internal static int EnumeratePackages(SecurDll Dll, out int pkgnum, out SafeFreeContextBuffer pkgArray) { int num = -1; switch (Dll) { case SecurDll.SECURITY: { SafeFreeContextBuffer_SECURITY handle = null; num = UnsafeNclNativeMethods.SafeNetHandles_SECURITY.EnumerateSecurityPackagesW(out pkgnum, out handle); pkgArray = handle; break; } case SecurDll.SECUR32: { SafeFreeContextBuffer_SECUR32 r_secur = null; num = UnsafeNclNativeMethods.SafeNetHandles_SECUR32.EnumerateSecurityPackagesA(out pkgnum, out r_secur); pkgArray = r_secur; break; } case SecurDll.SCHANNEL: { SafeFreeContextBuffer_SCHANNEL r_schannel = null; num = UnsafeNclNativeMethods.SafeNetHandles_SCHANNEL.EnumerateSecurityPackagesA(out pkgnum, out r_schannel); pkgArray = r_schannel; break; } default: throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString("net_invalid_enum", new object[] { "SecurDll" }), "Dll"); } if ((num != 0) && (pkgArray != null)) { pkgArray.SetHandleAsInvalid(); } return num; }
public static unsafe int AcquireCredentialsHandle(SecurDll dll, string package, CredentialUse intent, ref SecureCredential authdata, out SafeFreeCredentials outCredential) { int num = -1; IntPtr certContextArray = authdata.certContextArray; try { long num2; IntPtr ptr2 = new IntPtr((void *)&certContextArray); if (certContextArray != IntPtr.Zero) { authdata.certContextArray = ptr2; } switch (dll) { case SecurDll.SECURITY: outCredential = new SafeFreeCredential_SECURITY(); RuntimeHelpers.PrepareConstrainedRegions(); try { goto Label_00C5; } finally { num = UnsafeNclNativeMethods.SafeNetHandles_SECURITY.AcquireCredentialsHandleW(null, package, (int)intent, null, ref authdata, null, null, ref outCredential._handle, out num2); } break; case SecurDll.SCHANNEL: break; default: goto Label_0093; } outCredential = new SafeFreeCredential_SCHANNEL(); RuntimeHelpers.PrepareConstrainedRegions(); try { goto Label_00C5; } finally { num = UnsafeNclNativeMethods.SafeNetHandles_SCHANNEL.AcquireCredentialsHandleA(null, package, (int)intent, null, ref authdata, null, null, ref outCredential._handle, out num2); } Label_0093 :; throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString("net_invalid_enum", new object[] { "SecurDll" }), "Dll"); } finally { authdata.certContextArray = certContextArray; } Label_00C5: if (num != 0) { outCredential.SetHandleAsInvalid(); } return(num); }
public static unsafe int AcquireCredentialsHandle(SecurDll dll, string package, CredentialUse intent, ref SecureCredential authdata, out SafeFreeCredentials outCredential) { int num = -1; IntPtr certContextArray = authdata.certContextArray; try { long num2; IntPtr ptr2 = new IntPtr((void*) &certContextArray); if (certContextArray != IntPtr.Zero) { authdata.certContextArray = ptr2; } switch (dll) { case SecurDll.SECURITY: outCredential = new SafeFreeCredential_SECURITY(); RuntimeHelpers.PrepareConstrainedRegions(); try { goto Label_00C5; } finally { num = UnsafeNclNativeMethods.SafeNetHandles_SECURITY.AcquireCredentialsHandleW(null, package, (int) intent, null, ref authdata, null, null, ref outCredential._handle, out num2); } break; case SecurDll.SCHANNEL: break; default: goto Label_0093; } outCredential = new SafeFreeCredential_SCHANNEL(); RuntimeHelpers.PrepareConstrainedRegions(); try { goto Label_00C5; } finally { num = UnsafeNclNativeMethods.SafeNetHandles_SCHANNEL.AcquireCredentialsHandleA(null, package, (int) intent, null, ref authdata, null, null, ref outCredential._handle, out num2); } Label_0093:; throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString("net_invalid_enum", new object[] { "SecurDll" }), "Dll"); } finally { authdata.certContextArray = certContextArray; } Label_00C5: if (num != 0) { outCredential.SetHandleAsInvalid(); } return num; }
public static unsafe int QueryContextAttributes(SecurDll dll, SafeDeleteContext phContext, ContextAttribute contextAttribute, byte *buffer, SafeHandle refHandle) { switch (dll) { case SecurDll.SECURITY: return(QueryContextAttributes_SECURITY(phContext, contextAttribute, buffer, refHandle)); case SecurDll.SECUR32: return(QueryContextAttributes_SECUR32(phContext, contextAttribute, buffer, refHandle)); case SecurDll.SCHANNEL: return(QueryContextAttributes_SCHANNEL(phContext, contextAttribute, buffer, refHandle)); } return(-1); }
internal static SafeFreeContextBuffer CreateEmptyHandle(SecurDll dll) { switch (dll) { case SecurDll.SECURITY: return(new SafeFreeContextBuffer_SECURITY()); case SecurDll.SECUR32: return(new SafeFreeContextBuffer_SECUR32()); case SecurDll.SCHANNEL: return(new SafeFreeContextBuffer_SCHANNEL()); } throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString("net_invalid_enum", new object[] { "SecurDll" }), "dll"); }
public static unsafe int QueryContextAttributes(SecurDll dll, SafeDeleteContext phContext, ContextAttribute contextAttribute, byte* buffer, SafeHandle refHandle) { switch (dll) { case SecurDll.SECURITY: return QueryContextAttributes_SECURITY(phContext, contextAttribute, buffer, refHandle); case SecurDll.SECUR32: return QueryContextAttributes_SECUR32(phContext, contextAttribute, buffer, refHandle); case SecurDll.SCHANNEL: return QueryContextAttributes_SCHANNEL(phContext, contextAttribute, buffer, refHandle); } return -1; }
public static unsafe int QueryContextChannelBinding(SecurDll dll, SafeDeleteContext phContext, ContextAttribute contextAttribute, Bindings *buffer, SafeFreeContextBufferChannelBinding refHandle) { switch (dll) { case SecurDll.SECURITY: return(QueryContextChannelBinding_SECURITY(phContext, contextAttribute, buffer, refHandle)); case SecurDll.SECUR32: return(QueryContextChannelBinding_SECUR32(phContext, contextAttribute, buffer, refHandle)); case SecurDll.SCHANNEL: return(QueryContextChannelBinding_SCHANNEL(phContext, contextAttribute, buffer, refHandle)); } return(-1); }
public static unsafe int QueryContextChannelBinding(SecurDll dll, SafeDeleteContext phContext, ContextAttribute contextAttribute, Bindings* buffer, SafeFreeContextBufferChannelBinding refHandle) { switch (dll) { case SecurDll.SECURITY: return QueryContextChannelBinding_SECURITY(phContext, contextAttribute, buffer, refHandle); case SecurDll.SECUR32: return QueryContextChannelBinding_SECUR32(phContext, contextAttribute, buffer, refHandle); case SecurDll.SCHANNEL: return QueryContextChannelBinding_SCHANNEL(phContext, contextAttribute, buffer, refHandle); } return -1; }
