public ActionResult ProcessANewRegister(User user) { SecurityDAO securityDAO = new SecurityDAO(); securityDAO.RegisterUser(user); return(View("Login")); }
public static void sendMail(int action, List <User> listOfUsers, int projectId, string projectName) { try { string fromAddress = SecurityDAO.decrypt(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["fromAddress"]); string userLogin = SecurityDAO.decrypt(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["userLogin"]); string userPassword = SecurityDAO.decrypt(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["userPassword"]); string userDomain = SecurityDAO.decrypt(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["userDomain"]); int serverTime = Convert.ToInt32(string.Format("{0:HH}", DateTime.Now)); string greeting = string.Empty; if (serverTime >= 6 && serverTime < 12) { greeting = "Bom dia"; } else if (serverTime >= 12 && serverTime < 18) { greeting = "Boa tarde"; } else { greeting = "Boa noite"; } string body = string.Empty; string subject = string.Empty; //Se zero, notifica que as atividades de execução de lançamento foram finalizadas if (action == 0) { subject = "Finalização Tarefas Execução de Lançamento"; body = string.Format("<p>{0}!</p><p> </p><p>Informamos que as atividades de Execução do Lançamento do projeto {1} - {2} foram finalizadas com base nos dados da ata integrada.</p><p> </p><p>Atenciosamente,</p><p> </p><p>SGN.</p>", greeting, projectId, projectName); } //Se não for zero, notifica que mais atividades de execução de lançamento foram criadas após a finalização else { subject = "Nova Tarefa Execução de Lançamento"; body = string.Format("<p>{0}!</p><p> </p><p>Informamos que as atividades de Execução do Lançamento do projeto {1} - {2} já haviam sido finalizadas, entretando, uma nova atividade foi criada. Aguarde nova notificação para que a etapa esteja liberada para aprovação.</p><p> </p><p>Atenciosamente,</p><p> </p><p>SGN.</p><p>", greeting, projectId, projectName); } ExchangeService service = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2007_SP1); service.Credentials = new WebCredentials(userLogin, userPassword, userDomain); //service.AutodiscoverUrl(fromAddress); service.Url = new Uri(""); EmailMessage message = new EmailMessage(service); message.From = fromAddress; message.Subject = subject; message.Body = body; message.Body.BodyType = BodyType.HTML; foreach (User user in listOfUsers) { message.ToRecipients.Add(user.getEmail()); } message.SendAndSaveCopy(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } }
public LockGold UpdateLockGold(long amount, int typeLock, string otp = "") { try { if (amount <= 0) { return new LockGold { ResponseCode = -99 } } ; if (typeLock == 2) { long accountId = AccountSession.AccountID; var account = AccountDAO.GetAccountById(accountId); var infoApp = OtpDAO.GetCurrentCounter(accountId); string token = infoApp?.AppT; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(infoApp?.AppT)) { if (OTPApp.ValidateOTP($"{Security.MD5Encrypt($"{accountId}_{token}")}_{token}", otp)) { goto doneOTP; } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(otp) || (!OTP.OTP.ValidateOTP(accountId, otp, account.Tel))) { return new LockGold { ResponseCode = -60 } } ; } doneOTP: SecurityDAO.UpdateLockGold(AccountSession.AccountID, amount, typeLock, "user lock", out long currGold); return(new LockGold { ResponseCode = 1, CurrentGold = currGold, }); } catch (Exception ex) { NLogManager.PublishException(ex); } return(new LockGold { ResponseCode = -99 }); }
public InformationContract GetInfo(string tokenService, string tokenInfo) { if (SecurityDAO.CheckToken(tokenService) == true) { var info = Repositories.GetInfoByToken(tokenInfo); return(new InformationContract { idInfor = info.idInfor, contentInfo = info.contentInfo, dayCreateInfo = info.dayCreateInfo, newInfo = info.newInfo, titleInfo = info.titleInfo, token = info.token }); } return(null); }
public List <GoldLockTransaction> GetLockGoldTransaction() { try { return(SecurityDAO.GetLockGoldTransaction(AccountSession.AccountID)); } catch (Exception ex) { NLogManager.PublishException(ex); } return(null); }
