public override void Load()
            var client = new SecretManagerServiceClientBuilder()
                CredentialsPath = secretPath

            // List all of the secrets for this project
            var listSecrets = client.ListSecrets(new ProjectName(projectId));

            // Filter secretes to just those for this application name
            var secretNames = listSecrets.Where(x =>
                                                x.Labels.ContainsKey("application") && x.Labels["application"] == applicationName.ToLower())
                              .Select(x => x.SecretName);

            // Loop through each secretName and get all of the versions
            foreach (var secretName in secretNames)
                // List all versions for this secret
                var versions = client.ListSecretVersions(new ListSecretVersionsRequest()
                    ParentAsSecretName = secretName
                // Filter to the latest, enabled, secret
                var version = versions.Where(x => x.State == SecretVersion.Types.State.Enabled).OrderByDescending(x => x.CreateTime).First();
                // Load the value of this secrete
                var secret = client.AccessSecretVersion(version.Name);
                var value  = secret.Payload.Data.ToStringUtf8();

                // Set the value of the secret into the configuration
                Set(secretName.SecretId, value);
        public virtual SecretManagerServiceClient Create(string credentialsPath)
            var clientBuilder = new SecretManagerServiceClientBuilder()
                CredentialsPath = credentialsPath