internal static SafeFreeContextBufferChannelBinding CreateEmptyHandle(SecurDll dll) { switch (dll) { case SecurDll.SECURITY: return new SafeFreeContextBufferChannelBinding_SECURITY(); case SecurDll.SECUR32: return new SafeFreeContextBufferChannelBinding_SECUR32(); case SecurDll.SCHANNEL: return new SafeFreeContextBufferChannelBinding_SCHANNEL(); } throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString("net_invalid_enum", new object[] { "SecurDll" }), "dll"); }
public static int AcquireCredentialsHandle(SecurDll dll, string package, CredentialUse intent, ref AuthIdentity authdata, out SafeFreeCredentials outCredential) { long num2; int num = -1; switch (dll) { case SecurDll.SECURITY: outCredential = new SafeFreeCredential_SECURITY(); RuntimeHelpers.PrepareConstrainedRegions(); try { goto Label_008D; } finally { num = UnsafeNclNativeMethods.SafeNetHandles_SECURITY.AcquireCredentialsHandleW(null, package, (int)intent, null, ref authdata, null, null, ref outCredential._handle, out num2); } break; case SecurDll.SECUR32: break; default: goto Label_0068; } outCredential = new SafeFreeCredential_SECUR32(); RuntimeHelpers.PrepareConstrainedRegions(); try { goto Label_008D; } finally { num = UnsafeNclNativeMethods.SafeNetHandles_SECUR32.AcquireCredentialsHandleA(null, package, (int)intent, null, ref authdata, null, null, ref outCredential._handle, out num2); } Label_0068 :; throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString("net_invalid_enum", new object[] { "SecurDll" }), "Dll"); Label_008D: if (num != 0) { outCredential.SetHandleAsInvalid(); } return(num); }
public static int AcquireCredentialsHandle(SecurDll dll, string package, CredentialUse intent, ref AuthIdentity authdata, out SafeFreeCredentials outCredential) { long num2; int num = -1; switch (dll) { case SecurDll.SECURITY: outCredential = new SafeFreeCredential_SECURITY(); RuntimeHelpers.PrepareConstrainedRegions(); try { goto Label_008D; } finally { num = UnsafeNclNativeMethods.SafeNetHandles_SECURITY.AcquireCredentialsHandleW(null, package, (int) intent, null, ref authdata, null, null, ref outCredential._handle, out num2); } break; case SecurDll.SECUR32: break; default: goto Label_0068; } outCredential = new SafeFreeCredential_SECUR32(); RuntimeHelpers.PrepareConstrainedRegions(); try { goto Label_008D; } finally { num = UnsafeNclNativeMethods.SafeNetHandles_SECUR32.AcquireCredentialsHandleA(null, package, (int) intent, null, ref authdata, null, null, ref outCredential._handle, out num2); } Label_0068:; throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString("net_invalid_enum", new object[] { "SecurDll" }), "Dll"); Label_008D: if (num != 0) { outCredential.SetHandleAsInvalid(); } return num; }
internal static int EnumeratePackages(SecurDll Dll, out int pkgnum, out SafeFreeContextBuffer pkgArray) { int num = -1; switch (Dll) { case SecurDll.SECURITY: { SafeFreeContextBuffer_SECURITY handle = null; num = UnsafeNclNativeMethods.SafeNetHandles_SECURITY.EnumerateSecurityPackagesW(out pkgnum, out handle); pkgArray = handle; break; } case SecurDll.SECUR32: { SafeFreeContextBuffer_SECUR32 r_secur = null; num = UnsafeNclNativeMethods.SafeNetHandles_SECUR32.EnumerateSecurityPackagesA(out pkgnum, out r_secur); pkgArray = r_secur; break; } case SecurDll.SCHANNEL: { SafeFreeContextBuffer_SCHANNEL r_schannel = null; num = UnsafeNclNativeMethods.SafeNetHandles_SCHANNEL.EnumerateSecurityPackagesA(out pkgnum, out r_schannel); pkgArray = r_schannel; break; } default: throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString("net_invalid_enum", new object[] { "SecurDll" }), "Dll"); } if ((num != 0) && (pkgArray != null)) { pkgArray.SetHandleAsInvalid(); } return(num); }
internal static unsafe int AcceptSecurityContext(SecurDll dll, ref SafeFreeCredentials inCredentials, ref SafeDeleteContext refContext, ContextFlags inFlags, Endianness endianness, SecurityBuffer inSecBuffer, SecurityBuffer[] inSecBuffers, SecurityBuffer outSecBuffer, ref ContextFlags outFlags) { if (inCredentials == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("inCredentials"); } SecurityBufferDescriptor inputBuffer = null; if (inSecBuffer != null) { inputBuffer = new SecurityBufferDescriptor(1); } else if (inSecBuffers != null) { inputBuffer = new SecurityBufferDescriptor(inSecBuffers.Length); } SecurityBufferDescriptor outputBuffer = new SecurityBufferDescriptor(1); bool flag = (inFlags & ContextFlags.AllocateMemory) != ContextFlags.Zero; int num = -1; SSPIHandle handle = new SSPIHandle(); if (refContext != null) { handle = refContext._handle; } GCHandle[] handleArray = null; GCHandle handle2 = new GCHandle(); SafeFreeContextBuffer handleTemplate = null; try { handle2 = GCHandle.Alloc(outSecBuffer.token, GCHandleType.Pinned); SecurityBufferStruct[] structArray = new SecurityBufferStruct[(inputBuffer == null) ? 1 : inputBuffer.Count]; try { SecurityBufferStruct[] structArray3; if (((structArray3 = structArray) == null) || (structArray3.Length == 0)) { ptrRef = null; goto Label_00A5; } fixed (IntPtr* ptrRef = structArray3) { Label_00A5: if (inputBuffer != null) { inputBuffer.UnmanagedPointer = (void*) ptrRef; handleArray = new GCHandle[inputBuffer.