Пример #1
        public JsonResult GetSecretArmyMissionData()
            FacebookClient fb = new FacebookClient();

                var cookie = Request.Cookies.Get("panda-apps-data");
                fb.AccessToken = cookie.Value;
                dynamic pic  = fb.Get("me/picture?width=400&height=400&type=large&redirect=false");
                var     resp = new SecretArmyMissionObject();
                resp.DisplayPictureLink = Convert.ToString(pic.data.url);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(resp.DisplayPictureLink))
                dynamic me      = fb.Get("me?fields=friends");
                int     friends = Convert.ToInt32(me.friends.summary.total_count);
                if (friends > 50)
                    var digits = NumbersIn(friends);
                    int locn   = rnd.Next(14);
                    resp.Headshots = rnd.Next(10);
                    resp.Kills     = ((friends + 99) / 100) + resp.Headshots;
                    resp.Location  = location[locn];
                    resp.Merit     = 0;
                    if (resp.Kills > 20)
                        resp.Merit = resp.Merit + 3;
                    else if (resp.Kills > 10)
                        resp.Merit = resp.Merit + 2;
                        resp.Merit = resp.Merit + 1;
                    if (resp.Headshots > 5)
                        resp.Merit = resp.Merit + 2;
                        resp.Merit = resp.Merit + 1;

                    if (resp.Merit == 5)
                        resp.Description = "PERFECT MISSION! Your efforts to eliminate the enemies of the nation has again set a new benchmark."
                                           + " You killed " + resp.Kills + " including " + resp.Headshots + " headshots in a recent combat at " + resp.Location
                                           + ". You used your guile, strength and modern warfare to make this nation safe again.";
                    else if (resp.Merit == 4)
                        resp.Description = "AWESOME MISSION! Your efforts to eliminate the enemies of the nation has again set a new benchmark."
                                           + " You killed " + resp.Kills + " including " + resp.Headshots + " headshots in a recent combat at " + resp.Location
                                           + ". You used your guile, strength and modern warfare to make this nation safe again.";
                    else if (resp.Merit == 3)
                        resp.Description = "CRITICAL MISSION! Your efforts to eliminate the enemies and gather maximum information has again set a new benchmark."
                                           + " You killed " + resp.Kills + " including " + resp.Headshots + " headshots in a recent combat at " + resp.Location
                                           + ". You used your guile, strength and modern warfare to make this nation safe again.";

                    else if (resp.Merit < 3)
                        resp.Description = "CRITICAL MISSION! Your efforts to eliminate the enemies and gather maximum information has again set a new benchmark."
                                           + " You killed " + resp.Kills + " including " + resp.Headshots + " headshots in a recent combat at " + resp.Location
                                           + ". You used your guile and stealth to make this nation safe again.";
                    resp.Kills       = 0;
                    resp.Headshots   = 0;
                    resp.Location    = "Antarctica";
                    resp.Merit       = 2;
                    resp.Description = "CRITICAL MISSION! Your efforts to gather maximum information has again set a new benchmark."
                                       + " You gathered critical information from " + resp.Location
                                       + ". You used your guile, strength and modern warfare to make this nation safe again.";
                fb = null;

                var returnObj = new SecretArmyMissionResponse
                    url         = GetUrlString(ImageOverlay(resp)),
                    description = resp.Description

                return(Json(returnObj, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            catch (Exception e)
                fb = null;
Пример #2
        internal string ImageOverlay(SecretArmyMissionObject request)
            System.Net.WebRequest  request0        = System.Net.WebRequest.Create("https://s27.postimg.org/t13najtj7/terrorists_Kill.jpg");
            System.Net.WebResponse response0       = request0.GetResponse();
            System.IO.Stream       responseStream0 = response0.GetResponseStream();
            var baseImage = new Bitmap(responseStream0);

            System.Net.WebRequest  request1        = System.Net.WebRequest.Create(request.DisplayPictureLink);
            System.Net.WebResponse response1       = request1.GetResponse();
            System.IO.Stream       responseStream1 = response1.GetResponseStream();
            var dp = new Bitmap(responseStream1);

            System.Net.WebRequest  request2        = System.Net.WebRequest.Create("https://s28.postimg.org/h1ksbe0n1/classified_logo.png");
            System.Net.WebResponse response2       = request2.GetResponse();
            System.IO.Stream       responseStream2 = response2.GetResponseStream();
            var classified = new Bitmap(responseStream2);

            var finalImage = new Bitmap(baseImage.Width, baseImage.Height, baseImage.PixelFormat);

            string header = "\u2605 Secret Army Mission Report \u2605";

            string tagkills     = "Kills : ";
            string tagheadShots = "Headshots : ";
            string taglocation  = "Location : ";
            string tagmerit     = "Merit : ";

            string kills     = request.Kills.ToString();
            string headShots = request.Headshots.ToString();
            string location  = request.Location;
            string merit     = new String('\u2605', request.Merit);

            using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(finalImage))
                graphics.CompositingMode = CompositingMode.SourceOver;

                graphics.DrawImage(baseImage, 0, 0, baseImage.Width, baseImage.Height);
                graphics.DrawImage(dp, 170, 160, 150, 150);
                graphics.DrawImage(classified, 640, 410, 450, 160);

                PrivateFontCollection pfc = new PrivateFontCollection();

                PointF tagkillLocation     = new PointF(640f, 200f);
                PointF tagheadshotLocation = new PointF(640f, 260f);
                PointF taglocationLocation = new PointF(640f, 320f);
                PointF tagmeritLocation    = new PointF(640f, 380f);

                PointF headerLocation   = new PointF(210f, 11f);
                PointF killLocation     = new PointF(834f, 200f);
                PointF headshotLocation = new PointF(984f, 260f);
                PointF locationLocation = new PointF(940f, 320f);
                PointF meritLocation    = new PointF(854f, 380f);

                using (Font heavyFont = new Font(pfc.Families[0], 34, FontStyle.Regular))
                    graphics.DrawString(header, heavyFont, Brushes.GreenYellow, headerLocation);
                    graphics.DrawString(kills, heavyFont, Brushes.Gold, killLocation);
                    graphics.DrawString(headShots, heavyFont, Brushes.Gold, headshotLocation);
                    graphics.DrawString(location, heavyFont, Brushes.Gold, locationLocation);
                    graphics.DrawString(merit, heavyFont, Brushes.Gold, meritLocation);

                    graphics.DrawString(tagkills, heavyFont, Brushes.DarkBlue, tagkillLocation);
                    graphics.DrawString(tagheadShots, heavyFont, Brushes.DarkBlue, tagheadshotLocation);
                    graphics.DrawString(taglocation, heavyFont, Brushes.DarkBlue, taglocationLocation);
                    graphics.DrawString(tagmerit, heavyFont, Brushes.DarkBlue, tagmeritLocation);
            using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
                finalImage.Save(ms, ImageFormat.Jpeg);