public override String VoidOrder(int OrderNumber) { String result = String.Empty; DB.ExecuteSQL("update orders set VoidTXCommand=NULL, VoidTXResult=NULL where OrderNumber=" + OrderNumber.ToString()); String TransID = String.Empty; decimal OrderTotal = 0.0M; string Last4 = string.Empty; string CardExpirationMonth = string.Empty; string CardExpirationYear = string.Empty; using (SqlConnection dbconn = new SqlConnection(DB.GetDBConn())) { dbconn.Open(); using (IDataReader rs = DB.GetRS("select * from orders with (NOLOCK) where OrderNumber=" + OrderNumber.ToString(), dbconn)) { if (rs.Read()) { // If you are voiding a transaction that has been reauthorized, // use the ID from the original authorization, and not the reauthorization. TransID = DB.RSField(rs, "AuthorizationPNREF"); OrderTotal = DB.RSFieldDecimal(rs, "OrderTotal"); Last4 = DB.RSField(rs, "Last4"); CardExpirationMonth = DB.RSField(rs, "CardExpirationMonth"); CardExpirationYear = DB.RSField(rs, "CardExpirationYear"); } } } if (TransID.Length == 0 || TransID == "0") { result = "Invalid or Empty Transaction ID"; } else { try { SecureNetSvc.SecureNetPayment oPG = new SecureNetPayment(); SecureNetSvc.TransactionInfo oTi = new TransactionInfo(); SecureNetSvc.TransactionResponse oTr = new TransactionResponse(); oPG.Url = CommonLogic.IIF(AppLogic.AppConfigBool("UseLiveTransactions"), AppLogic.AppConfig("SecureNet.LiveURL"), AppLogic.AppConfig("SecureNet.TestURL")); // set oTi values here oTi.SecurenetID = AppLogic.AppConfig("SecureNet.ID"); oTi.SecureKey = AppLogic.AppConfig("SecureNet.Key"); oTi.Test = CommonLogic.IIF(AppLogic.AppConfigBool("UseLiveTransactions"), "FALSE", "TRUE"); // AUTH_CAPTURE, AUTH_ONLY, CREDIT, VOID, PRIOR_AUTH_CAPTURE oTi.Type = "VOID"; oTi.Method = "CC"; // Credit Card oTi.Trans_id = TransID; oTi.OrderID = OrderNumber.ToString(); oTi.Amount = Localization.CurrencyStringForGatewayWithoutExchangeRate(OrderTotal); oTi.Card_num = Last4; oTi.Exp_date = CardExpirationMonth.PadLeft(2, '0') + CardExpirationYear.ToString().Substring(2, 2); //MMYY oTr = oPG.Process(oTi); // Run transaction if (oTr.Response_Code == "1") // 1=Approved, 2=Declined, 3=Error { result = AppLogic.ro_OK; } else { result = "Error: [" + oTr.Response_Code + "] " + oTr.Response_Reason_Text; } DB.ExecuteSQL("update orders set VoidTXCommand=" + DB.SQuote(XmlCommon.SerializeObject(oTi, oTi.GetType()).Replace(AppLogic.AppConfig("SecureNet.Key") + "</SecureKey>", "*****</SecureKey>")) + ", VoidTXResult=" + DB.SQuote(XmlCommon.SerializeObject(oTr, oTr.GetType()).Replace(AppLogic.AppConfig("SecureNet.Key") + "</SecureKey>", "*****</SecureKey>")) + " where OrderNumber=" + OrderNumber.ToString()); } catch { result = "NO RESPONSE FROM GATEWAY!"; } } return(result); }