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < inputBuffer.Count; i++) { SecurityBuffer buffer2 = (inSecBuffer != null) ? inSecBuffer : inSecBuffers[i]; if (buffer2 != null) { structArray[i].count = buffer2.size; structArray[i].type = buffer2.type; if (buffer2.unmanagedToken != null) { structArray[i].token = buffer2.unmanagedToken.DangerousGetHandle(); } else if ((buffer2.token == null) || (buffer2.token.Length == 0)) { structArray[i].token = IntPtr.Zero; } else { handleArray[i] = GCHandle.Alloc(buffer2.token, GCHandleType.Pinned); structArray[i].token = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(buffer2.token, buffer2.offset); } } } } SecurityBufferStruct[] structArray2 = new SecurityBufferStruct[1]; try { SecurityBufferStruct[] structArray4; if (((structArray4 = structArray2) == null) || (structArray4.Length == 0)) { ptrRef2 = null; goto Label_01CB; } fixed (IntPtr* ptrRef2 = structArray4) { Label_01CB: outputBuffer.UnmanagedPointer = (void*) ptrRef2; structArray2[0].count = outSecBuffer.size; structArray2[0].type = outSecBuffer.type; if ((outSecBuffer.token == null) || (outSecBuffer.token.Length == 0)) { structArray2[0].token = IntPtr.Zero; } else { structArray2[0].token = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(outSecBuffer.token, outSecBuffer.offset); } if (flag) { handleTemplate = SafeFreeContextBuffer.CreateEmptyHandle(dll); } switch (dll) { case SecurDll.SECURITY: if ((refContext == null) || refContext.IsInvalid) { refContext = new SafeDeleteContext_SECURITY(); } num = MustRunAcceptSecurityContext_SECURITY(ref inCredentials, handle.IsZero ? null : ((void*) &handle), inputBuffer, inFlags, endianness, refContext, outputBuffer, ref outFlags, handleTemplate); break; case SecurDll.SECUR32: if ((refContext == null) || refContext.IsInvalid) { refContext = new SafeDeleteContext_SECUR32(); } num = MustRunAcceptSecurityContext_SECUR32(ref inCredentials, handle.IsZero ? null : ((void*) &handle), inputBuffer, inFlags, endianness, refContext, outputBuffer, ref outFlags, handleTemplate); break; case SecurDll.SCHANNEL: if ((refContext == null) || refContext.IsInvalid) { refContext = new SafeDeleteContext_SCHANNEL(); } num = MustRunAcceptSecurityContext_SCHANNEL(ref inCredentials, handle.IsZero ? null : ((void*) &handle), inputBuffer, inFlags, endianness, refContext, outputBuffer, ref outFlags, handleTemplate); break; default: throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString("net_invalid_enum", new object[] { "SecurDll" }), "Dll"); } outSecBuffer.size = structArray2[0].count; outSecBuffer.type = structArray2[0].type; if (outSecBuffer.size > 0) { outSecBuffer.token = new byte[outSecBuffer.size]; Marshal.Copy(structArray2[0].token, outSecBuffer.token, 0, outSecBuffer.size); return num; } outSecBuffer.token = null; return num; } } finally { ptrRef2 = null; } return num; } } finally { ptrRef = null; } } finally { if (handleArray != null) { for (int j = 0; j < handleArray.Length; j++) { if (handleArray[j].IsAllocated) { handleArray[j].Free(); } } } if (handle2.IsAllocated) { handle2.Free(); } if (handleTemplate != null) { handleTemplate.Close(); } } return num; }
internal static unsafe int InitializeSecurityContext(SecurDll dll, ref SafeFreeCredentials inCredentials, ref SafeDeleteContext refContext, string targetName, ContextFlags inFlags, Endianness endianness, SecurityBuffer inSecBuffer, SecurityBuffer[] inSecBuffers, SecurityBuffer outSecBuffer, ref ContextFlags outFlags) { if (inCredentials == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("inCredentials"); } SecurityBufferDescriptor inputBuffer = null; if (inSecBuffer != null) { inputBuffer = new SecurityBufferDescriptor(1); } else if (inSecBuffers != null) { inputBuffer = new SecurityBufferDescriptor(inSecBuffers.Length); } SecurityBufferDescriptor outputBuffer = new SecurityBufferDescriptor(1); bool flag = (inFlags & ContextFlags.AllocateMemory) != ContextFlags.Zero; int num = -1; SSPIHandle handle = new SSPIHandle(); if (refContext != null) { handle = refContext._handle; } GCHandle[] handleArray = null; GCHandle handle2 = new GCHandle(); SafeFreeContextBuffer handleTemplate = null; try { handle2 = GCHandle.Alloc(outSecBuffer.token, GCHandleType.Pinned); SecurityBufferStruct[] structArray = new SecurityBufferStruct[(inputBuffer == null) ? 1 : inputBuffer.Count]; try { SecurityBufferStruct[] structArray3; if (((structArray3 = structArray) == null) || (structArray3.Length == 0)) { ptrRef = null; goto Label_00A6; } fixed(IntPtr *ptrRef = structArray3) { Label_00A6: if (inputBuffer != null) { inputBuffer.UnmanagedPointer = (void *)ptrRef; handleArray = new GCHandle[inputBuffer.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < inputBuffer.Count; i++) { SecurityBuffer buffer2 = (inSecBuffer != null) ? inSecBuffer : inSecBuffers[i]; if (buffer2 != null) { structArray[i].count = buffer2.size; structArray[i].type = buffer2.type; if (buffer2.unmanagedToken != null) { structArray[i].token = buffer2.unmanagedToken.DangerousGetHandle(); } else if ((buffer2.token == null) || (buffer2.token.Length == 0)) { structArray[i].token = IntPtr.Zero; } else { handleArray[i] = GCHandle.Alloc(buffer2.token, GCHandleType.Pinned); structArray[i].token = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(buffer2.token, buffer2.offset); } } } } SecurityBufferStruct[] structArray2 = new SecurityBufferStruct[1]; try { SecurityBufferStruct[] structArray4; if (((structArray4 = structArray2) == null) || (structArray4.Length == 0)) { ptrRef2 = null; goto Label_01CC; } fixed(IntPtr *ptrRef2 = structArray4) { ref byte pinned numRef; ref byte pinned numRef2; Label_01CC: outputBuffer.UnmanagedPointer = (void *)ptrRef2; structArray2[0].count = outSecBuffer.size; structArray2[0].type = outSecBuffer.type; if ((outSecBuffer.token == null) || (outSecBuffer.token.Length == 0)) { structArray2[0].token = IntPtr.Zero; } else { structArray2[0].token = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(outSecBuffer.token, outSecBuffer.offset); } if (flag) { handleTemplate = SafeFreeContextBuffer.CreateEmptyHandle(dll); } switch (dll) { case SecurDll.SECURITY: if ((refContext == null) || refContext.IsInvalid) { refContext = new SafeDeleteContext_SECURITY(); } if ((targetName == null) || (targetName.Length == 0)) { targetName = " "; } fixed(char *str = ((char *)targetName)) { char *chPtr = str; num = MustRunInitializeSecurityContext_SECURITY(ref inCredentials, handle.IsZero ? null : ((void *)&handle), (targetName == " ") ? null : ((byte *)chPtr), inFlags, endianness, inputBuffer, refContext, outputBuffer, ref outFlags, handleTemplate); goto Label_044B; } break; case SecurDll.SECUR32: break; case SecurDll.SCHANNEL: goto Label_0381; default: goto Label_0423; } if ((refContext == null) || refContext.IsInvalid) { refContext = new SafeDeleteContext_SECUR32(); } byte[] dummyBytes = SafeDeleteContext.dummyBytes; if ((targetName != null) && (targetName.Length != 0)) { dummyBytes = new byte[targetName.Length + 2]; Encoding.Default.GetBytes(targetName, 0, targetName.Length, dummyBytes, 0); } try { byte[] buffer5; if (((buffer5 = dummyBytes) == null) || (buffer5.Length == 0)) { numRef = null; } else { numRef = buffer5; } num = MustRunInitializeSecurityContext_SECUR32(ref inCredentials, handle.IsZero ? null : ((void *)&handle), (dummyBytes == SafeDeleteContext.dummyBytes) ? null : numRef, inFlags, endianness, inputBuffer, refContext, outputBuffer, ref outFlags, handleTemplate); goto Label_044B; } finally { numRef = null; } Label_0381: if ((refContext == null) || refContext.IsInvalid) { refContext = new SafeDeleteContext_SCHANNEL(); } byte[] bytes = SafeDeleteContext.dummyBytes; if ((targetName != null) && (targetName.Length != 0)) { bytes = new byte[targetName.Length + 2]; Encoding.Default.GetBytes(targetName, 0, targetName.Length, bytes, 0); } try { byte[] buffer6; if (((buffer6 = bytes) == null) || (buffer6.Length == 0)) { numRef2 = null; } else { numRef2 = buffer6; } num = MustRunInitializeSecurityContext_SCHANNEL(ref inCredentials, handle.IsZero ? null : ((void *)&handle), (bytes == SafeDeleteContext.dummyBytes) ? null : numRef2, inFlags, endianness, inputBuffer, refContext, outputBuffer, ref outFlags, handleTemplate); goto Label_044B; } finally { numRef2 = null; } Label_0423 :; throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString("net_invalid_enum", new object[] { "SecurDll" }), "Dll"); Label_044B: outSecBuffer.size = structArray2[0].count; outSecBuffer.type = structArray2[0].type; if (outSecBuffer.size > 0) { outSecBuffer.token = new byte[outSecBuffer.size]; Marshal.Copy(structArray2[0].token, outSecBuffer.token, 0, outSecBuffer.size); return(num); } outSecBuffer.token = null; return(num); } } finally { ptrRef2 = null; } return(num); } }
// // After PINvoke call the method will fix the refHandle.handle with the returned value. // The caller is responsible for creating a correct SafeHandle template or null can be passed if no handle is returned. // // This method switches between three non-interruptible helper methods. (This method can't be both non-interruptible and // reference imports from all three DLLs - doing so would cause all three DLLs to try to be bound to.) // public unsafe static int QueryContextAttributes(SecurDll dll, SafeDeleteContext phContext, ContextAttribute contextAttribute, byte* buffer, SafeHandle refHandle) { switch (dll) { case SecurDll.SECURITY: return QueryContextAttributes_SECURITY(phContext, contextAttribute, buffer, refHandle); default: return -1; } }
// // internal static int EnumeratePackages(SecurDll Dll, out int pkgnum, out SafeFreeContextBuffer pkgArray) { int res = -1; switch (Dll) { case SecurDll.SECURITY: SafeFreeContextBuffer_SECURITY pkgArray_SECURITY = null; res = UnsafeNclNativeMethods.SafeNetHandles_SECURITY.EnumerateSecurityPackagesW(out pkgnum, out pkgArray_SECURITY); pkgArray = pkgArray_SECURITY; break; default: throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.net_invalid_enum, "SecurDll"), "Dll"); } if (res != 0 && pkgArray != null) { pkgArray.SetHandleAsInvalid(); } return res; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------- internal unsafe static int AcceptSecurityContext( SecurDll dll, ref SafeFreeCredentials inCredentials, ref SafeDeleteContext refContext, ContextFlags inFlags, Endianness endianness, SecurityBuffer inSecBuffer, SecurityBuffer[] inSecBuffers, SecurityBuffer outSecBuffer, ref ContextFlags outFlags) { #if TRAVE GlobalLog.Enter("SafeDeleteContext::AcceptSecurityContex"); GlobalLog.Print(" DLL = " + dll); GlobalLog.Print(" credential = " + inCredentials.ToString()); GlobalLog.Print(" refContext = " + ValidationHelper.ToString(refContext)); GlobalLog.Print(" inFlags = " + inFlags); // GlobalLog.Print(" endianness = " + endianness); // GlobalLog.Print(" inSecBuffer = " + SecurityBuffer.ToString(inSecBuffer)); // if (inSecBuffers==null) { GlobalLog.Print(" inSecBuffers = (null)"); } else { GlobalLog.Print(" inSecBuffers[] = length:" + inSecBuffers.Length); // for (int index=0; index<inSecBuffers.Length; index++) { GlobalLog.Print(" inSecBuffers[" + index + "] = " + SecurityBuffer.ToString(inSecBuffers[index])); } } // GlobalLog.Print(" newContext = {ref} inContext"); // GlobalLog.Print(" outSecBuffer = " + SecurityBuffer.ToString(outSecBuffer)); // GlobalLog.Print(" outFlags = {ref} " + outFlags); // GlobalLog.Print(" timestamp = null"); #endif GlobalLog.Assert(outSecBuffer != null, "SafeDeleteContext::AcceptSecurityContext()|outSecBuffer != null"); GlobalLog.Assert(inSecBuffer == null || inSecBuffers == null, "SafeDeleteContext::AcceptSecurityContext()|inSecBuffer == null || inSecBuffers == null"); if (inCredentials == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("inCredentials"); } SecurityBufferDescriptor inSecurityBufferDescriptor = null; if (inSecBuffer!=null) { inSecurityBufferDescriptor = new SecurityBufferDescriptor(1); } else if (inSecBuffers!=null) { inSecurityBufferDescriptor = new SecurityBufferDescriptor(inSecBuffers.Length); } SecurityBufferDescriptor outSecurityBufferDescriptor = new SecurityBufferDescriptor(1); // actually this is returned in outFlags bool isSspiAllocated = (inFlags & ContextFlags.AllocateMemory) != 0 ? true : false; int errorCode = -1; SSPIHandle contextHandle = new SSPIHandle(); if (refContext != null) contextHandle = refContext._handle; // these are pinned user byte arrays passed along with SecurityBuffers GCHandle[] pinnedInBytes = null; GCHandle pinnedOutBytes = new GCHandle(); // optional output buffer that may need to be freed SafeFreeContextBuffer outFreeContextBuffer = null; try { pinnedOutBytes = GCHandle.Alloc(outSecBuffer.token, GCHandleType.Pinned); SecurityBufferStruct[] inUnmanagedBuffer = new SecurityBufferStruct[inSecurityBufferDescriptor==null ? 1:inSecurityBufferDescriptor.Count]; fixed (void* inUnmanagedBufferPtr = inUnmanagedBuffer) { if (inSecurityBufferDescriptor!