public bool RequestAccess(string userid, string username) { Sec_User dbuser = null; try { userid = userid.Split('\\').Last(); if (username.Length <= 0) { username = userid; } dbuser = DbCtx.UManager.FindUser(userid); } catch { } if (dbuser != null) { throw new Exception("Error! User already exist."); } dbuser = new Sec_User { Created = DateTime.Now, Alias = username, UserName = userid, AuthorizationLevel = Security_Enums.UserRole.Role_Reco3_Pending }; DbCtx.Sec_Users.Add(dbuser); return(DbCtx.SaveChanges() > 0); }
public Sec_User DeviceLogin(string username, string password, string imei) { Sec_User rec = new Sec_User(); try { Sec_UserBL ubl = new Sec_UserBL(); rec = ubl.Single("DeviceLogin", username, imei); if (rec != null) { Sec_PermissionBL pl = new Sec_PermissionBL(); rec.Permissions = pl.ToList("byUserId_ModuleId", rec.UserId.ToString(), "AIRVIEW_ANDROID"); string TempPass = Encryption.Decrypt(rec.Password, true); rec.Message = true; if (password != TempPass) { rec = new Sec_User(); rec.Message = false; } } else { rec.Message = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { rec = new Sec_User(); rec.Message = false; } return(rec); }
public string GetRolesForUser(string username) { try { int nIndex = username.IndexOf("GLOBAL\\"); if (nIndex == -1) { nIndex = 0; } else { nIndex = 7; } string strSSSpart = username.Substring(nIndex); Sec_User user = FindUser(strSSSpart); if (user != null) { return(EnumExtensions.GetDisplayName(user.AuthorizationLevel)); } } catch { //int n = 0; } throw new Exception("Unkown User"); }
private List <Sec_User> DataTableToList(DataTable dt) { List <Sec_User> lstUsers = new List <Sec_User>(); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { Sec_User User = new Sec_User(); User.UserId = DataType.ToInt64(dt.Rows[i]["UserId"].ToString()); // User.CompanyId = DataType.ToInt64(dt.Rows[i]["CompanyId"].ToString()); User.CompanyId = (dt.Columns.Contains("CompanyId")) ? DataType.ToInt64(dt.Rows[i]["CompanyId"].ToString()) : 0; User.Id = DataType.ToInt32(dt.Rows[i]["UserId"].ToString()); User.FirstName = dt.Rows[i]["FirstName"].ToString(); User.LastName = dt.Rows[i]["LastName"].ToString(); if (dt.Columns.Contains("ModifyDate") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(dt.Rows[i]["ModifyDate"].ToString())) { User.Update_at = DateTime.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["ModifyDate"].ToString()); } User.Picture = dt.Columns.Contains("Picture") ? dt.Rows[i]["Picture"].ToString() : null; User.UserName = dt.Columns.Contains("UserName") ? dt.Rows[i]["UserName"].ToString() : null; User.Email = dt.Columns.Contains("Email") ? dt.Rows[i]["Email"].ToString() : null; User.Address = dt.Columns.Contains("Address") ? dt.Rows[i]["Address"].ToString() : null; User.Contact = dt.Columns.Contains("Contact") ? dt.Rows[i]["Contact"].ToString() : null; User.ActiveStatus = dt.Columns.Contains("IsActive") ? bool.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["IsActive"].ToString()) : false; User.RoleId = (dt.Columns.Contains("RoleId")) ? Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[i]["RoleId"].ToString()) : 0; User.RoleName = (dt.Columns.Contains("RoleName")) ? dt.Rows[i]["RoleName"].ToString() : ""; User.ClientName = (dt.Columns.Contains("ClientName")) ? dt.Rows[i]["ClientName"].ToString() : ""; User.ReportTo = (dt.Columns.Contains("ReportTo")) ? dt.Rows[i]["ReportTo"].ToString() : ""; User.Designation = (dt.Columns.Contains("Designation")) ? dt.Rows[i]["Designation"].ToString() : ""; lstUsers.Add(User); } } return(lstUsers); }
public Sec_UserModel(Sec_User entity, bool encodeHtml = false) { if (entity != null) { var configMapper = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => { cfg.CreateMap <Sec_User, Sec_UserModel>(); }); configMapper.CreateMapper().Map(entity, this); } }