public AccountOTPInfo GetAccountOTPInfo() { try { return(SecurityDAO.GetOTPInfo(AccountSession.AccountID)); } catch (Exception ex) { NLogManager.PublishException(ex); } return(null); }
public IEnumerable <dynamic> GetListUser() { try { return(SecurityDAO.GetAccount()); }catch (Exception ex) { NLogManager.PublishException(ex); } return(null); }
public int UpdatePhoneNumber(string phoneNumber, string otp) { try { if (!PhoneDetector.IsValidPhone(phoneNumber)) { return(-54); } var accountId = AccountSession.AccountID; var account = AccountDAO.GetAccountById(AccountSession.AccountID); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(account.Tel)) { string p = account.Tel; if (!OTP.OTP.ValidateOTP(accountId, otp, p)) { return(-60); } } else { var infoApp = OtpDAO.GetCurrentCounter(accountId); string token = infoApp?.AppT; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(infoApp?.AppT)) { if (OTPApp.ValidateOTP($"{Security.MD5Encrypt($"{accountId}_{token}")}_{token}", otp)) { goto doneOTP; } } if (!OTP.OTP.ValidateOTP(accountId, otp, phoneNumber)) { return(-60); } } doneOTP: SecurityDAO.UpdatePhoneNumber(AccountSession.AccountID, phoneNumber); return(1); } catch (Exception ex) { NLogManager.PublishException(ex); } return(-99); }
public Boolean register(UserModel user) { SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection("Data Source=(localdb)\\MSSQLLocalDB;Initial Catalog=CLC;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;Encrypt=False;TrustServerCertificate=False;ApplicationIntent=ReadWrite;MultiSubnetFailover=False"); connection.Open(); SecurityDAO dao = new SecurityDAO(connection); bool result = dao.register(user); connection.Close(); return(result); }
public int ChangePass(string old, string pass, string otp) { try { var accountId = AccountSession.AccountID; var accountInfo = AccountDAO.GetAccountInfo(accountId); var infoApp = OtpDAO.GetCurrentCounter(accountId); string token = infoApp?.AppT; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(infoApp?.AppT)) { if (OTPApp.ValidateOTP($"{Security.MD5Encrypt($"{accountId}_{token}")}_{token}", otp)) { goto doneOTP; } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(otp) || (!OTP.OTP.ValidateOTP(accountId, otp, accountInfo.Tel))) { return(-60); } doneOTP: Regex rPassword = new Regex("^[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]{6,18}$"); if (!rPassword.IsMatch(old)) { return(-30); } if (!rPassword.IsMatch(pass)) { return(-30); } var account = SecurityDAO.GetByIdPass(accountId, Security.MD5Encrypt(old)); if (account == null) { return(-31); } SecurityDAO.ChangePassword(AccountSession.AccountID, Security.MD5Encrypt(old), Security.MD5Encrypt(pass)); return(1); } catch (Exception ex) { NLogManager.PublishException(ex); } return(-99); }
public List <string> LoadAllMenuByUser(string userID) { Database db = AppEnvironment.Database; List <SecurityMatchDTO> lstDTO = SecurityDAO.LoadSecurityOfUserForMenuMapping(db, userID); List <string> lstClass = new List <string>(); lstDTO.ForEach(action => { lstClass.Add(action.ClassName); }); return(lstClass); }
public bool AddAccount(string username, string password) { try { SecurityDAO.AddAccount(username, Utilities.Encryption.Security.MD5Encrypt(password), UserContext.UserInfo.AccountID); RoleBuilder.Init(); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { NLogManager.PublishException(ex); } return(false); }
public List <MenuItem> GetMenu(string appSymbol, int userId) { List <MenuItem> items; if (MemoryCacher.GetValue("menu_" + userId.ToString()) == null) { SecurityDAO securityDAO = new SecurityDAO(connectionString); items = securityDAO.GetMenu(appSymbol, userId, ""); MemoryCacher.Add("menu_" + userId.ToString(), items, new DateTimeOffset(DateTime.Now.AddHours(6))); } else { items = (List <MenuItem>)MemoryCacher.GetValue("menu_" + userId.ToString()); } return(items); }
public ActionResult ProcessSignUp(Customer customer) { SecurityDAO security = new SecurityDAO(); bool exists = security.Ifexist(customer); if (exists) { ViewData["exists"] = customer.Name; return(View("Login")); } else { security.CreateUser(customer); return(View("LoginSuccess", customer)); } }
public bool DeleteAccount(int accountId) { try { if (accountId == 1) { return(false); } SecurityDAO.DeleteAccount(accountId); RoleBuilder.Init(); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { NLogManager.PublishException(ex); } return(false); }
public int CreatedNewPass(string tokenOTP, string newPassword) { try { string decryptToken = Security.TripleDESDecrypt(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["OTPKey"], System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlDecode(tokenOTP).Replace(" ", "+")); string[] splData = decryptToken.Split('|'); long time = long.Parse(splData[0]); if (TimeSpan.FromTicks(DateTime.Now.Ticks - time).TotalSeconds > 120) { return(-1); //Experied captcha } long accountId = Convert.ToInt64(splData[1]); Regex rPassword = new Regex("^[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]{6,18}$"); if (!rPassword.IsMatch(newPassword)) { return(-30); } if (!rPassword.IsMatch(newPassword)) { return(-30); } var account = AccountDAO.GetAccountInfo(accountId); if (account == null) { return(-31); } SecurityDAO.CreateNewPassword(AccountSession.AccountID, Security.MD5Encrypt(newPassword)); return(1); } catch (Exception ex) { NLogManager.PublishException(ex); } return(-99); }
public int UpdateRegisterSMSPlus(bool isCancel, string otp = "") { try { var accountId = AccountSession.AccountID; var accountInfo = AccountDAO.GetAccountInfo(accountId); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(accountInfo.Tel)) { return(-99); } if (isCancel) { var infoApp = OtpDAO.GetCurrentCounter(accountId); string token = infoApp?.AppT; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(infoApp?.AppT)) { if (OTPApp.ValidateOTP($"{Security.MD5Encrypt($"{accountId}_{token}")}_{token}", otp)) { goto doneOTP; } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(otp) || (!OTP.OTP.ValidateOTP(accountId, otp, accountInfo.Tel))) { return(-60); } } doneOTP: SecurityDAO.UpdateRegisterSMSPlus(AccountSession.AccountID, isCancel); return(1); } catch (Exception ex) { NLogManager.PublishException(ex); } return(-99); }
//Method used to retrieve a verse. Pass a BibleVerse param public BibleVerse findVerse(BibleVerse bibleVerse) { SecurityDAO service = new SecurityDAO(); return(service.findVerse(bibleVerse)); }
public List <SecurityMatchDTO> LoadSecurityOfUserAssignByGroupLevel(string strUserID) { return(SecurityDAO.LoadSecurityOfUserAssignByGroupLevel(m_db, strUserID)); }
//User public void UpdateSecurityOfUser(string strUserID, SecurityMatchDTO[] data, string UserID) { SecurityDAO.UpdateSecurityOfUser(m_db, strUserID, data, UserID); }
public bool Authenticate(UserModel user) { SecurityDAO service = new SecurityDAO(); return(service.FindByUser(user)); }
public BibleVerseModel Search(BibleVerseModel bibleVerseModel) { SecurityDAO service = new SecurityDAO(); return(service.FindVerse(bibleVerseModel)); }
public bool Create(BibleVerseModel bibleVerseModel) { SecurityDAO service = new SecurityDAO(); return(service.EnterNewVerse(bibleVerseModel)); }
//User Group public void UpdateSecurityOfUserGroup(int iGroupID, SecurityMatchDTO[] data, string UserID) { SecurityDAO.UpdateSecurityOfUserGroup(m_db, iGroupID, data, UserID); }
//Screen public void UpdateSecurityOfScreen(int iScreenID, SecurityMatchDTO[] secUsers, SecurityMatchDTO[] secGroups, string UserID) { SecurityDAO.UpdateSecurityOfScreen(m_db, iScreenID, secUsers, secGroups, UserID); }
public List <SecurityMatchDTO> LoadSecurityOfUser(string strUserID) { return(SecurityDAO.LoadSecurityOfUser(m_db, strUserID)); }
//User Group public List <UserGroupDTO> LoadSecurityOfScreenForUserGroupLevel(int iScreenID) { return(SecurityDAO.LoadSecurityOfScreenForUserGroupLevel(m_db, iScreenID)); }
public List <SecurityMatchDTO> LoadSecurityOfUserGroup(int iGroupID) { return(SecurityDAO.LoadSecurityOfUserGroup(m_db, iGroupID)); }
public string Register(RegisterModel user) { SecurityDAO service = new SecurityDAO(); return(service.Create(user)); }
//Method used to create a verse. Contains a bibleVere param public bool createVerse(BibleVerse bibleVerse) { SecurityDAO service = new SecurityDAO(); return(service.createVerse(bibleVerse)); }