=null) { // Fix Descriptor pointer that points to unmanaged SecurityBuffers inSecurityBufferDescriptor.UnmanagedPointer = inUnmanagedBufferPtr; pinnedInBytes = new GCHandle[inSecurityBufferDescriptor.Count]; SecurityBuffer securityBuffer; for (int index = 0; index < inSecurityBufferDescriptor.Count; ++index) { securityBuffer = inSecBuffer!=null ? inSecBuffer : inSecBuffers[index]; if (securityBuffer!=null) { // Copy the SecurityBuffer content into unmanaged place holder inUnmanagedBuffer[index].count = securityBuffer.size; inUnmanagedBuffer[index].type = securityBuffer.type; // use the unmanaged token if it's not null; otherwise use the managed buffer if (securityBuffer.unmanagedToken != null) { inUnmanagedBuffer[index].token = securityBuffer.unmanagedToken.DangerousGetHandle(); } else if (securityBuffer.token == null || securityBuffer.token.Length == 0) { inUnmanagedBuffer[index].token = IntPtr.Zero; } else { pinnedInBytes[index] = GCHandle.Alloc(securityBuffer.token, GCHandleType.Pinned); inUnmanagedBuffer[index].token = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(securityBuffer.token, securityBuffer.offset); } #if TRAVE GlobalLog.Print("SecBuffer: cbBuffer:" + securityBuffer.size + " BufferType:" + securityBuffer.type); #endif } } } SecurityBufferStruct[] outUnmanagedBuffer = new SecurityBufferStruct[1]; fixed (void* outUnmanagedBufferPtr = outUnmanagedBuffer) { // Fix Descriptor pointer that points to unmanaged SecurityBuffers outSecurityBufferDescriptor.UnmanagedPointer = outUnmanagedBufferPtr; // Copy the SecurityBuffer content into unmanaged place holder outUnmanagedBuffer[0].count = outSecBuffer.size; outUnmanagedBuffer[0].type = outSecBuffer.type; if (outSecBuffer.token == null || outSecBuffer.token.Length == 0) outUnmanagedBuffer[0].token = IntPtr.Zero; else outUnmanagedBuffer[0].token = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(outSecBuffer.token, outSecBuffer.offset); if (isSspiAllocated) outFreeContextBuffer = SafeFreeContextBuffer.CreateEmptyHandle(dll); switch (dll) { case SecurDll.SECURITY: if (refContext == null || refContext.IsInvalid) refContext = new SafeDeleteContext_SECURITY(); errorCode = MustRunAcceptSecurityContext_SECURITY( ref inCredentials, contextHandle.IsZero? null: &contextHandle, inSecurityBufferDescriptor, inFlags, endianness, refContext, outSecurityBufferDescriptor, ref outFlags, outFreeContextBuffer ); break; default: throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.net_invalid_enum, "SecurDll"), "Dll"); } GlobalLog.Print("SafeDeleteContext:AcceptSecurityContext Marshalling OUT buffer"); // Get unmanaged buffer with index 0 as the only one passed into PInvoke outSecBuffer.size = outUnmanagedBuffer[0].count; outSecBuffer.type = outUnmanagedBuffer[0].type; if (outSecBuffer.size > 0) { outSecBuffer.token = new byte[outSecBuffer.size]; Marshal.Copy(outUnmanagedBuffer[0].token, outSecBuffer.token, 0, outSecBuffer.size); } else { outSecBuffer.token = null; } } } } finally { if (pinnedInBytes!=null) { for (int index=0; index<pinnedInBytes.Length; index++) { if (pinnedInBytes[index].IsAllocated) pinnedInBytes[index].Free(); } } if (pinnedOutBytes.IsAllocated) pinnedOutBytes.Free(); if (outFreeContextBuffer != null) outFreeContextBuffer.Close(); } GlobalLog.Leave("SafeDeleteContext::AcceptSecurityContex() unmanaged AcceptSecurityContex()", "errorCode:0x" + errorCode.ToString("x8") + " refContext:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(refContext)); return errorCode; }
public unsafe static int AcquireDefaultCredential( SecurDll dll, string package, CredentialUse intent, out SafeFreeCredentials outCredential ) { GlobalLog.Print("SafeFreeCredentials::AcquireDefaultCredential(" + dll + "," + package + ", " + intent + ")" ); int errorCode = -1; long timeStamp; switch (dll) { case SecurDll.SECURITY: outCredential = new SafeFreeCredential_SECURITY(); RuntimeHelpers.PrepareConstrainedRegions(); try {} finally { errorCode = UnsafeNclNativeMethods.SafeNetHandles_SECURITY.AcquireCredentialsHandleW( null, package, (int)intent, null, IntPtr.Zero, null, null, ref outCredential._handle, out timeStamp ); } break; default: throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.net_invalid_enum, "SecurDll"), "Dll"); } #if TRAVE GlobalLog.Print("Unmanaged::AcquireCredentialsHandle() returns 0x" + errorCode.ToString("x") + ", handle = " + outCredential.ToString() ); #endif if (errorCode != 0) { outCredential.SetHandleAsInvalid(); } return errorCode; }
public unsafe static int AcquireCredentialsHandle( SecurDll dll, string package, CredentialUse intent, ref SecureCredential authdata, out SafeFreeCredentials outCredential ) { GlobalLog.Print("SafeFreeCredentials::AcquireCredentialsHandle#2(" + dll + "," + package + ", " + intent + ", " + authdata + ")" ); int errorCode = -1; long timeStamp; // If there is a certificate, wrap it into an array. // Not threadsafe. IntPtr copiedPtr = authdata.certContextArray; try { IntPtr certArrayPtr = new IntPtr(&copiedPtr); if (copiedPtr != IntPtr.Zero) { authdata.certContextArray = certArrayPtr; } switch (dll) { case SecurDll.SECURITY: outCredential = new SafeFreeCredential_SECURITY(); RuntimeHelpers.PrepareConstrainedRegions(); try {} finally { errorCode = UnsafeNclNativeMethods.SafeNetHandles_SECURITY.AcquireCredentialsHandleW( null, package, (int)intent, null, ref authdata, null, null, ref outCredential._handle, out timeStamp ); } break; default: throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.net_invalid_enum, "SecurDll"), "Dll"); } } finally { authdata.certContextArray = copiedPtr; } #if TRAVE GlobalLog.Print("Unmanaged::AcquireCredentialsHandle() returns 0x" + errorCode.ToString("x") + ", handle = " + outCredential.ToString() ); #endif if (errorCode != 0) { outCredential.SetHandleAsInvalid(); } return errorCode; }