public Sec_User GetEntity() { var configMapper = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => { cfg.CreateMap <Sec_UserModel, Sec_User>(); }); Sec_User entity = configMapper.CreateMapper().Map <Sec_UserModel, Sec_User>(this); return(entity); }
//GET: Login public ActionResult Index(string tctl, string tact) { TempData["msg_error"] = null; ActionResult temp = null; try { HttpCookie myCookie = Request.Cookies["AirView"]; if (myCookie != null) { Sec_User user = new Sec_User(); Sec_UserBL ubl = new Sec_UserBL(); user = ubl.Single("Login", Encryption.DecryptSHA256(myCookie.Value)); if (user != null) { mySession(user); if (Session["PrevUrl"] != null) { string url = Session["PrevUrl"].ToString(); Session["PrevUrl"] = null; return(Redirect(url)); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tctl) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(tact)) { return(RedirectToAction(tact, tctl)); } else { temp = Redirect(user.DefaultUrl); } return(temp); } } } catch (Exception ex) { TempData["msg_error"] = ex.Message; } ViewBag.TController = tctl; ViewBag.TAction = tact; return(View()); }
public List <Sec_User> GetUsers(string filter, Int64 projectId, Int64 TaskId) { DataTable dt = dal.ToList(filter, projectId, TaskId); List <Sec_User> lst = new List <Sec_User>(); foreach (DataRow item in dt.Rows) { Sec_User user = new Sec_User(); user.UserId = Convert.ToInt64(item["UserId"]); user.UserName = item["Username"].ToString(); lst.Add(user); } return(lst); }
private void mySession(Sec_User user) { if (user != null) { LoginInformation li = new LoginInformation(); Sec_PermissionBL pl = new Sec_PermissionBL(); Sec_UserSettingsDL udl = new Sec_UserSettingsDL(); var per = pl.ToList("byUserId_ModuleId", user.UserId.ToString(), "AIRIVEW_PORTAL"); var Pper = udl.GetDataTable("UserProjects", user.UserId.ToString(), null, null); Session["user"] = null; //System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Application["UserId"] = user.UserId.ToString(); //System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Application.Add(user.UserId.ToString(), user.UserId.ToString()); System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Application["User"] = li.set_user_data(user, per, Pper); Session.Add("user", li.set_user_data(user, per, Pper)); } }
public JsonResult GetUser(string userId) { try { DatabaseContext dbx = new DatabaseContext(); Sec_User user = dbx.UManager.FindUser(Convert.ToInt32(userId)); if (user != null) { string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(user); return(Json(new { success = true, message = "", data = json }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } } catch { } return(Json(new { success = false, message = "Failed to retrieve the user." }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public static void UpdateSession(string Username) { Sec_User user = new Sec_User(); Sec_UserBL ubl = new Sec_UserBL(); user = ubl.Single("Login", Username); if (user != null) { LoginInformation li = new LoginInformation(); Sec_PermissionBL pl = new Sec_PermissionBL(); Sec_UserSettingsDL udl = new Sec_UserSettingsDL(); var per = pl.ToList("byUserId_ModuleId", user.UserId.ToString(), "AIRIVEW_PORTAL"); var Pper = udl.GetDataTable("UserProjects", user.UserId.ToString(), null, null); var obj = li.set_user_data(user, per, Pper); HttpContext.Current.Session["user"] = null; HttpContext.Current.Session["user"] = obj; } }
public ActionResult Index(Int64 ProjectId = 0) { Sec_UserSettingsDL udl = new Sec_UserSettingsDL(); DataTable UserProjects = udl.GetDataTable("UserProjects", ViewBag.UserId.ToString(), null, null); if (ProjectId == 0 || UserProjects.ToList <PM_Projects>().Where(x => x.ProjectId == ProjectId).Count() == 0) { return(RedirectToAction("all", "Defination")); } //DataTable Table = udl.GetDataTable("All_Projects", null, null, null); Sec_UserBL ud = new Sec_UserBL(); Sec_User user = ud.Single("ById", ViewBag.UserId.ToString()); return(View(user)); }
