Пример #1
        public void GetDivisionsByLeagueAndSeason_HappyPath()
            // Arrange
            var service = new SeasonStandingsControlService(_sharedService, _leagueRepository, _conferenceRepository,
                                                            _divisionRepository, _storedProcedureRepository);

            // Define argument variables of method under test.
            var leagueName = "League 1";
            var seasonID   = 2017;

            // Set up needed infrastructure of class under test.
            var leagueCount            = 3;
            var divisionCountPerLeague = 3;
            var divisions = new List <Division>(leagueCount * divisionCountPerLeague);

            for (int i = leagueCount; i > 0; i--)
                for (int j = divisionCountPerLeague; j > 0; j--)
                    var division = new Division
                        Name       = $"Division {j}",
                        LeagueName = $"League {i}"
            A.CallTo(() => _divisionRepository.GetEntities()).Returns(divisions);

            // Act
            var result = service.GetDivisionsByLeagueAndSeason(leagueName, seasonID);

            // Assert
            A.CallTo(() => _divisionRepository.GetEntities()).MustHaveHappenedOnceExactly();

            Assert.IsInstanceOf <IEnumerable <Division> >(result);

            var resultToList = result.ToList();

            Assert.AreEqual(divisionCountPerLeague, resultToList.Count);

            // Verify correct order: Order by Name ascending.
            for (int i = 1; i < resultToList.Count; i++)
                Assert.Greater(resultToList[i].Name, resultToList[i - 1].Name);
Пример #2
        public void GetDivisionsByLeagueAndSeason_GenericExceptionCaught_LogsAndRethrowsException()
            // Arrange
            var service = new SeasonStandingsControlService(_sharedService, _leagueRepository, _conferenceRepository,
                                                            _divisionRepository, _storedProcedureRepository);

            // Define argument variables of method under test.
            var leagueName = "League 1";
            var seasonID   = 2017;

            // Set up needed infrastructure of class under test.
            A.CallTo(() => _divisionRepository.GetEntities()).Throws <Exception>();

            // Act
            IEnumerable <Division> result = null;

            Assert.Throws <Exception>(() => result = service.GetDivisionsByLeagueAndSeason(leagueName, seasonID));

            // Assert
Пример #3
        public void GetDivisionsByLeagueAndSeason_ArgumentNullExceptionCaught_ShowsExceptionMessageAndReturnsEmptyCollection()
            // Arrange
            var service = new SeasonStandingsControlService(_sharedService, _leagueRepository, _conferenceRepository,
                                                            _divisionRepository, _storedProcedureRepository);

            // Define argument variables of method under test.
            var leagueName = "League 1";
            var seasonID   = 2017;

            // Set up needed infrastructure of class under test.
            var ex = new ArgumentNullException();

            A.CallTo(() => _divisionRepository.GetEntities()).Throws(ex);

            // Act
            var result = service.GetDivisionsByLeagueAndSeason(leagueName, seasonID);

            // Assert
            A.CallTo(() => _sharedService.ShowExceptionMessage(ex)).MustHaveHappenedOnceExactly();

            Assert.IsInstanceOf <IEnumerable <Division> >(result);