internal static unsafe int CompleteAuthToken(SecurDll dll, ref SafeDeleteContext refContext, SecurityBuffer[] inSecBuffers) { SecurityBufferStruct[] structArray2; SecurityBufferDescriptor inputBuffers = new SecurityBufferDescriptor(inSecBuffers.Length); int num = -2146893055; GCHandle[] handleArray = null; SecurityBufferStruct[] structArray = new SecurityBufferStruct[inputBuffers.Count]; if (((structArray2 = structArray) != null) && (structArray2.Length != 0)) { goto Label_002F; } fixed (IntPtr* ptrRef = null) { goto Label_0039; Label_002F: ptrRef = structArray2; Label_0039: inputBuffers.UnmanagedPointer = (void*) ptrRef; handleArray = new GCHandle[inputBuffers.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < inputBuffers.Count; i++) { SecurityBuffer buffer = inSecBuffers[i]; if (buffer != null) { structArray[i].count = buffer.size; structArray[i].type = buffer.type; if (buffer.unmanagedToken != null) { structArray[i].token = buffer.unmanagedToken.DangerousGetHandle(); } else if ((buffer.token == null) || (buffer.token.Length == 0)) { structArray[i].token = IntPtr.Zero; } else { handleArray[i] = GCHandle.Alloc(buffer.token, GCHandleType.Pinned); structArray[i].token = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(buffer.token, buffer.offset); } } } SSPIHandle handle = new SSPIHandle(); if (refContext != null) { handle = refContext._handle; } try { if (dll == SecurDll.SECURITY) { if ((refContext == null) || refContext.IsInvalid) { refContext = new SafeDeleteContext_SECURITY(); } bool success = false; RuntimeHelpers.PrepareConstrainedRegions(); try { try { refContext.DangerousAddRef(ref success); } catch (Exception exception) { if (success) { refContext.DangerousRelease(); success = false; } if (!(exception is ObjectDisposedException)) { throw; } } goto Label_0201; } finally { if (success) { num = UnsafeNclNativeMethods.SafeNetHandles_SECURITY.CompleteAuthToken(handle.IsZero ? null : ((void*) &handle), inputBuffers); refContext.DangerousRelease(); } } } throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString("net_invalid_enum", new object[] { "SecurDll" }), "Dll"); } finally { if (handleArray != null) { for (int j = 0; j < handleArray.Length; j++) { if (handleArray[j].IsAllocated) { handleArray[j].Free(); } } } } } Label_0201:; return num; }
// // // internal unsafe static int CompleteAuthToken( SecurDll dll, ref SafeDeleteContext refContext, SecurityBuffer[] inSecBuffers) { GlobalLog.Enter("SafeDeleteContext::CompleteAuthToken"); GlobalLog.Print(" DLL = " + dll); GlobalLog.Print(" refContext = " + ValidationHelper.ToString(refContext)); #if TRAVE GlobalLog.Print(" inSecBuffers[] = length:" + inSecBuffers.Length); // for (int index=0; index<inSecBuffers.Length; index++) { GlobalLog.Print(" inSecBuffers[" + index + "] = " + SecurityBuffer.ToString(inSecBuffers[index])); } #endif GlobalLog.Assert(inSecBuffers != null, "SafeDeleteContext::CompleteAuthToken()|inSecBuffers == null"); SecurityBufferDescriptor inSecurityBufferDescriptor = new SecurityBufferDescriptor(inSecBuffers.Length); int errorCode = (int)SecurityStatus.InvalidHandle; // these are pinned user byte arrays passed along with SecurityBuffers GCHandle[] pinnedInBytes = null; SecurityBufferStruct[] inUnmanagedBuffer = new SecurityBufferStruct[inSecurityBufferDescriptor.Count]; fixed (void* inUnmanagedBufferPtr = inUnmanagedBuffer) { // Fix Descriptor pointer that points to unmanaged SecurityBuffers inSecurityBufferDescriptor.UnmanagedPointer = inUnmanagedBufferPtr; pinnedInBytes = new GCHandle[inSecurityBufferDescriptor.Count]; SecurityBuffer securityBuffer; for (int index = 0; index < inSecurityBufferDescriptor.Count; ++index) { securityBuffer = inSecBuffers[index]; if (securityBuffer!=null) { inUnmanagedBuffer[index].count = securityBuffer.size; inUnmanagedBuffer[index].type = securityBuffer.type; // use the unmanaged token if it's not null; otherwise use the managed buffer if (securityBuffer.unmanagedToken != null) { inUnmanagedBuffer[index].token = securityBuffer.unmanagedToken.DangerousGetHandle(); } else if (securityBuffer.token==null || securityBuffer.token.Length==0) { inUnmanagedBuffer[index].token = IntPtr.Zero; } else { pinnedInBytes[index] = GCHandle.Alloc(securityBuffer.token, GCHandleType.Pinned); inUnmanagedBuffer[index].token = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(securityBuffer.token, securityBuffer.offset); } #if TRAVE GlobalLog.Print("SecBuffer: cbBuffer:" + securityBuffer.size + " BufferType:" + securityBuffer.type); // securityBuffer.DebugDump(); #endif } } SSPIHandle contextHandle = new SSPIHandle(); if (refContext != null) { contextHandle = refContext._handle; } try { if (dll==SecurDll.SECURITY) { if (refContext == null || refContext.IsInvalid) { refContext = new SafeDeleteContext_SECURITY(); } bool b = false; RuntimeHelpers.PrepareConstrainedRegions(); try { refContext.DangerousAddRef(ref b); } catch(Exception e) { if (b) { refContext.DangerousRelease(); b = false; } if (!(e is ObjectDisposedException)) throw; } finally { if (b) { errorCode = UnsafeNclNativeMethods.SafeNetHandles_SECURITY.CompleteAuthToken(contextHandle.IsZero? null: &contextHandle, inSecurityBufferDescriptor); refContext.DangerousRelease(); } } } else { throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.net_invalid_enum, "SecurDll"), "Dll"); } } finally { if (pinnedInBytes!=null) { for (int index=0; index<pinnedInBytes.Length; index++) { if (pinnedInBytes[index].IsAllocated) { pinnedInBytes[index].Free(); } } } } } GlobalLog.Leave("SafeDeleteContext::CompleteAuthToken() unmanaged CompleteAuthToken()", "errorCode:0x" + errorCode.ToString("x8") + " refContext:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(refContext)); return errorCode; }