public ActionResult SaveUserModel(UserModel model) { try { Sec_User user = new Sec_User(); user.Alias = model.Alias; user.UserId = model.UserId; user.UserName = model.UserName; user.AuthorizationLevel = model.Role; DatabaseContext dbx = new DatabaseContext(); dbx.UManager.UpdateUser(user); } catch (Exception ex) { Response.AppendToLog(string.Format("<== SaveUserModel : ex {0}", ex.Message)); } return(Json("Success")); }
public bool UpdateUser(Sec_User user) { if (user.UserId == -1) { user.Created = DateTime.Now; user.AuthorizationLevel = Security_Enums.UserRole.Role_Reco3_Pending; DbCtx.Sec_Users.Add(user); } else { Sec_User dbuser = DbCtx.UManager.FindUser(Convert.ToInt32(user.UserId)); if (dbuser != null) { dbuser.Alias = user.Alias; dbuser.UserName = user.UserName; dbuser.AuthorizationLevel = user.AuthorizationLevel; DbCtx.Entry(dbuser).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; } } return(DbCtx.SaveChanges() > 0); }
public bool IsExist(string filter, string value) { Sec_UserBL ud = new Sec_UserBL(); Sec_User data = ud.Single(filter, value); if (data != null) { if (data.UserId > 0) { return(true); } else { return(false); } } else { return(false); } }
public ActionResult Edit(string Id = "") { ClientsBL cb = new ClientsBL(); UserClientsBL uchb = new UserClientsBL(); UserCityBL ucb = new UserCityBL(); AD_DefinationBL db = new AD_DefinationBL(); Sec_User user = new Sec_User(); Sec_UserBL ubl = new Sec_UserBL(); Sec_UserSettingsDL udl = new Sec_UserSettingsDL(); Sec_PermissionBL pl = new Sec_PermissionBL(); Sec_UserDefinationTypeBL udt = new Sec_UserDefinationTypeBL(); ViewBag.Titles = new List <SelectListItem> { new SelectListItem { Text = "Mr.", Value = "1" }, new SelectListItem { Text = "Mrs.", Value = "2" }, new SelectListItem { Text = "Miss.", Value = "3" }, new SelectListItem { Text = "Ms.", Value = "4" }, new SelectListItem { Text = "Sir.", Value = "5" }, new SelectListItem { Text = "DR", Value = "6" } }; ViewBag.Hide = false; ViewBag.Team = false; if (Id == Convert.ToString(ViewBag.UserId)) { ViewBag.Hide = true; List <OrgChart> rec = ubl.hierarchy("ByCompanyId", Convert.ToString(ViewBag.CompId)); List <Chart> Data2 = FlatToHierarchy(rec, ViewBag.UserId); if (Data2.Count > 0) { ViewBag.Team = true; } else { ViewBag.Team = false; } } SWI.AirView.Common.SelectedList sl = new SWI.AirView.Common.SelectedList(); Sec_UserBL ud = new Sec_UserBL(); Sec_User User = ud.Single("ById", Id.ToString()); ViewBag.UserTitle = User.Title; ViewBag.Hide2 = true; if (User.ReportToId.ToString() == Convert.ToString(ViewBag.UserId)) { ViewBag.Hide2 = false; } if (Id == Convert.ToString(ViewBag.UserId)) { ViewBag.Hide2 = false; } ViewBag.User = User; if (User == null) { } if (User.IsAdmin == true) { ViewBag.Hide = false; ViewBag.Hide2 = false; ViewBag.Team = true; } NewData(); ViewBag.Id = User.CompanyId; ViewBag.RoleId = User.RoleId; ViewBag.Reports = sl.User("All"); ViewBag.ReportTo = ud.ToList("All"); ViewBag.Clients2 = sl.Clients("AllRecords"); /////permissions user = ubl.Single("ById", Id.ToString()); ///Project DataTable Table = udl.GetDataTable("All_Projects", User.ReportToId.ToString(), null, null); ViewBag.Projects = Table.ToList <PM_Projects>(); DataTable Table1 = udl.GetDataTable("UserProjects", Id.ToString(), null, null); ViewBag.UserProjects = Table1.ToList <PM_Projects>(); var r = pl.ToList("byUserId", Id.ToString()); var d = udt.ToList("GetByUserId", Id.ToString()); string UDSelected = null; foreach (var item in d) { UDSelected += item.DefinationTypeId + ","; } ViewBag.DIds = UDSelected; string Selected = null; foreach (var item in r) { Selected += item.Id + ","; } ViewBag.PIds = Selected; ViewBag.UId = Id; #region user Permissions on tab //Clients //ViewBag.Clients = cb.ToList("byStatus", User.ReportToId.ToString()); ViewBag.Clients = cb.ToList("byStatus", "True", User.ReportToId.ToString()); ViewBag.UserClients = uchb.ToList("byUserId", Id.ToString()); //Cities ViewBag.Cities = db.ToList("AllCities"); //db.ToList("UserCities",User.ReportToId.ToString()); ViewBag.UserCities = ucb.ToList("byUserId", Id.ToString()); ViewBag.Region = db.RegionsToList(User.ReportToId.ToString()); //scope ViewBag.Scopes = db.ToList("Scopes", User.ReportToId.ToString()); //ViewBag.Scopes = db.ToList("Scopes"); ViewBag.UserScopes = db.ToList("UserScopes", Id.ToString()); ViewBag.Permissions = pl.ToList("byRoleId", user.RoleId.ToString(), User.ReportToId.ToString()); #endregion AD_DefinationTypesBL dtd = new AD_DefinationTypesBL(); ViewBag.DefinationTypes = dtd.ToList("All", User.ReportToId.ToString()); //User.RoleName = ViewBag.RoleName; return(View("edit", User)); }
public ActionResult ByUser(int id = 0) { Sec_User user = new Sec_User(); Sec_UserBL ubl = new Sec_UserBL(); user = ubl.Single("ById", id.ToString()); if (user != null) { Sec_UserSettingsDL udl = new Sec_UserSettingsDL(); Sec_PermissionBL pl = new Sec_PermissionBL(); Sec_UserDefinationTypeBL ud = new Sec_UserDefinationTypeBL(); ///Projects and User projects DataTable Table = udl.GetDataTable("All_Projects", null, null, null); ViewBag.Projects = Table.ToList <PM_Projects>(); DataTable Table1 = udl.GetDataTable("UserProjects", id.ToString(), null, null); ViewBag.UserProjects = Table1.ToList <PM_Projects>(); var r = pl.ToList("byUserId", id.ToString()); var d = ud.ToList("GetByUserId", id.ToString()); string UDSelected = null; foreach (var item in d) { UDSelected += item.DefinationTypeId + ","; } ViewBag.DIds = UDSelected; string Selected = null; foreach (var item in r) { Selected += item.Id + ","; } ViewBag.PIds = Selected; ViewBag.UId = id; // User Clients ClientsBL cb = new ClientsBL(); ViewBag.Clients = cb.ToList("byStatus", "True"); // get selected user Clients UserClientsBL uchb = new UserClientsBL(); ViewBag.UserClients = uchb.ToList("byUserId", id.ToString()); // get selected user Cities UserCityBL ucb = new UserCityBL(); ViewBag.UserCities = ucb.ToList("byUserId", id.ToString()); // get Regions AD_DefinationBL db = new AD_DefinationBL(); ViewBag.Region = db.RegionsToList(); ViewBag.Cities = db.ToList("AllCities"); ViewBag.Scopes = db.ToList("Scopes"); ViewBag.UserScopes = db.ToList("UserScopes", id.ToString()); // ViewBag.UserScopes = string.Join(",", Scopes.Select(n => n.DefinationId.ToString()).ToArray()); var Permissions = pl.ToList("byRoleId", user.RoleId.ToString()); return(View(Permissions)); } else { TempData["msg_error"] = "User not Found."; } return(View()); }
public Sec_User Single(string filter, string Value1 = null, string Value2 = null, string Value3 = null) { try { DataTable dt = ud.Get(filter, Value1, Value2, Value3); Sec_User User = new Sec_User(); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { int i = 0; User.Id = DataType.ToInt32(dt.Rows[i]["UserId"].ToString()); User.UserId = (dt.Columns.Contains("UserId")) ? !(dt.Rows[i]["UserId"].ToString().Trim().ToLower() == "null" || dt.Rows[i]["UserId"].ToString().Trim() == String.Empty) ? Int64.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["UserId"].ToString().Replace(",", "")) : 0 : 0; User.CompanyId = (dt.Columns.Contains("CompanyId")) ? !(dt.Rows[i]["CompanyId"].ToString().Trim().ToLower() == "null" || dt.Rows[i]["CompanyId"].ToString().Trim() == String.Empty) ? Int64.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["CompanyId"].ToString().Replace(",", "")) : 0 : 0; User.ReportToId = (dt.Columns.Contains("ReportToId")) ? !(dt.Rows[i]["ReportToId"].ToString().Trim().ToLower() == "null" || dt.Rows[i]["ReportToId"].ToString().Trim() == String.Empty) ? Int64.