public override String ProcessCard(int OrderNumber, int CustomerID, Decimal OrderTotal, bool useLiveTransactions, TransactionModeEnum TransactionMode, Address UseBillingAddress, String CardExtraCode, Address UseShippingAddress, String CAVV, String ECI, String XID, out String AVSResult, out String AuthorizationResult, out String AuthorizationCode, out String AuthorizationTransID, out String TransactionCommandOut, out String TransactionResponse) { String result = AppLogic.ro_OK; AuthorizationCode = String.Empty; AuthorizationResult = String.Empty; AuthorizationTransID = String.Empty; AVSResult = String.Empty; TransactionCommandOut = String.Empty; TransactionResponse = String.Empty; SecureNetSvc.SecureNetPayment oPG = new SecureNetPayment(); SecureNetSvc.TransactionInfo oTi = new TransactionInfo(); SecureNetSvc.TransactionResponse oTr = new TransactionResponse(); // "" oPG.Url = CommonLogic.IIF(AppLogic.AppConfigBool("UseLiveTransactions"), AppLogic.AppConfig("SecureNet.LiveURL"), AppLogic.AppConfig("SecureNet.TestURL")); // set oTi values here oTi.SecurenetID = AppLogic.AppConfig("SecureNet.ID"); oTi.SecureKey = AppLogic.AppConfig("SecureNet.Key"); oTi.Test = CommonLogic.IIF(AppLogic.AppConfigBool("UseLiveTransactions"), "FALSE", "TRUE"); oTi.OrderID = OrderNumber.ToString(); oTi.Amount = Localization.CurrencyStringForGatewayWithoutExchangeRate(OrderTotal); oTi.Method = "CC"; // Credit Card // AUTH_CAPTURE, AUTH_ONLY, CREDIT, VOID, PRIOR_AUTH_CAPTURE oTi.Type = CommonLogic.IIF(AppLogic.TransactionModeIsAuthOnly(), "AUTH_ONLY", "AUTH_CAPTURE"); oTi.Card_num = UseBillingAddress.CardNumber; oTi.Exp_date = UseBillingAddress.CardExpirationMonth.PadLeft(2, '0') + UseBillingAddress.CardExpirationYear.ToString().Substring(2, 2); //MMYY oTi.Card_code = CardExtraCode; oTi.Customer_id = CustomerID.ToString(); oTi.First_name = UseBillingAddress.FirstName; oTi.Last_name = UseBillingAddress.LastName; oTi.Company = UseBillingAddress.Company; oTi.Address = UseBillingAddress.Address1; oTi.City = UseBillingAddress.City; oTi.State = UseBillingAddress.State; oTi.Zip = UseBillingAddress.Zip; oTi.Country = UseBillingAddress.Country; oTi.Phone = UseBillingAddress.Phone; oTi.Email = UseBillingAddress.EMail; oTi.Invoice_num = OrderNumber.ToString(); oTi.Invoice_Description = AppLogic.AppConfig("StoreName"); if (UseShippingAddress != null) { oTi.Shipping_First_name = UseShippingAddress.FirstName; oTi.Shipping_Last_name = UseShippingAddress.LastName; oTi.Shipping_Company = UseShippingAddress.Company; oTi.Shipping_Address = UseShippingAddress.Address1 + CommonLogic.IIF(UseShippingAddress.Address2 != "", " " + UseShippingAddress.Address2, "") + CommonLogic.IIF(UseShippingAddress.Suite != "", " Ste " + UseShippingAddress.Suite, ""); oTi.Shipping_City = UseShippingAddress.City; oTi.Shipping_State = UseShippingAddress.State; oTi.Shipping_Zip = UseShippingAddress.Zip; oTi.Shipping_Country = UseShippingAddress.Country; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ECI)) { oTi.MPI_Authentication_Indicator = ECI; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(CAVV)) { oTi.MPI_Authentication_Value = CAVV; } oTr = oPG.Process(oTi); // Run transaction if (oTr.Response_Code == "1") // 1=Approved, 2=Declined, 3=Error { AuthorizationTransID = oTr.Transaction_ID; AuthorizationCode = "Response Code: " + oTr.Response_Code + ", Reason Code: " + oTr.Response_Reason_Code; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(oTr.AVS_Result_Code)) { AVSResult = oTr.AVS_Result_Code; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(oTr.Card_Code_Response_Code)) { if (AVSResult.Length > 0) { AVSResult += ", "; } AVSResult += "ExtraCode: " + oTr.Card_Code_Response_Code; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(oTr.CAVV_Response_Code)) { if (AVSResult.Length > 0) { AVSResult += ", "; } AVSResult += "CAVV: " + oTr.CAVV_Response_Code; } AuthorizationResult = oTr.Response_Reason_Text + ", Approval Code: " + oTr.Approval_Code; result = AppLogic.ro_OK; } else { AuthorizationResult = "Error: [" + oTr.Response_Code + "] " + oTr.Response_Reason_Text; result = oTr.Response_Reason_Text; } TransactionCommandOut = XmlCommon.SerializeObject(oTi, oTi.GetType()).Replace(AppLogic.AppConfig("SecureNet.Key") + "</SecureKey>", "*****</SecureKey>"); TransactionResponse = XmlCommon.SerializeObject(oTr, oTr.GetType()).Replace(AppLogic.AppConfig("SecureNet.Key") + "</SecureKey>", "*****</SecureKey>"); return(result); }
public override String CaptureOrder(Order o) { String result = AppLogic.ro_OK; o.CaptureTXCommand = ""; o.CaptureTXResult = ""; String TransID = o.AuthorizationPNREF; if (TransID.Length == 0 || TransID == "0") { result = "Invalid or Empty Transaction ID"; } else { try { SecureNetSvc.SecureNetPayment oPG = new SecureNetPayment(); SecureNetSvc.TransactionInfo oTi = new TransactionInfo(); SecureNetSvc.TransactionResponse oTr = new TransactionResponse(); oPG.Url = CommonLogic.IIF(AppLogic.AppConfigBool("UseLiveTransactions"), AppLogic.AppConfig("SecureNet.LiveURL"), AppLogic.AppConfig("SecureNet.TestURL")); // set oTi values here oTi.SecurenetID = AppLogic.AppConfig("SecureNet.ID"); oTi.SecureKey = AppLogic.AppConfig("SecureNet.Key"); oTi.Test = CommonLogic.IIF(AppLogic.AppConfigBool("UseLiveTransactions"), "FALSE", "TRUE"); // AUTH_CAPTURE, AUTH_ONLY, CREDIT, VOID, PRIOR_AUTH_CAPTURE oTi.Type = "PRIOR_AUTH_CAPTURE"; oTi.Amount = Localization.CurrencyStringForGatewayWithoutExchangeRate(o.OrderBalance); oTi.Method = "CC"; // Credit Card oTi.Trans_id = TransID; oTi.OrderID = o.OrderNumber.ToString(); // o.Last4 is null, so let's just grab it directly oTi.Card_num = DB.GetSqlS("select Last4 S from Orders with (NOLOCK) where OrderNumber=" + o.OrderNumber.ToString()); oTi.Exp_date = o.CardExpirationMonth.PadLeft(2, '0') + o.CardExpirationYear.ToString().Substring(2, 2); //MMYY oTi.Invoice_num = o.OrderNumber.ToString(); oTi.Invoice_Description = AppLogic.AppConfig("StoreName"); oTr = oPG.Process(oTi); // Run transaction if (oTr.Response_Code == "1") // 1=Approved, 2=Declined, 3=Error { result = AppLogic.ro_OK; } else { result = "Error: [" + oTr.Response_Code + "] " + oTr.Response_Reason_Text; } o.CaptureTXCommand = XmlCommon.SerializeObject(oTi, oTi.GetType()).Replace(AppLogic.AppConfig("SecureNet.Key") + "</SecureKey>", "*****</SecureKey>"); o.CaptureTXResult = XmlCommon.SerializeObject(oTr, oTr.GetType()).Replace(AppLogic.AppConfig("SecureNet.Key") + "</SecureKey>", "*****</SecureKey>");; } catch { result = "NO RESPONSE FROM GATEWAY!"; } } return(result); }