internal static unsafe int InitializeSecurityContext(SecurDll dll, ref SafeFreeCredentials inCredentials, ref SafeDeleteContext refContext, string targetName, ContextFlags inFlags, Endianness endianness, SecurityBuffer inSecBuffer, SecurityBuffer[] inSecBuffers, SecurityBuffer outSecBuffer, ref ContextFlags outFlags) { if (inCredentials == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("inCredentials"); } SecurityBufferDescriptor inputBuffer = null; if (inSecBuffer != null) { inputBuffer = new SecurityBufferDescriptor(1); } else if (inSecBuffers != null) { inputBuffer = new SecurityBufferDescriptor(inSecBuffers.Length); } SecurityBufferDescriptor outputBuffer = new SecurityBufferDescriptor(1); bool flag = (inFlags & ContextFlags.AllocateMemory) != ContextFlags.Zero; int num = -1; SSPIHandle handle = new SSPIHandle(); if (refContext != null) { handle = refContext._handle; } GCHandle[] handleArray = null; GCHandle handle2 = new GCHandle(); SafeFreeContextBuffer handleTemplate = null; try { handle2 = GCHandle.Alloc(outSecBuffer.token, GCHandleType.Pinned); SecurityBufferStruct[] structArray = new SecurityBufferStruct[(inputBuffer == null) ? 1 : inputBuffer.Count]; try { SecurityBufferStruct[] structArray3; if (((structArray3 = structArray) == null) || (structArray3.Length == 0)) { ptrRef = null; goto Label_00A6; } fixed (IntPtr* ptrRef = structArray3) { Label_00A6: if (inputBuffer != null) { inputBuffer.UnmanagedPointer = (void*) ptrRef; handleArray = new GCHandle[inputBuffer.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < inputBuffer.Count; i++) { SecurityBuffer buffer2 = (inSecBuffer != null) ? inSecBuffer : inSecBuffers[i]; if (buffer2 != null) { structArray[i].count = buffer2.size; structArray[i].type = buffer2.type; if (buffer2.unmanagedToken != null) { structArray[i].token = buffer2.unmanagedToken.DangerousGetHandle(); } else if ((buffer2.token == null) || (buffer2.token.Length == 0)) { structArray[i].token = IntPtr.Zero; } else { handleArray[i] = GCHandle.Alloc(buffer2.token, GCHandleType.Pinned); structArray[i].token = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(buffer2.token, buffer2.offset); } } } } SecurityBufferStruct[] structArray2 = new SecurityBufferStruct[1]; try { SecurityBufferStruct[] structArray4; if (((structArray4 = structArray2) == null) || (structArray4.Length == 0)) { ptrRef2 = null; goto Label_01CC; } fixed (IntPtr* ptrRef2 = structArray4) { ref byte pinned numRef; ref byte pinned numRef2; Label_01CC: outputBuffer.UnmanagedPointer = (void*) ptrRef2; structArray2[0].count = outSecBuffer.size; structArray2[0].type = outSecBuffer.type; if ((outSecBuffer.token == null) || (outSecBuffer.token.Length == 0)) { structArray2[0].token = IntPtr.Zero; } else { structArray2[0].token = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(outSecBuffer.token, outSecBuffer.offset); } if (flag) { handleTemplate = SafeFreeContextBuffer.CreateEmptyHandle(dll); } switch (dll) { case SecurDll.SECURITY: if ((refContext == null) || refContext.IsInvalid) { refContext = new SafeDeleteContext_SECURITY(); } if ((targetName == null) || (targetName.Length == 0)) { targetName = " "; } fixed (char* str = ((char*) targetName)) { char* chPtr = str; num = MustRunInitializeSecurityContext_SECURITY(ref inCredentials, handle.IsZero ? null : ((void*) &handle), (targetName == " ") ? null : ((byte*) chPtr), inFlags, endianness, inputBuffer, refContext, outputBuffer, ref outFlags, handleTemplate); goto Label_044B; } break; case SecurDll.SECUR32: break; case SecurDll.SCHANNEL: goto Label_0381; default: goto Label_0423; } if ((refContext == null) || refContext.IsInvalid) { refContext = new SafeDeleteContext_SECUR32(); } byte[] dummyBytes = SafeDeleteContext.dummyBytes; if ((targetName != null) && (targetName.Length != 0)) { dummyBytes = new byte[targetName.Length + 2]; Encoding.Default.GetBytes(targetName, 0, targetName.Length, dummyBytes, 0); } try { byte[] buffer5; if (((buffer5 = dummyBytes) == null) || (buffer5.Length == 0)) { numRef = null; } else { numRef = buffer5; } num = MustRunInitializeSecurityContext_SECUR32(ref inCredentials, handle.IsZero ? null : ((void*) &handle), (dummyBytes == SafeDeleteContext.dummyBytes) ? null : numRef, inFlags, endianness, inputBuffer, refContext, outputBuffer, ref outFlags, handleTemplate); goto Label_044B; } finally { numRef = null; } Label_0381: if ((refContext == null) || refContext.IsInvalid) { refContext = new SafeDeleteContext_SCHANNEL(); } byte[] bytes = SafeDeleteContext.dummyBytes; if ((targetName != null) && (targetName.Length != 0)) { bytes = new byte[targetName.Length + 2]; Encoding.Default.GetBytes(targetName, 0, targetName.Length, bytes, 0); } try { byte[] buffer6; if (((buffer6 = bytes) == null) || (buffer6.Length == 0)) { numRef2 = null; } else { numRef2 = buffer6; } num = MustRunInitializeSecurityContext_SCHANNEL(ref inCredentials, handle.IsZero ? null : ((void*) &handle), (bytes == SafeDeleteContext.dummyBytes) ? null : numRef2, inFlags, endianness, inputBuffer, refContext, outputBuffer, ref outFlags, handleTemplate); goto Label_044B; } finally { numRef2 = null; } Label_0423:; throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString("net_invalid_enum", new object[] { "SecurDll" }), "Dll"); Label_044B: outSecBuffer.size = structArray2[0].count; outSecBuffer.type = structArray2[0].type; if (outSecBuffer.size > 0) { outSecBuffer.token = new byte[outSecBuffer.size]; Marshal.Copy(structArray2[0].token, outSecBuffer.token, 0, outSecBuffer.size); return num; } outSecBuffer.token = null; return num; } } finally { ptrRef2 = null; } return num; } }
// // internal static SafeFreeContextBuffer CreateEmptyHandle(SecurDll dll) { switch (dll) { case SecurDll.SECURITY: return new SafeFreeContextBuffer_SECURITY(); default: throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.net_invalid_enum, "SecurDll"), "dll"); } }
internal static unsafe int AcceptSecurityContext(SecurDll dll, ref SafeFreeCredentials inCredentials, ref SafeDeleteContext refContext, ContextFlags inFlags, Endianness endianness, SecurityBuffer inSecBuffer, SecurityBuffer[] inSecBuffers, SecurityBuffer outSecBuffer, ref ContextFlags outFlags) { if (inCredentials == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("inCredentials"); } SecurityBufferDescriptor inputBuffer = null; if (inSecBuffer != null) { inputBuffer = new SecurityBufferDescriptor(1); } else if (inSecBuffers != null) { inputBuffer = new SecurityBufferDescriptor(inSecBuffers.Length); } SecurityBufferDescriptor outputBuffer = new SecurityBufferDescriptor(1); bool flag = (inFlags & ContextFlags.AllocateMemory) != ContextFlags.Zero; int num = -1; SSPIHandle handle = new SSPIHandle(); if (refContext != null) { handle = refContext._handle; } GCHandle[] handleArray = null; GCHandle handle2 = new GCHandle(); SafeFreeContextBuffer handleTemplate = null; try { handle2 = GCHandle.Alloc(outSecBuffer.token, GCHandleType.Pinned); SecurityBufferStruct[] structArray = new SecurityBufferStruct[(inputBuffer == null) ? 