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["ReportToId"].ToString().Replace(",", "")) : 0 : 0; // User.UserId = (dt.Columns.Contains("UserId")) ? Convert.ToInt64(dt.Rows[i]["UserId"].ToString()) : 0; // User.CompanyId = (dt.Columns.Contains("CompanyId")) ? 1 * Convert.ToInt64(dt.Rows[i]["CompanyId"].ToString()) : 0; // User.ReportToId = (dt.Columns.Contains("ReportToId")) ? 1 * Convert.ToInt64(dt.Rows[i]["ReportToId"].ToString()) : 0; User.FirstName = dt.Rows[i]["FirstName"].ToString(); User.LastName = dt.Rows[i]["LastName"].ToString(); User.Email = dt.Rows[i]["Email"].ToString(); User.Picture = dt.Rows[i]["Picture"].ToString(); User.UserName = dt.Rows[i]["UserName"].ToString(); User.Password = dt.Rows[i]["Password"].ToString(); User.Address = dt.Rows[i]["Address"].ToString(); if ((dt.Columns.Contains("MAC"))) { User.MAC = dt.Rows[i]["MAC"].ToString(); } if ((dt.Columns.Contains("IMEI"))) { User.IMEI = dt.Rows[i]["IMEI"].ToString(); } User.Designation = (dt.Columns.Contains("Designation")) ? dt.Rows[i]["Designation"].ToString() : ""; User.Gender = (dt.Columns.Contains("Gender")) ? dt.Rows[i]["Gender"].ToString() : ""; User.Title = (dt.Columns.Contains("Title")) == true ? dt.Rows[i]["Title"].ToString() : ""; User.Contact = dt.Rows[i]["Contact"].ToString(); User.IsAdmin = DataType.ToBoolean(dt.Rows[i]["IsAdmin"].ToString()); if ((dt.Columns.Contains("IsManager"))) { User.IsManager = DataType.ToBoolean(dt.Rows[i]["IsManager"].ToString()); } User.homeLatitude = (dt.Columns.Contains("homeLatitude")) == true?DataType.ToDouble(dt.Rows[i]["homeLatitude"].ToString()) : 0; User.homeLongitude = (dt.Columns.Contains("homeLongitude")) == true?DataType.ToDouble(dt.Rows[i]["homeLongitude"].ToString()) : 0; User.RoleId = (dt.Columns.Contains("RoleId")) == true?int.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["RoleId"].ToString()) : 0; User.RoleName = (dt.Columns.Contains("RoleName")) == true ? dt.Rows[i]["RoleName"].ToString() : ""; User.DefaultUrl = (dt.Columns.Contains("DefaultUrl")) == true ? dt.Rows[i]["DefaultUrl"].ToString() : ""; if ((dt.Columns.Contains("DaysBack"))) { User.DaysBack = DataType.ToInt32(dt.Rows[i]["DaysBack"].ToString()); } if ((dt.Columns.Contains("CompanyId"))) { User.CompanyId = DataType.ToInt32(dt.Rows[i]["CompanyId"].ToString()); } if ((dt.Columns.Contains("DaysForward"))) { User.DaysForward = DataType.ToInt32(dt.Rows[i]["DaysForward"].ToString()); } return(User); } return(null); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public JsonResult Movement(List <AD_UEMovement> mov, string UEStatus) { Response res = new Response(); try { AD_UEMovementBL ueb = new AD_UEMovementBL(); foreach (var item in mov) { ueb.Manage(UEStatus, item); } //------------------------------ if (UEStatus == "Issue") { long UEId = mov.Select(x => x.UEId).Single(); long UserId = mov.Select(x => x.UserId).Single(); AD_UserEquipmentsBL uebl = new AD_UserEquipmentsBL(); AD_UserEquipment uEqu = uebl.ToSingle("ById", UEId.ToString()); Sec_UserBL u = new Sec_UserBL(); Sec_User usr = u.Single("ById", UserId.ToString()); WebConfig wc = new WebConfig(); string UeModel = uEqu.Model; string Manufacturer = uEqu.Manufacturer; string SerialNo = uEqu.SerialNo; string AVStoreURL = wc.AppSettings("AVStoreURL"); string Url = "<a href=" + AVStoreURL + ">AirView Store</a>"; string UserName = usr.UserName; string ToEmail = usr.Email; string Subject = "UE Device Issued"; string Body = "<h1>Hi, " + UserName + "</h1>" + "<p>A new device is issued to your account.