public override void Process(ResourceManager resourceManager) { // NOTE: This (re)initializes a static data structure used for // resolving names into sector locations, so needs to be run // before any other objects (e.g. Worlds) are loaded. SectorMap.Milieu map = SectorMap.ForMilieu(resourceManager, GetStringOption("milieu")); Sector sector; SectorSerializeOptions options = new SectorSerializeOptions() { sscoords = GetBoolOption("sscoords", defaultValue: false), includeMetadata = GetBoolOption("metadata", defaultValue: true), includeHeader = GetBoolOption("header", defaultValue: true), includeRoutes = GetBoolOption("routes", defaultValue: false) }; if (Context.Request.HttpMethod == "POST") { bool lint = GetBoolOption("lint", defaultValue: false); ErrorLogger errors = null; if (lint) { bool hide_uwp = GetBoolOption("hide-uwp", defaultValue: false); bool hide_tl = GetBoolOption("hide-tl", defaultValue: false); Func <ErrorLogger.Record, bool> filter = (ErrorLogger.Record record) => { if (hide_uwp && record.message.StartsWith("UWP")) { return(false); } if (hide_tl && record.message.StartsWith("UWP: TL")) { return(false); } return(true); }; errors = new ErrorLogger(filter); } sector = new Sector(Context.Request.InputStream, new ContentType(Context.Request.ContentType).MediaType, errors); if (lint && !errors.Empty) { throw new HttpError(400, "Bad Request", errors.ToString()); } options.includeMetadata = false; } else if (HasOption("sx") && HasOption("sy")) { int sx = GetIntOption("sx", 0); int sy = GetIntOption("sy", 0); sector = map.FromLocation(sx, sy) ?? throw new HttpError(404, "Not Found", $"The sector at {sx},{sy} was not found."); } else if (HasOption("sector")) { string sectorName = GetStringOption("sector"); sector = map.FromName(sectorName) ?? throw new HttpError(404, "Not Found", $"The specified sector '{sectorName}' was not found."); } else { throw new HttpError(400, "Bad Request", "No sector specified."); } if (HasOption("subsector")) { string subsector = GetStringOption("subsector"); int index = sector.SubsectorIndexFor(subsector); if (index == -1) { throw new HttpError(404, "Not Found", $"The specified subsector '{subsector}' was not found."); } options.filter = (World world) => (world.Subsector == index); } else if (HasOption("quadrant")) { string quadrant = GetStringOption("quadrant"); int index = Sector.QuadrantIndexFor(quadrant); if (index == -1) { throw new HttpError(400, "Bad Request", $"The specified quadrant '{quadrant}' is invalid."); } options.filter = (World world) => (world.Quadrant == index); } string mediaType = GetStringOption("type"); Encoding encoding; switch (mediaType) { case "SecondSurvey": case "TabDelimited": encoding = Util.UTF8_NO_BOM; break; default: encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(1252); break; } string data; using (var writer = new StringWriter()) { // Content // sector.Serialize(resourceManager, writer, mediaType, options); data = writer.ToString(); } SendResult(data, encoding); }
public override void Serialize(TextWriter writer, IEnumerable <World> worlds, SectorSerializeOptions options) { List <string> cols = new List <string> { "Hex", "Name", "UWP", "Remarks", "{Ix}", "(Ex)", "[Cx]", "N", "B", "Z", "PBG", "W", "A", "Stellar" }; if (options.includeRoutes) { cols.Add("Routes"); } ColumnSerializer formatter = new ColumnSerializer(cols); formatter.SetMinimumWidth("Name", 20); formatter.SetMinimumWidth("Remarks", 20); foreach (World world in worlds.OrderBy(world => world.SS)) { List <string> row = new List <string> { options.sscoords?world.SubsectorHex : world.Hex, world.Name, world.UWP, world.Remarks, world.Importance ?? "", world.Economic ?? "", world.Cultural ?? "", DashIfEmpty(world.Nobility ?? ""), DashIfEmpty(world.Bases), DashIfEmpty(world.Zone), world.PBG, world.Worlds > 0 ? world.Worlds.ToString() : "", world.Allegiance, world.Stellar }; if (options.includeRoutes) { row.Add(world.Routes ?? ""); } formatter.AddRow(row); } formatter.Serialize(writer, options.includeHeader); }
