public static void DoVerify(object data) { _rwLock.AcquireWriterLock(Int32.MaxValue); var signature = data as Dictionary <string, byte[]>; var s = signature?["signature"].ToArray(); var m = signature?["messageHash"].ToArray(); var k = new byte[64]; Debug.Assert(secp256K1.Recover(k, s, m)); Debug.Assert(secp256K1.Verify(s, m, k)); _rwLock.ReleaseWriterLock(); }
static void TestToPublicKey() { using (var secp256k1 = new Secp256k1()) using (var pedersen = new Pedersen()) { var blinding = secp256k1.CreatePrivateKey(); var commitPos = pedersen.Commit(0, blinding); var commitNeg = pedersen.Commit(0, blinding); var blindSum = pedersen.BlindSum(new List <byte[]> { blinding, blinding }, new List <byte[]> { }); var commitSum = pedersen.CommitSum(new List <byte[]> { commitPos }, new List <byte[]> { commitNeg }); var msg = "Message for signing"; var msgBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(msg); var msgHash = System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256.Create().ComputeHash(msgBytes); var sig = secp256k1.Sign(msgHash, blinding); var pubKey = pedersen.ToPublicKey(commitSum); var verified1 = secp256k1.Verify(sig, msgHash, pubKey); var pub = secp256k1.CreatePublicKey(blinding); } }
public void Sign_With_PubKey_From_Commitment() { using (var secp256k1 = new Secp256k1()) using (var pedersen = new Pedersen()) { string ToHex(byte[] data) { return(BitConverter.ToString(data).Replace("-", string.Empty)); } var blinding = secp256k1.CreatePrivateKey(); var commit = pedersen.Commit(0, blinding); var msg = "Message for signing"; var msgBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(msg); var msgHash = System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256.Create().ComputeHash(msgBytes); var sig = secp256k1.Sign(msgHash, blinding); var pubKey = pedersen.ToPublicKey(commit); Assert.True(secp256k1.Verify(sig, msgHash, pubKey)); var actualPubKey = secp256k1.CreatePublicKey(blinding); Assert.Equal(ToHex(pubKey), ToHex(actualPubKey)); } }
// mimic of VerifySignatureHashed of DefaultCrypto.cs but using different chain id public bool VerifySignatureHashed(byte[] messageHash, byte[] signature, byte[] publicKey, bool useNewChainId) { if (messageHash.Length != 32 || signature.Length != SignatureSize(useNewChainId)) { return(false); } return(EcVerify.Benchmark(() => { var pk = new byte[64]; if (!Secp256K1.PublicKeyParse(pk, publicKey)) { return false; } var publicKeySerialized = new byte[33]; if (!Secp256K1.PublicKeySerialize(publicKeySerialized, pk, Flags.SECP256K1_EC_COMPRESSED)) { throw new Exception("Cannot serialize parsed key: how did it happen?"); } var parsedSig = new byte[65]; var recId = (RestoreEncodedRecIdFromSignatureBuffer(signature) - 36) / 2 / ChainId(useNewChainId); if (recId < 0 || recId > 3) { throw new Exception($"Invalid recId={recId}: : recId >= 0 && recId <= 3 "); } if (!Secp256K1.RecoverableSignatureParseCompact(parsedSig, signature.Take(64).ToArray(), recId)) { return false; } return Secp256K1.Verify(parsedSig.Take(64).ToArray(), messageHash, pk); })); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Create a secp256k1 context (ensure disposal to prevent unmanaged memory leaks). using (var secp256k1 = new Secp256k1()) { // Generate a private key. var privateKey = new byte[32]; var rnd = System.Security.Cryptography.RandomNumberGenerator.Create(); do { rnd.GetBytes(privateKey); }while (!secp256k1.SecretKeyVerify(privateKey)); // Create public key from private key. var publicKey = new byte[64]; Debug.Assert(secp256k1.PublicKeyCreate(publicKey, privateKey)); // Sign a message hash. var messageBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Hello world."); var messageHash = System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256.Create().ComputeHash(messageBytes); var signature = new byte[64]; Debug.Assert(secp256k1.Sign(signature, messageHash, privateKey)); // Serialize a DER signature from ECDSA signature byte[] signatureDer = new byte[Secp256k1.SERIALIZED_DER_SIGNATURE_MAX_SIZE]; int outL = 0; Debug.Assert(secp256k1.SignatureSerializeDer(signatureDer, signature, out outL)); Array.Resize(ref signatureDer, outL); // Verify message hash. Debug.Assert(secp256k1.Verify(signature, messageHash, publicKey)); } }
public static bool Secp256k1Verify(byte[] publicKey, byte[] signature, byte[] data) { lock (ecdsaLock) { return(secp256k1.Verify(publicKey, signature, data)); } }
public void should_verify_signature() { var hexReader = new HexReader(); var secp256K1 = new Secp256k1(); // // 15RpkAiu17FiYJmMiTJBvEwNQQdgEr1KvK // 1HvRorjpF5wyY7To5QhgJDzB3C9nEPcMo1 var data = "9f3eca62d13c2e7bf104a8539f5768674d551ecc140f3bb9bdaf3f07d6d3f6de"; var signature = "3046022100a7a1bfc118676e8dc1779a6c6dfaece6435ca20e8e2fcf4399300cc930c791e00221009a88d6a51b763fa748254fc487710998c9572bc2f01be06d1a7532c8e38a4c1901"; var pubkey = "03a5cc256133f721c66201b54f18f08053b6fc62f3dfc84c43a3a2d1c87afbe30c"; var bData = hexReader.ToByteArray(data); var bSignature = hexReader.ToByteArray(signature); var bPubKey = hexReader.ToByteArray(pubkey); var output = new Span <byte>(new byte[66]); var normalize = secp256K1.PublicKeyParse(output, bPubKey); var res = secp256K1.Verify(bSignature.AsSpan(), bData.AsSpan(), output); Console.WriteLine(res); }