</p>" + "<table border=" + 1 + " cellpadding=" + 2 + " cellspacing=" + 0 + " width = " + 400 + ">" + "<tr bgcolor='#F5F5F5'><td><strong>Model</strong></td><td>" + UeModel + "</td></tr>" + "<tr bgcolor='#F5F5F5'><td><strong>Manufacturer</strong></td><td>" + Manufacturer + "</td></tr>" + "<tr bgcolor='#F5F5F5'><td><strong>SerialNo</strong></td><td>" + SerialNo + "</td></tr>" + "</table>" + "<p>Please download and install AirView Store by clicking here: " + Url + "</p>"; Thread thread = new Thread(() => SendEmail(Subject, ToEmail, Body)); thread.Start(); //----------------------------- } res.Status = "success"; res.Message = "save successfully"; } catch (Exception ex) { res.Status = "danger"; res.Message = ex.Message; } return(Json(res, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public ActionResult Login(FormCollection frm, string tctl, string tact) { try { string Remember = frm["Remember"]; Sec_User user = new Sec_User(); Sec_UserBL ubl = new Sec_UserBL(); user = ubl.Single("Login", frm["UserName"]); string Password = Encryption.Encrypt(frm["Password"].ToString(), true); if (user != null) { if (user.Password != Password) { TempData["msg_error"] = "Wrong Password Entered."; return(RedirectToAction("index")); } else { if (Remember != "false") { HttpCookie c = new HttpCookie("AirView"); c.Expires = DateTime.Today.AddDays(7); c.Value = Convert.ToString(Encryption.EncryptSHA256(user.UserName)); //c.Values.Add("UserName", user.UserName); //c.Value = Convert.ToString(user.UserId); //c.Values.Add("UserName", user.UserName); Response.SetCookie(c); } mySession(user); if (Session["PrevUrl"] != null) { string url = Session["PrevUrl"].ToString(); Session["PrevUrl"] = null; return(Redirect(url)); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tctl) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(tact)) { return(RedirectToAction(tact, tctl)); } else { return(Redirect(user.DefaultUrl)); } } } else { TempData["msg_error"] = "Wrong Username Entered."; return(RedirectToAction("index")); } } catch (Exception ex) { TempData["msg_error"] = ex.Message; return(RedirectToAction("index")); } }
public ActionResult New(Sec_User u, FormCollection dt, string type, string back) { Response res = new Response(); try { string Password = string.Empty; if (u.Password != null) { Password = Encryption.Encrypt(u.Password, true); } Sec_UserDL ud = new Sec_UserDL(); int Id = ud.SaveNew_Update(Convert.ToInt64(u.UserId), Convert.ToInt64(u.RoleId), u.FirstName, u.LastName, u.UserName, Password, u.Email, u.Address, u.Contact, u.homeLatitude, u.homeLongitude, u.Title, u.Gender, u.CompanyId, u.Designation, u.HiringDate, u.ReportToId, u.Color, u.IsManager); if (Id > 0) { string Picture = null; Picture = UploadImg("/Content/Images/Profile/", "u-" + Id, 150, 150); string Thumb = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Picture)) ? UploadImg("/Content/Images/Profile/", "thumb-" + Id, 32, 32) : null; // check if image not uploaded //if (back == "New") //{ // if (Picture == null) { Picture = "/Content/Images/Profile/Default.svg"; } //} if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Picture)) { ud.Manage("UpdatePicture", Id.ToString(), Picture); } // for home location if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Thumb)) { Image img = Image.FromFile(Server.MapPath("~" + Thumb)); Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(img); g.DrawImage(Image.FromFile(Server.MapPath("~/Content/Images/Profile/home.png")), 20, 1, 13, 13);//new Point(-50, -50) g.Dispose(); img.Save(Server.MapPath("~/Content/Images/Profile/home-" + Id + ".png"), ImageFormat.Png); } } //TempData["msg_success"] = "Save successfully"; //if (back == "New" || back == "Edit") //{ // return RedirectToAction("All"); //} //return RedirectToAction("All"); res.Status = "success"; res.Message = "Save Successfully !"; return(Json(res, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } catch (Exception ex) { res.Status = "danger"; res.Message = ex.ToString(); return(Json(res, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }