Пример #1
        protected void MarketDataAdapterReplyEvent(Reply reply)
            // process asynchronous reply
                // check for errors first
                if (reply == null)
                    throw new ApplicationException(
                              String.Format("MarketDataAdapter_ReplyEvent() received null!"));
                if (reply.ReplyError != null)
                    throw new ApplicationException(
                              $"MarketDataAdapter_ReplyEvent() failed: {reply.ReplyError.DisplayName}: {reply.ReplyError.Description}");
                string debugMsg = String.Format("[Received]");
                    debugMsg = debugMsg + $"[ReplyType={reply.ReplyType}]";
                    if (reply.Request != null)
                        debugMsg = debugMsg + $"[ReqId={reply.Request.RequestId}]";
                        SecuritiesDataCollection securityColl = reply.GetSecurityDataItems();
                        foreach (SecurityDataItem security in securityColl)
                            debugMsg = debugMsg + $"[{security.Security.Name}]";
                            debugMsg = security.FieldsData.Cast <FieldDataItem>().Aggregate(debugMsg, (current, dataNodeList) => current +

                        // map Bloomberg requestid to our subsId
                        RealtimeRequestMap subsMap;
                        lock (SubsMapExternal)
                            SubsMapExternal.TryGetValue(reply.Request.RequestId, out subsMap);
                        if (subsMap != null)
                            if (DateTimeOffset.Now > subsMap.SubsExpires)
                                Logger.LogDebug("[Cancelled][ReqId={1}][SubsId={0}]", subsMap.InternalRequestId, reply.Request.RequestId);
                            Dictionary <string, BasicQuotation> providerResults = BuildProviderResultsIndex(reply);
                            ConsumerCallback(subsMap.InternalRequestId, new QuotedAssetSet {
                                assetQuote = Enumerable.ToArray(ConvertProviderResultsToStandardValuations(providerResults, subsMap.RequestContext))
                        debugMsg = debugMsg + "[RequestIdUnknown]";
                catch (Exception e)
                    debugMsg = debugMsg + Environment.NewLine + "!!!EXCEPTION!!! " + e.Message;
            catch (Exception ex)
                // don't rethrow
Пример #2
        private Dictionary <string, BasicQuotation> BuildProviderResultsIndex(Reply reply)
            // build the provider result set
            DateTime dtNow = DateTime.Now;
            //InformationSource informationSource = ;
            // key = provider instrument id / field name
            var results = new Dictionary <string, BasicQuotation>();
            SecuritiesDataCollection securityColl = reply.GetSecurityDataItems();

            foreach (SecurityDataItem security in securityColl)
                string instrName = security.Security.Name;
                //int fieldCount = security.FieldsData.Count;
                //BasicAssetValuation quote = new BasicAssetValuation() { objectReference = new AnyAssetReference() { href = instrName } };
                //quote.quote = new BasicQuotation[fieldCount];
                int fieldNum = 0;
                foreach (FieldDataItem dataNodeList in security.FieldsData)
                    string fieldName        = dataNodeList.Field.Mnemonic;
                    string providerQuoteKey = FormatProviderQuoteKey(instrName, fieldName);
                    var    providerQuote    = new BasicQuotation();
                    // field value
                    object value = null;
                    string measureTypeAsString = AssetMeasureEnum.Undefined.ToString();
                    string quoteUnitsAsString  = PriceQuoteUnitsEnum.Undefined.ToString();
                        DataPoint point = dataNodeList.DataPoints[0];
                        value = point.Value;
                        if (point.IsError)
                            // bloomberg error
                            ReplyError replyError = point.ReplyError;
                            Logger.LogDebug("ReplyError: {0}/{1}={2}/{3}/{4}",
                                            instrName, fieldName, replyError.Code, replyError.DisplayName, replyError.Description);
                            quoteUnitsAsString = String.Format("{0}:{1}", replyError.Code, replyError.DisplayName);
                        else if (value == null)
                            // value mia
                            Logger.LogDebug("DataNullMissing: {0}/{1}='{2}'", instrName, fieldName);
                            quoteUnitsAsString = "DataNullMissing";
                        else if (value.GetType() == typeof(ReplyError))
                            // bloomberg error
                            var replyError = (ReplyError)value;
                            Logger.LogDebug("ReplyError: {0}/{1}={2}/{3}/{4}",
                                            instrName, fieldName, replyError.Code, replyError.DisplayName, replyError.Description);
                            quoteUnitsAsString = $"{replyError.Code}:{replyError.DisplayName}";
                        else if ((value is string) && (value.ToString().ToLower() == "n.a."))
                            // not available?
                            Logger.LogDebug("DataNotAvailable: {0}/{1}='{2}'", instrName, fieldName, value.ToString());
                            quoteUnitsAsString = "DataNotAvailable";
                            providerQuote.value          = Convert.ToDecimal(value);
                            providerQuote.valueSpecified = true;
                            // When the quote was computed (FpML definition) i.e. when the provider published it
                            providerQuote.valuationDateSpecified = true;
                            providerQuote.valuationDate          = point.Time;
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Logger.LogDebug("Exception: {0}/{1}='{2}' {3}", instrName, fieldName, value, e);
                        quoteUnitsAsString = $"{e.GetType().Name}:{e.Message}";
                    providerQuote.measureType = new AssetMeasureType {
                        Value = measureTypeAsString
                    providerQuote.quoteUnits = new PriceQuoteUnits {
                        Value = quoteUnitsAsString
                    providerQuote.informationSource = new[]
                        new InformationSource
                            rateSource = new InformationProvider {
                                Value = ProviderId.ToString()
                            rateSourcePage = new RateSourcePage {
                                Value = instrName + "/" + fieldName
                    // When the quote was observed or derived (FpML definition) i.e. now.
                    providerQuote.timeSpecified = true;
                    providerQuote.time          = dtNow;
                    results[providerQuoteKey]   = providerQuote;
                    // next field
                } // foreach field
            }     // foreach instr