// if RefundAmount == 0.0M, then then ENTIRE order amount will be refunded! public override String RefundOrder(int OriginalOrderNumber, int NewOrderNumber, decimal RefundAmount, String RefundReason, Address UseBillingAddress) { String result = String.Empty; DB.ExecuteSQL("update orders set RefundTXCommand=NULL, RefundTXResult=NULL where OrderNumber=" + OriginalOrderNumber.ToString()); String TransID = String.Empty; Decimal OrderTotal = System.Decimal.Zero; string Last4 = string.Empty; string CardExpirationMonth = string.Empty; string CardExpirationYear = string.Empty; using (SqlConnection dbconn = new SqlConnection(DB.GetDBConn())) { dbconn.Open(); using (IDataReader rs = DB.GetRS("select * from Orders with (NOLOCK) where OrderNumber=" + OriginalOrderNumber.ToString(), dbconn)) { if (rs.Read()) { TransID = DB.RSField(rs, "AuthorizationPNREF"); OrderTotal = DB.RSFieldDecimal(rs, "OrderTotal"); Last4 = DB.RSField(rs, "Last4"); CardExpirationMonth = DB.RSField(rs, "CardExpirationMonth"); CardExpirationYear = DB.RSField(rs, "CardExpirationYear"); } } } if (TransID.Length == 0 || TransID == "0") { result = "Invalid or Empty Transaction ID"; } else { try { SecureNetSvc.SecureNetPayment oPG = new SecureNetPayment(); SecureNetSvc.TransactionInfo oTi = new TransactionInfo(); SecureNetSvc.TransactionResponse oTr = new TransactionResponse(); oPG.Url = CommonLogic.IIF(AppLogic.AppConfigBool("UseLiveTransactions"), AppLogic.AppConfig("SecureNet.LiveURL"), AppLogic.AppConfig("SecureNet.TestURL")); // set oTi values here oTi.SecurenetID = AppLogic.AppConfig("SecureNet.ID"); oTi.SecureKey = AppLogic.AppConfig("SecureNet.Key"); oTi.Test = CommonLogic.IIF(AppLogic.AppConfigBool("UseLiveTransactions"), "FALSE", "TRUE"); // AUTH_CAPTURE, AUTH_ONLY, CREDIT, VOID, PRIOR_AUTH_CAPTURE oTi.Type = "CREDIT"; //If partial refund set value ( like 1.95). If FULL Refund leave it empty. The transactionID will take care of the amount if (OrderTotal == RefundAmount || RefundAmount == 0.0M) { oTi.Amount = Localization.CurrencyStringForGatewayWithoutExchangeRate(OrderTotal); } else { oTi.Amount = Localization.CurrencyStringForGatewayWithoutExchangeRate(RefundAmount); } oTi.Card_num = Last4; oTi.Exp_date = CardExpirationMonth.PadLeft(2, '0') + CardExpirationYear.ToString().Substring(2, 2); //MMYY if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(RefundReason)) { oTi.Notes = RefundReason; } oTi.Method = "CC"; // Credit Card oTi.Trans_id = TransID; oTi.OrderID = OriginalOrderNumber.ToString() + "CREDIT" + CommonLogic.IIF(NewOrderNumber > 0, NewOrderNumber.ToString(), ""); oTr = oPG.Process(oTi); // Run transaction if (oTr.Response_Code == "1") // 1=Approved, 2=Declined, 3=Error { result = AppLogic.ro_OK; } else { result = "Error: [" + oTr.Response_Code + "] " + oTr.Response_Reason_Text; } DB.ExecuteSQL("update orders set RefundTXCommand=" + DB.SQuote(XmlCommon.SerializeObject(oTi, oTi.GetType()).Replace(AppLogic.AppConfig("SecureNet.Key") + "</SecureKey>", "*****</SecureKey>")) + ", RefundTXResult=" + DB.SQuote(XmlCommon.SerializeObject(oTr, oTr.GetType()).Replace(AppLogic.AppConfig("SecureNet.Key") + "</SecureKey>", "*****</SecureKey>")) + " where OrderNumber=" + OriginalOrderNumber.ToString()); } catch { result = "NO RESPONSE FROM GATEWAY!"; } } return(result); }