1 : inputBuffer.Count]; try { SecurityBufferStruct[] structArray3; if (((structArray3 = structArray) == null) || (structArray3.Length == 0)) { ptrRef = null; goto Label_00A5; } fixed(IntPtr *ptrRef = structArray3) { Label_00A5: if (inputBuffer != null) { inputBuffer.UnmanagedPointer = (void *)ptrRef; handleArray = new GCHandle[inputBuffer.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < inputBuffer.Count; i++) { SecurityBuffer buffer2 = (inSecBuffer != null) ? inSecBuffer : inSecBuffers[i]; if (buffer2 != null) { structArray[i].count = buffer2.size; structArray[i].type = buffer2.type; if (buffer2.unmanagedToken != null) { structArray[i].token = buffer2.unmanagedToken.DangerousGetHandle(); } else if ((buffer2.token == null) || (buffer2.token.Length == 0)) { structArray[i].token = IntPtr.Zero; } else { handleArray[i] = GCHandle.Alloc(buffer2.token, GCHandleType.Pinned); structArray[i].token = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(buffer2.token, buffer2.offset); } } } } SecurityBufferStruct[] structArray2 = new SecurityBufferStruct[1]; try { SecurityBufferStruct[] structArray4; if (((structArray4 = structArray2) == null) || (structArray4.Length == 0)) { ptrRef2 = null; goto Label_01CB; } fixed(IntPtr *ptrRef2 = structArray4) { Label_01CB: outputBuffer.UnmanagedPointer = (void *)ptrRef2; structArray2[0].count = outSecBuffer.size; structArray2[0].type = outSecBuffer.type; if ((outSecBuffer.token == null) || (outSecBuffer.token.Length == 0)) { structArray2[0].token = IntPtr.Zero; } else { structArray2[0].token = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(outSecBuffer.token, outSecBuffer.offset); } if (flag) { handleTemplate = SafeFreeContextBuffer.CreateEmptyHandle(dll); } switch (dll) { case SecurDll.SECURITY: if ((refContext == null) || refContext.IsInvalid) { refContext = new SafeDeleteContext_SECURITY(); } num = MustRunAcceptSecurityContext_SECURITY(ref inCredentials, handle.IsZero ? null : ((void *)&handle), inputBuffer, inFlags, endianness, refContext, outputBuffer, ref outFlags, handleTemplate); break; case SecurDll.SECUR32: if ((refContext == null) || refContext.IsInvalid) { refContext = new SafeDeleteContext_SECUR32(); } num = MustRunAcceptSecurityContext_SECUR32(ref inCredentials, handle.IsZero ? null : ((void *)&handle), inputBuffer, inFlags, endianness, refContext, outputBuffer, ref outFlags, handleTemplate); break; case SecurDll.SCHANNEL: if ((refContext == null) || refContext.IsInvalid) { refContext = new SafeDeleteContext_SCHANNEL(); } num = MustRunAcceptSecurityContext_SCHANNEL(ref inCredentials, handle.IsZero ? null : ((void *)&handle), inputBuffer, inFlags, endianness, refContext, outputBuffer, ref outFlags, handleTemplate); break; default: throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString("net_invalid_enum", new object[] { "SecurDll" }), "Dll"); } outSecBuffer.size = structArray2[0].count; outSecBuffer.type = structArray2[0].type; if (outSecBuffer.size > 0) { outSecBuffer.token = new byte[outSecBuffer.size]; Marshal.Copy(structArray2[0].token, outSecBuffer.token, 0, outSecBuffer.size); return(num); } outSecBuffer.token = null; return(num); } } finally { ptrRef2 = null; } return(num); } } finally { ptrRef = null; } } finally { if (handleArray != null) { for (int j = 0; j < handleArray.Length; j++) { if (handleArray[j].IsAllocated) { handleArray[j].Free(); } } } if (handle2.IsAllocated) { handle2.Free(); } if (handleTemplate != null) { handleTemplate.Close(); } } return(num); }
public static int SetContextAttributes(SecurDll dll, SafeDeleteContext phContext, ContextAttribute contextAttribute, byte[] buffer) { switch (dll) { case SecurDll.SECURITY: return SetContextAttributes_SECURITY(phContext, contextAttribute, buffer); default: return -1; } }
internal static unsafe int CompleteAuthToken(SecurDll dll, ref SafeDeleteContext refContext, SecurityBuffer[] inSecBuffers) { SecurityBufferStruct[] structArray2; SecurityBufferDescriptor inputBuffers = new SecurityBufferDescriptor(inSecBuffers.Length); int num = -2146893055; GCHandle[] handleArray = null; SecurityBufferStruct[] structArray = new SecurityBufferStruct[inputBuffers.Count]; if (((structArray2 = structArray) != null) && (structArray2.Length != 0)) { goto Label_002F; } fixed(IntPtr *ptrRef = null) { goto Label_0039; Label_002F: ptrRef = structArray2; Label_0039: inputBuffers.UnmanagedPointer = (void *)ptrRef; handleArray = new GCHandle[inputBuffers.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < inputBuffers.Count; i++) { SecurityBuffer buffer = inSecBuffers[i]; if (buffer != null) { structArray[i].count = buffer.size; structArray[i].type = buffer.type; if (buffer.unmanagedToken != null) { structArray[i].token = buffer.unmanagedToken.DangerousGetHandle(); } else if ((buffer.token == null) || (buffer.token.Length == 0)) { structArray[i].token = IntPtr.Zero; } else { handleArray[i] = GCHandle.Alloc(buffer.token, GCHandleType.Pinned); structArray[i].token = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(buffer.token, buffer.offset); } } } SSPIHandle handle = new SSPIHandle(); if (refContext != null) { handle = refContext._handle; } try { if (dll == SecurDll.SECURITY) { if ((refContext == null) || refContext.IsInvalid) { refContext = new SafeDeleteContext_SECURITY(); } bool success = false; RuntimeHelpers.PrepareConstrainedRegions(); try { try { refContext.DangerousAddRef(ref success); } catch (Exception exception) { if (success) { refContext.DangerousRelease(); success = false; } if (!(exception is ObjectDisposedException)) { throw; } } goto Label_0201; } finally { if (success) { num = UnsafeNclNativeMethods.SafeNetHandles_SECURITY.CompleteAuthToken(handle.IsZero ? null : ((void *)&handle), inputBuffers); refContext.DangerousRelease(); } } } throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString("net_invalid_enum", new object[] { "SecurDll" }), "Dll"); } finally { if (handleArray != null) { for (int j = 0; j < handleArray.Length; j++) { if (handleArray[j].IsAllocated) { handleArray[j].Free(); } } } } } Label_0201 :; return(num); }