, AccountType.Customer.ToString(), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { EnsureThatUsersEditable(user.UserName); var uri = Request.RequestUri.AbsoluteUri; uri = uri.Substring(0, uri.IndexOf("/api/platform/security/")); var token = await _securityService.GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync(user.Id); var notification = _notificationManager.GetNewNotification <ResetPasswordEmailNotification>("Platform", typeof(ResetPasswordEmailNotification).Name, "en"); notification.Url = $"{uri}/#/resetpassword/{user.Id}/{token}"; notification.Recipient = user.Email; notification.Sender = "noreply@" + Request.RequestUri.Host; try { var result = _notificationManager.SendNotification(notification); retVal.Succeeded = result.IsSuccess; if (!retVal.Succeeded) { retVal.Errors = new string[] { result.ErrorMessage }; } } catch (Exception ex) { //Display errors only when sending notifications fail retVal.Errors = new string[] { ex.Message }; retVal.Succeeded = false; } } } catch { } // no details in here for security reasons return(Ok(retVal)); }
private SecurityResult ValidateUser(ApplicationUser dbUser) { var result = new SecurityResult { Succeeded = true }; if (dbUser == null) { result = new SecurityResult { Errors = new[] { "User not found." } }; } return(result); }
public bool CheckOperationClientPermissions(GenericSvcResult result) { // 1. Do security checks SecurityResult secResult = StorehouseController.CheckAccountIsAdminOrReseller(); // ERROR if (!secResult.Success) { result.Succeed = false; result.ResultCode = secResult.ResultCode; // return(false); } // return(true); }
public bool CheckOperationClientStatus(GenericSvcResult result) { // 2. Check account status SecurityResult secResult = StorehouseController.CheckAccountNotDemoAndActive(); // ERROR if (!secResult.Success) { result.Succeed = false; result.ResultCode = secResult.ResultCode; // return(false); } // return(true); }
public static int DeleteCategory(int userId, int categoryId) { SecurityResult result = StorehouseController.CheckAccountNotDemoAndActive(); // if (!result.Success) { return(result.ResultCode); } return(EcommerceProvider.DeleteCategory( ES.SecurityContext.User.UserId, userId, categoryId )); }
private IHttpActionResult ProcessSecurityResult(SecurityResult result) { if (result == null) { return(BadRequest()); } else { if (!result.Succeeded) { return(BadRequest(result.Errors != null ? string.Join(" ", result.Errors) : "Unknown error.")); } else { return(Ok()); } } }
private void BtnSignIn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (FormIsValid()) { SecurityResult result = Authentication.Authenticate(tbxUsername.Text.Trim(), tbxPassword.Text.Trim()); if (result.IsAuthenticated) { GetCurrentSysUser.SetCurrentUserByFiscalUserName(tbxUsername.Text.Trim()); UserService.UserLogined(GetCurrentSysUser.Instance.UserID); UserPersonalizationOperaion.SetUserPersonalization(); this.Hide(); #region جزيره اي //if (ResultOveral.Any(a => == 267 && a.value == 0)) //{ //var hub = new Hub(tbxUsername.Text.Trim()); //hub.Show(); //} #endregion #region تب بار //else if (ResultOveral.Any(a => == 267 && a.value == 1)) //{ var HubTabBar = new TabBarMenu(tbxUsername.Text.Trim()); HubTabBar.Show(); //} #endregion } else { lblMessage.Text = Atiran.UI.WindowsForms.ResourceManager.GetResourceManager().GetString(result.Exceptions[0].ErrorCode); lblMessage.Visible = true; lblMessage.ForeColor = Color.Red; } } } catch (Exception ex) { UI.WindowsForms.MessageBoxes.CustomMessageForm.CustomMessageBox.Show("", ex.Message, "e"); } }
public static int AddCategory(int userId, string categoryName, string categorySku, int parentId, string shortDescription, string fullDescription) { SecurityResult result = StorehouseController.CheckAccountNotDemoAndActive(); // if (!result.Success) { return(result.ResultCode); } // return(EcommerceProvider.AddCategory( ES.SecurityContext.User.UserId, userId, categoryName, categorySku, parentId, shortDescription, fullDescription )); }
private IHttpActionResult ProcessSecurityResult(SecurityResult securityResult) { IHttpActionResult result; if (securityResult == null) { result = BadRequest(); } else { if (!securityResult.Succeeded) { result = BadRequest(securityResult.Errors != null ? string.Join(" ", securityResult.Errors) : "Unknown error."); } else { result = Ok(securityResult); } } return(result); }