public override void Serialize(TextWriter writer, IEnumerable <World> worlds, SectorSerializeOptions options) { if (options.includeHeader) { foreach (var line in new string[] { " 1-14: Name", "15-18: HexNbr", "20-28: UWP", " 31: Bases", "33-47: Codes & Comments", " 49: Zone", "52-54: PBG", "56-57: Allegiance", "59-74: Stellar Data", "", "....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8", "" }) { writer.WriteLine(line); } } const string worldFormat = "{0,-14}{1,4} {2,9} {3,1} {4,-15} {5,1} {6,3} {7,2} {8,-15}"; foreach (World world in worlds.OrderBy(world => world.SS)) { writer.WriteLine(worldFormat, world.Name.Truncate(14), options.sscoords ? world.SubsectorHex : world.Hex, world.UWP, world.LegacyBaseCode, world.Remarks.Truncate(15), world.Zone, world.PBG, world.LegacyAllegiance.Truncate(2), world.Stellar.Truncate(15) ); } }
public override void Serialize(TextWriter writer, IEnumerable <World> worlds, SectorSerializeOptions options) { if (options.includeHeader) { writer.WriteLine(string.Join("\t", new string[] { "Sector", "SS", "Hex", "Name", "UWP", "Bases", "Remarks", "Zone", "PBG", "Allegiance", "Stars", "{Ix}", "(Ex)", "[Cx]", "Nobility", "W", "RU" })); } foreach (World world in worlds.OrderBy(world => world.Subsector)) { writer.WriteLine(string.Join("\t", new string[] { world.Sector?.Abbreviation ?? "", world.SS, options.sscoords ? world.SubsectorHex : world.Hex, world.Name, world.UWP, world.Bases, world.Remarks, world.Zone, world.PBG, world.Allegiance, world.Stellar, world.Importance ?? "", world.Economic ?? "", world.Cultural ?? "", world.Nobility ?? "", world.Worlds > 0 ? world.Worlds.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) : "", world.ResourceUnits.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) })); } }
public void Serialize(TextWriter writer, string?mediaType, SectorSerializeOptions options) { SectorFileSerializer.ForType(mediaType).Serialize(writer, options.filter == null ? this : this.Where(world => options.filter(world)), options); }
internal void Serialize(ResourceManager resourceManager, TextWriter writer, string mediaType, SectorSerializeOptions options) { WorldCollection worlds = GetWorlds(resourceManager); // TODO: less hacky T5 support bool isT5 = (mediaType == "TabDelimited" || mediaType == "SecondSurvey"); if (mediaType == "TabDelimited") { worlds?.Serialize(writer, mediaType, options); return; } if (options.includeMetadata) { // Header // writer.WriteLine("# Generated by"); writer.WriteLine("# " + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:sszzz", DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)); writer.WriteLine(); writer.WriteLine($"# {Names[0]}"); writer.WriteLine($"# {X},{Y}"); writer.WriteLine(); foreach (var name in Names) { if (name.Lang != null) { writer.WriteLine($"# Name: {name.Text} ({name.Lang})"); } else { writer.WriteLine($"# Name: {name}"); } } writer.WriteLine(); writer.WriteLine($"# Milieu: {CanonicalMilieu}"); if (Credits != null) { string stripped = Regex.Replace(Credits, "<.*?>", ""); stripped = Regex.Replace(stripped, @"\s+", " "); stripped = stripped.Trim(); writer.WriteLine(); writer.WriteLine($"# Credits: {stripped}"); } if (DataFile != null) { writer.WriteLine(); if (DataFile.Author != null) { writer.WriteLine($"# Author: {DataFile.Author}"); } if (DataFile.Publisher != null) { writer.WriteLine($"# Publisher: {DataFile.Publisher}"); } if (DataFile.Copyright != null) { writer.WriteLine($"# Copyright: {DataFile.Copyright}"); } if (DataFile.Source != null) { writer.WriteLine($"# Source: {DataFile.Source}"); } if (DataFile.Ref != null) { writer.WriteLine($"# Ref: {DataFile.Ref}"); } } writer.WriteLine(); for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { char c = (char)('A' + i); Subsector ss = Subsector(c); writer.WriteLine($"# Subsector {c}: {ss?.Name ?? ""}"); } writer.WriteLine(); } if (worlds == null) { if (options.includeMetadata) { writer.WriteLine("# No world data available"); } return; } // Allegiances if (options.includeMetadata) { // Use codes as present in the data, to match the worlds foreach (string code in worlds.AllegianceCodes().OrderBy(s => s)) { var alleg = GetAllegianceFromCode(code); if (alleg != null) { var a = isT5 ? code : SecondSurvey.T5AllegianceCodeToLegacyCode(code); writer.WriteLine($"# Alleg: {a}: \"{alleg.Name}\""); } } writer.WriteLine(); } // Worlds worlds.Serialize(writer, mediaType, options); }