//SecurityGroupType Object Scope Validation check the entire object for validity... private byte SecurityGroupTypeIsValid(SecurityGroupType item, out string errorMessage) { //validate key errorMessage = ""; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.SecurityGroupTypeID)) { errorMessage = "ID Is Required."; return(1); } EntityStates entityState = GetSecurityGroupTypeState(item); if (entityState == EntityStates.Added && SecurityGroupTypeExists(item.SecurityGroupTypeID, ClientSessionSingleton.Instance.CompanyID)) { errorMessage = "Item All Ready Exists."; return(1); } //check cached list for duplicates... int count = SecurityGroupTypeList.Count(q => q.SecurityGroupTypeID == item.SecurityGroupTypeID); if (count > 1) { errorMessage = "Item All Ready Exists."; return(1); } //validate Description if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Description)) { errorMessage = "Description Is Required."; return(1); } //a value of 2 is pending changes... //On Commit we will give it a value of 0... return(2); }
private void ChangeKeyLogic() { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SelectedSecurityGroupType.SecurityGroupTypeID)) {//check to see if key is part of the current companylist... SecurityGroupType query = SecurityGroupTypeList.Where(company => company.SecurityGroupTypeID == SelectedSecurityGroupType.SecurityGroupTypeID && company.AutoID != SelectedSecurityGroupType.AutoID).FirstOrDefault(); if (query != null) {//revert it back... SelectedSecurityGroupType.SecurityGroupTypeID = SelectedSecurityGroupTypeMirror.SecurityGroupTypeID; //change to the newly selected company... SelectedSecurityGroupType = query; return; } //it is not part of the existing list try to fetch it from the db... SecurityGroupTypeList = GetSecurityGroupTypeByID(SelectedSecurityGroupType.SecurityGroupTypeID, XERP.Client.ClientSessionSingleton.Instance.CompanyID); if (SecurityGroupTypeList.Count == 0)//it was not found do new record required logic... { NotifyNewRecordNeeded("Record " + SelectedSecurityGroupType.SecurityGroupTypeID + " Does Not Exist. Create A New Record?"); } else { SelectedSecurityGroupType = SecurityGroupTypeList.FirstOrDefault(); } } else { string errorMessage = "ID Is Required."; NotifyMessage(errorMessage); //revert back to the value it was before it was changed... if (SelectedSecurityGroupType.SecurityGroupTypeID != SelectedSecurityGroupTypeMirror.SecurityGroupTypeID) { SelectedSecurityGroupType.SecurityGroupTypeID = SelectedSecurityGroupTypeMirror.SecurityGroupTypeID; } } }
public void DeleteSecurityGroupTypeCommand() { try {//company is fk to 100's of tables deleting it can be tricky... int i = 0; int ii = 0; for (int j = SelectedSecurityGroupTypeList.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--) { SecurityGroupType item = (SecurityGroupType)SelectedSecurityGroupTypeList[j]; //get Max Index... i = SecurityGroupTypeList.IndexOf(item); if (i > ii) { ii = i; } Delete(item); SecurityGroupTypeList.Remove(item); } if (SecurityGroupTypeList != null && SecurityGroupTypeList.Count > 0) { //back off one index from the max index... ii = ii - 1; //if they delete the first row... if (ii < 0) { ii = 0; } //make sure it does not exceed the list count... if (ii >= SecurityGroupTypeList.Count()) { ii = SecurityGroupTypeList.Count - 1; } SelectedSecurityGroupType = SecurityGroupTypeList[ii]; //we will only enable committ for dirty validated records... if (Dirty == true) { AllowCommit = CommitIsAllowed(); } else { AllowCommit = false; } } else//only one record, deleting will result in no records... { SetAsEmptySelection(); } }//we try catch company delete as it may be used in another table as a key... //As well we will force a refresh to sqare up the UI after the botched delete... catch { NotifyMessage("SecurityGroupType/s Can Not Be Deleted. Contact XERP Admin For More Details."); Refresh(); } }
private void OnSearchResult(object sender, NotificationEventArgs <BindingList <SecurityGroupType> > e) { if (e.Data != null && e.Data.Count > 0) { SecurityGroupTypeList = e.Data; SelectedSecurityGroupType = SecurityGroupTypeList.FirstOrDefault(); Dirty = false; AllowCommit = false; } UnregisterToReceiveMessages <BindingList <SecurityGroupType> >(MessageTokens.SecurityGroupTypeSearchToken.ToString(), OnSearchResult); }
//Object.Property Scope Validation... private bool SecurityGroupTypeIsValid(SecurityGroupType item, _companyValidationProperties validationProperties, out string errorMessage) { errorMessage = ""; switch (validationProperties) { case _companyValidationProperties.SecurityGroupTypeID: //validate key if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.SecurityGroupTypeID)) { errorMessage = "ID Is Required."; return(false); } EntityStates entityState = GetSecurityGroupTypeState(item); if (entityState == EntityStates.Added && SecurityGroupTypeExists(item.SecurityGroupTypeID, ClientSessionSingleton.Instance.CompanyID)) { errorMessage = "Item All Ready Exists..."; return(false); } //check cached list for duplicates... int count = SecurityGroupTypeList.Count(q => q.SecurityGroupTypeID == item.SecurityGroupTypeID); if (count > 1) { errorMessage = "Item All Ready Exists..."; return(false); } break; case _companyValidationProperties.Name: //validate Description if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Description)) { errorMessage = "Description Is Required."; return(false); } break; } return(true); }
private bool NewSecurityGroupType(string id) { SecurityGroupType item = new SecurityGroupType(); //all new records will be give a negative int autoid... //when they are updated then sql will generate one for them overiding this set value... //it will allow us to give uniqueness to the tempory new records... //Before they are updated to the entity and given an autoid... //we use a negative number and keep subtracting by 1 for each new item added... //This will allow it to alwasy be unique and never interfere with SQL's positive autoid... _newSecurityGroupTypeAutoId = _newSecurityGroupTypeAutoId - 1; item.AutoID = _newSecurityGroupTypeAutoId; item.SecurityGroupTypeID = id; item.CompanyID = ClientSessionSingleton.Instance.CompanyID; item.IsValid = 1; item.NotValidMessage = "New Record Key Field/s Are Required."; SecurityGroupTypeList.Add(item); _serviceAgent.AddToSecurityGroupTypeRepository(item); SelectedSecurityGroupType = SecurityGroupTypeList.LastOrDefault(); AllowEdit = true; Dirty = false; return(true); }
public void ClearLogic() { SecurityGroupTypeList.Clear(); SetAsEmptySelection(); }