public void should_verify_pizza_transaction_ec() { var hexReader = new HexReader(); var secp256K1 = new Secp256k1(); // var digest = "692678553d1b85ccf87d4d4443095f276cdf600f2bb7dd44f6effbd7458fd4c2"; var signature = "30450221009908144ca6539e09512b9295c8a27050d478fbb96f8addbc3d075544dc41328702201aa528be2b907d316d2da068dd9eb1e23243d97e444d59290d2fddf25269ee0e01"; var pubkey = "042e930f39ba62c6534ee98ed20ca98959d34aa9e057cda01cfd422c6bab3667b76426529382c23f42b9b08d7832d4fee1d6b437a8526e59667ce9c4e9dcebcabb"; var bData = hexReader.ToByteArray(digest); var bSignature = hexReader.ToByteArray(signature); var bPubKey = hexReader.ToByteArray(pubkey); var res = secp256K1.Verify(bSignature.AsSpan(), bData.AsSpan(), bPubKey); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Create a secp256k1 context (ensure disposal to prevent unmanaged memory leaks). using (var secp256k1 = new Secp256k1()) { // Generate a private key. var privateKey = new byte[32]; var rnd = System.Security.Cryptography.RandomNumberGenerator.Create(); do { rnd.GetBytes(privateKey); }while (!secp256k1.SecretKeyVerify(privateKey)); // Create public key from private key. var publicKey = new byte[64]; Debug.Assert(secp256k1.PublicKeyCreate(publicKey, privateKey)); // Sign a message hash. var messageBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Hello world."); var messageHash = System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256.Create().ComputeHash(messageBytes); var signature = new byte[64]; Debug.Assert(secp256k1.Sign(signature, messageHash, privateKey)); // Verify message hash. Debug.Assert(secp256k1.Verify(signature, messageHash, publicKey)); } }
/// <summary> /// Verify that authenticity of the <paramref name="digest"/>'s <paramref name="signature"/> using <paramref name="publicKey"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="digest">The digest.</param> /// <param name="signature">The signature.</param> /// <param name="publicKey">The public key.</param> /// <returns>true if the signature is authentic, false otherwise.</returns> public bool Verify(byte[] digest, byte[] signature, byte[] publicKey) { if (digest == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(digest)); } if (signature == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(signature)); } if (publicKey == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(publicKey)); } return(_algorithm.Verify(publicKey, signature, digest)); }
public bool IsValid() { if (FromAddress.Equals("System")) { return(true); } if (Signature == null || Signature.Count().Equals(0)) { throw new Exception("Transaction not signed..!"); } var secp256k1 = new Secp256k1(); return(secp256k1.Verify(Signature, CalculateHash(), FromAddress.ToBytes())); }
public bool Verify() { Span <byte> sig = new byte[64]; sig = signature; Span <byte> m = new byte[32]; m = message; Span <byte> pk = new byte[64]; pk = publicKey; return(secp256k1.Verify(sig, m, pk)); }
public bool Verify( HashDigest <T> messageHash, byte[] signature, PublicKey publicKey) { lock (_instanceLock) { var secp256K1Signature = new byte[64]; _instance.SignatureParseDer(secp256K1Signature, signature); byte[] secp256K1PublicKey = new byte[64]; byte[] serializedPublicKey = publicKey.Format(false); _instance.PublicKeyParse(secp256K1PublicKey, serializedPublicKey); return(_instance.Verify(secp256K1Signature, messageHash.ToByteArray(), secp256K1PublicKey)); } }
public bool IsValid() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Sender)) { return(false); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Signature)) { throw new Exception("No Signature is found is this transaction"); } using (var sep = new Secp256k1()) { var signature = Convert.FromBase64String(Signature); var hash = Convert.FromBase64String(ComputeHash()); var pk = Convert.FromBase64String(Sender); return(sep.Verify(signature, hash, pk)); } }
//Ignore this function as this is just to create Public Private key pairs for testing public static void GenerateKeys() { using (var secp256k1 = new Secp256k1()) { // privatekey= "105c301c92f5d956ad577105e71aba4d29cf7af04cd47c648244dd8ad677381f" // publickey = "7a89dec4cc7e0964ed4c5e517f1cfee7e4f145e8500f55fe0317f97e71b7ba5219a4215b1885ac547da87bd0155d02c9bbe0501d0670a4f481df2b42f2130c02" // Generate a private key. var privateKey = new byte[32]; var rnd = System.Security.Cryptography.RandomNumberGenerator.Create(); do { rnd.GetBytes(privateKey); }while (!secp256k1.SecretKeyVerify(privateKey)); var prk = ToHex(privateKey); // Create public key from private key. var publicKey = new byte[64]; Debug.Assert(secp256k1.PublicKeyCreate(publicKey, privateKey)); var pbk = ToHex(publicKey); // Sign a message hash. var messageBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Hello world."); var messageHash = System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256.Create().ComputeHash(messageBytes); var signature = new byte[64]; Debug.Assert(secp256k1.Sign(signature, messageHash, privateKey)); // Serialize a DER signature from ECDSA signature byte[] signatureDer = new byte[Secp256k1.SERIALIZED_DER_SIGNATURE_MAX_SIZE]; int outL = 0; Debug.Assert(secp256k1.SignatureSerializeDer(signatureDer, signature, out outL)); Array.Resize(ref signatureDer, outL); // Verify message hash. Debug.Assert(secp256k1.Verify(signature, messageHash, publicKey)); } }
public bool Verify(byte[] signature, byte[] messageHash) { return(Secp256k1.Verify(signature, messageHash, mBytes)); }