public override Node VisitSection([NotNull] SectionContext context) { // If the Section is a Question, process it. var questionContext = context.question(); if (questionContext != null) { var questionVisitor = new QuestionVisitor(); return(questionVisitor.VisitQuestion(questionContext)); } // If it isn't a Question it is most likely to be a ConditionalBlock. var conditionalContext = context.conditionalBlock(); if (conditionalContext != null) { var conditionalBlockVisitor = new ConditionalBlockVisitor(); return(conditionalBlockVisitor.VisitConditionalBlock(conditionalContext)); } var computedVariableContext = context.computedVariable(); if (computedVariableContext != null) { var computedVisitor = new ComputedVariableVisitor(); return(computedVisitor.VisitComputedVariable(computedVariableContext)); } //If it manages to reach this line; throw an exception, because it should not be possible. throw new InvalidOperationException("We don't know how to process this section."); }
//Constructor public SectionsController(SectionContext context, StudentContext studContext, GradeContext gradeContext, EventContext eventContext) //<---------------added formal parameter for studentContext injection { _context = context; _studContext = studContext; //<---------------added injection (Lower 3) _gradeContext = gradeContext; _eventContext = eventContext; }
public override QLNode VisitSection(SectionContext context) { if (context == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Context can't be null"); } var questionContext = context.question(); if (questionContext != null) { var questionVisitor = new QuestionVisitor(); return(questionVisitor.VisitQuestion(questionContext)); } var conditionalContext = context.conditionalBlock(); if (conditionalContext != null) { var conditionalBlockVisitor = new ConditionalBlockVisitor(); return(conditionalBlockVisitor.VisitConditionalBlock(conditionalContext)); } var computedVariableContext = context.computedVariable(); if (computedVariableContext != null) { var computedVisitor = new ComputedVariableVisitor(); return(computedVisitor.VisitComputedVariable(computedVariableContext)); } //If it manages to reach this line; throw an exception, because it should not be possible. throw new NotImplementedException("We don't know how to process this section."); }
public HomeController(EventContext ec, GradeContext gc, StudentContext sc, SectionContext ssc) { _context = ec; _gradeContext = gc; _studentContext = sc; _sectionContext = ssc; grid = new ClassroomGrid(); }
public override Node VisitSection([NotNull] SectionContext context) { var section = new SectionNode(context.Start, context.STRING().ToString().Trim('"')); foreach (Section_contentsContext section_content in context.section_contents()) { if (section_content.question() != null) { section.AddChild(Visit(section_content.question())); } if (section_content.default_style() != null) { section.AddChild(Visit(section_content.default_style())); } } return(section); }
public override Section VisitSection(SectionContext context) { var titleVisitor = new TextAreasVisitor().Inherit(this); var title = titleVisitor.VisitTitle(context.title()); var separator = context.SectionSeparator()[0].GetText(); var level = SectionTracker.Track(separator[0]); var list = new List <IElement>(); var elementVisitor = new ElementVisitor().Inherit(this); var element = context.sectionElement(); if (element != null) { foreach (var item in element) { list.Add(elementVisitor.VisitSectionElement(item)); } } return(new Section(level, title, list, context.overline != null)); }
public HomeController(SectionContext context) { _context = context; if (_context.Sections.Count() == 0) { _context.Sections.Add(new SectionItem { SectionName = "GIS", Name = "Geoinformation Systems", City = "Tomsk", Location = "Lenina 2, 404" }); _context.Sections.Add(new SectionItem { SectionName = "CS", Name = "Computer Science", City = "Tomsk", Location = "Lenina 30, 206" }); _context.SaveChanges(); } }
public override QLSNode VisitSection(SectionContext context) { if (context == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Context can't be null."); } string id = Util.RemoveQuotes(context.TEXT().GetText()); var styles = VisitDefaults(context.defaults()); var qlsNode = new QLSStructuralNode(Location.FromContext(context), QLSNodeType.Section, id, styles); foreach (SectionContext sectionContext in context.section()) { qlsNode.AddNode(VisitSection(sectionContext)); } foreach (QuestionContext questionContext in context.question()) { qlsNode.AddNode(VisitQuestion(questionContext)); } return(qlsNode); }
public override void OnRegister(SectionContext context) { //TODO: Enable host names for non-tenant paths? Maybe? Good idea? // context.RegisterHostName(""); }
public SectionContext section() { SectionContext _localctx = new SectionContext(Context, State); EnterRule(_localctx, 30, RULE_section); try { EnterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); { State = 135; Match(SECTION); State = 136; string_data(); State = 137; Match(SEPARATOR); State = 138; Match(HOME); State = 139; Match(T__0); State = 140; value(); State = 141; Match(T__1); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { _localctx.exception = re; ErrorHandler.ReportError(this, re); ErrorHandler.Recover(this, re); } finally { ExitRule(); } return _localctx; }
public override void OnRegister(SectionContext context) { context.RegisterHostName(""); }
public ConferenceController(SectionContext context) { _context = context; }
public override void OnRegister(SectionContext context) { }
public override void OnRegister(SectionContext context) { context.AddPrimaryRoute("UserAndRole", "/users/{action,[AddUser]}/{role}/", "RouteTest"); context.AddPrimaryRoute("OneToken", "/users/{action,[GetUser]}/{userId}/", "RouteTest"); context.AddPrimaryRoute("AddMunster", "/users/{action,[AddMunster]}/{userId}/{munsterName}", "RouteTest"); }