public virtual async Task <SecurityResult> UpdateAsync(ApplicationUserExtended user) { SecurityResult result; if (user == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("user"); } NormalizeUser(user); //Update ASP.NET indentity user var userName = string.Empty; using (var userManager = _userManagerFactory()) { var dbUser = await userManager.FindByIdAsync(user.Id); result = ValidateUser(dbUser); if (result.Succeeded) { userName = dbUser.UserName; //Update ASP.NET indentity user user.Patch(dbUser); var identityResult = await userManager.UpdateAsync(dbUser); result = identityResult.ToCoreModel(); //clear cache ResetCache(user.Id, userName); } } if (result.Succeeded) { //Update platform security user using (var repository = _platformRepository()) { var targetDbAcount = repository.GetAccountByName(userName, UserDetails.Full); if (targetDbAcount == null) { result = new SecurityResult { Errors = new[] { "Account not found." } }; } else { var changedDbAccount = user.ToDataModel(); using (var changeTracker = GetChangeTracker(repository)) { //Detect account changes before patch var changes = DetectAccountChanges(changedDbAccount, targetDbAcount); changeTracker.Attach(targetDbAcount); changedDbAccount.Patch(targetDbAcount); repository.UnitOfWork.Commit(); foreach (var key in changes.Keys) { SaveOperationLog(user.Id, string.Format(key, string.Join(", ", changes[key].ToArray())), EntryState.Modified); } } } } } return(result); }
public async Task <SecurityResult> UpdateAsync(ApplicationUserExtended user) { SecurityResult result = null; if (user != null) { var dbUser = await _userManager.FindByIdAsync(user.Id); result = ValidateUser(dbUser); if (result.Succeeded) { dbUser.InjectFrom(user); if (user.Logins != null) { foreach (var login in user.Logins) { var userLogin = dbUser.Logins.FirstOrDefault(l => l.LoginProvider == login.LoginProvider); if (userLogin != null) { userLogin.ProviderKey = login.ProviderKey; } else { dbUser.Logins.Add(new IdentityUserLogin { LoginProvider = login.LoginProvider, ProviderKey = login.ProviderKey, UserId = dbUser.Id }); } } } var identityResult = await _userManager.UpdateAsync(dbUser); result = identityResult.ToCoreModel(); if (result.Succeeded) { using (var repository = _platformRepository()) { var acount = repository.GetAccountByName(user.UserName, UserDetails.Full); if (acount == null) { result = new SecurityResult { Errors = new[] { "Acount not found." } }; } else { acount.RegisterType = (RegisterType)user.UserType; acount.AccountState = (AccountState)user.UserState; acount.MemberId = user.MemberId; acount.StoreId = user.StoreId; if (user.ApiAcounts != null) { var sourceCollection = new ObservableCollection <ApiAccountEntity>(user.ApiAcounts.Select(x => x.ToEntity())); var comparer = AnonymousComparer.Create((ApiAccountEntity x) => x.Id); acount.ApiAccounts.ObserveCollection(x => repository.Add(x), x => repository.Remove(x)); sourceCollection.Patch(acount.ApiAccounts, comparer, (sourceItem, targetItem) => sourceItem.Patch(targetItem)); } if (user.Roles != null) { var sourceCollection = new ObservableCollection <RoleAssignmentEntity>(user.Roles.Select(r => new RoleAssignmentEntity { RoleId = r.Id })); var comparer = AnonymousComparer.Create((RoleAssignmentEntity x) => x.RoleId); acount.RoleAssignments.ObserveCollection(x => repository.Add(x), ra => repository.Remove(ra)); sourceCollection.Patch(acount.RoleAssignments, comparer, (sourceItem, targetItem) => sourceItem.Patch(targetItem)); } repository.UnitOfWork.Commit(); } } } } } return(result); }
private static void validateResult(SecurityResult status) { if (status == SecurityResult.Success) return; throw new InvalidOperationException( String.Format("Security result error ({0}): {1}", status, SecurityItem.SecurityResultToString(status))); }
private static string internalGetPassword(string userName, string serviceName, out SecurityResult status) { // Set up a query dictionary with the base query attributes: // item type (generic), username, and service NSObject[] keys = new NSObject[] { SecurityItem.kSecClass, SecurityItem.kSecAttrAccount, SecurityItem.kSecAttrService, SecurityItem.kSecReturnAttributes, }; NSObject[] objects = new NSObject[] { SecurityItem.kSecClassGenericPassword, new NSString(userName), new NSString(serviceName), NSNumber.FromBoolean(true) }; // First do a query for attributes, in case we already have a Keychain item // with no password data set. One likely way such an incorrect item could have come about // is due to the previous (incorrect) version of this code (which set the password // as a generic attribute instead of password data). NSDictionary dict = NSDictionary.FromObjectsAndKeys(objects, keys); keys[3] = SecurityItem.kSecReturnData; NSDictionary passQuery = NSDictionary.FromObjectsAndKeys(objects, keys); NSDictionary attributeResult = null; status = SecurityItem.CopyMatching(dict, ref attributeResult); dict.Dispose(); if (status != SecurityResult.Success) { // No existing item found--simply return nil for the password if (status == SecurityResult.ItemNotFound) status = SecurityResult.Success; return null; } // We have an existing item, now query for the password data associated with it. NSData resultData = null; status = SecurityItem.CopyMatching(passQuery, ref resultData); passQuery.Dispose(); if (status != SecurityResult.Success) { if (status == SecurityResult.ItemNotFound) { // We found attributes for the item previously, but no password now, so return a special error. // Users of this API will probably want to detect this error and prompt the user to // re-enter their credentials. When you attempt to store the re-entered credentials // using storeUsername:andPassword:forServiceName:updateExisting:error // the old, incorrect entry will be deleted and a new one with a properly encrypted // password will be added. status = SecurityResult.Deprecated; } else { // Something else went wrong. Simply keep the normal Keychain API error code. } return null; } if (resultData != null) { return NSString.FromData(resultData, NSStringEncoding.UTF8); } // There is an existing item, but we weren't able to get password data // for it for some reason, Possibly as a result of an item being incorrectly // entered by the previous code. Set the -1999 error so the code above us // can prompt the user again. status = SecurityResult.Deprecated; return null; }
private static string GetErrorMessage(SecurityResult result) { return(string.Join(",", result.Errors)); }
public virtual async Task <SecurityResult> UpdateAsync(ApplicationUserExtended user) { SecurityResult result; if (user == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("user"); } NormalizeUser(user); //Update ASP.NET indentity user var userName = string.Empty; ApplicationUser dbUser = null; using (var userManager = _userManagerFactory()) { dbUser = await userManager.FindByIdAsync(user.Id); result = ValidateUser(dbUser); if (result.Succeeded) { userName = dbUser.UserName; //Update ASP.NET indentity user user.Patch(dbUser); var identityResult = await userManager.UpdateAsync(dbUser); result = identityResult.ToCoreModel(); //clear cache ResetCache(user.Id, userName); } } if (result.Succeeded) { //Update platform security user using (var repository = _platformRepository()) { var targetDbAcount = repository.GetAccountByName(userName, UserDetails.Full); if (targetDbAcount == null) { result = new SecurityResult { Errors = new[] { "Account not found." } }; } else { var changedDbAccount = user.ToDataModel(); using (var changeTracker = GetChangeTracker(repository)) { var userChangedEntry = new ChangedEntry <ApplicationUserExtended>(user, dbUser.ToCoreModel(targetDbAcount, _permissionScopeService), EntryState.Modified); changeTracker.Attach(targetDbAcount); changedDbAccount.Patch(targetDbAcount); await _eventPublisher.Publish(new UserChangingEvent(userChangedEntry)); repository.UnitOfWork.Commit(); await _eventPublisher.Publish(new UserChangedEvent(userChangedEntry)); } } } } return(result); }
/// <exclude /> public static FlowToken Execute(EntityToken entityToken, ActionToken actionToken, FlowControllerServicesContainer flowControllerServicesContainer, TaskManagerEvent taskManagerEvent) { if (entityToken == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("entityToken"); } if (actionToken == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("actionToken"); } string username = UserValidationFacade.GetUsername(); #if NO_SECURITY #else HookingFacade.EnsureInitialization(); IEnumerable <UserPermissionDefinition> userPermissionDefinitions = PermissionTypeFacade.GetUserPermissionDefinitions(username); IEnumerable <UserGroupPermissionDefinition> userGroupPermissionDefinitions = PermissionTypeFacade.GetUserGroupPermissionDefinitions(username); SecurityResult securityResult = SecurityResolver.Resolve(UserValidationFacade.GetUserToken(), actionToken, entityToken, userPermissionDefinitions, userGroupPermissionDefinitions); if (securityResult != SecurityResult.Allowed && !(entityToken is SecurityViolationWorkflowEntityToken)) { return(ExecuteSecurityViolation(actionToken, entityToken, flowControllerServicesContainer)); } #endif bool ignoreLocking = actionToken.IsIgnoreEntityTokenLocking(); if (!ignoreLocking && ActionLockingFacade.IsLocked(entityToken)) { return(ExecuteEntityTokenLocked(actionToken, entityToken, flowControllerServicesContainer)); } IActionExecutor actionExecutor = ActionExecutorCache.GetActionExecutor(actionToken); ActionEventSystemFacade.FireOnBeforeActionExecution(entityToken, actionToken); FlowToken flowToken; using (TaskContainer taskContainer = TaskManagerFacade.CreateNewTasks(entityToken, actionToken, taskManagerEvent)) { ITaskManagerFlowControllerService taskManagerService = null; if (flowControllerServicesContainer.GetService(typeof(ITaskManagerFlowControllerService)) == null) { taskManagerService = new TaskManagerFlowControllerService(taskContainer); flowControllerServicesContainer.AddService(taskManagerService); } try { if (actionExecutor is IActionExecutorSerializedParameters) { string serializedEntityToken = EntityTokenSerializer.Serialize(entityToken); string serializedActionToken = ActionTokenSerializer.Serialize(actionToken); flowToken = Execute(actionExecutor as IActionExecutorSerializedParameters, serializedEntityToken, serializedActionToken, actionToken, flowControllerServicesContainer); } else { flowToken = Execute(actionExecutor, entityToken, actionToken, flowControllerServicesContainer); } } finally { if (taskManagerService != null) { flowControllerServicesContainer.RemoveService(taskManagerService); } } taskContainer.SetOnIdleTaskManagerEvent(new FlowTaskManagerEvent(flowToken)); taskContainer.UpdateTasksWithFlowToken(flowToken); taskContainer.SaveTasks(); } ActionEventSystemFacade.FireOnAfterActionExecution(entityToken, actionToken, flowToken); IManagementConsoleMessageService managementConsoleMessageService = flowControllerServicesContainer .GetService <IManagementConsoleMessageService>(); if (managementConsoleMessageService != null) { FlowControllerFacade.RegisterNewFlowInformation(flowToken, entityToken, actionToken, managementConsoleMessageService.CurrentConsoleId); } else { Log.LogWarning(nameof(ActionExecutorFacade), "Missing ManagementConsoleMessageService, can not register the flow"); } return(flowToken); }
public static OrderResult SubmitCustomerOrder(string contractId, OrderItem[] orderItems, KeyValueBunch extraArgs) { // Contract contract = ContractSystem.ContractController.GetContract(contractId); // Impersonate ContractSystem.ContractController.ImpersonateAsContractReseller(contract); // OrderResult oResult = new OrderResult(); // check account SecurityResult sResult = StorehouseController.CheckAccountActive(); // if (!sResult.Success) { // oResult.Succeed = false; // oResult.ResultCode = sResult.ResultCode; // return(oResult); } // check order items not empty if (orderItems == null || orderItems.Length == 0) { // oResult.Succeed = false; // oResult.ResultCode = EMPTY_ORDER_ITEMS_CODE; // return(oResult); } // ES.TaskManager.StartTask("Storefront", "SUBMIT_CUSTOMER_ORDER"); // try { string currency = StorehouseController.GetBaseCurrency(contract.ResellerId); // ordered services List <int> orderedSvcs = new List <int>(); // build services to be ordered for (int i = 0; i < orderItems.Length; i++) { // OrderItem orderItem = orderItems[i]; // int orderedSvcId = 0; // orderItem.ParentSvcId = (orderItem.ParentIndex > -1) ? orderedSvcs[orderItem.ParentIndex] : orderItem.ParentSvcId; // load svc type ProductType svcType = StorehouseController.GetProductType(orderItem.TypeId); // IServiceProvisioning controller = (IServiceProvisioning)Activator.CreateInstance( Type.GetType(svcType.ProvisioningController)); // add service orderedSvcId = controller.AddServiceInfo(contractId, currency, orderItem); // check service controller result if (orderedSvcId < 1) { // ROLLBACK HERE StorehouseController.BulkServiceDelete(contractId, orderedSvcs.ToArray()); oResult.Succeed = false; oResult.ResultCode = orderedSvcId; return(oResult); // EXIT } // orderedSvcs.Add(orderedSvcId); } // build invoice lines List <InvoiceItem> invoiceLines = InvoiceController.CalculateInvoiceLinesForServices(orderedSvcs); // int resultCode = InvoiceController.AddInvoice(contractId, invoiceLines, extraArgs); // ERROR if (resultCode < 1) { // ROLLBACK HERE StorehouseController.BulkServiceDelete(contractId, orderedSvcs.ToArray()); oResult.Succeed = false; oResult.ResultCode = resultCode; return(oResult); } // oResult.OrderInvoice = resultCode; // oResult.Succeed = true; } catch (Exception ex) { // oResult.ResultCode = -1; // oResult.Succeed = false; // ES.TaskManager.WriteError(ex); } finally { // ES.TaskManager.CompleteTask(); } // return(oResult); }